bija Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 What are Srila Prabhupada's motives? Why this preaching style? To convince the ignorant that the material glitter cannot bring lasting happiness. True happiness of an eternal nature can only be found in positive spiritual life in Krsna consciousness. This west is winning or east is winning is not what Prabhupada's teaching is about. Krsna...Krsna...that is his point of directive. Yes Ghari, I am with you on this one, Prabhupada is the perfect teacher. Why did he speak in some relative terms. Because he had to...he had to relate to the conditioned young boys and girls. Eventually to raise them up to see the transcendental reality. On a personal level I am starting to appreciate Krsna consciousness so much I do not want it to fall into radical fundamentalism. East, West...this is all non-sense. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 culture: the ideas, customs, skills, arts, of a given people in a given period; civilization So everyone has a culture. And the main critique was why would someone post that "[whoever: east or west] is abominable" in this the post 911 world? Say inflammatory things like "you have no culture", "you are uncultured" and you might as well say "you are an infidel" or "you are the Great Satan". Then pretty soon the nest thing you know, you are asking your Secretary of State to go before the United Nations and make up a story that the "uncultured" people with "no culture" are harboring weapons of mass destruction when in actuality they aren't. So the main critique is: if Srila Prabhupada said so many things, why focus a thread on divisive speech: "[whoever] is abominable?" in this the post 911 era? Why not post something that Srila Prabhupada said that we can all learn from to have a more harmonious and more peaceful world? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bija Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 Quote So the main critique is: if Srila Prabhupada said so many things, why focus a thread on divisive speech: "[whoever] is abominable?" in this the post 911 era? Why not post something that Srila Prabhupada said that we can all learn from to have a more harmonious and more peaceful world? quote by guest This is exactly the critique. Some of these postings over the last year quoting Srila Prabhupada from conversations can easily be taken out of context. Anti this, anti that...what fruit does it produce. More division, more bodily consciousness. What are the motives of such posts. What are the motives of the posters. Srila Prabhupada was a liberated soul, most of us are not. So I feel we need to take sensitivities into account, and be responsible! The conditioned jiva is very cunning and very lost. The world has moved on since the 1930's and 1960's. Some things never change(transcendental), some things are in continual change(material). One thing for sure though is some real rubbish and war is going on at the moment. I am sure people with awakened sensitivies are feeling enough is enough. Jiva Jago! Jiva Jago! Awaken from slumber! Was the call of the great Gauranga Mahaprabhu! Awaken from slumber was the call of our dear Srila Prabhupada! Krsna...Krsna...was constantly on their tongue! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 The reason why I feel alarmed when I see a thread that is called "No culture in the West; the whole atmosphere is abominable": is what I was taught in the HK Temple is that whatever you say goes around the world seven times in the ether. So right now there is a sickening thing going on where there is a state of constant warfare between West and Middle East. When I see the title of a thread like that, then I imagine that some person is cruising the world wide web right before he or she is going to go off and kill someone from the West in order to please his spiritual authority figure from the Middle East. And I shudder to think that the sweet little nephews of my best friend are all going to get blown to bits maybe tonight because just before stepping outside to kill some more people, the world-weary hypothetical person logs onto the internet and he or she is praying, "Dear Allah, please give me a sign that it is not right to kill. After all, my religion is an Abrahamic religion that says, "Though shalt not kill". And I picture some young kid wanting some spiritual guidance to answer his or her inner voice that is telling him or her to stop the madness. Then I imagine the kid typing in "Spiritual Discussions" and coming to this website. Then I imagine that the young soldier's buddies are calling him or her, "C'mon, c'mon, hurry up! We have to set another car bomb to please our spiritual authority so we can go to Heaven..." Then I imagine that this kid is praying, "Dear Allah, please give me a sign that fighting is not right." So he logs onto "Spiritual Discussions" which sounds like a non-denominational interfaith name. Then he reads, "The West is abominable" and his friends are like, "Hurry Hurry" Then the kid is all like, "Thank you Allah you answered my prayers." And the kid walks out and sets off the car bomb that kills both of my best friend's little nephews in one fell swoop. So this is why personally I would really prefer it if Swamiji said so many things, could people PLEASE start posting the things he said about how to have peace? Or at least not things that give the green light to the one billion people in the world who are fighting the 1.5 billion people in the world to do the equivalent of "Kill a Commie for Christ". Thank you. That is why I am trying to say that every culture has its good points and that I feel it is good and nice to have churches where people can worship as well as temples and mosques and all peacefully coexist. I feel that it is good and nice to feel safe when you walk down the street. I feel that it is nice to be able to have peace and I wish it for everyone. That is why I will rebutt anyone's assertion that the West is so demoniac. Because I do not want to be the cause of "West bashing" circulating around the ether seven times as per what I was told in the KC Temple. I feel that there is enough West bashing and enough Middle East bashing and all we need is love, because I want this war to stop. Why not post things like Prabhupada said the West was blind and the East is lame and they have to work together like brothers and help each other? In the areas of the world where there is alot of peacefulness, those areas are very famous to have a nice combo of West now respecting the East adn the best of both worlds peacefully coexist together: England, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. So give peace a chance by sowing the seeds of peace in the titles of your threads. Posting things like "West is abominable" you might as well say "West is Great Satan". How is that helping the conflicts in the world today to end? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bija Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 Thank you guest. There is a time to speak out in a renunciative sense in spiritual teaching and preaching. And this is an approach Srila Prabhupada often took. But yes, spiritual life is a positive existence, so how much more did he guide his followers in divine positive wonderful truths. Who would not want to hear such nectar! Who would not want to be qualified for such a thing! To have spiritual ears to hear and understand! Srila Prabhupada's practicality is exemplerary, and his patience with the audience must have been great. It all comes down to the audience really, in regards to connecting with the essence of the divine teachers words. Blessings to you! I am going to stick my neck out here and attempt to take us on a tangent. A scripture penned from the seventh gosvami, Bhaktivinoda Thakura and translated by my dearest teacher and guide. A scripture glorifying Gauranga Mahaprabhu and His Holy Name. As Thakura says...our only hope. These few verses have radically changed my life, and opened my eyes to truth. May the kali-yuga avatara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, be glorified in every town and village. His glory is the great secret of secrets! I feel like you Guest, in some ways, in reference for your desires for peace and happiness. I have found a way and path to peace; so I humbly thank you now for letting me share. Please take the time to read the following verses. Quote Shri Navadvipa Dhama MahatmyaParikrama Khanda Prathama Adhyaaya - Chapter 1 Saadhaarana mahaatmya Introductory Glories of Shri Navadvipa Dhama By His Divine Grace Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sukha-laagi sarva jiva naanaa yukti kare tarka kare, yoga kare, samsaara-bhitare..29 "Each and every soul is constantly striving and devising multitudinous plans to achieve happiness in this world which is the ultimate goal of all endeavors of all kinds of people. Some people are whimsically speculating and some people are fruitlessly performing yoga in this world for happiness." sukha-laagi samsaara chaadiyaa vane yaaya sukha-laagi yuddha kare rajaaya rajaaya..30 "Some people become frustrated with material enjoyment and go to the forest for trying to attain happiness. Kings or enemies start fighting with each other for becoming happy." sukha-laagi kaamini-kanaka paache dhaya sukha-laagi shilpa aara vigyaana chalaaya..31 "Many run after money and sex for some flickering happiness and others engage in scientific or sculpturing professions in the hope of becoming happy." sukha-laagi sukha chaade klesha shiksha kare sukha-lagi arnava madhyete dube mare..32 "In their blind pursuit of so-called material happiness, people give up the eternal spiritual happiness of the soul. People sink and drown in the deep and dangerous ocean of material sense-enjoyment in their quest for happiness." nityaananda bale daaki du haate tuliyaa esa jiva karma-gyaana-sankata chaadiya..33 "Lord Nityananda calls out and beseeches all the souls while raising both His lotus hands in the air, 'Come to Me, My dear souls, giving up the perils of fruitive activities (karma) and speculative knowledge (gyaana).'" sukha-laagi ceshtaa tava, aami taahaa diba taara vinimaye aami kichu na laiba..34 "I will give you the most superior eternal happiness which is what you are actually seeking for within the heart of your hearts. And in exchange for this great benediction which I will give you, I will not take anythng in return." kashta naahi vyaya naai naa paabe yaatanaa shri gauraanga bali naache naahika bhaavanaa..35 "You will not have to undergo any tribulation and misery nor will you need to waste any time, energy or money. You will simply have to dance while chanting the Holy Name of Lord Gauranga and become absorbed in the divine trance of love for Lord Gauranga." je sukha aami ta diba taara naai sama sarvadaa vimalaananda naahi taara bhrama..36 "Lord Nityananda continued, 'Nothing is comparable to this matchless divine happiness which I will award you. It is the supremely pure absolute happiness increasing at every moment and is totally free from the contamination of illusion." ei rupe prema yaache nityaananda raya abhaagaa karama doshe taaha naahi chaaya..37 "In this way Lord Nityananda Raya solicits the pure love for Lord Gauranga to each and every conditioned soul but the ill-fated conditioned soul does not even desire to accept it due to it's enslavement with karmic reactions and material desires and a lack of pious deeds." gauraanga nitaai jei bale eka baara ananta karama dosha anta haya taara..38 "That most fortunate soul who chants or hears the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga just once, instantly destroys unlimited inauspicious and sinful karmic reactions from the past countless number of lives." aara eka gudha kathaa suna sarva-jana kali-jive yogya-vastu gaura-lilaa-dhana..39 "O all people of this world, please hear another very confidential secret. The most appropriate and competent means for the deliverance of all souls in Kali Yuga is the supreme treasure of the transcendental pastimes of Lord Gauranga. gaurahari raadhaa-krishna-rupe vrindaavane nitya-kaala vilaasa karaye sakhi-sane..40 "It is Lord Gaurahari Himself Who sports in His divinely playful pastimes at every moment in His supremely divine forms of Lord Krishna and Shrimati Radha along with Their Gopi expansions." shaastrete jaanila jiva vraja-lilaa-tattva raadhaa-krishna-nitya-lilaa vrajera mahatva..41 "The conditioned souls can know the great glories and importance of the supreme nitya-lila (eternal) pastimes of Shri Shri Radha Krishna and Their matchless Holy Abode of Shri Vrindavana Dhama from the revealed Vedic scriptures." krishna-naama krishna-dhaama-mahaatmya apaara shaastrera dvaaraaya jaane sakala samsaara..42 "The spiritual glories and importance of the Holy Name, Pastimes and Abode of the Supreme Lord Krishna are known and easily accessible to the whole humanity through the revealed Vedic scriptures." tabu krishna-prema saadhaarane naahi paaya ihaara kaarana kiba chintaha hiyaaya..47 "Even though Lord Krishna's glories and pastimes are known so openly and widely in this world, pure love for Lord Krishna, which is goal of all human endeavors, remains allusive and unobtainable to the general mass of the people." ihaate aache ta eka gudha-tattva saara maayaa-mugdha jiva taahaa naa kare vichaara..48 "This mystery of the greatest question and dilemma in the human form of life is not thought about by the souls bewildered by Maya, the illusory energy of the Lord. bahu janma krishna bhaji prema naahi haya aparaadha-punja taara aachaya nischaya..49 "If one does not achieve pure love of God after worshiping Lord Krishna and chanting His Holy Names for many lives, one should understand that one has certainly mountains of offenses in one's heart." aparaadha-shunya haye laya krishna-naama tabe jiva krishna-prema labhe aviraama..50 "If and only if one chants the Holy Names of Lord Krishna by becoming totally devoid of all offenses against the Holy Names. Deity and Abodes, then that soul will be able to attain the pure love for Lord Krishna without any interruption." shri chaitanya avatare bada vilakshana aparaadha-sattve jiva labhe prema-dhana..51 "The incarnation of Lord Gauranga is exceptionally opulent, powerful and influential among all forms of God. Even though Lord Krishna's Name considers offenses and does not give love to an offensive soul, Lord Gauranga's Name, Pastimes and Abodes do not consider offenses and award pure love of God to even the offensive souls. This unprecedented and unimaginable munificence of Lord Gauranga's incarnation is the only life-saving hope for the conditioned souls of Kali Yuga." nitaai chaitanya bali jei jiva daake suvimala krishna-prema anveshaya taake..52 "The most esoteric and purest love of Lord Krishna begins searching after that most auspicious soul who feelingly calls out the most benevolent Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga." aparaadha baadhaa <st1:place w:st="on">tara</st1:place> kichu naahi kare niramala krishna-preme taara ankhi jhare..53 "Even the formidable obstacles posed due to the offenses in one's heart are rendered ineffective by the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga and the eyes miraculously flow with the sublime tears of pristinely pure love for Lord Krishna when one chants the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga even though offenses are present in the heart." svalpa kaale aparaadha aapani palaaya hridaya shodhita haya prema baadhe taaya..54 "After granting the most confidential pure love for Lord Krishna to even the offensive chanter, the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga make the offenses run away from the heart within a very short time. Then the heart becomes fully purified and the love increases even more." kali-jivera aparaadha asankhya durvaara gaura-naama vinaa taara naahika uddhaara..55 "The offenses and sins of the souls of Kali Yuga are unlimited and absolutely impossible to overcome. Thus, there is no other means of deliverance in Kali Yuga other than the exceptionally merciful Holy Name of Lord Gauranga." ataeva gaura vinaa kalite upaaya naa dekhi kothaa o aara shaastra phukaaraya..56 "Thus, it a firmly established and repeatedly stressed truth in all the Vedic scriptures that there is no other means of extrication from the cycle of birth and death other than the Holy Names, Pastimes, Abodes and Associates of Lord Gauranga." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 That's lovely to read positive things and a possible positive solution in a bilingual song /poem no less. In the professional world of work, if you have a critique then the most professional and kindest way to be a conscientious and good colleague is you not only provide a critique but also a possible positive pro-active solution. I appreciate your sharing in that spirit. I am very fond of this saying of the son of that poet: "This material world is not a fit place for any gentleman." Notice please that he did not say, "The West is not a fit place for any gentleman." He said this whole material world. I often have found solace in the words of that wise person, SBSST. I felt as though he was speaking to me directly across time and space by that remark. It seems to speak to the human condition and the universality of no matter where we are in this world, and no matter how nice externally of a situation we may appear to have to others, there are many unavoidable sorrows. To me it seems to be a universal remark because you can hold the major precept of any religion up to it and it jibes. For example the first Noble Truth of the Buddha goes with it, "Life is Suffering". Therefore I can utter this phrase of SBSST to any Buddhist and not offend them, we can feel harmony. I can also hold up this phrase to any Christian and s/he can agree with it also, as it echoes Jesus' comment that "The Kingdom of God is within you!" Any Christian can readily agree that this entire planet, all over the world, there are many sorrows; thus we will harmonize with each other on this point. I appreciate universal concepts like the one mentioned above as expressed by the Gaudiya preceptor SBSST: concepts that are universal in nature and do not pit one camp, faction, or portion of the world against another. On the other hand, if someone tells me that "the entire atmosphere in the West is abominable", and posts it in the year 2006, I personally can think of many, many exceptions to that "glittering generality". I do try to understand the person who said it, that she or he was speaking within a certain context. On a thread on this site was pointed out that there is something called a "relative truth" spoken by Sri Guru. Perhaps such a sweeping statement by ACBSP is an example of a "relative truth". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bija Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 Dear Guest, thank you for your enlighteneing post. These words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja are very appreciated. Quote I do try to understand the person who said it, that she or he was speaking within a certain context. On a thread on this site was pointed out that there is something called a "relative truth" spoken by Sri Guru. Perhaps such a sweeping statement by ACBSP is an example of a "relative truth". quote by guest Yes. I wish I was more scholarly to back your statement with scriptural clarification, but unfortunately I am not. To see Guru deeply and fully must be a wonderful treasure I am sure. All harmony can be found in the pure devotee's example, but we need the qualification to see this harmony and understand. Humbly I ask the devotees, to forgive me if my forthrightness and outspoken mood, has caused offence to anyone's heart. Zeal for the purity of Caitanya's message has led me astray. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gHari Posted October 22, 2006 Report Share Posted October 22, 2006 From http://education./reference/dictionary/entry/culture;_ylt=AhvgLkIi0JAFuofK6tUZoGiugMMF Culture: 4. A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kulapavana Posted October 23, 2006 Report Share Posted October 23, 2006 bija said: This thread was re-awakened after some dormancy by Kulapavana in his post number 5. So the question arises, what was his point and motive? Please read Kulapavana's post no. 5 in this thread. I think to show that times have changed somewhat. That things may be different than in Srila Prabhupada's time when he made these comments. You see He was in his seventies in the 1960's, and had never been to the west before this. He was a young man in the 1930's in India. But ofcourse, the message is still relevant. this is precisely my point. if in our preaching we are just hammering the other side while being blind to the broad perspective on the issue and our own problems, the listeners will reject our message as false propaganda. Another point is the question of audience. Iskcon's preaching in the west is very outdated. The post-hippie style of presenting KC still lingers and people are not inspired by it. Prabhupada preached to the counter-culture generation potheads and often used language that reflected the nature of his audience. These people WANTED to hear things presented in this way. Read some of Prabhupada's speaches delivered in front of a different audience and you will see the difference. So.... be careful with the quotes, as they might have been tailored to a different audience. The deep sense is still valid, but the FORM must be adjusted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bija Posted October 23, 2006 Report Share Posted October 23, 2006 Yes Kulupavana. Srila Prabhupada in the following verse is calling us to apply good intelligence in preaching. Actually such skill in preaching as mentioned below is a sign of an Acarya. Prabhupada in another commentary in his Bhagavatam purports says, "an Acarya does not have to conform to a stereotype." Quote Srimad Bhagavatam Canto One verse five. TRANSLATION The Supreme Lord is unlimited. Only a very expert personality, retired from the activities of material happiness, deserves to understand this knowledge of spiritual values. Therefore those who are not so well situated, due to material attachment, should be shown the ways of transcendental realization, by Your Goodness, through descriptions of the transcendental activities of the Supreme Lord. PURPORT Theological science is a difficult subject, especially when it deals with the transcendental nature of God. It is not a subject matter to be understood by persons who are too much attached to material activities. Only the very expert, who have almost retired from materialistic activities by culture of spiritual knowledge, can be admitted to the study of this great science. In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that out of many hundreds and thousands of men only one person deserves to enter into transcendental realization. And out of many thousands of such transcendentally realized persons, only a few can understand the theological science specifically dealing with God as a person. Sri Vyasadeva is therefore advised by Narada to describe the science of God directly by relating His transcendental activities. Vyasadeva is himself a personality expert in this science, and he is unattached to material enjoyment. Therefore he is the right person to describe it, and Sukadeva Goswami, the son of Vyasadeva, is the right person to receive it. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the topmost theological science, and therefore it can react on the laymen as medicinal doses. Because it contains the transcendental activities of the Lord, there is no difference between the Lord and the literature. The literature is the factual literary incarnation of the Lord. So the laymen can hear the narration of the activities of the Lord. Thereby they are able to associate with the Lord and thus gradually become purified from material diseases. The expert devotees also can discover novel ways and means to convert the nondevotees in terms of particular time and circumstance. Devotional service is dynamic activity, and the expert devotees can find out competent means to inject it into the dull brains of the materialistic population. Such transcendental activities of the devotees for the service of the Lord can bring a new order of life to the foolish society of materialistic men. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His subsequent followers exhibited expert dexterity in this connection. By following the same method, one can bring the materialistic men of this age of quarrel into order for peaceful life and transcendental realization. SB 1.5.17 Krsna consciousness is not stagnant, so I feel it would be no offence to Srila Prabhupada to be wiser in using his comments as such which started this thread. Actually I feel it would be service to him. Time, place, and circumstance. The message is still the same, but inject into the masses consciousness in a way suitable for the audience. In fact, why do we go on the defense and attack some posters, if they do not want to chew such statements as 'western culture is abominable'? Our position as preachers is to guide the innocent away from total absorption in material life, so that they may be qualified to understand the transcendental reality. Not to turn them away or turn them off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 23, 2006 Report Share Posted October 23, 2006 source: prabhupada dot blogspot dot com 22 Oct 1967 "I went to your country with a mission and YOU ALL GOOD SOULS were SENT BY KRISHNA to me. ***YOUR COUNTRY IS GREAT*** and you are ALL GOOD SONS of America." 29 July 1969 "The boys and girls of America are generally GOOD SOULS, that is why they have taken birth in SUCH A NICE COUNTRY." So I have to wonder what happened between 1960s and 1970s that made Prabhupada so fried with US, that "the entire atmosphere is abominable". Hmmm, maybe the radio music not so good anymore? Maybe didn't like the new President? Maybe fried with the shenanigans of some of his sannyasis? Or gee whiz: I wonder...nah, it couldn't be! After all the original post was in a Back To Godhead, the official "church organ". So maybe the editors posted a scary "doom and gloom" scenario to keep people from bailing en masse once Prabhupada left the planet. You know: like whoever thought it was a good idea to drag Jadurani by the hair down Watseka Blvd and beat her to a bloody pulp when she said, "The eleven zonal acharyas are not gurus like Prabhupada." I guess she would know since she was married to one of them. But, oh no...we can't have talk like that going on. Better we scare the devotees that "the entire atmosphere is abominable". So that they stay and let their kids get child abused and their saintly wives beaten by the goondas. Yeah, that's the ticket. What do you say Prabhu? Let's publish the scariest article possible showing the real world in the worst possible light, so people will be afraid to leave. How about this quote, Prabhu: "the whole atmosphere is abominable?" Yeah, yeah. Maybe some of our godsiblings will have a hard time accepting us as their new infallible acharyas, but at least we are not "abominable". Jai! Great idea Prabhu! Print it! That should scare them into submission to our authority. Lesser of two evils and all... Jai! Great idea! "Whole atmosphere is abominable!" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bija Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 Bhagavad Gita 6:41 The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. Purport The unsuccessful yogis are divided into two classes: one is fallen after very little progress, and one is fallen after long practice of yoga. The yogi who falls after a short period of practice goes to the higher planets, where pious living entities are allowed to enter. After prolonged life there, one is sent back again to this planet, to take birth in the family of a righteous brahmana vaisnava or of aristocratic merchants. The real purpose of yoga practice is to achieve the highest perfection of Krsna consciousness, as explained in the last verse of this chapter. But those who do not persevere to such an extent and who fail because of material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities. And after that, they are given opportunities to live prosperous lives in righteous or aristocratic families. Those who are born in such families may take advantage of the facilities and try to elevate themselves to full Krsna consciousness. Quote 29 July 1969"The boys and girls of America are generally GOOD SOULS, that is why they have taken birth in SUCH A NICE COUNTRY." Prabhupada quoted by guest Maybe Srila Prabhupada had this section of the Gita in mind when making this quote. Once I was talking to a young friend of mine from Mumbai. I was despondent about living in the west and not having association of any devotees in a Hare Krsna sense. His response was why? You have so much good oppurtunity to practice bhakti-yoga? Then he listed many reasons why. His chastisement was much needed at the time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 amitg said: The western culture fostered such horrid personalities as Hitler, the European conquistadors etc. Dont blame the West entirely for the problems plaguing India. We are responsible collectively for the mess that we are in Indians are always trying to throw stones while living in glass houses. Indians are basically TERRIBLY indisciplines,indifferent corrupt and venal in every way. Kali has its maximum influence over the land which was the most Sattvic country in Vedic Times .I have heard many many horrible stories which I cant even mention on this thread... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 Quote I have heard many many horrible stories which I cant even mention on this thread... Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My..! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 And the Eastern culture fostered despots such as Pol Pot*, and situations like China taking over Tibet by military force. *See DVD "The Killing Fields" for details. On the other hand, some people from the West really liked Eastern culture from the word go. So there's always been nice people as well sociopaths in every culture and in every society. For example, do you know how Great Britain got men for the British Navy? Navy "recruiters" went around to all of the pubs, and whoever was passed out drunk, then some sailors would round up all of those people and put them aboard ship. So you did not exactly have the intelligentsia of society fighting its battles for the British Empire and doing these horrendous acts. They had the choice of jail or serving in the armed forces as the punishment for public intoxication. And likewise there were some bummer things also. I won't go into details but suffice to say that at least one Irish nun came to India and rescued young girls from a life of prostitution at the Temples. She opened up an orphanage for them and took care of them, so they wouldn't have to be human trafficked in the Temple by their own parents and the pujaris. See Deepa Mehta's film "Water" for details. So every society has had bad things. And there have always been some nice people and some not so nice people. The thing I like about the Hindu Deities most of all is how loving They are. They get their revenge on the horrendous people who came and "shook the pagoda tree" by turning the great grandchildren and grandchildren of that country into Vaisnavas and Shaivites. They get Their revenge by making the descendants of those people give up their families and their education and their careers and their native religion to serve those Deities. They get their revenge by having Hindu souls reincarnate all over the planet setting up Temples everywhere. They get Their revenge by creating a Hindu diaspora so that gorgeous Indian style Temples are built all over the world. They get Their revenge by having millions of kids all over the world listening to sacred mantras when the second British invasion come via rock and roll, the Beatles, George Harrison, Ravi Shankar, et al. They get their revenge by celebrities doing Yoga and wearing bindi, making it trendy and popular. That is why I really admire the Hindu Deities. They truly have alot of class. They get Their revenge through love and by drowning the entire world with nectar. To me, now that is truly amazing, such mercy and sweetness. So let's work together to help each other: the lame man of the East and the blind man of the West. Let's work together to make a better world for everyone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krishnadasa Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 Kaliyuga really sucks:( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krishnadasa Posted October 24, 2006 Report Share Posted October 24, 2006 Guest said: And the Eastern culture fostered despots such as Pol Pot*, and situations like China taking over Tibet by military force. *See DVD "The Killing Fields" for details. On the other hand, some people from the West really liked Eastern culture from the word go. So there's always been nice people as well sociopaths in every culture and in every society. For example, do you know how Great Britain got men for the British Navy? Navy "recruiters" went around to all of the pubs, and whoever was passed out drunk, then some sailors would round up all of those people and put them aboard ship. So you did not exactly have the intelligentsia of society fighting its battles for the British Empire and doing these horrendous acts. They had the choice of jail or serving in the armed forces as the punishment for public intoxication. And likewise there were some bummer things also. I won't go into details but suffice to say that at least one Irish nun came to India and rescued young girls from a life of prostitution at the Temples. She opened up an orphanage for them and took care of them, so they wouldn't have to be human trafficked in the Temple by their own parents and the pujaris. See Deepa Mehta's film "Water" for details. So every society has had bad things. And there have always been some nice people and some not so nice people. The thing I like about the Hindu Deities most of all is how loving They are. They get their revenge on the horrendous people who came and "shook the pagoda tree" by turning the great grandchildren and grandchildren of that country into Vaisnavas and Shaivites. They get Their revenge by making the descendants of those people give up their families and their education and their careers and their native religion to serve those Deities. They get their revenge by having Hindu souls reincarnate all over the planet setting up Temples everywhere. They get Their revenge by creating a Hindu diaspora so that gorgeous Indian style Temples are built all over the world. They get Their revenge by having millions of kids all over the world listening to sacred mantras when the second British invasion come via rock and roll, the Beatles, George Harrison, Ravi Shankar, et al. They get their revenge by celebrities doing Yoga and wearing bindi, making it trendy and popular. That is why I really admire the Hindu Deities. They truly have alot of class. They get Their revenge through love and by drowning the entire world with nectar. To me, now that is truly amazing, such mercy and sweetness. So let's work together to help each other: the lame man of the East and the blind man of the West. Let's work together to make a better world for everyone. Very nice, very sweet email. Just like the words from my lord's keshava's mouth...... Keep rocking with hare krishna:) hari hari bol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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