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Digest Number 1048

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Please visit these Divine web sites, with Nithya karma remedies

updated daily and be part of the divine service.





Rahu Kalam time can be calculated based on local sunrise time, sunset time

and the day of the week. Please visit, the URL

http://www.agasthiar.org/panchang/rahu/rahu.htm to get the exact time.







Saturday, May 07, 2005 6:39 PM

Digest Number 1048




There are 25 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Sekhar ji...

Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji

2. Re: Digest Number 1045 ( Responsibility ?? )

"sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64

3. Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation

"V. Sreelatha" <venkatarama_sastry

4. Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

5. Re: Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000

6. Good day


7. urgent help required

"milan_elza" <milan_elza

8. Re: Life threatening condition

"PrAnA" <pranasoup

9. Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

10. Re: Laziness.

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

11. Re: Being non-vegiterian creates problem in Mosha....

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

12. Re : Please help me - Your Job Timing

Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008

13. (unknown)

arun kumar <rnak1973

14. Re: Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation

vattem krishnan <bursar_99

15. Re: (unknown)

vattem krishnan <bursar_99

16. Re: The sexual outlook of signs

Shripal <d_shripal

17. Need Help

"ppmepec" <ppmepec

18. Re: Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation

"rsatish1942" <rsatish1942

19. Re: Re: Life threatening condition

gurmeet singh <hbk1hbk2000

20. Re: KSY

J P S Gujral <jpsgujral

21. Day of Week

"rsatish1942" <rsatish1942

22. Re: what is the exact procedure for anga nyaasa?

"kadrudra" <kadrudra

23. Re: urgent help required

Rajesh Hassija <rajesh.hassija

24. Re: KSY

Rajesh Hassija <rajesh.hassija

25. 2-All, re.... today's Transit's Star Report & NEW MOON Subscriber's

Question & Answer

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid






Message: 1

Fri, 6 May 2005 17:29:53 +0100 (BST)

Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji

Sekhar ji...


Sekhar ji,


I will look into your chart on Monday.





Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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Message: 2

Fri, 6 May 2005 21:13:04 +0530

"sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64

Re: Digest Number 1045 ( Responsibility ?? )


Good question frequently asked !!!


You may do the case study of this data after reading through entire notes



Birth Data: 18th Aug. 1965, 20:20 hours, New Delhi


Let me explain it the accounting way - ( for ease of understanding )

The birth chart is a balance sheet of your good / bad karma.


Rules :

Case - A

If Good is more than Bad karma then the person is said to be " lucky person

" as even a small effort give him higher results ( corresponding to actual

effort ).


Case - B

If the Good is equal to Bad karma then the results would be - results would

commensurate the efforts made. This category of people are those working

hard and then qualify for the awards. ( we often see them around )



If the Good is less than Bad Karma, then results achieved would be fraction

of the actual efforts made.


Explanation / Analysis


A person involved in a "evil action" in Case - A would be possibly escapes

punishment as per man made laws, in this present life cycle. Consider it as

a trade off against the huge credit karma balance he has.


A person coming under Case-B, would possibly undergo trials & tribulations

in this present life cycle itself.


A person coming under Case-C, would possibly "busy" writing off his old

karmic debts and present ones only added to existing debit list ( coming

under bottom of ledger entries ) and hence may undergo the punishment in his

next birth cycle !!! ( Typically said in Hindi - Pehle purana khaata (

account ) qaatam nahi hua, naya wala abhi door ki bath hai !!! )


It takes few millions of births/death before a soul reaches it salvation /

moksha. If a person is facing a problem it is a result of some past action.

Just by doing a puja,..etc. you may be successful in pacifying the gods

temporalily. The scriptures are very clear that the soul has to experience

the "bad karma" and it intends to " the soul in return does introspection &

realises the wrong action leading to current situation " and if this

condition is not satisfied it implies the soul has not made any progress.


Just as we have various expenditure heads in accounting, the good / bad

karma also has it heads. ( Hope Mr. Chitra Gupt conducts training sessions

on this !!!. Mr. Chitra Gupt is accounting Head, working under Lord Yama

Dharma Raj !!). This can be proved in a way. If the native/jatak has

respected / served well his mother / father in his previous birth, one would

find that Moon / Sun would be well placed in his horoscope and vice-versa.


Whenever, you come across a horoscope where the Moon is not well placed, Sun

is well place, you may cross question a native / jatak, you will be

surprised to know the jatak confessing his deep respect to his father.


Important Note : Moon / Sun placement is in terms of its position in a sign

irrespective of the house. The more they afflicted, it means the debt to be

repayed in this present life cycle to parents is very little and hence their

love & affection is for a limited time. This is indicative of the extent of

" rinanu bandhan".


Example :A well placed Sun, but father expired at very early 10 years age of

native/jatak. Here the father had a debt towards his son/daughter,when it

squared off, resulted in his early exit.


Extend the same logic, for brothers & business partners ( Karak Mars ),

Jupiter ( Guru / Perceptor, children,. ),...etc.


Gemstones have their effectiveness, for specific periods corresponding to

the Dasha scheme. It may also give inimical results when advise given is

not in line with dasha scheme. The "purity & weight" of the stone is

another big question. The other big question the sincerity & honesty of

the astrologer himself in specifying.


Prayers always yield better results. When done by jatak himself, the holy

vibrations generated through chanting of the mantra are around himself. If

he continues with the practise the vibrations, they start vibrating within

the body. The importance given here is purity of mind & heart while doing

prayers. If object of prayer is a personal / selfish desire or an

materialistic "want", then it may indirectly result in an bad karma !!!


Hence, Sri K.N. Rao my jyotish guru & an accepted authority in field of

Astrology, singularly responsible to restore credibility to this holy

science of astrology after Sri B.V. Raman, has always given importance to

prayers than to gemstones.


Unfortunately, the people believe more in gem stones than in prayers.

Hence, these are comparable to the fast junk food we eat ( in a very loose

sense ). Temporarily they satisfy the hunger, in long run effect the



It is often my own experience that the people come running to astrologers

with problems and wants immediate remedies to it, without understanding the

greater cosmic plan. Hence, it is very much necessary for the astrologers

to understand the Karmic Balance sheet( as suggested above ), while

analysing the horoscope and then suggest the remedies.


I do understand and appreciate people are restless to hear the remedy rather

than take the "astrological counselling" in a true spirit, it is duty of

astrologers not to go into nitty gritty details of explaining the advantages

of doing pujas / wearing gemstones, but to advise them tacitly that

"everything in future" would improve provided one continues to do the

puja,..etc.. Test & verify the people about the "puja based" remedial

actions taken by jatak/native. else, assume that counselling is given to

undeserving people.


I invite the learned members to express their opinions.


with regards,


Sreeram Srinivas








Wed, 04 May 2005 20:44:43 -0000

"pranasoup" <pranasoup



"The unborn Lord has many incarnations.

He has incarnated, as the 9 Planets

to bestow on the living beings

the results due to their Karmas."

- brihat parashara hora shastra


if you murder someone (perform a very bad karma)

& then try to escape punishment from the law (of karma)

by buying a brilliant legal team (gems/other jyotisha

remedies/astrological counsel/etc,,,, ) -

is this responsible?


if someone killed your child/parent/wife,

& got off because he was wealthy,

& had a great legal team -

would you be upset?


just food for thought....






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Message: 3

Fri, 06 May 2005 17:48:55 -0000

"V. Sreelatha" <venkatarama_sastry

Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation




There has been some discussion regarding the Rudra Namakam Chamakam.

I found the site of Swami Krishnananda, of the Sivananda Ashram,

which has an excellent translation of this glorious hymn. The

language and the sentiments expressed beautifully depict a feel for

the Sanskrit original.



Swamiji eloquently brings out the key message of this prayer - that

God is everything, and the "pair of opposites" is only human

perception, and not the ultimate reality.


The form of Lord Shiva itself depicts this dichotomy in so many

different ways. He is the peaceful Yogiswara, ever absorbed in

Samadhi, and yet he is also Rudra, the force and fury of the

universe. He resides in the pure, cold snows of the Himalayas, and

also in the burning fires of the cremation grounds. He is the

Destroyer, and also the Linga, the creator of all. He is seated in

meditation and also dances as Nataraja, being the very essence of the

principle of motion in the Universe. He is the Muni, the silent one,

teaching all wisdom through silence, as Guru Dakshinamurthy and He is

also Omkareswara, the reverberation of Om, the basis of all sound. He

is Eeswara, the giver of all Eiswarya, i.e. wealth in all its forms,

and he is also the Aadi Bhikshu, with a begging bowl. He is

Kameswara, the most handsome youth - Kaama, i.e. Manmadha is

irresistibly handsome, and Lord Shiva is glorified as the Master of

this Kaama! But, this handsome Lord smears his body with ashes from

the funeral pyre, leaves his hair matted and unkempt, wears the skin

of an elephant, and has snakes and rudraksha beads as ornaments! He

holds in his throat, the most potent poison of Haalahala, and has

poisonous snakes encircling his body, but He is also the Divine

Physician, and even the Conquerer of Death, Mrityunjaya! His name

Shiva itself means auspiciousness, and holds the very symbol of

purity, Mother Ganga in his hair knot, and yet he wanders in the pure

white snows of the mountains and the inauspicious funeral grounds

with the same detachment. He is the Aadi Purusha, and also the Ardha

Naareeswara, holding his beloved Shakti in the left half of his body.

After being inundated with his various forms, aspects, ways and

actions, the poor overwhelmed human mind can only conclude that He is

way past all that the mind can comprehend, and true understanding

starts to dawn... This must be the Compassionate One's idea all

along, and is most beautifully conveyed by our Rishis that composed

these various descriptions of this indescribable One.


Of course the same idea is in the forms of other deities too - Vishnu

is the charming Krishna, the compassionate Rama, the furious

Naarasimha, the generous Venkateswara .. The various beautiful forms

of the Devi are too numerous to even try to enumerate, leave alone













Message: 4

Fri, 06 May 2005 20:24:21 -0000

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)


Thanks! Would you care to share your birthdata and we can explore

this further publicly or privately (clarity2020)whichever

you prefer.



, Manoj Sharma

<manojsharma662000> wrote:

> I am the good example of it; I have Mercury completed

> combusted in the first house, and the combust

> expression of M<ercury is quite apparent; I am very

> bad at speaking\oratory\and expressing myself

> verbally; though I have been in a writing profession

> throughout.

> Thanks

> --- "Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb@s...> wrote:

> > I am waiting to find an example of combustion alone

> > being

> > incontroversially being the only factor responsible

> > or significantly

> > responsible for the weak or malefic expression of

> > the combust planet

> > in a natal chart!

> >

> > The search continues. Will someone end it, please?

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > , Astro

> > <astrologer212003> wrote:

> > > Hi all,

> > > According to Uttar Kalamrut Astangat dosha

> > or

> > > Combustion is not applicable to Venus & Saturn.

> > Some

> > > modern Astrologers believe that all planets

> > excluding

> > > Venus are combusted when they are in direct motion

> > and

> > > within the combustion range, as all planets,

> > except

> > > Venus are said to be behind the Sun during their

> > > direct motion. Venus is combust only when in

> > > retrograde motion. Learned Guru's your views

> > please.

> > > Thanks & Regards

> > > Kaustubh

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mail - You care about security. So do we.

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> Mail

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Message: 5

Fri, 6 May 2005 14:35:14 -0700 (PDT)

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000

Re: Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)



I have never considered my birth details as classified

:) Here there are....

Name; Manoj Sharma

Date of Birth: June 1, 1966

Place of Birth: Baraut (40 Kms North of Delhi)

Time 5.35 AM

Day: Wednesday:

Lagna: Taurus


I have a small request though; if you could please

share you research conclusions with me, it would be





Manoj Sharma




--- "Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb wrote:

> Thanks! Would you care to share your birthdata and

> we can explore

> this further publicly or privately

> (clarity2020)whichever

> you prefer.


> RR

> , Manoj

> Sharma

> <manojsharma662000> wrote:

> > I am the good example of it; I have Mercury

> completed

> > combusted in the first house, and the combust

> > expression of M<ercury is quite apparent; I am

> very

> > bad at speaking\oratory\and expressing myself

> > verbally; though I have been in a writing

> profession

> > throughout.

> > Thanks

> > --- "Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb@s...> wrote:

> > > I am waiting to find an example of combustion

> alone

> > > being

> > > incontroversially being the only factor

> responsible

> > > or significantly

> > > responsible for the weak or malefic expression

> of

> > > the combust planet

> > > in a natal chart!

> > >

> > > The search continues. Will someone end it,

> please?

> > >

> > > Rohiniranjan

> > >

> > > , Astro

> > > <astrologer212003> wrote:

> > > > Hi all,

> > > > According to Uttar Kalamrut Astangat

> dosha

> > > or

> > > > Combustion is not applicable to Venus &

> Saturn.

> > > Some

> > > > modern Astrologers believe that all planets

> > > excluding

> > > > Venus are combusted when they are in direct

> motion

> > > and

> > > > within the combustion range, as all planets,

> > > except

> > > > Venus are said to be behind the Sun during

> their

> > > > direct motion. Venus is combust only when in

> > > > retrograde motion. Learned Guru's your views

> > > please.

> > > > Thanks & Regards

> > > > Kaustubh

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mail - You care about security. So do

> we.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mail

> > Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the

> tour:

> > http://tour.mail./mailtour.html








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Message: 6

Fri, 6 May 2005 18:00:36 -0700


Good day


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Message: 7

Sat, 07 May 2005 00:10:54 -0000

"milan_elza" <milan_elza

urgent help required


Namestee all gurujan

can any body analyze my horoscope from JOB and marriage point of

view. my details are given below:

DOB: 04/12/1970

time: 00:30

place: lalitpur (UP), India

(will i change job in near future or not???????????)


thanks to gurujans.








Message: 8

Sat, 07 May 2005 00:41:44 -0000

"PrAnA" <pranasoup

Re: Life threatening condition


mr. singh,


please give an antidote along with a diagnosis.


if you found out you had brain cancer

& the doctor looked at your x-ray & said,

"ohhh this part right here is bad."

& he left the room & you never saw him again......


how would that feel?



, gurmeet singh

<hbk1hbk2000> wrote:

> August, Sept 2007 look very bad, this is the time when transit

saturn will transit natal moon and natal mars.




> pranasoup <pranasoup> wrote:

> what does one say when another soul asks this kind of question?


> all i can think of is what i would want to hear if i was going through

> what you are right now.


> compassion to you as i know that i too will one day have to let go of

> my body, family, & friends - against my will.


> compassion is the correct usage of jyotisha.


> 1st i would like to say my heart goes out to you as your faith is

> being tested to the maximum.


> find a good herbalist, nutritionist, & pranic/reiki/chi kung healer.

> ayurvedic medicine & traditional chinese medicine are very good too.

> all the above at the same time would be best.


> you will want to really strenghten the sun (12th house), moon

> (conjunct mars & aspected by rahu + sade sati begins next week), &

> venus (lord of ascendant fallen in the 12th aspected by saturn) in

> your chart = via gemstones, mantras, & yagyas.


> moon dasha is running & venus bhukti is manifesting.

> venus is fallen in the 12th conjunct the sun & aspected by saturn.


> next bhukti is the sun & it is in the 12th as well with fallen venus

> plus aspected by saturn.


> find people to pray for you as well (group prayer works similarly to

> yagyas & they are free)


> do this asap but calmly since haste causes more stress & may

> exacerbate the condition.


> we should all plan as if we will die tomorrow but we should all have

> the attitude of an immortal.

> i know this is easy to say but very hard to do.


> all of your planet are in cancer to libra,

> so saturn & ketu will be slowly transiting them for the next decade.

> plus sade sati begins next week.


> get to work! now!

> will with all your will & Divine Mother will either heal you or

> greatly comfort you during your health challenge.


> all the best to you.


> om tara


, Roberto Figueroa

> <betabel108> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kind Jyotishis,

> >

> > I am asking for your kind help.

> > Yesterday I went to the doctor for some analyses and I was told that

> I have a life-threatening disease.

> >

> > I don't want to leave my wife and two children destitute. So I need

> your help to plan right action.

> >

> > Would you please look at my chart to see the possibility of me dying

> soon or becoming incapacitated to work due to disease?

> >

> >

> >

> > October, 10, 1966

> > Time of Birth : 0824 or 08:31 (it's not exact)

> > Born in Jucutacato, Mexico

> >

> > Latitude,

> > 19.366666 N, Longitude, -102.1 W

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Discover

> > Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news & more. Check it out!

> >

> >










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Message: 9

Sat, 07 May 2005 01:21:06 -0000

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

Re: Venus Combustion Dosha (veiled challenge/request)




Thanks for sharing your data.

Just so I am very certain, by sharing my findings with you, did you

want me to post it here on the list or to send an email to you

directly through the email link of this forum. Please advise.




, Manoj Sharma

<manojsharma662000> wrote:

> Hi.

> I have never considered my birth details as classified

> :) Here there are....

> Name; Manoj Sharma

> Date of Birth: June 1, 1966

> Place of Birth: Baraut (40 Kms North of Delhi)

> Time 5.35 AM

> Day: Wednesday:

> Lagna: Taurus


> I have a small request though; if you could please

> share you research conclusions with me, it would be

> great.


> Regards


> Manoj Sharma




> --- "Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb@s...> wrote:

> > Thanks! Would you care to share your birthdata and

> > we can explore

> > this further publicly or privately

> > (clarity2020)whichever

> > you prefer.

> >

> > RR

> > , Manoj

> > Sharma

> > <manojsharma662000> wrote:

> > > I am the good example of it; I have Mercury

> > completed

> > > combusted in the first house, and the combust

> > > expression of M<ercury is quite apparent; I am

> > very

> > > bad at speaking\oratory\and expressing myself

> > > verbally; though I have been in a writing

> > profession

> > > throughout.

> > > Thanks

> > > --- "Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb@s...> wrote:

> > > > I am waiting to find an example of combustion

> > alone

> > > > being

> > > > incontroversially being the only factor

> > responsible

> > > > or significantly

> > > > responsible for the weak or malefic expression

> > of

> > > > the combust planet

> > > > in a natal chart!

> > > >

> > > > The search continues. Will someone end it,

> > please?

> > > >

> > > > Rohiniranjan

> > > >

> > > > , Astro

> > > > <astrologer212003> wrote:

> > > > > Hi all,

> > > > > According to Uttar Kalamrut Astangat

> > dosha

> > > > or

> > > > > Combustion is not applicable to Venus &

> > Saturn.

> > > > Some

> > > > > modern Astrologers believe that all planets

> > > > excluding

> > > > > Venus are combusted when they are in direct

> > motion

> > > > and

> > > > > within the combustion range, as all planets,

> > > > except

> > > > > Venus are said to be behind the Sun during

> > their

> > > > > direct motion. Venus is combust only when in

> > > > > retrograde motion. Learned Guru's your views

> > > > please.

> > > > > Thanks & Regards

> > > > > Kaustubh

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Mail - You care about security. So do

> > we.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mail

> > > Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the

> > tour:

> > > http://tour.mail./mailtour.html

> >

> >

> >




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Message: 10

Sat, 07 May 2005 01:31:15 -0000

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

Re: Laziness.


assuming that by rashi you mean chandra rashi, another way of saying

this would be that if chandra or moon is in the 7th in the lagna

kundali or horoscope then the individual will be lazy.


Moon is a soft rajasika planet and gives a taste for luxury and

comfort so from that angle it might make logical sense but on the

other hand, it is the most active and chanchal planet which goes

counter to the laziness/sluggishness/lethargic imagery that a lazy

person brings to mind.


Perhaps someone might say that if the moon is weak or malefic, then

the negative tendencies might surface more, but why only the 7th

house, it could perhaps manifest also when such an afflicted moon is

associated with lagnesha or even lagna. The moon might be a

yogakaraka (being the lord of one sign alone, some insist that moon

and sun cannot be yogakaraka as they would never rule a trine and

angle in any one horoscope, but like a dominant gene, maybe the one

house lordship gives the two 'lights' special power! It is

interesting that martian lagnas bring on the situation where amavasya

though unlike general consensus of being indicative of a weak moon,

can bring on special power.






, Santanu Ganguly

<santanu7089@d...> wrote:

> I am informed by a professional astrologer that if rasi is the 7th

from the

> lagna, then laziness invariably manifests. I invite opinions of all

on this

> matter.


> Regards,

> SG




> Amor vincit Omnia (Love conquers

> Everything) -- Virgil

> --


> --------------

> Prof Santanu Ganguly

> Dept of English,

> Chanchol College, Malda 732123.

> (Formerly UGC_Sr Research Fellow in English, Jadavpur U.)












Message: 11

Sat, 07 May 2005 01:48:48 -0000

"Rohini (Crystal Pages)" <rrgb

Re: Being non-vegiterian creates problem in Mosha....


Please seriously consider that something as significant as moksha

cannot be possibly determined or defined by a label such as "Jupiter

in 12th". Even something as circumscribed and possibly less

significant as one's vocation cannot be judged reliably from what is

in 10th house or where the lord of 10th is. How can something so

final as moksha be determined by one planet in a particular house?


Jupiter stays in a sign for nearly a whole year. It would be too

simple if each time the next sign to the current transit is rising,

it would bring in a pious soul just waiting for the divine ship to

sail in! I find that very difficult to believe.


By the same token, I find it hard to believe that all meat-eaters go

to hell, naturally and just like that and all vegetarians do not!

Sometimes we may not be 'just' what we eat!





, "~ Tarun ~" <tarun_vst>


> Dear Members,


> I would like to add one thing more ..that jupiter in 12 is


> good for moksha but on the sameplace the person is said to be

> characterless. may be ...is it possible..


> There are many parameters like the past karmas ....abt which i


> in the forum but no one was able to reply abt that question..(how


> we judge abt pastlife) this is a question which is verry typical to

> answer by any astrologer ...may be.


> Thanks and regards


> Tarun...



> , "natalcharts_biz"

> <natalcharts_biz> wrote:

> > What you do in the dream should have no consequence to your


> > Brahmarsi Vishwamitra not only ate flesh but killed many human

> beings

> > and yet attained moksha.

> >

> > Like one sage said : "It may take a lifetime to open one's eyes


> > sight happens in a flash".

> >

> > When the desire for moksha comes all other desires burn away.

> >

> > This does not mean that everyone starts killing everyone!!


> > minds can think that I am sanctioning killings. If we explain the

> > above, despite all involvements with the ragas and dweshas, when


> > desire for Moksha comes...all else just drops away.

> >

> > After that you do not have a choice. Killing anything would

> > mean...harming oneself. The entirety seems to be Shakti. Like a

> > nurturing mother. How can you harm it? How can you hate it? Such

> > feelings dissolve away.

> >

> > Therefore, Moksha is not dependent upon killings or non killings.

> > Killings and non killing is dependent upon in whose heart the


> > for Moksha has arisen.

> >

> > These are my views. I leave the group to share their views too.

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > , "rama r" <rr62555@h...>

> wrote:

> > > Dear Members,

> > > This is an interesting topic to research. In the present world

> being

> > > vegetarian or non-vegetarian has become relative. To prolong


> > life or

> > > to enhance the flavor, manufacturers do use enzymes derived


> animal

> > > source or animal organs. This can be found in vegetarian items

> like

> > cheese,

> > > canned food, processed ready made dishes. Vegetarians who


> multi

> > > vitamins and minerals, if they read the label, some name brands

> use

> > gelatin

> > > which is made from animal source. Some of the presciption

> > medications are

> > > derived from animal source.

> > > My point is even if we become vegetarians to attain moksha, we


> > up eating

> > > food that contains ingredients derived from animal source.

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > > >"natalcharts_biz" <natalcharts_biz>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Re: Being non-vegiterian creates problem in

> Mosha....

> > > >Wed, 27 Apr 2005 15:10:32 -0000

> > > >MIME-Version: 1.0

> > > >X-Originating-IP:

> > > >X-Sender: natalcharts_biz

> > > >Received: from n11a.bulk.scd. ([]) by

> > > >MC6-F15.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.211); Wed,


> > Apr 2005

> > > >08:12:10 -0700

> > > >Received: from [] by n11.bulk.scd. with


> > 27 Apr

> > > >2005 15:10:44 -0000

> > > >Received: from [] by mailer3.bulk.scd.


> > NNFMP; 27

> > > >Apr 2005 15:10:44 -0000

> > > >Received: (qmail 6894 invoked from network); 27 Apr 2005

> 15:10:43 -0000

> > > >Received: from unknown ( by


> > with QMQP;

> > > >27 Apr 2005 15:10:43 -0000

> > > >Received: from unknown (HELO n11a.bulk.scd.)

> > ( by

> > > >mta6.grp.scd. with SMTP; 27 Apr 2005 15:10:43 -0000

> > > >Received: from [] by n11.bulk.scd. with


> > 27 Apr

> > > >2005 15:10:34 -0000

> > > >Received: from [] by mailer3.bulk.scd.


> > NNFMP; 27

> > > >Apr 2005 15:10:34 -0000

> > > >X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEado6EKjefkPkYp87F69VmUHDbuhhjJso=

> > > >DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=lima;

> > d=;

> > >

> >



> TOdNJCxyBxs7Fwaz15EHKc+zG3gqE56/pFfuG7OPOgKApTxP5NKcUFsiPuGkP;

> > > >X--Newman-Property: groups-email

> > > >X-Apparently-

> > > >User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

> > > >X-Mailer: Message Poster

> > > >X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0

> > > >X--Post-IP:

> > > >X--Profile: natalcharts_biz

> > > >Mailing-List: list ; contact

> > > >-owner

> > > >Delivered-mailing list

> > > >List-Id: <.>

> > > >Precedence: bulk

> > > >List-Un: <-

> >

> > > >Return-Path:

> > > >sentto-9699862-16252-1114614644-rr62555=hotmail.com@r...

> > > >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 Apr 2005 15:12:10.0902 (UTC)

> > > >FILETIME=[7C366360:01C54B3B]

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >Tarun

> > > >You have raised a nice topic. I will not comment upon the


> or

> > > >the results of any person's actions as they are in the hands


> the

> > God.

> > > >

> > > >To sustain our bodies we need nourishment. In gaining this

> nourishment

> > > >we should try and disturb the least of the nature. Therefore,

> many

> > > >rishis prefer only fruits. As by taking the fruit, and


> the

> > > >seed they help in propogation of the species of that plant


> > > >nourishing themselves

> > > >

> > > >Next level of destruction are leaves. It is now known

> through "Primary

> > > >Cell Perception" that plants feel "hurt" and respond to pain


> > > >their leaves are snatched away. However the expression of pain

> is less

> > > >than that of an animal when it is killed. Moreover the plant


> grow

> > > >leaves again.

> > > >

> > > >In this way, we do harm each time when we take nourishment but

> try to

> > > >contain it.

> > > >

> > > >By killing animals we kill something that is more conscious of

> its

> > > >pain and hence it should be avoided.

> > > >

> > > >Regards

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >, "~ Tarun ~"

> <tarun_vst>

> > > >wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > hello members..

> > > > >

> > > > > since a topic of moksha is been discussed i would like to


> that

> > > > > being a non-vegiterian person.

> > > > > killing animals and having eggs.meat.beef etc..gives a next

> birth to

> > > > > pay for the curse of killing animal.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think killing of animals creates a biggest curse and will

> > never lead

> > > > > to moksha..

> > > > > since these are included in some religion also.

> > > > >

> > > > > Enlighten this topic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > >

> > > > > Tarun............

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >








Message: 12

Fri, 6 May 2005 19:47:56 -0700 (PDT)

Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008

Re : Please help me - Your Job Timing



Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Karuna,


As requested by you, let me see your chart for your job timing point of



1) I have also casted a Prashna Chart to identify the possible job timing.


May 5, 2005

Time: 21:38:05

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 93 W 20' 59", 44 N 53' 23"

Edina, Minnesota, USA


Prashna Lagna is Sc and its lord Mar is palced in Aq and co-lord Ketu is

placed in 11th house with 2nd and 5th lord Jup. 10th house is Le and its

lord Sun is placed in 6th house and aspecting the Prashna Lagna by rasi

drishti. Prashna Lagna lord Mar is aspecting the 10th lord sun by rasi

drishti. Karaka Mer is placed in Pi which is 5th from Prashna Lagna. But

this Mer is in Parivartana with Jup making the Mer is placed in Vi with the

Prashna lagna co-lord Ketu. This indicates to me that, that the native will

get a Job and even she may get two offers at the same time and she may

consider the 2nd offer.


As far as timing is concern she may get the job offer some time after Jun

5th 2005 based on the Prashna Chart.


Based on the past events you have indicated, I have considered your birth

time as follows:-


November 2, 1975

Time: 3:45:30

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 81 E 16' 00", 18 N 06' 00"

Kollaiguda, India


2) In Rasi, Vi Lagna is rising and its lord is placed in lagna with 11th

lord Moon. Ardha Trikona lords, 2nd lord Ven is placed in 12th house, 6th

lord Sat is placed in 11th and co-lord Rahu is placed in 2nd house, 10th

lord Mer is placed in lagna. Sun and Ven are in Parivartana here. Which is

making the 2nd lord with 6th lord in 2nd house.


3) In Dasamsa, Leo Lagna is rising and its lord Sun is placed in 8th house

and 10th lord Ven is placed in own house. 2nd lord Mer is placed in 7th

house, 6th lord Sar is in 11th and 6th co-lord isplaced in 12th house.


4) Now let us see the Annaul T.P Chart for this native.


November 11, 2004

Time: 3:17:08

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 81 E 16' 00", 18 N 06' 00"

Kollaiguda, India


Hora Lord is Mer and who is the Lagna and 10th lord and placed in 3rd house

aspected by the Sat the 6th lord by rasi drishti. 6th co-lord Rahu is also

aspecting this Hora Lord by Rasi Drishti too. This Mer is Lagna and 10th

lord too.


Vaara Lord is also Merc so the above anlaysis work the same.


Annual TP lagna is Vi and which is same as the Natal Lagna so the things are

looking good. Now let us see the Dasa's now.


Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha



Maha Dasas:


Ven: 2004-11-02 (6:41:28) - 2005-01-10 (9:26:36)

Sun: 2005-01-10 (9:26:36) - 2005-01-30 (14:44:18)

Moon: 2005-01-30 (14:44:18) - 2005-03-20 (8:09:49)

Mars: 2005-03-20 (8:09:49) - 2005-04-15 (11:32:28)

---> Mer: 2005-04-15 (11:32:28)- 2005-06-10 (6:56:38)

---> Sat: 2005-06-10 (6:56:38) - 2005-07-13 (13:49:57)

Jup: 2005-07-13 (13:49:57) - 2005-09-13 (15:12:56)

Rah: 2005-09-13 (15:12:56) - 2005-10-22 (4:18:28)

Ven: 2005-10-22 (4:18:28) - 2005-12-31 (0:11:31)


Here the above Dasas are favourable, as Merc is the Hora lord and also the

10th lord and Sat is the 6th lord. Jup is 4th and 7th lord placed in lagna

and aspecting the 10th house and also involved in a Raja Yoga with Venus. So

the job prospects are good in these two Dasas. Let us see some other methods

to refine the time period.


5) Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Ta MD: 1996-11-01 - 2008-11-01

Vi AD: 2004-11-01 - 2005-11-01

Cp PD: 2005-05-30 - 2005-07-01


Maha Dasa is Ta which is 10th house form D-10 Lagna and 5th from A10 and 8th

from AL. Its paaka and Bhoga is Ta and the Lord Ven is placed there too. Vi

Antar is trines to the Ta maha dasa, and Vi's paaka is Aq and Bhoga is Cn

which is 12th house from D-10 Lagna and 3rd from Maha Dasa of Ta and 11th

from Vi antar and finally it is 6th from A10. Very good for giving the job.

Now let us see the Cp Pratyantar Dasa, Cp is in trines to the Ta Maha

Dasa,and and also trines to the Vi Antar Dasa too.


This Cp is 4th from AL and 12th from A10. Now let us see the paaka of Cp.

Lord Sat is placed in Ge and its bhoga is Sc which is 11th from Cp sign. Now

qucily looking at the lord of Antar and Pratyantar Dasa they are in trines

and after the parivartana Sat and Mer will be together in Ge. So the above

Cp PAD is capable enough to give the job to the native.


Summary: The native should be able to find a job between Jun 10th 2005 and

July 12th 2005.


Having said, that I would like to request Gurus and Learned members to

correct me if I am wrong.



Raghunatha Rao


--- original message ----


vedic astrology/message/56263


karuna chintalapalli <karu15

Fri May 6, 2005 1:00 am

Please help me


Hello All,


I am desperately looking for a job. Could you please look into my chart and

check abt my

carrer? Will I get the job ? And will it help me raise in future.I am a

B.com graduate and i have done some computer courses. my husband is software

engineer. we had twins. they are 18months old. Please help me


My Birth Details are:


DOB: 02-Nov-1975

Time: 3:40 morning

Place : Kollapur,A.P


The big town nearby kollapur is Nagarkurnool,

Mahaboobnagar District, AP.


Thanks a lot for your time and advice







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Message: 13

Fri, 6 May 2005 19:49:28 -0700 (PDT)

arun kumar <rnak1973



Respected Guruji,


Can you please analyze horoscope, chart of mine


Please tell me about my 10th bhava whether I can do own business or private



Date : March 10 , 1973

Time : 3:50 AM

Birth Place : Bangalore

Birth State/Country : Karnataka,India

Location : Latitude - 12 °58' N,

Longitude - 77° 35'









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Message: 14

Fri, 6 May 2005 20:43:12 -0700 (PDT)

vattem krishnan <bursar_99

Re: Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation


Dear Sree Latha ji,


The efforts made by you in bringing out the glory of the God and to refer to

the the explanations Swami Krishnanda is undoubtedly great effort.Iam sure

members and friends certainly echo similar sentiments.perhaps for any

purpose even if we as humans are prone for dictates of time,the ultimate is

to confess:

"God is everything, and the "pair of opposites" is only human

perception, and not the ultimate reality."

Before I really endorse the under mentioned,I would like to add "Rudra

Namakam Chamakam" is a kind of "alleluia" and is a kind of remedy to

normally insecure nature of the humankind.All these feeling certainly be

alleviated ."the silent one, teaching all wisdom through silence", This form

of conservation of energy gives immense power with in and to revoke the

ultimate truth.

The effort should certainly be to imbibe these great sayings which are the

truth of "this universe" that was realised once but now needed to be brushed

up and need to be analysed in the present living .I do not think we will

find any difference,if we can feel and understand,there is something which

is beyond all of us.Exploration to find out for such limitations can how be

over come if only we accept:The form of Lord Shiva itself depicts this

dichotomy in so many

different ways. He is the peaceful Yogiswara, ever absorbed in

Samadhi, and yet he is also Rudra, the force and fury of the


The form of Lord Shiva itself depicts this dichotomy in so and not the

ultimate reality.


So it is beyond doubt that God is everything, and the "pair of opposites" is

only human

perception, and not the ultimate reality.

I can not but sincerely convey my regards for the great endeavour made that

should benifit all our friends including me


"V. Sreelatha" <venkatarama_sastry wrote:



There has been some discussion regarding the Rudra Namakam Chamakam.

I found the site of Swami Krishnananda, of the Sivananda Ashram,

which has an excellent translation of this glorious hymn. The

language and the sentiments expressed beautifully depict a feel for

the Sanskrit original.



Swamiji eloquently brings out the key message of this prayer #8211; that

God is everything, and the "pair of opposites" is only human

perception, and not the ultimate reality.


The form of Lord Shiva itself depicts this dichotomy in so many

different ways. He is the peaceful Yogiswara, ever absorbed in

Samadhi, and yet he is also Rudra, the force and fury of the

universe. He resides in the pure, cold snows of the Himalayas, and

also in the burning fires of the cremation grounds. He is the

Destroyer, and also the Linga, the creator of all. He is seated in

meditation and also dances as Nataraja, being the very essence of the

principle of motion in the Universe. He is the Muni, the silent one,

teaching all wisdom through silence, as Guru Dakshinamurthy and He is

also Omkareswara, the reverberation of Om, the basis of all sound. He

is Eeswara, the giver of all Eiswarya, i.e. wealth in all its forms,

and he is also the Aadi Bhikshu, with a begging bowl. He is

Kameswara, the most handsome youth #8211; Kaama, i.e. Manmadha is

irresistibly handsome, and Lord Shiva is glorified as the Master of

this Kaama! But, this handsome Lord smears his body with ashes from

the funeral pyre, leaves his hair matted and unkempt, wears the skin

of an elephant, and has snakes and rudraksha beads as ornaments! He

holds in his throat, the most potent poison of Haalahala, and has

poisonous snakes encircling his body, but He is also the Divine

Physician, and even the Conquerer of Death, Mrityunjaya! His name

Shiva itself means auspiciousness, and holds the very symbol of

purity, Mother Ganga in his hair knot, and yet he wanders in the pure

white snows of the mountains and the inauspicious funeral grounds

with the same detachment. He is the Aadi Purusha, and also the Ardha

Naareeswara, holding his beloved Shakti in the left half of his body.

After being inundated with his various forms, aspects, ways and

actions, the poor overwhelmed human mind can only conclude that He is

way past all that the mind can comprehend, and true understanding

starts to dawn#8230;.. This must be the Compassionate One's idea all

along, and is most beautifully conveyed by our Rishis that composed

these various descriptions of this indescribable One.


Of course the same idea is in the forms of other deities too #8211; Vishnu

is the charming Krishna, the compassionate Rama, the furious

Naarasimha, the generous Venkateswara #8230;. The various beautiful forms

of the Devi are too numerous to even try to enumerate, leave alone























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Message: 15

Fri, 6 May 2005 21:47:02 -0700 (PDT)

vattem krishnan <bursar_99

Re: (unknown)


Hello Arun ji,

The question you have raised is certainly waht is depicted in your natal

chart"with retrograde mercury in 12th(pisces a watery sign and debilitated)

in poorvabhadra nakashtra.,the lord of which is sJupiter.Currently Mercury

in transit is also pisces and deblitated and is 4th lord in patala in

7th,though under jupiter aspect.Still being in Rahu-Ketu axis,uncertainites

can be ruled put.More as a business proposition for while with cancer lagna

and lagna lord in 11th with saturn is exalted.11th being dhana bhava and

with aspect of 6th and 9th lord do not encourage business proposition.As a

cancerian lagna and Vrishabha Rasi native we can not forget yaogakaraks mars

and jupiter's palcement.6th lord in 7th gives income through career,as 7th

is ruled by saturn.mars in 6th in venus nakshtra in a fiery sign of

sagittarus is in Rahu-ketu axis.The benifits thus of business as a

profession that can accrue are very little and are full of problems.

If we go according to dasa and evaluate prospects,with Rahu as dasa lord in

6th is also in venus nakshtra influencing career issues.Rahu-Venus_Saturn

antar and pratyantars are not good for business.

It is traue that you can afford investment as your wife also supports and

father to some extent.

Still career is best option till the end of rahu rdas.may be things in next

jupiter dasa may brighten for business option.

Prasna lagna lord.natal chart position beyond doubt do not encourage for

business and deny any risk.



arun kumar <rnak1973 wrote:

Respected Guruji,


Can you please analyze horoscope, chart of mine


Please tell me about my 10th bhava whether I can do own business or private



Date : March 10 , 1973

Time : 3:50 AM

Birth Place : Bangalore

Birth State/Country : Karnataka,India

Location : Latitude - 12 °58' N,

Longitude - 77° 35'









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Message: 16

Fri, 6 May 2005 22:15:53 -0700 (PDT)

Shripal <d_shripal

Re: The sexual outlook of signs


Hi Astro Crazy and ALL,


Sexual Intercourse is related to 7thhouse.Sex disease

to 8th house or Scorpio sign affliction.Most about

feelings,sleep,sex on bed or Love on bed is related to

12th house.12th house comes into a picture when 7h

house is triggered,else it just tells about a sleep of

a person or dreams or sub-concious level of mind.


For example Mars in 12th house people dream about

sexual fantasy more than actual doing it,s 7th house

does give them a partner.So dream about such a thing

is more than actual act.In fact these people are

nervous when into an act nad always scared about there

performance too.


Even 8th house deals with end of relationship.Even one

night stay is as good as marriage or as per Hindu

shastra,it is called Gandhar Vivah.If got raped,it is

also marriage,called as Pischa Vivah.If kidnapped and

than, it is called Raksha vivah.some around 8 kinds

are there.So even a people invovled in some kind of

physical activity is a marriage.Marriage means Bond

b/w male and female,only heterosexual.


Also if really very very very close friends,who talk

all the time on phone,emotionally dependant on each

other and knows eveything about each other beween male

and female,is also a kind of Marriage.May be currently

physically not involved,But later on if tansit and

Mahadasa will help them,they will definatley go fo it.


So sexual perversion has become fashion

nowadays.People have forgot love,patience,eithcs etc

etc.Mentally they are very unsecure and dependant on

other,rather than on themsleves or GOD.?Ultimately

life goes in grief,without achievement.


Learned Gurus,Please do rectification,if needed on

above comments.



--- Astro Crazy <lovable_sue wrote:

> Dear Baqaya ji,


> Namaste,


> Sir i would like to know. that how much these sexual

> outlook suggested

> by you influence the person.


> i mean since the bed pleasure are related to 12th

> house and the spouse

> realted and desires are related to 7th house and the

> problems in

> genitals are related to 6th house.


> are the suggested only applicable if the lagna lord

> is in the lagna

> itself or if the lagna is empty.


> Kindly guide .


> Thanks and Regards,


> Tarun..





Love is the beauty of the soul





Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:








Message: 17

Sat, 07 May 2005 06:01:53 -0000

"ppmepec" <ppmepec

Need Help


Hello All,


I'm a new member to the group and quite unaware of the manners and

attiquettes followed here but would to ask you guys to advice me how

i can ask queries in this forum, i'm certainly not looking for a free

of cost advice.


I have interest in astrology as my parents follow that very much and

i too believe in that. But at this point i actually need a guidence

as i'm going through a rough phase in my life.


To be very frank about my situation i'm pretty depressed now a days

about my future as things went good at some front and then the things

again going not good.


frankly speaking, Since last three years i'm working for a good

company and i never had money in my account at the end of the month

and let me tell you i earn more than 90% of the people of my age.


I'm pretty depressed as i'm not sure what i'm doing and what i want

to do, i don't like my work, i don't like the people i'm working

with. I'm feeling quite helpless and need some advice regarding that.

please help me out. Listen to hear from some of you ASAP.


Thanks in advance











Message: 18

Sat, 07 May 2005 06:49:40 -0000

"rsatish1942" <rsatish1942

Re: Rudra Namakam Chamakam translation


Ms Sreelatha,


Your write-up on R-M-C is truly inspirational and conveys your

intense belief in its efficacy in resolving problems.


As you rightly conveyed,life revolves around 'perception, and the

maya of duality.Lord Shiva conveys this principle.The exit point for

all human beings is the graveyard,symbolised by ashes smeared on

Lord's body.In indicates we give up this "moha" for material

pusuits,as everything we struggled to gain is to be left behind



Moksha is thro'understanding this,and achieved by devotion to

spiritual journey,the journey being more important than the end goal.

Moksha may take several life times,pursue nevertheless.


With Best wishes,




, "V. Sreelatha"

<venkatarama_sastry> wrote:

> Friends,


> There has been some discussion regarding the Rudra Namakam


> I found the site of Swami Krishnananda, of the Sivananda Ashram,

> which has an excellent translation of this glorious hymn. The

> language and the sentiments expressed beautifully depict a feel


> the Sanskrit original.

> http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/invoc/in_sat.html


> Swamiji eloquently brings out the key message of this prayer -


> God is everything, and the "pair of opposites" is only human

> perception, and not the ultimate reality.


> The form of Lord Shiva itself depicts this dichotomy in so many

> different ways. He is the peaceful Yogiswara, ever absorbed in

> Samadhi, and yet he is also Rudra, the force and fury of the

> universe. He resides in the pure, cold snows of the Himalayas, and

> also in the burning fires of the cremation grounds. He is the

> Destroyer, and also the Linga, the creator of all. He is seated in

> meditation and also dances as Nataraja, being the very essence of


> principle of motion in the Universe. He is the Muni, the silent


> teaching all wisdom through silence, as Guru Dakshinamurthy and He


> also Omkareswara, the reverberation of Om, the basis of all sound.


> is Eeswara, the giver of all Eiswarya, i.e. wealth in all its


> and he is also the Aadi Bhikshu, with a begging bowl. He is

> Kameswara, the most handsome youth - Kaama, i.e. Manmadha is

> irresistibly handsome, and Lord Shiva is glorified as the Master


> this Kaama! But, this handsome Lord smears his body with ashes


> the funeral pyre, leaves his hair matted and unkempt, wears the


> of an elephant, and has snakes and rudraksha beads as ornaments!


> holds in his throat, the most potent poison of Haalahala, and has

> poisonous snakes encircling his body, but He is also the Divine

> Physician, and even the Conquerer of Death, Mrityunjaya! His name

> Shiva itself means auspiciousness, and holds the very symbol of

> purity, Mother Ganga in his hair knot, and yet he wanders in the


> white snows of the mountains and the inauspicious funeral grounds

> with the same detachment. He is the Aadi Purusha, and also the


> Naareeswara, holding his beloved Shakti in the left half of his


> After being inundated with his various forms, aspects, ways and

> actions, the poor overwhelmed human mind can only conclude that He


> way past all that the mind can comprehend, and true understanding

> starts to dawn... This must be the Compassionate One's idea all

> along, and is most beautifully conveyed by our Rishis that


> these various descriptions of this indescribable One.


> Of course the same idea is in the forms of other deities too -


> is the charming Krishna, the compassionate Rama, the furious

> Naarasimha, the generous Venkateswara .. The various beautiful


> of the Devi are too numerous to even try to enumerate, leave alone

> describe.


> Sincerely,

> Sreelatha








Message: 19

Sat, 7 May 2005 00:15:51 -0700 (PDT)

gurmeet singh <hbk1hbk2000

Re: Re: Life threatening condition


Dear Pranasoup ji,


Mr Robert had contacted me directly to discuss his problem further, and I

already sent him my response as under:


Dear Sir,


Thank you very much for your offer, but I don't need any money from you.

Astrology is just my hobby. I don't predict anyone's death, I try to help

people. What I wanted to say was the Aug/Sept 2007 will be sensitive time

for you, so you should take precautions at that time. I believe you should

be able to live longer by controlling your diet and exercise.










PrAnA <pranasoup wrote:

mr. singh,


please give an antidote along with a diagnosis.


if you found out you had brain cancer

& the doctor looked at your x-ray & said,

"ohhh this part right here is bad."

& he left the room & you never saw him again......


how would that feel?



, gurmeet singh

<hbk1hbk2000> wrote:

> August, Sept 2007 look very bad, this is the time when transit

saturn will transit natal moon and natal mars.




> pranasoup <pranasoup> wrote:

> what does one say when another soul asks this kind of question?


> all i can think of is what i would want to hear if i was going through

> what you are right now.


> compassion to you as i know that i too will one day have to let go of

> my body, family, & friends - against my will.


> compassion is the correct usage of jyotisha.


> 1st i would like to say my heart goes out to you as your faith is

> being tested to the maximum.


> find a good herbalist, nutritionist, & pranic/reiki/chi kung healer.

> ayurvedic medicine & traditional chinese medicine are very good too.

> all the above at the same time would be best.


> you will want to really strenghten the sun (12th house), moon

> (conjunct mars & aspected by rahu + sade sati begins next week), &

> venus (lord of ascendant fallen in the 12th aspected by saturn) in

> your chart = via gemstones, mantras, & yagyas.


> moon dasha is running & venus bhukti is manifesting.

> venus is fallen in the 12th conjunct the sun & aspected by saturn.


> next bhukti is the sun & it is in the 12th as well with fallen venus

> plus aspected by saturn.


> find people to pray for you as well (group prayer works similarly to

> yagyas & they are free)


> do this asap but calmly since haste causes more stress & may

> exacerbate the condition.


> we should all plan as if we will die tomorrow but we should all have

> the attitude of an immortal.

> i know this is easy to say but very hard to do.


> all of your planet are in cancer to libra,

> so saturn & ketu will be slowly transiting them for the next decade.

> plus sade sati begins next week.


> get to work! now!

> will with all your will & Divine Mother will either heal you or

> greatly comfort you during your health challenge.


> all the best to you.


> om tara


, Roberto Figueroa

> <betabel108> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kind Jyotishis,

> >

> > I am asking for your kind help.

> > Yesterday I went to the doctor for some analyses and I was told that

> I have a life-threatening disease.

> >

> > I don't want to leave my wife and two children destitute. So I need

> your help to plan right action.

> >

> > Would you please look at my chart to see the possibility of me dying

> soon or becoming incapacitated to work due to disease?

> >

> >

> >

> > October, 10, 1966

> > Time of Birth : 0824 or 08:31 (it's not exact)

> > Born in Jucutacato, Mexico

> >

> > Latitude,

> > 19.366666 N, Longitude, -102.1 W

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Discover

> > Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news & more. Check it out!

> >

> >










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Message: 20

Sat, 7 May 2005 00:24:03 -0700 (PDT)

J P S Gujral <jpsgujral




Dear Guru i's




My son details are as below , I have been told that he has Kaal Sarp Yog. He

has no interest in studies and I am very much worried about his future. If

kindly someone can analyse his chart and send me some suggestion about is

future as of now he can he is passing though mahadasha of Mars i.e Ma-Me-Mo

May till 23, 2005.


Name : Tanvir Singh Gujral


DOB: 2 April 1986


Time : 7:05 pm


Place of Birth: New Delhi


Presently we are living in New Delhi.


Joginder Gujral














Message: 21

Sat, 07 May 2005 07:32:13 -0000

"rsatish1942" <rsatish1942

Day of Week


Hi There!,


Ocassionally we want to find out day of week of some date either in

the past,present or future.The method given below is very simple .


Code For Day Code For Month How to remember


1 Saturday 7 Jan worship 2 Aug of

2 Sunday 3 Feb God 5 Sep anger

3 Monday 3 Mar and 7 Oct passion

4 Tuesday 6 Apr attain 3 Nov and

5 Wednesday 1 May a 5 Dec guilt

6 Thursday 4 Jun soul

0 Friday 6 Jul devoid


7-5-2005 . a) Take year 2005 divided by 4=501( excludeRem.ifany)

b) Add 2005+501=2506 div .by 7=3508 ,Remainder 0.

c) Add 7(date)+ 1(May)+ 0(Rem as above,code for year)=8

d) Div 8 by 7 =1+ remainder 1

e) 1 stands for SATURDAY











Message: 22

Sat, 07 May 2005 09:47:04 -0000

"kadrudra" <kadrudra

Re: what is the exact procedure for anga nyaasa?


Dear friend,


Anga-Nyasa is one of the procedures followed while doing a JAPA

(enchanting) of any mantra, shloka, stotra etc,

if they come under Vedic methods or supported by Vedanga. There are

mantras, shlokas, stotras which do not use

all these procedures too. The NYASA means 'Deposit' or 'Pledge' which

surely is the act of depositing

the DHYEYA(object of meditation - diety) into DHYAATR(the subject of

meditation - the doer) OR

pledging DHYAATR with DHYEYA for complete DHYAANA with

Japa/PurascharaNa/Nama Sankeertana etc.

In either case, aim is to set right the Dhyaana-Dhyaatr-Dhyeya

triangle for better yogic achievements.

In depositing Dhyeya into Dhyaatr the instrument is knowledge(Jnaana-

Maarga) and in pledging Dhyaatr with Dhyeya,

the instrument is devotion(Bhakti-Maarga) but both mean ADVAITA in

Dhyaana undoubtably!


Coming to your question, this feeling of one-ness is not restricted

to male or female. But by vogue,

mantra, japa, Vedic verses were not taught to women except for a few

special cases. Since Nyasa

is a part of those procedures, I hope it too was not taught to women.

Of course, if a Guru finds a RIGHT woman for a mantra-upadesha, he

can surely do it by his VETO power.


A Nyaasa is of many types - Anga nyaasa, Kara nyaasa, Bhaavanaa

nyaasa etc. Anga nyaasa is a procedure of

depositing energy represented by different names/parts of the deity

in mind.

...like "Haraye namah"(while touching right shoulder)

or "..Brahmaatmane Hridayaaya namah"(while touching heart)


Kara nyaasa is similar act but is touching the fingers like " Hraam

AngushTaabhyam namah"(touching thumbs with forefingers)


Bhaavanaa nyaasa is imaginitive unity of doer's body with diety's

body which is commonly found in KAVACHAs

like: "...Netrayoh tryambakah paatu.."(while touching eyes) [= Let 3-

eyed god protect my eyes] etc.


SO Nyaasa is different from Sankalpa(= Determination of AIM of the

japa/pooja etc) or Mantrapushpa(= process of holding

and showering Pushpa/flower while chanting vedic verses in praise of

the diety).


Hope this can help you.


Rather than learning Nyaasa, I would suggest one to get the deeper

meaning of it and practice Dhyana






, a##d <myst_ak47> wrote:

> can anga nyaasa be performed only by men?i have seen

> pujaris in the most sacred temples performing this act

> before starting a prayer.i was also reading an article

> on the meaning of vishnusastranam and it said that :



> "This "Installation CeremonyEdeclares to the devotees

> that the enchanting form of Vishnu is to be ultimately

> realised as One Infinite Reality without names or

> forms-in which the recognition of even the distinction

> of the meditator-meditated- meditation is to cease.

> Beside this deep significance, even though it be only

> for the time being, the student is also given a sense

> of purity and sanctity in himself. Just as a devotee

> feels highly inspired in the divine atmosphere of a

> sacred temple, so too, after the Anga-Nyaasa, however

> shattered we might have been, before we entered the

> Pooja-room, we can artificially work ourselves up into

> a divine mood of peace and purity."


> so can anyone pls explain me this procedure and how

> different is it from sankalpa or mantra puspam?




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Message: 23

Sat, 7 May 2005 15:59:38 +0530

Rajesh Hassija <rajesh.hassija

Re: urgent help required


Dear Milan,


You will change your job after September 2005.



On 5/7/05, milan_elza <milan_elza wrote:

> Namestee all gurujan

> can any body analyze my horoscope from JOB and marriage point of

> view. my details are given below:

> DOB: 04/12/1970

> time: 00:30

> place: lalitpur (UP), India

> (will i change job in near future or not???????????)


> thanks to gurujans.








> ________________________________

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> /









Best Wishes

Rajesh Hassija






Message: 24

Sat, 7 May 2005 16:17:28 +0530

Rajesh Hassija <rajesh.hassija



Dear Gujral


In virgo ascd. mars is considered as a most malific planet and in your

son's chart, it is placed in the 4th house,i.e. vidya sthana. 2ndly

mer. placed in 6th house is weak due to which his nature could be

adamant. You need to provide strength to mercury and do remedies for



On 5/7/05, J P S Gujral <jpsgujral wrote:


> Dear Guru i's


> Namaste!


> My son details are as below , I have been told that he has Kaal Sarp Yog.

> He has no interest in studies and I am very much worried about his future.

> If kindly someone can analyse his chart and send me some suggestion about

> is

> future as of now he can he is passing though mahadasha of Mars i.e

> Ma-Me-Mo

> May till 23, 2005.


> Name : Tanvir Singh Gujral


> DOB: 2 April 1986


> Time : 7:05 pm


> Place of Birth: New Delhi


> Presently we are living in New Delhi.


> Joginder Gujral














> ________________________________

> Links




> /









Best Wishes

Rajesh Hassija






Message: 25

Sat, 07 May 2005 08:08:09 -0500

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

2-All, re.... today's Transit's Star Report & NEW MOON Subscriber's

Question & Answer


Dear Members:


Here's an example of a new Jyotish/Astrology magazine

I recently started. These kinds of Transits, info. and especially,

interesting Questions from Subscribers will come out sometime.

Today's is especially interesting, because the question, made me

look at this New Moon, reality in a slightly different way, and I realized

something about the internal dynamics of the "New Moon", that I didn't

realize before. (see below, for member's question & answer.)

I'm sending this to a number of group's, because I think the knowledge here

is especially important.

For those who'd like to participate in this unique "365, day's a year,


check it out at: TheStarsWithin/ Enjoy!

Sincerely, Mark Kincaid









Today, Saturday, May 7th, 2005

9am CDT



Moment of...


Sunday, May 8th,









Today, the Moon starts off the day, at the 13th degree of Aries.

Since, the Sun's running about the 23rd degree of Aries, you can 'see',

how close they are.


This is the New Moon. Over the next 10 degrees, or 20 hours, watch as

the Moon completes it's journey, into the heighth of 'Newness', or



Enjoy the stillness, the quietness, even the solitude.


Let yourself, rest, vacation, have some fun,.....doing, of 'nothing', is

quite the right,

and fulfilling transiting reality.


take care



Mark Kincaid





>From Subscriber: Jonathan, Miami Florida:



"Dear Mark: I have been enjoying very much your slants on the transits, for

a few

month's now. And, I have to say I'm very struck with how true, the

analysises are.


For example, I've been experiencing this quality of the New Moon, now, and

as I'm

allowing myself to rest more I've immediately felt better, more easy, and

much less strain.


I have however, a new question.


Sometimes, even when I'm allowing myself to be in this "inward mode", as you

call it,

I've cleared my slate, I'm not straining, just taking advantage of this

time, but, I notice,

sometimes,..... that I feel strange.


I feel strange, I feel listless, and I worry a little. Why is this?"




"Dear Jonathan: You have just described, not only the benefit of being more

in-tune with

that inwardness of the Moon, however, you've also described one of the

experiences that

can come from even 'success' better, interpretation of the Stars.


Do you meditate? Those that meditate, can have a similar experience. When

you meditate,

you create a situation of deep relaxation, in the mind and the body. There

are 2 aspects

to the process of meditation.


There's the inward stroke, which is where everything's settling down, and

everything 'feel's great'!


However, there's another side and process going on in meditation, as in

life, and the

Physiology, itself. And, that is, what's called the process of "release of



When you meditate, or when you suddenly get enough rest, you can immediately

feel, 'good', ie. that inward part, or you can suddenly go throug pockets,

of "unrest", of "worry", of anxiety, etc, etc,.


What's going on, is the body is releasing stress, and though this may feel

uncomfortable, in

reality this is a very good thing.


This proces and experience should not be confused with the experience of

stress, coming in!


We can experience, "stress", or "anxieties", from two sources.


#1, when we're under stress, going through it, the reality of too much,

being loaded on top

of us, can cause this experience.


That's why we don't like stress! We don't like negative work situations, or




They can cause stress!


However, even in the example, of working too hard for a number of days in a

row, and even when we suddenly catch up on our rest, we can ....


#1....find it hard to relax,

#2....we can find ourselves, spinning with thoughts, and lack of an ability

to settle down...

#3...we can experience all manners of anxieties, and uncomfortablenesses....




Because in this instance, the "stress" which was there, even building up, is

at this very moment,

coming out!


And, it may feel like that!



Like this, which by the way can also be very similar at night sometimes,

when we have some

very intense dreams, which are very intense, or dark, or upsetting...

what's really going on, is the Physiology is also, releasing stress and



The way to tell whether this or any experience, is stress coming in!....or

going out! ....is

by looking at your experience of life, a few minutes or even, hours later.


In the case of suddenly catching enough rest, and feeling "ill" in the rest

mode, after we get

up and shower, do some yoga, maybe take a walk, and in essence, stop the

process of

unstressing, and smooth out our experience.....


then, if we then, feel better!,....this show's us we're doing the right




Now, that we understand better, the process of release of stress,....


we may notice it comes at a number of interesting situations.


I notice, this same experience, around the New Moon, sometimes.


With my over 35 year's of meditation experience, at some point I realized,

this same process

of purification, and growth, also is going on, during this deepest point of

inwardness of the Moon!


Other times, when really what's going on is the powerful, Cosmic process of

"purification", and growth, is during Saturn periods.


When the Moon, move's up toward, Saturn you can have similar experiences.


Where most people think that Saturn is causing miseries, losses, feeling of

dread, and grief, ...

really what's going on, is this deep, Cosmic process of purification!


So, like we tell "meditators", those that are having these kinds of

experiences, during meditation, we say: "Take it easy, do something, to

smooth out the unstressing! Asanas, yoga

is amazingly wonderful. Take some nice walks. Phone up, 1 friend, go for

that walk. Walk & talk, have fun, and still be easy."



Great question today, you really helped me understand more profoundly,

what's going on, in the Stars. So, thank you, too!"






End of today's Star report, & Comments.




Mark Kincaid








Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


641 472-0000.
























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