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2-Shripal, re.... Response to article on Silence as the Way,...of Saturn....5/17

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Dear Shripal:


I know what you're saying, and there's a point, where analysis of all

considerations, get's slightly mirred.


But, let me explain to you where this 'inclination' of mine came from.


When you watch the transits, long enough, you get pretty clear as to the

'nature' of different Astrological realities.


Jyotish even say's the Moon, is very receptive, and receives, innocently the

energies, of those planet's that it's with.


This seems to be true when you watch the transits.


When the Moon's with Mars, you can feel that natural Mars' aggressiveness,

and depending upon the person, one person either experiences that 'heat' and

acts naturally, while another acts quite maliciously


Then, when the Moon goes into the same house as Saturn, quite a few people

experience, the dreaded aspect of Saturn.


They feel, awful, they feel grief, they feel separate, and lonely, even



So, one can see why Saturn is described the way he is, as the source of

unhappiness, and misery and negative occurances.


Every month, the Moon goes into the same sign as Saturn, and for those 2 1/2

days we have a mini-sade sat!


This was certainly my experience, for many of the earliest years of my

Jyotish study.


Then, I started running into people who had, quote: 'better', Saturns in

their charts. They reported to me, that during these Moon/Saturn periods

they felt great, and they felt very silent, more inward, and even bliss!


For awhile I couldn't put this experience into any known Astrological

consideration, then I remembered that for people who have better Saturns,

Saturn is supposed to be more beneficial.


Then, it made sense to me. Saturn represents balance. When you watch how

it's moving across the landscape of your chart, you feel it's influence.


Sometime's it seem fine, othertime's wildly, malefic.


Then, I realized that Saturn is malefic when we're being out of tune with

it, and it's benefic when we're in-tune, with it.


The other reason why I like this adjetive for Saturn, is because when it's

moving around, if you slow down, then, it's energy and affect seem's to

become more positive.


Whereas, when I continue running around and trying to get this and that

accomplished, I notice that it's affects are more negative.


So, now I realize that Saturn teache's us about our balance.


It teaches us about when we're out of balance, and gives us grief, and

upsetting experiences as reflections of our straining.


We have disappointments, frustrations, grief, sufferings, on and on, when

we're not 'being' more in-tune with Saturn.


But, spend more time, taking better care of yourself, getting more rest,

meditating more, and yes, being more silent; then, the affects of Saturn...


begin to settle down, and then, even, start to become more positive.


As I learned to be more in-tune with Saturn, it's affects went from wildly

negative, to mildly uncomfortable, to slightly more happy, and now, to

wildly happy and blissful.


Whenever I'm going around and being slightly too busy, and I start to feel

that 'negative' slant of Saturn, a good rule of thumb for me, is to slow


be more patient, and a good word for me is:


Be more silent.


As I'm being more patient, slowing down, and being more silent and still,

I notice immediately, that, that Saturn influence, starts to subside, and

even becomes slightly more rosy, and then quickly more blissful.


I notice this especially on those days where I can take more rest.


The other day, Moon & Saturn were colliding, and at that exact moment, at 4

am I awoke, and felt that intense, grief, that is one of Saturn's maleific

classic signatures, and I thought, ugh, this is not what I want.


So, I stayed in bed a little longer.


I picked up my mantra, and began to meditate, and in 5, 10, then, 15 mins. I

noticed an amazing shift.


I started to feel better, I even started to feel extreme bliss and



Then, I started to realize, that this and maybe other future Saturn moments

are good time's to go inward, to have more deep, inward experiences.


Now, I understand that like every planet, Saturn live's an extreme of

positive and negative, significations.


When Saturn's acting malefically, we certainly experience a lack of silence

and bliss.


Saturn moment's are dominated by all the negative's:


o frustrations,

o impatience,

o grief,

o depression

o anxieties

o And, feelings of loss


But, for those who live a more balanced or benefic Saturn's either in their

charts or have 'come' to create more balance within themselves....


those same, Saturn moments can start moving towards the positive poll of

Saturn's nature.


Then, Saturn moments, transts, dasa period's, even; become more:


o positive

o joyful

o silent

o still

o inward

o and finally, peaceful.


Silence, as you said, of course, can be a quality of balance with all the



If we have silence or balance with Mars, then, our ferociousness, and

ability to act, and be dynmic can be dominated by a feeling of inner comfort

and even, silence.


Though I bet, a good case might be found where in that instance, one's

Saturn was more responsible for the feeling's of quietness.


I also find it very helpful to 1) understanding Saturn, myself, but 2)

helping others to understand their own Saturns; to use adjetives like...


o patience

o calmness

o and silence


to help people get on to that more positive side of Saturn.



Hope this helps




Mark Kincaid






Shripal <d_shripal


Mon, 16 May 2005 22:39:39 -0700 (PDT)


2-Mark, re.... Response to article on "Silence as the

Way",...of Saturn....5/16



Jai Jinendra Mark,


I probably think and till my exp and analysis says

that Silence is not a quality of any planet nor is

totally signifies Saturn's wisdow.silence is more of a

controlling or as planets is a intricate part of our

existence which by there own quality denies us from

path silence.so to incoporate a Silence or imbibe a

"Silence" within ourselves is dealing a planets as

pets of us.We need to go above planets to incorporate

a "Silence" that I am thinking you are talking about.


As What I have studied is each an everty planet

creates a perception of material existence i this

World with what we are surrounded with.Saturn

signifies karmas,Mars an anger,Venus a infatuation

form of Love,Moon a caring or attachment,Sun a power

or ego or kindness,Rahu and Ketu a shadow or an

unknown and Mercury perception of intelligence that we

are using in daily Life or as currently I am trying to

contemplate something on.And "Silence" is above all

this existence of all above emotions for a Bad or

Good,is ultimatum a reason for our re-birth.


So to give creadit to only "Saturn",that will be

unfair for other planets.As you will achieve "Silence"

when Mars anger is devoid of,Mercury reasoning and

logic ends,Moon's attachment deminishes,Sun's enrgy

and power towards life turns to settle,Rahu and

Ketu's unknow get's know to us and last,but not least

Saturn's wisdom of pain or pennilessness gets

destroyed,and depth knowledge we indulge in and

ultimately we are adhered to "Silence".So "Silence as

the Way".


To Know the Unknow


--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> Dear Shripal:


> Yes, I know what you mean.


> However, I was referring to the time's and

> situation's where Saturn is weak,

> and underapprciated, and for those time's...

> Silence is a great rule of thumb to culture, and

> develop.


> Though you also bring up a good point, because, to

> stabilize, the growth of

> 'Silence',....


> period's of silence, whether in meditation, or in

> the Moon's transcendence,

> during the New Moon....


> both these situations, should be followed by

> activity.


> Activity, then, especially, 'that', which follows

> meditation, will end up,

> in actuality, stabilizing the inward stroke, of

> contacting and enlivening

> silence, within,


> By Guru, says it this way:


> "After meditation, which is like dieing the cloth,

> with dye,

> the cloth must be put to the Sun, where almost all

> the dye, will

> be bleached out.

> But, then, through this very same process, some of

> that dye, will be made

> permanent.


> Like that, meditation, should be followed by

> activity will will stabilize

> and make permanent that inward experience of

> silence, and expansion of

> meditation!"


> ciao



> Mark Kincaid




> ps...for final points, see below:






> In , Shripal

> <d_shripal> wrote:

> > jai Jinendra,

> >

> > Sometimes being too silence or too much being in a

> res

> > mode,you are totally stressed out and no energy

> left

> > to act on or it might show a opposite person we

> are

> > not having enogh confidence to fight with matters

> of

> > Life.


> Yes, I'd agree, that even the infusion of more

> silence can be done, too

> much.


> And, in such cases, one does feel listless, even a

> little dull.


> So, it's very important that a proper balance of

> rest & activity, be

> done....



> >

> > How to phase out that maleficness of

> Saturn.Idealistic

> > way of living and for Ssalvation,silence is way

> to

> > get a most balance and most hold in one's

> life,like a

> > tpasvi or yogi.


> I've been thinking of this qualilty of Silence,

> because Saturn represent's

> the wisdom of Silence, balance, or integration of

> rest & activity.


> What I notice is that those, with not enough Saturn,

> don't take enough rest,

> they don't exhibit enough inner silence,...

> and

> even, they don't exhibit enough inner silence along

> with their dynamic

> nature's, too.



> >

> > But what about who wants to fight for materialism

> and

> > to seperate out spiritualism from that and still

> > wants to be comfortalbe with that.

> >

> > Silence will not help a speaker snding on a

> > stage,evryone will shower him with stones.So to

> act

> > with Mars,to be silent with Saturn,to be

> intellectual

> > with Mercury,to be principled with Sun,to be

> caring

> > with Moon and Love with Venus,can be

> achievable.May be

> > meditation is a answer for a long term

> benefits,But

> > How to sustain a long term,with deficit related to

> > diff planets in one's Life.


> On the contrary, Silence, will help emmensely, for

> someone to get up and

> speak...


> Though obviously, and technically, delivering a

> speech will involve Mars &

> Mercury too.


> But, if not enough inner silence is lived, then,

> that dynamic activity, will

> cause shyness,

> fear, and uncertainty...


> But, if there's enough silence, then, the

> activities, will not be

> threatening, but will be

> in fact, exilerating!



> >

> > I am waiting for your answer on that my next

> question

> > is there.............

> >


> Ciao



> Mark Kincaid







> >

> > --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> >

> > > "Silence is the Way...

> > >

> > > .....of Saturn... "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The last few day's, I noticed as the

> all-important

> > > Moon, was transiting

> > > across the 'bow', so to speak, of

> Saturn,....that

> > > during Saturn moment's,

> > > ....'Silence is the key, to understanding

> Saturn.

> > >

> > > Whether in Saturn momentary Transits, or Saturn

> > > Dasas, or even in longer

> > > Saturn period's like the one coming up, with

> Saturn

> > > moving through Cancer,

> > > it will be very important that we realize, a new

> and

> > > better way to live with

> > > Saturn.

> > >

> > > Saturn, commonly, is known as....the planet of

> > > 'grief'. It's also called

> > > the great Lesson Planet. It's called often

> times,

> > > the planet of 'loss', of

> > > 'set-backs', 'frustrations', 'dis-ease, disease

> and

> > > death'.

> > >

> > > These, all are obviously true, however, there

> are

> > > instances, where Saturn is

> > > found being benefic, in certain people's charts

> or

> > > transits.

> > >

> > > Sometimes, when people have Saturn either in

> > > Capricorn, Aquarius, or even,

> > > Exalted Libra, they're found exhibiting, the

> more

> > > wonderful, benefic

> > > qualities of Saturn.

> > >

> > > They have more patience, they seem to know,

> > > intuitively, when to do, and

> > > when to not. They're more calm, more mature,

> more

> > > settled, and have more

> > > composure.

> > >

> > > All these experiences, started me thinking,

> (years

> > > ago, now), that maybe,

> > > just maybe, there's a real symbolism, there

> within

> > > the rest of our Saturn's

> > > that, just maybe, we're meant to understand,

> better.

> > >

> > > As I watched and studied, Saturn, both in books,

> in

> > > people's charts, and

> > > especially in the Transits, of Capricorn,

> Aquarius,

> > > Pisces, Aries, Taurus,

> > > Gemini, Cancer, and now, Gemini; Saturn has

> blessed

> > > me with more and more

> > > 'Wisdom', as to his nature.

> > >

> > > Now, I understand, that Saturn is the planet of

> > > lessons, but once, you

> > > understand what that lesson is, and you learn

> > > especially, how to adjust, and

> > > do, and be, with more of Saturn's benefic

> qualities,

> > > then, you've got it!

> > >

> > > Then, you've learned the deep, all-important

> > > symbolism, of the normally,

> > > more malefic Saturn.

> > >

> > > I tell you, of all the deep meaning's and

> > > symbolisms, of Jyotish; this one

> > > has given me the greatest growth and ultimate

> > > happiness.

> > >

> > > Probably, because my Saturn started out so bad!

> > > hehehe

> > >

> > > I was born with it in the 12th house, and with

> my

> > > Moon.

> > >

> > > This was especially significant, because being a

> > > Libra rising, Saturn

> > > represented my Yogakaraka, planet.

> > > Think then, of the most important planet being

> > > there, in the 12th house of

> > > loss, and yep, that pretty much summed up my

> early

> > > life.

> > >

> > > I vividly experienced all the symbolisms, of

> loss,

> > > of grief, of delays,

> > > disappointments, and deep, deep, frustrations.

> > >

> > > For me, though, there was only two choices.

> > >

> > > One, I could just lie down and die, which at

> time's

> > > seemed like a 'good',

> > > possibility.

> > >

> > > Or, I could find some solution.

> > >

> > > And, that, seemed somehow, less awful, then,

> dying!

> > > hehehe

> > >

> > > That 'grief' of my Saturn, then, lead me to find

> a

> > > solution, and eventually

> > > I was blessed to find meditation.

> > >

> > > Learning to meditate, in the early 70's, each

> day

> > > that I was able to

> > > meditate, I began to experience, some relief. I

> > > started to feel less

> > > anxious, less worried, and less depressed. That

> > > experience, alone,

> > > convinced me, I was on the right track.

> > >

> > > Eventually, that state of all-time, worry, began

> to

> > > be replaced by more and

> > > more,....inner calmness, and even joy. With the

> > > complete, turn about, in

> > > the nature of my calmness, Saturn was becoming

> > > appeased!

> > >

> > > And, as I experienced and grew in all the

> wonderful

> > > benefits of meditation,

> > > and the expansion of consciousness, that it

> > > represented, I began to know of

> > > the positive, more benefic side to Saturn.

> > >

> > > Even before knowing why?

> > >

> > > Years, later, when I stumbled upon Jyotish, and

> > > began my study, I realized,

> > > that Saturn could be looked at in this

> simultaneous,

> > > dual way. Ever read

> > > that book: "Saturn, friend or foe"?

> > >

> > > That, had been my experience, and I knew

> intimately

> > > both realities.

> > >

> > > However, I can tell you, it's a lot nicer having

> > > Saturn on your side, and

> > > being symbolic of the deeper, more silent,

> realities

> > > of life!

> > >

> > > Now, we're about to have Saturn moving into the

> > > all-important, sign of the

> > > Moon, Cancer.

> > >

> > > Last fall for a few week's and month's, Saturn

> > > tipped it's toe, into the

> > > cold water of Cancer, and I watched as everyone,

> > > shuddered at that

> > > experience.

> > >

> > > On September 6th, of 2004, the day after my

> > > birthday, whew!, ducked that

> > > one, barely, hehhee; Saturn moved into Cancer.

> > >

> > > Over the next few week's and month's I had this

> > > amazing experience of

> > > Saturn's presence.

> > >

> > > Perhaps because I'd been watching it so closely

> for

> > > over 16 years; but I'd

> > > learn to perceive Saturn's movements.

> > >

> > > From Saturn in Capricorn, in 1990, to Saturn in

> > > Cancer, now, in 2004, I'd

> > > watched Saturn go through all the Signs, from

> > > Capricorn, to Aquarius, and

> > > Aries, then Taurus, and eventually Gemini, and

> now,

> > > Cancer.

> > >

> > > Saturn was experienced, by me, (in Cancer), like

> a

> > > huge boulder, that was

> > > inching it's way, into my 10th house.

> > >

> > > I noticed, it, because I kept running around, it

> > > laughing, looking at that

> > > boulder, and thinking, "wow, that's Saturn"!

> > >

> > > Later as it shrunk back into Gemini, and that

> > > intensity, of affect, began to

> > > diminish, I realized, "oh, my God, that was

> Saturn!"

> > > (on January 13, 2005,

> > > Saturn went back into Gemini)

> > >

> > > Also, during that time, I noticed so many people

> > > freaking out, because of

> > > Saturn's initial movement into that

> all-important

> > > Cancer.

> > >

> > > So, why is Saturn, traditionally, so negative or

> > > malefic, in Cancer?

> > >

> > > It occurs to me, now, that this is because

> Cancer,

> > > represent's the home of

> > > the Moon, and therefore of the mind, itself.

> > >

> > > So, when Saturn, which generally, is carrying a

> > > strong, 'malefic' message,

> > > across the different area's of our life; begin's

> to

> > > move into the home of

> > > our mind's' then, no wonder it's initial message

> > > seems to be one of grief!

> > >

> > >

> > > But, my background and even, personal

> experience,

> > > had already convinced me

> > > that this movement, these realities, didn't have

> to

> > > be negative.

> > >

> > > So, how can we make sure that Saturn's up-coming

> > > transit, into Cancer, (on

> > > May 26th, 2005), can be more positive, and not

> > > negative! ?

> > >

> > >

> > > o First of all, we can understand that

> > > Saturn's movements don't have

> > > to be negative!

> > >

> > > Sure, they may have been, but if we can look

> within,

> > > and in the process, of

> > > 'Surrendering', to Nature, and to Saturn,

> discover

> > > the inherent positive,

> > > Wisdoms, that Saturn is trying to teach us,

> then,

> > > perhaps, this transit, can

> > > become positive.

> > >

> > > This opportunity, really, is also important,

> because

> > > if we learn how to do

> > > this, now, and over the next 2 years, or so,

> then,

> > > when Saturn, move's into

> > > Leo, the sign of the Sun!....

> > > then, we'll be ready!

> > >

> > >

> > > Silence is the Way....

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > One of the ways in which I remind myself, to be

> more

> > > in-tune with Saturn, is

> > > by reminding myself, that Saturn's way, is

> through

> > > Silence.

> > >

> > > Saturn, sure, bring's grief, but only if we're

> > > creating imbalance.

> > >

> > > If we're creating naturalness, calmness, and

> > > balance, then, Saturn isn't

> > > malefic!

> > >

> > > If we're doing anything with more integration of

> > > rest & activity, then,

> > > Saturn is appeased, and having done his job,

> then,

> > > he begin's to be his

> > > true, Benefic Self!

> > >

> > > Saturn is really the planet of Silence.

> > >

> > > Saturn is the planet of Being!

> > >

> > > This is why Saturn is known as the planet of the

> > > renunciates, or sannyasi's,

> > > because they, living a life, of all silence, and

> > > surrendering,.... are so

> > > very close to Saturn.

> > >

> > > For the rest of us, who are pre-dominantly,

> > > Householders, how can we make

> > > our Saturn's also, benefic! ?

> > >

> > > By, being more silent, in our every day, lives!

> > >

> > > From that initial experience of growth of inner

> > > quietness, from meditation,

> > > I had my first experience, of these, positive,

> > > possibilities, of Saturn!

> > >

> > > Then, when I added Jyotish, and intellectually

> came

> > > to understand what

> > > Saturn was about, then, as I more consciously,

> > > studied, and imbibed, the

> > > truer, deeper, Wisdoms of Saturn, then my life

> > > became even more glorious, in

> > > the light of Saturn's many graces!

> > >

> > > Now, I'm happy to say: this up-coming period

> can

> > > either, be a path, of

> > > increasing joy and one of silence, and

> happiness, or

> > > it can be a continually

> > > frustrating period of worry, anxiety, and

> > > unhappiness.

> > >

> > > For me, my initial reaction was to run all

> around

> > > that Saturn, boulder, as

> > > it was moving through my normally very busy 10th

> > > house. Now, I realize,

> > > that was not being in-tune with Saturn, and was

> > > really a formula for

> > > disaster.

> > >

> > > I, too, got caught off guard, and even though I

> was

> > > experiencing Saturn's

> > > movement into my 10th house, I was not quite

> ready

> > > to adjust, and be more

> > > in-tune with it!

> > >

> > > As a result, like most, I did feel, more of the

> > > malefic sides to that Saturn

> > > transit.

> > >

> > > Fortunately, Nature gave us a reprieve. On

> November

> > > 7th, of 2004, Saturn

> > > began it's Retrograde motion, and began moving

> > > backwards, and eventually

> > > back out of Cancer, and into Gemini.

> > >

> > > Then, on January 13, 2005, Saturn moved back

> into

> > > Gemini, again. Now, after

> > > several months, I've been thinking a lot about

> this

> > > most recent experience

> > > and I realize, how important this up-coming

> transit,

> > > is.

> > >

> > > So, between now, and May 26th, when Saturn

> begin's

> > > it's return, back into

> > > Cancer,... study this possibility of making your

> > > Saturn more calm, balanced,

> > > and Benefic!

> > >

> > >

> > > Silence is the Way....

> > > of

> > > Saturn.....

> > >

> > >

> > > Now, I understand that "Silence", is the way of

> > > increasing Saturn's positive

> > > side.

> > >

> > >

> > > Though normally, we don't get enough rest, and

> do

> > > things, with enough, inner

> > > quietness, so normally, Saturn is quite malefic!

> > >

> > > However, having learned that Saturn's really

> just

> > > about trying to teach us

> > > about the all-important wisdom of inner Silence,

> and

> > > bliss; now, I realize,

> > > this too, is a great up-coming opportunity, to

> do,

> > > and to act, more in-tune

> > > with Saturn.

> > >

> > > Allow yourself, over the next 2 years, to imbibe

> > > more silence, and inner

> > > balance, in your life.

> > >

> > > Especially, in the very important area of the

> Moon,

> > > or emotional center, be

> > > sure, that you are 'feeling' calm, and peaceful.

> > >

> > > Let silence, and calmness, and peace, be the

> > > way,...during these 2 years!

> > >

> > >

> > > If you do, then, this transit, can be smooth,

> and

> > > effortless, and verryyyy,

> > > productive.

> > >

> > > You will still, be able to get what you want,

> and

> > > fulfill your desires,

> > > though the way, will be through calmness,

> instead of

> > > through frantic

> > > activity.

> > >

> > >

> > > If you don't, then, Saturn will remind you that

> > > you're not being enough

> > > in-tune with this, his inner, side of peace.

> > >

> > > Let your emotions, your inner 'feelings' be the

> > > barometer, in these 2 years,

> > > of your balance or attunement with Saturn.

> > >

> > > Like the mini-Saturn period of the last 2 days,

> when

> > > the Moon was transiting

> > > with Saturn; let this entire period be an

> > > opportunity to grow in the benefic

> > > wisdoms of Saturn, especially emotionally.

> > >

> > > You'll know you're doing this, if you feel

> great!

> > >

> > > You'll know you're being more in-tune with

> Saturn,

> > > because you won't feel

> > > any grief, or qualities of delays, frustrations,

> or

> > > unhappiness.

> > >

> > > You'll know you're being in-tune, if you get

> what

> > > you want, through

> > > effortless, quiet, peaceful, deep thinkings,

> alone.

> > >

> > > Silence is the way, ....

> > > and especially now, Silence is the way, to more

> > > benefic Saturn,.... and

> > > through that, more easy, and natural,

> fulfillments

> > > of our desires.

> > >

> > > Normally, Jupiter is the one that teaches us how

> to

> > > expand!

> > >

> > > We learn, through Jupiter, how to live, with

> more

> > > Wisdom, and Knowledge.

> > >

> > > Through more Jupiter, we learn how to get what

> we

> > > want, through the

> > > enlivenment of learning, and deep, Wisdom about

> > > life.

> > >

> > > Everything to do with Vedic Knowledge, increases

> our

> > > Jupiter sense, and

> > > Jupiter power.

> > >

> > > "Knowledge is Organizing Power!", it has been

> said.

> > >

> > >

> > > This is a great expression of Jupiter.

> > >

> > > Saturn, on the other hand, represent's the

> wisdom of

> > > Silence.

> > >

> > > Without enough silence, life is stressful, full

> of

> > > tiredness, imbalances,

> > > dis-ease, disease,...and yep, that's right,

> death.

> > >

> > > With more balance, (which is really a

> camouflaged

> > > word for Saturn), then,

> > > life's stresses, dissolve, and tension's

> decrease.

> > >

> > > Then, if we continue with this increase in

> > > consciousness, integration of

> > > silence, then life begin's to be lived,

> > > simultaneously, in term's of silence

> > > along with activity.

> > >

> > > Then, we gain the ability to get what we want,

> by

> > > being more in-tune with

> > > Nature.

> > >

> > > This is the path of Saturn.

> > >

> > > Normally people think only of getting what we

> want

> > > through 'doing'.

> > >

> > > This is the path of Mars.

> > >

> > > However, Silence & Saturn are also an intimate

> part

> > > of the path of

> > > fulfillment.

> > >

> > > If we don't have enough inner silence, then

> > > thinkings are not clear, and

> > > powerful, and even then, our Mars' is not as

> > > powerful as it could be.

> > >

> > >

> > > It's like Nature is this huge bank! And,

> learning

> > > how to be more in-tune

> > > with 'it', allows us to have constant access to

> the

> > > infinite resources, of

> > > the literal, unlimited, bank!, of Nature.

> > >

> > > If we strain, and don't imbibe enough inner

> > > 'wakefulness', then Saturn gets

> > > aggravated, and being out of balance, then, he

> > > spontaneously acts more

> > > malefically.

> > >

> > > Why?

> > >

> > > Is it a punishment? Well, sort of, but only as

> a

> > > direct result of our

> > > actions.

> > >

> > > Why? To show us, how we're doing.

> > >

> > > Whenever we don't get enough rest, and we wake

> up,

> > > any morning, tired, and

> > > stressed, then, that day, is filled with the

> added

> > > complications, of not

> > > being adequately prepared, to be our best!

> > >

> > > But, once we learn that "Rest is the Basis of

> > > Activity", and balance is an

> > > intimate part of a finer, more wonderful way to

> > > live, then, Saturn is

> > > appreciated, and being more balanced, then,

> > > spontaneously give's to us, it's

> > > sweet, ever wonderful, benefic sides!

> > >

> > > The way, you'll be able to tell, that you're

> acting

> > > with enough Saturn

> > > balance, within these next few years, is, your

> > > 'feelings' will tell you!

> > >

> > > If you're feeling good, and sweet, and calm,

> then,

> > > you'll know, .... your

> > > Saturn's balanced.

> > >

> > > If you're not feeling good, or are full of

> worry, or

> > > listlessness, anxiety,

> > > phobias, etc., then, these are all signs, that

> > > Saturn is not balanced

> > > enough, and he's assuming his more negative,

> malefic

> > > role.

> > >

> > > The key, then, is it's still, ... up to us.

> > >

> > > Use this great opportunity, to be and grow, more

> > > in-tune with this great

> > > benefic side of Saturn.

> > >

> > > There already, will be soooo many others, who

> won't

> > > have a clue, about this

> > > Astrological Reality, and we can be ready to

> help

> > > them,...at least if we're

> > > balanced.

> > >

> > > Good luck, and enjoy this great vision of the

> > > "dangers on the horizon", and

> > > here's hopeing that you transform this into the

> > > great opportunity, that's

> > > lieing right, ahead of us.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mark Kincaid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Astrologer

> > > Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved

> > > m.kincaid@m...

> > > 641 472-0000.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > Love is the beauty of the soul

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Small Business - Try our new resources

> site!

> >




Love is the beauty of the soul




















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