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Respected Rajesh Kumaria ji,



First of all thank you very much for your detailed reply and for you efforts and

precious time.

Thanks for reminding me that i am living in KALYUG .I dont remember i have even

been in TRETAYUG,but whatever YUG it be TRUTH has not changed because it is ONLY

TRUTH which is present,FALSE is just creativity of man.

We are those who make and change YUG,for example,Is there anyone in this world

who would be happy if someone talk harshly at him.Cant we do just simple thing

to talk polietly to everyone.Little quote from SAINT KABIRDAS;

"esi vani boliye man ka apa khoye auran ko sheetal kare aphoo sheetal hoye"

It is our desires which bring "KRODHA" when not fullfilled(AS SAID BY YOGESHWER


I am sorry to say(may godess lakshmi forgive me),money has no value,it is

actually purchase power which counts e.g,sometime near after first world war

person with money was not even able to buy a single piece to bread.IT IS NOT



But have we ever thought about our "krinds" toward nature?What we are leaving

behind for future generations?-Polluted AIR,No fresh WATER,DISEASE, and we happy

to continue to live this way.TOMMOROW IS TERRIBLE.Glaisiers at HIMAYALAS,ALPS

everywhere are depleating rapidly,FOREST ARE UNDER FIRE(Currently Huge fire in


Same is the thing with other "krinds" e.g. parents,child.We want parents to love

us and they want us to respect them,but very rarely in some families it happens

that they get respected and we love,because noone even think to change

himself.One who has to change get changed silently.

I agree this is not easy in present senareio but until we have will to start and

follow the path how can we acieve goal.

Everyone want just one thing PEACE;and he is thinking that when everything will

be ok he will attain peace.But does everyhing get ok in our life?First we are

worried for money as financial security,if we get faniancially secured than some

other problem comes e.g.health problem/family quarrels/disrespect from

others/professional difficulties/natural calamity/legal disputes etc ,etc.we

keep worrying for whole life and never settle because peace is nowhere."JINDAGI



EVERYONE without any discrimination of caste, nationality, mothertongue, body


I am not pointing out this to you and I have no intantion to hurt anyone.I AM

TELLING THIS EVERYONE,and if anyone is benifited by this i will be very




With Regards,


Kuldhir Singh bhati


On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 Rajesh M.Kumaria wrote :

>Respected Kuldhir Singh Bhati,




>Thanks for your appreciation and I am myself glad that I still have

>the courage to speak the truth in these tough financial and complex

>times when everything has become so materialistic or materialism

>oriented in every sphere of life. People appreciate the truth but

>also simultaneously fear that it can result in complex developments

>which can make them controversial and may be harm them financially,

>so they get inclined to speak diplomatic truths, which are truths

>hidden in glamourous way…I do not blame them since everyone has

>become a slave to continuous and progressively growing materialism

>as time passes on, compared to 20 years ago, when materialism was

>considered bad(another extreme) and spiritualism was considered

>ideal. Today spiritualism is also being marketed in glamourous way

>and needs detailed advertisements , seminars, functions, TV

>programs, books and software etc., so as to become more affordable

>and conveniently available to those who can pay for it and sort of

>achieve it like any degree course.


>Now coming to RESPECTED MAHARSHI PARASHAR's elaboration of debts…

>Well he was right in his times, when the Kings were protectors and

>every man had good opportunities for growth and making money etc.,

>IN today's context of neck to neck competition in all spheres of

>life, man(or woman) can only execute their duties to the best of

>their physical abilities/ financial capability. What can a man do

>when the King himself is heartless and deceiving, in the name of

>free markets and international competition etc., I am talking about

>the farmers and Indian Govts of last several years. What have they

>really done anything for poor farmer? Why are they forced to commit

>suicides? When you are hurting the farmer who is most essential part

>of the entire nation's structure, then how can any nation hope to

>achieve real financial independence etc., We as part of same society

>are gradually becoming willing/unwilling partners of all these

>materialism generated sins. All these debts which you are describing

>were mentioned in times when the Kings were protectors and when the

>common man had more avenues of personal prosperity. Also they are

>all generated from an agriculture based society which considered all

>good men to be responsible for everything and for all other men to

>follow all such good men. Now when our very own Government and Banks

>of Independent India are torturing our very own farmers, then how do

>you expect them to pay all these debts to the society etc., Similar

>story will appear in smaller towns and cities where harsh

>industrialism, international competition and rising living costs

>have also devastated the city man(who are lucky to survive as they

>can take advantage of job changes, banking system, properties etc.,

>to survive.. at least they did not have to commit suicide in large

>numbers so far!) In short all these debts(ideological debts to

>father, mother, wife etc., ) have lost their meanings due to high

>expenditures, unemployment and rising living costs.



> No wonder everyone is running to lucky stones and miracles to

>achieve everything as soon as possible. However these ideological

>debts and ideological thoughts do torture the few good men(and few

>good women) who try to implement all these costly things in their

>lives and get financially and mentally ruined in the process, so

>much so that they are forced to live in death-like conditions, if

>not really dead yet.. So basically such good people get hurt and

>tortured every day(while others are busy telling them thay they

>should have done this and they should have done that for their

>family members etc).


>So my ideology says , "Forget about all these ideological

>developments and debts etc., when our very existence is in

>danger"..In today's context, Whatever one can do , without hurting

>oneself financially and physically, one should do for parents,

>children, wife/husband etc., So just do your Karma and also respect

>yourself." Did the Pandavas commit suicide after losing the entire

>empire to Kauravas deception? No they waited for suitable time to

>come back and fought their own gurus for their own rights? Can we

>say that they paid all their debts to their forefathers before the

>war? Is'nt that controversial, but then Lord Krishna was with them

>and so that signifies/implies that DHARAMA was with them all the

>time. Just take it easy and Just take life as it comes..if you

>become too idealistic , then you can land in more troubles and your

>very own people will be surprized at your own generated failures!

>Will they come to take you out of the ditch? Just think from this

>perspective and life will become clear to you. Did anyone come to

>save Balimiki Rishi, when he was a notorious thief and got arrested?

>Even his wife and children abandoned him in TRETAYUGA and this is

>only KALIYUGA Sir!

>Thanks and Regards

>Rajesh Kumaria


>, "kuldhir singh bhati"

><kuldhir_singh@r...> wrote:

> >

> > Respected Rajesh Kumaria

> > Namastey,

> >

> > First of all,thanks for your reply.You have spoken truth and there

>is nothing harsh in it.Indeed thanks for speaking truth(at least

>some people are left in this world who can do so).I was expecting

>this from at least one or other.This world is full of diversity,and

>i feel lucky to be greeted by your kind thoughts.

> > Actually there is no ego involved in my previous mail.I believed i

>may be knowing little about spirituality and many other things and

>hence posted mail just to know opinions and kind thoughts of other

>learned persons also.I am not trying to divert this group from its

>objectives and if anyone feel so i will be very happy to restrict


> > I posted my views only because i feel so sad about persons in

>trouble because many of them have forgotten basic principles of life

>laid done by our anchestors.Without fulfilling our responsibilities

>toward (guruji)-teacher,our parents(father and mother first of

>all),nature(which fulfill every basic requirement of us),divinity

>(which show us path of light when we are through darkness),nation

>and society,how can one be happy in his or her life just wearing

>gemstones and chanting mantras.It is no one else but only we make

>and change our world and surroundings.I read about

>some "krinds"(debts) enlightened in focus by RESPECTED MAHARSHI

>PARASHAR viz."krind" of "pitra"

>(anchestors) ,"matra"(mother),"stri"(wife),"sambandhi"(friends and

>others),"putri"(child) etc,etc,ect and various kind of conjugation

>of planets reflecting doshas present in native horoscope.Without

>even trying to credit to these "krinds" how can a person even think

>of relief from suffering!

> > My objective is not to expand my horizon or my boundaries or make

>others to follow my path forcfully.My aim is just to let my little

>knowledge help others for their benifit.Dharma has no boundaries.May

>be you are right when you say i have already reached the desired

>state of mind i.e., peaceful tranquility/live and let live,but how

>can i be happy with my own peace when others nearby me are crying.

> > Even now if anyone dont like my opinion;I AM SORRY.But i would be

>really very happy to see members relieved from pain of cruel

>happenings of this world.

> >

> > With Regards.

> > Kuldhir Singh Bhati.


> >

> > On Sun, 29 May 2005 Rajesh M.Kumaria wrote :

> > >Dear Mr Kuldhir Singh Bhati

> > >

> > >Well with all due regards, you have given some intelligent views


> > >you seem to know everything. So I am wondering why you are asking

> > >these questions in an astrological group, which is dedicated to

> > >discussing vedic astrology and possibly helping those who need

> > >guidance in their tough times? Perhaps you should/would get more

> > >view points on your topics in a religious group.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Is your ego involved here seriously and you are trying to


> > >everyone/divert the focus to religion? If no ego is involved then

> > >you have already reached the desired state of mind i.e., peaceful

> > >tranquility/live and let live. So why talk about death, when we


> > >still living and trying to so hard get our financial, emtional and

> > >materialistic objectives everyday? There is nothing sad about

> > >desires...rather desires lead to well defined objectives and


> > >live for them only...may be you are talking about uncontrolled

> > >desires and which are always bad anyway.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >You said, "Death will ultimately take away everything from us"...

> > >yes in a philosphical sense you are right, since we will all leave

> > >this world empty handed...yet there's a big difference between a

> > >rich man's life and death when compared to a poor man's life and

> > >death...Even in death, a rich man leaves tons of money for his

> > >survivors and gets a great funeral with all due respect and

> > >grandeur, while a poor man struggles throughout life and even


> > >after death for a proper funeral and some due respect at the end


> > >life...So you can see that the Goddess Lakshmi plays a great role

> > >even after death...yet there are others who struggle throughout


> > >for Lakshmi's blessings and go through many new lives and several

> > >deaths, during their life time itself...so you can see that the

> > >planets do play a great role in achieving various desires and

> > >personal objectives... if my views appear sharp/controversial,


> > >its not my intention to say so.... i have no intention to hurt

> > >anyone...i am just stating the harsh truth only.

> > >

> > >Thanks and Regards

> > >Rajesh Kumaria

> > >_

> > >

> > >

> > >, "kuldhir singh bhati"

> > ><kuldhir_singh@r...> wrote:

> > > > Respected Group members,

> > > > First of all thanks to everyone who replied to my previous mail

> > >LIFE and also to those wo dont replied.I am really thankful to

> > >learned gurus for their kind thoughts.It is very nice to be part


> > >this group.

> > > > Like any other scientific subject,field of astrology too is

> > >devoted to wefare of general being.So i would seek permission of

> > >group members for furthur extention of views on LIFE.

> > > > Yes, Happiness and Sorrow are two sides of the coin.Yes,there


> > >no stopping till death and we have to continously strive to


> > >our objectives.There is nothing wrong in it but what is so sad


> > >human being is their never ending desires.Other creatures of god


> > >live for food,they too reproduce but man has exploited nature for

> > >his desires,i.e.for nothing.Death will ultimately take away

> > >everything from us.

> > > > It is really difficult,rathar impossible,to know exactly what

> > >supream power want from us until we surrende ourself with all our

> > >ills and wills.Time is unstopable and we cannot change this,may be

> > >nothing is in our hand.It is very possible we may not get correct

> > >understanding of AIM OF LIFE because everyone here is vizualising

> > >this world in his own way.But i recall words of shikrishna he said

> > >at starting of 10th lesson of GEETA;

> > > > Neither saints nor devine persons knows the origine of GOD


> > >they themselve are his creativity.Indeed all of us get strength of

> > >understanding from prayers of GOD.GOD is without beginning and

> > >present here,everywhere,forever.

> > > > Hence i feel our aim must be to help everyone so that he can


> > >his life and his moral.We must learn to limit our desires.

> > > > My respected guruji disclosed to me:ONLY DHARMA PROTECT THOSE



> > > > With regards,

> > > > Kuldhir Singh Bhati

> > > > Kota,RAJASTHAN

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Links

> > >

> > >

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> > >

> >

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> >







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