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The Tao of Rectification - Article for MS, All

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Hi All,


The following is in reply to MS, who suggested that I have

contributed nothing "positive" in this venue; it's taken from my

website, muminbey.tripod.com and is a piece I wrote on rectification,

one of the areas of Jyotish that requires an intimate knowledge of

the principles of Vedic astrology. Following this piece will be

several others I have written for my site and elsewhere.


All comments, invited.



The Tao of Rectification




Mu'Min Bey


Jul 25, 2001







Rectification is a very difficult, tricky topic. In fact, most

practicing Astrologers that I have personal contact with don't care

for it, for that reason. Luckily, for me and you, I had the good

fortune to learn from some really great astrologers and I' going to

share, here, some points that I've learned.




The whole idea behind rectification is a very simple one - you're

looking for what YOU think the chart and its measurements SHOULD look

like in the situation under consideration. You're in essence, fitting

the chart to the life events of the person living it. But, the Devil

is always in the Details, isn't it?-and this is where we see the

wheat fall from the chaff.




Rectification demands that the Astrologer really be at one with the

principles of Astrology, and working with them in all sorts of

scenarios, etc. This is true of Western or Vedic Astrology. However,

if you kindly go to your copy of Light on Life, by DeFouw and

Svoboda, you will find that Jyotishis often rely on methods not

directly related to Astrology to help elucidate various situations.

Omenology is one such branch, and I have used this myself, on many

occasions, to answer riddles.




For example, a few months back I rectified the horoscope of a young

lady that I have never met. I have only seen her photo on a website.

I knew very little about her, other than her profession. That's it.

Her birth time was within 3 or 4 hours - an Eternity when you are

working with Dasas from the Asc. She wanted me to find out for sure

what time she was born. Again, I had no details at all.




My methodology was simple. I noted that: I received her request to do

her horoscope by email on a Tuesday; I was sitting on the right hand

side of the room, and I was breathing through the right nostril at

the time I read and understood her email. Consequently, from all of

these factors and the basic principles of omenology, I said to

myself, "she must have Mars very prominent in her chart in some

way...possibly in the Angles?"




Well, when I got home later that evening, I find out that she has the

famed Chandra-Mangala Yoga - the Moon was in Cap and Mars was in

Cancer. Also, the birth time she gave yielded a Taurus Asc. Hmmm...,

I said. What if I rolled the time back a bit to Aries? That would

make the Moon go into the 10th, make Mars go into the 4th. Moon-Mars

combo with Moon in 10th, Mars in the Moon's sign and being the Asc

Lord...she could have been attracted to some Moon-related field at

some point - nursing? Hmmm...




So, I examined this possibility, and then I worked out the Dasas for

what I thought might have happened in her life. I put her Asc in

Bharani Naksatra, which would, along with the way Venus was placed

(in the 2nd, and in its own sign with Ketu), along with the position

of Mars, give a very sensual and sexual nature. So I did all this,

and I wrote a several page report of my findings.




Well, as it turns out, this young lady's last job was as a Nursing

Assistant, which she went to school for (I made mention of the fact

that she was educated in the "helping" fields, like nursing), her Mom

and Dad broke up when she was young (as I had suggested during the

Sun Dasa - Sun in Gemini in 3rd), that she had moved in a Northern

direction (Moon's Dasa in ops; Moon=North), and that there was some

sort of separation problem between her and her siblings (Dad had

children from another relationship, and she has not had contact with

them for a long time now).




I mentioned the fact that having kids would be difficult, as there

was a "female" problem (she revealed that she had fibroid tumors, a

very common occurrence among African American women), and that she

had to be very careful in her relationships with men. I also

suggested that she wait until after her 28 b'day to marry (she moved

to another Northern city to start over after a bad relationship that

lasted 10 years; the current Dasa was that of Mars, thus giving reign

for Kuja Dosha to do its thing, and which creates problems in married

life). While lastly, I suggested that she had an interest in trying

out various sexual things, perhaps bi-sexuality (in her own words,

she said, "Bravo!!!" and corroborated this by saying that she had

been "going there" of late. Her rectified Venus is in Taurus in the

2nd with Ketu, and Rahu, of course, being in the 8th in Scorpio. Rahu

aspected the Asc Lord Mars. Bharani is rising, ruled by Venus. Asc

Aries rules Mars, and Mars and Rahu are in Sarpa Drekkanas). I

mentioned that she might have a strong oral-sexual fixation, and

again, she completely agreed.




Her response-letter concluded by saying that she was very impressed

with the accuracy, and had no idea that Astrology could be so precise.




I frequently rectify charts like hers... which means that I only get

the barest of details in some cases, and I find these charts great

for sharpening my skills and intuition. It's a very good test of

one's grasp of the principles of Vedic Astrology, and it tests both

the mechanics and the philosophy of this art.




The bottom line, here, is that to study Astrology is to study the

Book of Life itself...and, when you begin to do that, you are, in

essence, striving to be what the Vedics call a Knower of God's

Intention. Remember, Jyotish is the Eye of God.




When you can rectify charts accurately, etc, you are getting a

glimpse of God's Plan. Not a full view, but a little peek.




"The Planets are Within..."




Are the Grahas in YOU?









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