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Sekhar ji - 22 Feb 1978; 9:45 PM; Bangalore [12n59, 77e35]

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Sekhar ji,


You have Kanya Lagna and Simha Rasi, but the Lagna is at the

edge of the sign, having travelled over 29 degrees, so I hope

that your birth time is accurate - otherwise, the Lagna might be



Your Lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Kuja, the lord of

the 8th, and this is not very good. Additionally, Lagnadipati is

in the inimical 6th, conjunct Surya, the lord of the 12th, and

Sukra, lord of the 9th, also joins him. Presence of Lagnadipati

in a dushtana can have a bad impact on health.


However, Sukra is Uccha in Navamsa, and this is good.

Additionally, the exchange of houses between Surya and Sani,

lords of the 6th and the 12th, gives you Vipareeta Raja Yoga,

which leads to success after initial failure. Of course, the

mutual aspects between both these bitter enemies is not very



You are running Surya Dasa [Feb 2002 - Feb 2008]. Surya, as lord

of the 12th, is capable of giving losses. Fortunately, Surya is

conjunct Budha and Sukra, two functional benefics, and is also

strengthened by Guru's aspect.


The current Bukti is that of Sani [Dec 2004 - Dec 2005]. Sani is

neutral because he owns the 5th and the 6th, but the fact that

he is Neecha in Navamsa could cause sufferings during his



Overall, Surya's and Sani's Shadvarga Vimshopak being 7.35 and

7.00 respectively, this period might not be very beneficial for



Since one is doubtful about your Lagna, it is also good to read

from Chandra Lagna, especially since Chandra is Uccha in

Navamsa, and also because you were born on a Poornima.


>From here, things improve. Of course, Sani in the Chandra Lagna

is not very desirable, but you are running Lagnadipati's Dasa,

and Lagnadipati is fortified by Guru, lord of the 5th, who is

additionally conjunct Raja Yoga Karaka Kuja. Of course, Sani

still rules the 6th, and even from this angle, Sani Bukti will

cause some ups and downs.


Now, regarding your queries:


* Marriage: This happens during the periods of grahas that are

associated with the 7th house. From Lagna, Ketu in the 7th could

cause delays, but Guru, lord of the 7th, aspects Dasa Natha

Surya. Surya is also conjunct Kalartha Karaka Sukra, so this

strengthens the possibility of the marriage happening in Surya

Dasa. I don't know if it will happen in Sani Bukti, but chances

improve in Budha Bukti [Dec 2005 onwards].


>From Chandra Lagna, marriage indications are strengthened

because Sani, lord of the 7th, aspects the 7th, and Surya is in

the 7th. However, some delays still possible because Sukra is

also in the 7th.


* Career: For this, one studies the 10th. From Lagna, it is

occupied by Kuja and Guru, and Kuja's presence is not very

welcome because he owns two malefic houses, the 3rd and the 8th.

However, from Chandra Lagna, the lord of the 10th is Uccha in

Navamsa, improving career prospects. Still, the aspect of Sani

on this house could mean slow progress. From Lagna, the 10th

house, with a Bhava Bala of 5.3, is the weakest, and this

indicates some struggles in this area.


As per Gochara, Sani will move into your 12th by the end of the

month, but Guru in the 2nd will offer some help. However, Ketu

in the 2nd and Rahu in the 8th are not very helpful.




For Makh, Sury affecting Bhar [20] = -0

For Makh, Sury affecting Makh [01] = -1

For Makh, Sury affecting Krit [21] = -2

For Makh, Sury affecting Anur [08] = -0

(Makh.Sury -3

For Makh, Chan affecting Krit [21] = +0

For Makh, Chan affecting Bhar [20] = +2

For Makh, Chan affecting Srav [13] = +2

For Makh, Chan affecting Vish [07] = +0

(Makh.Chan 4

For Makh, Budd affecting Aswi [19] = +1

For Makh, Budd affecting PPha [02] = +2

For Makh, Budd affecting Rohi [22] = +2

For Makh, Budd affecting Jeys [09] = +2

(Makh.Budd 7

For Makh, Sukr affecting Krit [21] = +0

For Makh, Sukr affecting Bhar [20] = +2

For Makh, Sukr affecting Srav [13] = +2

For Makh, Sukr affecting Vish [07] = +0

(Makh.Sukr 4

For Makh, Kuja affecting Sata [15] = -0

For Makh, Kuja affecting Swat [06] = -0

For Makh, Kuja affecting Push [26] = -0


(Makh.Kuja 0

For Makh, Guru affecting Hast [04] = +2

For Makh, Guru affecting UBha [17] = +2

For Makh, Guru affecting Arid [24] = +2

For Makh, Guru affecting PAsh [11] = +2

(Makh.Guru 8

For Makh, Sani affecting Purn [25] = -2

For Makh, Sani affecting Mool [10] = -1

For Makh, Sani affecting PBha [16] = -2

For Makh, Sani affecting UPha [03] = -2

(Makh.Sani -7

For Makh, Rahu affecting Reva [18] = -0

For Makh, Rahu affecting UPha [03] = -2

For Makh, Rahu affecting Mrig [23] = -2

For Makh, Rahu affecting Mool [10] = -1

(Makh.Rahu -5

For Makh, Ketu affecting Chit [05] = -2

For Makh, Ketu affecting PBha [16] = -2

For Makh, Ketu affecting Mool [10] = -1

For Makh, Ketu affecting Mrig [23] = -2

(Makh.Ketu -7

{Makh. 1


Surya afflicts the Janma Nakshatra, while Name is affected by

Kuja and Ketu, with some protection from Sukra. Sani also

afflicts the Day, but Guru's aspect, in addition to Sukra's,

minimizes all ills. Guru also safeguards Tithi and Lagna,

ensuring general well-being.


However, the Karma Nakshtra (10) is very badly afflicted by

Sani, Rahu, and Ketu, causing difficulties at work. The

Sanghtaic Nakshtra (16) is aspected by Sani and Ketu, harming

cooperation, while Rahu's presence in the Uday Nakshtra (18)

hampers growth. The Vinash Nakshtra (23) is aspected by Rahu and

Ketu, and you should be careful. Sani's presence in the Manas

Nakshatra (25) gives sorrow, while Kuja's aspect on the Raj

Nakshatra (26) hurts rise. The only sensitive star that is well

protected is the Adhana Nakshatra (19), by Budha. Please put in

your best efforts, and may God bless you.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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