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How can a Devotee of Sri Krsna see his 4 Armed Form in Heart?

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  • 6 months later...

I saw paramatma one day in a ecstatic dream. i'll tell you.



i was sleeping and i had a dream, i saw a stone altar and i approached to the altar and i saw a light very intense, and into the light was 4 armed form Paramatma, he has got lightblue body and black hair with the chakra, the mace the lotus flower and the shell, and from his body emantes a golden light when i saw him i fall in ecstasy, i felt that all my body was alive, was growing without end, and in my heart i felt an infinite bliss, i don't know how to explain that bliss but that bliss snatch you, you can't do nothing, you are the god's slave! only you can do is to enjoy it and the mind "disappear"(is the same bliss when you chant hare krsna, i know about that because I feel that ecstasy when I chant hare Krsna with the devotes, and some times I cry, I laugh like a mad or shout strongly, remember that there is no diference between God and his names) . I remember that Paramatma was seeing me and i was seeing him too, and i felt that he was embracing me and caress me with his eyes. I dind't ask nothing because i thought that all was perfect.



Why you can see him?

Only by his mercy, like the past life of narada.


Chant Hare Krsna, read bhagavad gita, caitanya caritambrita, caitanya bhagavata, srimad bhagavatam, the bible, the quran, all sacred texts. Krsna is in your heart, he is not far away, people who thinks like this, they never had been a real experience with god, he is your best friend, don't be sectarian too, don't think that one encarnation or form of god is superior to other and realize that all manifestations are the same god, because god is one, remember that Krsna is the suprem spirit incarnated in the earth the source of all, but Krsna had ever been in your heart and in his suprem abode!


Cristian call him Jehova, Tantrics call him ParamaShiva, muslims call him Ala, etc. is the same God.


He is a living god!


Hari bolo.


and when you chant hare krishna in kirtans call him in your heart with no fear!!!


Sorry, but i don't speak english very well.


www . cienciaceleste . org . pe

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