Guest guest Posted May 30, 2005 Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 Om Krishna Guru Namaste AsT, Let me take a look at the native's Chart which you have mentioned for a sudden admission in to Hospital using two different methods. 1) Paryaya dasa is a special rasi dasa taught by Jaimini. It was explained in Sanjay Ji's book "Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutras". So let me use D-6 and Paryaya dasa for diagnosis of health problems for this native. Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Antardasas in this MD: Li: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2003-08-21 (4:44:20) Sc: 2003-08-21 (4:44:20) - 2004-05-18 (8:50:21) Sg: 2004-05-18 (8:50:21) - 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) ---> Cp: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Aq: 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) - 2006-08-20 (23:08:04) ........... Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Cp AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Li PD: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) The 6th house shows Aagantuka problems (external sources). The 8th house shows Nija problems (internal source). The 12th house shows hospitalization or restrictions one self. Badhaka house shows undiagnosable suffering too. In D-6, Aq is 7th house and associated with 12th house and also the Badhaka Sthana, by rasi drishti. Antar Dasa is Cp which is 6th house which shows aagantuka problems (external sources). Antar Dasa Lord Sat is placed in 11th and aspecting the Lagna too. The Li Pratyantar Dasa which is 3rd house from Lagna and lagna lord Sun is placed there. This is is being aspected by the 12th lord Moon from Ar which indicates the sudden Hospitalization. The Badhaka lord Mar joined with this 12th lord Moon in Ar, hence indicating undiagnosable suffering during this Pratyantar Dasa. You will notice that Jup is aspecting Li hence there is no threat to the life at all. Let us see bit more in detail: Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Cp AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Ge: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-03-10 (18:07:03) Cn: 2005-03-10 (18:07:03) - 2005-04-02 (10:10:27) Le: 2005-04-02 (10:10:27) - 2005-04-25 (9:14:36) Vi: 2005-04-25 (9:14:36) - 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) --->> Li: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) --->> Sc: 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) - 2005-07-04 (15:58:24) Sg: 2005-07-04 (15:58:24) - 2005-07-28 (5:57:37) Cp: 2005-07-28 (5:57:37) - 2005-08-20 (17:05:13) Aq: 2005-08-20 (17:05:13) - 2005-09-12 (23:02:54) Pi: 2005-09-12 (23:02:54) - 2005-10-05 (22:25:00) Ar: 2005-10-05 (22:25:00) - 2005-10-28 (14:42:59) Ta: 2005-10-28 (14:42:59) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Next Pratyantar Dasa is Sc. The lord Mar is associated with 12th lord and also Badhaka Lord in Ar. The Sc's Co-lord Ketu is associated with 6th lord Sat in 11th house. Again you will notice that Jup is aspecting the Sc by Graha Drishti. So I would not worry about any threat to the life, but the suffering will continue thru the Sc Pratyantar Dasa and will be cured when the Sg Pratyantar Dasa starts on July 4th 2005. 2) Now let me see quickly the Shoola Dasa for this native. Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Ge MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Pi AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Cp PD: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) Native is running Ge Shoola Maha Dasa, which is 7th house with 8th lord Moon in it indicates some minor helath troubles, but you will notice that the Atma Karaka Ven is placed in Vi and aspecting the Ge Maha Dasa and Ge is 10th from AL too, so this will ensure there is no threat to the life. Pi Antar Dasa, which is 4th from Lagna and 7th from AL and again Pi is being aspected by Ven the Atma Karaka and Jup by Rasi Drishti. Cp Pratyantar Dasa which is 2nd from Lagna, 3rd from Sun and5th from AL. Its lord Sat is well placed except it is from 12th form AL. Summary: So based on the above analysis, I am thinking, there is no threat to the native's life, but the suffering will be there till July 1st week of 2005 and after that this native will be fine. Ask him to Pray to Lord Rama or alternatively ask the spouse to pray to Lord Rama for a quick recovery. Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned memebrs to correct me if I am wrong in applying the Jyotish principles. Regards Raghunatha Rao --- original message --- vedic astrology/message/57605 as T <ast77us Mon May 30, 2005 4:28 am person in hospital , family anxious , Please check his chart Dear members, Kindly check the chart of the person who suddenly got admitted in to hospital. He never had any medical problems prior to this . The problem cropped up just 3 days back so suddenly that he needed hospitalization and surgery in few week, and am unable to understand what transition of planets has caused this sudden illness to this otherwise healthy person. Kindly explain what the situation is like. I did not get any warning from people who earlier saw this chart. There must be something that I am unaware of that caused this. Those who work on puzzles or prashna sastra or other experienced astrologers kindly look at this chart and advise me as to what can be done to protect this man as he is unable to chant anything by himself. The reply will be greatly appreciated. He is going through sadesathi also. His details DOB 19th november 1948 TOB 9.48 AM POB LA 16.37N LO 81.55 E Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 31, 2005 Report Share Posted May 31, 2005 Raghunatha Rao garu. Thank you very much for the detailed analysis. I just came home from hospital to check messages. Will write you again. Regards Aruna Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 wrote: Om Krishna Guru Namaste AsT, Let me take a look at the native's Chart which you have mentioned for a sudden admission in to Hospital using two different methods. 1) Paryaya dasa is a special rasi dasa taught by Jaimini. It was explained in Sanjay Ji's book "Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutras". So let me use D-6 and Paryaya dasa for diagnosis of health problems for this native. Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Antardasas in this MD: Li: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2003-08-21 (4:44:20) Sc: 2003-08-21 (4:44:20) - 2004-05-18 (8:50:21) Sg: 2004-05-18 (8:50:21) - 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) ---> Cp: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Aq: 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) - 2006-08-20 (23:08:04) ........... Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Cp AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Li PD: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) The 6th house shows Aagantuka problems (external sources). The 8th house shows Nija problems (internal source). The 12th house shows hospitalization or restrictions one self. Badhaka house shows undiagnosable suffering too. In D-6, Aq is 7th house and associated with 12th house and also the Badhaka Sthana, by rasi drishti. Antar Dasa is Cp which is 6th house which shows aagantuka problems (external sources). Antar Dasa Lord Sat is placed in 11th and aspecting the Lagna too. The Li Pratyantar Dasa which is 3rd house from Lagna and lagna lord Sun is placed there. This is is being aspected by the 12th lord Moon from Ar which indicates the sudden Hospitalization. The Badhaka lord Mar joined with this 12th lord Moon in Ar, hence indicating undiagnosable suffering during this Pratyantar Dasa. You will notice that Jup is aspecting Li hence there is no threat to the life at all. Let us see bit more in detail: Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries): Aq MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Cp AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Ge: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-03-10 (18:07:03) Cn: 2005-03-10 (18:07:03) - 2005-04-02 (10:10:27) Le: 2005-04-02 (10:10:27) - 2005-04-25 (9:14:36) Vi: 2005-04-25 (9:14:36) - 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) --->> Li: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) --->> Sc: 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) - 2005-07-04 (15:58:24) Sg: 2005-07-04 (15:58:24) - 2005-07-28 (5:57:37) Cp: 2005-07-28 (5:57:37) - 2005-08-20 (17:05:13) Aq: 2005-08-20 (17:05:13) - 2005-09-12 (23:02:54) Pi: 2005-09-12 (23:02:54) - 2005-10-05 (22:25:00) Ar: 2005-10-05 (22:25:00) - 2005-10-28 (14:42:59) Ta: 2005-10-28 (14:42:59) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Next Pratyantar Dasa is Sc. The lord Mar is associated with 12th lord and also Badhaka Lord in Ar. The Sc's Co-lord Ketu is associated with 6th lord Sat in 11th house. Again you will notice that Jup is aspecting the Sc by Graha Drishti. So I would not worry about any threat to the life, but the suffering will continue thru the Sc Pratyantar Dasa and will be cured when the Sg Pratyantar Dasa starts on July 4th 2005. 2) Now let me see quickly the Shoola Dasa for this native. Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Ge MD: 2002-11-20 (6:03:28) - 2011-11-20 (13:31:38) Pi AD: 2005-02-16 (8:28:26) - 2005-11-20 (0:30:11) Cp PD: 2005-05-18 (14:59:07) - 2005-06-11 (2:00:48) Native is running Ge Shoola Maha Dasa, which is 7th house with 8th lord Moon in it indicates some minor helath troubles, but you will notice that the Atma Karaka Ven is placed in Vi and aspecting the Ge Maha Dasa and Ge is 10th from AL too, so this will ensure there is no threat to the life. Pi Antar Dasa, which is 4th from Lagna and 7th from AL and again Pi is being aspected by Ven the Atma Karaka and Jup by Rasi Drishti. Cp Pratyantar Dasa which is 2nd from Lagna, 3rd from Sun and5th from AL. Its lord Sat is well placed except it is from 12th form AL. Summary: So based on the above analysis, I am thinking, there is no threat to the native's life, but the suffering will be there till July 1st week of 2005 and after that this native will be fine. Ask him to Pray to Lord Rama or alternatively ask the spouse to pray to Lord Rama for a quick recovery. Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned memebrs to correct me if I am wrong in applying the Jyotish principles. Regards Raghunatha Rao --- original message --- vedic astrology/message/57605 as T <ast77us Mon May 30, 2005 4:28 am person in hospital , family anxious , Please check his chart Dear members, Kindly check the chart of the person who suddenly got admitted in to hospital. He never had any medical problems prior to this . The problem cropped up just 3 days back so suddenly that he needed hospitalization and surgery in few week, and am unable to understand what transition of planets has caused this sudden illness to this otherwise healthy person. Kindly explain what the situation is like. I did not get any warning from people who earlier saw this chart. There must be something that I am unaware of that caused this. Those who work on puzzles or prashna sastra or other experienced astrologers kindly look at this chart and advise me as to what can be done to protect this man as he is unable to chant anything by himself. The reply will be greatly appreciated. He is going through sadesathi also. His details DOB 19th november 1948 TOB 9.48 AM POB LA 16.37N LO 81.55 E Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour ~! LIFE MEANS STRUGGLE, THE FITTEST WINS SURVIVAL !~ / Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! 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