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2-All.re..... How do we know if we're moving in the 'right' direction?.....Mark Kincaid....5/16

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What is Right?




People ask me all the time, what is right for themselves?


Also, people ask: "How can I know if I'm moving in the right direction,

either in term's of their live's

or their study of Jyotish....?


Today, I was thinking about this, and a good simple way of understanding

'rightness', came to me, in terms of...






Bliss is a good barometer, for "RIGHTNESS".....



When we're moving in the right direction, we feel good.


When we're in-tune with any of the Planet's, there is a definite, though it

might be subtle, experience

of "bliss" that accompanys this....


When we're experiencing "rightness", we'll feel natural, effortlessness, and

yes, even bliss!



Yet, quite often, unfortunately, we go through hardships, and we go through

intense challenges, griefs, or losses, so we turn to Astrology.


And, in such experiences, we definitely, don't experience, much bliss!


So, we want to know why?



Maybe we even get a chance to go to an Astrologer, or study something about

our chart's.


But, why do we do it?


What benefit do we experience?



Even in the experiences of only having our Chart's "read", there are moments

where what is said, "RESONATES", with us, and we experience, ....


o joy

o ahhhha

o or Bliss...


Why is it that we have these experiences,....?


Because Nature has built into the system, the overwhelming experience of

"INCREASING CHARM", as we move in the "right" direction, and...


increasing unhappiness if we find ourselve's moving in the wrong





If we're in the wrong direction, we'll experience, uncertainty, confusion,

lack of clarity, and even, lack of bliss!



So, bliss is a great "barometer" of "rightness".



Now, when we begin the process of self-learning, regarding our own Jyotish,

we also will have these moments where we feel that very human,


o resonance...

o familiarity

o And bliss!



This is because as we get more in-tune with ourselves, which is a great

benefit of good Astrology/Jyotish,

we will experience, greater and greater degrees of "bliss".



So, look for these feelings of familiarity, and inner bliss.


They're the "Signs", of greater and greater,.....Knowingness, regarding our

chart's....and indicate,

that our chart's, indeed, really do fit us.




Finally, there's the area of Chart, or Astrological Transformation.


After we discover which of our Planet's are acting Benefically and which

one's Malefically,....



We may even notice that in the area's of our Benefics, we already experience

a great deal of Naturalness, and joy, and Bliss!


Where we have our Malefics, we certainly don't!


With each Malefic, there's an unmistakable, lack of smoothness, joy,

happiness, and bliss!



So, bliss, still is the key!



Now, as we seek to strengthen, to grow in the Inherent Wisdoms of even our

formally, Malefic, functioning planets,....


the Signs,...that we're moving in the right direction, will be this very

palatable, taste and experience...




For example, maybe our Sun's are acting malefically....


Either due to poor house placement or house rulership...and we experience

lack of self-esteem, self-will,

or Self-confidence...


So, we're suggested a number of 'things' to do, to increase our Sun,


and the,......"SIGN",....


that we're indeed, moving in the right direction....


will not only be the feeling of growing self-power, but there will be this

unmistakable experience, of Bliss!


The Sun, is pure Bliss....


The Sun, represent's the eternal Bliss of the Self, and if we don't know

'this', then, the alternative, lack, and even feelings of loss, and fear,

may result.


But, immediately upon researching and especially experiencing,...'that'

Self,...- Sun, of the Universe, and automatically we'll start experiencing

more....Bliss!, exactly where there was none, before...


With the Moon, this experience is even more clear.....


Because the Moon, represent's the very real, experience of inner happiness,

and joy, then, the quality of "BLISS", is the most notable of a strong, and

healthy Moon.


However if our present Moon's are either small, or negatively, or

malefically aggravated,... then, we don't experience, much inner, feelings

of happiness or bliss!


But, immediately start improving your Moon,....


o With either pearls and gems,...or

o Following the actual Moon in the environment,....

o Learning how to nourish yourself, in the very ways of your Chart...

o Or, even, learning to meditate, which give's a direct experience, of the

inner ....Bliss!...


And, immediately, you'll start to feel better, more happy, more inner

joy,...and yes....

even, Bliss....



So, pay attention to your feelings.


Watch how you feel, and make sure, that you're experiencing, powerful,



in every aspect of your Astrological bodies, and mind's......



Let Bliss be your barometer,....and let bliss be your guide....


Bliss is the goal of life,...and Bliss is also a sign-post, along the way,

to the rightness of action,...direction,

and goals...of life....



Jai Guru




Mark Kincaid






Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


641 472-0000.









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