Guest guest Posted June 15, 2005 Report Share Posted June 15, 2005 Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter June/July 2005 Michael Laughrin, Michael, business phone: (440) 582- 9848; cell phone: (440) 263-2159 To , send an email to: jyotish_ws- Contents of this newsletter © copyright 2005, Michael Laughrin unless otherwise noted. Contents: 1. Introduction to Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter 2. Skill and Dexterity in Jyotish 3. Jyotish and Fecundity (Fertility) 4. Weather Prediction and Vedic Astrology 5. Hart de Fouw Offers Special Accelerated Jyotish Foundation Course in July -------------- 1. Introduction to Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter is to educate and titillate the Jyotish- loving public. The opinions given within are solely those of the author. First, an announcement. This newsletter will now be issued every two months, instead of monthly. We did this to maintain its quality and length, and to protect me from the dangers of overwork. Thank you for your understanding. In this issue, read Alison Nielsen's nimbly produced article on "Skill and Dexterity in Jyotish." She also discusses "Jyotish and Fecundity" - fertility - which applies to far more than reproduction. Closely related to fertility in Jyotish is weather prediction. Read a chapter I wrote on "Weather Prediction and Vedic Astrology" for the book "Hindu Astrology Lessons," edited by the late Richard Houck (Groundswell Press, 1997). The complete book is available from You will need to view the charts related to this article to make sense of it. Links to the charts are in the article. Finally, read the announcement about a special accelerated course on basic Jyotish offered by Hart de Fouw. You can take in on your summer vacation in July/August in just two weeks! Hart de Fouw was my teacher and is the best Jyotish teacher I have ever worked with. Please visit my website at at your convenience. I offer Traditional/Classical Vedic Astrology, Intuitional Jyotish (Vedic Astrology based on deep intuition), Chakra Readings, and Advanced Structured Psychic Work (for deeper interpretation of your karmic pattern). - Michael Laughrin (Michael) -------------- 2. Skill and Dexterity in Jyotish By Alison Nielsen (premavratini) A famous quote from shastra states, "Yoga is skill in action." The American Heritage Dictionary defines skill as: 1)proficiency, ability, or dexterity 2) an art, trade, or technique, particularly one requiring the use of the hands or body. A dexterous person is usually able to acquire a wide base of skills with relative ease. Such people often display proficiency in a number of arts and crafts simultaneously; they may be good martial artists as well as great cooks and musicians with a facility for math or weaving. Each skill learned makes future additions easier to acquire because more and more connections between neurons in various areas of the brain are developed and the habit of holding a multifactor awareness in the midst of intense activity becomes second nature. In many systems of spiritual development, it is standard to have all acolytes develop a skill because of the way it grounds awareness in the physical body, which later prevents meditation from becoming mere mentation (thinking). There are several planetary yogas that point to a person likely to be innately dexterous and therefore adept at acquiring skills and skillful in any vocation or avocation they choose to pursue. The number one planet of skill is Mercury. He is associated with swiftness and grace of both physical and mental varieties. And most yogas describing skill include the involvement of Mercury. His association with another planet often gives skill in an area governed by that planet, because Mercury will take on the character and nature of any graha that influences him and add his own quickness to that planet's qualities. The number one house of skill is the third house, which also rules the hands, the tools most commonly used in the application of skill. In fact, shastra states that when the lord of the horoscope goes to third house, the person will be "endowed with all achievements." Another important house for skill is the house of intellect and creativity, the fifth house. And perhaps the consummate rashi of skill is Gemini, the natural third house of the zodiac, owned by the adept Mercury and an air sign, which also gives a certain swiftness. It is also the sign of artisans and entertainers. Any yoga involving skill that appears in Gemini will be distinctly enhanced. Important yogas for the display of dexterity are Saraswati Yoga, Kalanidhi Yoga, and the combination of Mercury particularly with Jupiter, Venus or Mars. His combining with the Sun or Moon may also give some intellectual or imaginative brilliance. However, that is not the same as the ability to be skillful, which usually involves both mind and body. Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and learning. This yoga consists of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in an angle, a trine or the second house while Jupiter is exalted or in his own or a friendly rashi. Such a yoga usually produces a person of great erudition who will display tremendous knowledge and will usually have a gift for musical arts, singing, and any other skill that involves wisdom or aesthetics. Venus and Jupiter are the two guru planets. They contribute greatly to the display of skill, creativity and intellect. Mercury's appearance with either one of them will give some of the effect of a Saraswati yoga. Such people excel at graphic arts, interior design, drawing etc. Kalanidhi means "treasure of digits." This yoga literally describes having a "treasure" in one's fingers and more directly than Saraswati, it implies skill with the use of the hands. It consists of Jupiter in the second or the fifth associated or aspected by Mercury and Venus, or Jupiter in the second or the fifth in the rashi of Mercury or Venus. By loose extension, we can conclude that when these three planets interact with each other in a horoscope in a positive house, the person will be likely to display skill, provided other indications do not negate it. The combination of Mars and Mercury also produces dexterity in a person, often of a physical and/or a fighting nature. Because of Mars's contrary nature and Mercury's facility for speech, this combination can also produce biting comedians and/or gifted liars and media people. Mercury displays his gifts very well in all of the air signs, particularly his own of Gemini. He can also do well in the fire signs, in Virgo, and in Capricorn. But he tends to stumble in the water signs, all of which are mute. It easy to see that a light graceful airy talkative fellow like Mercury would struggle in the heavy dense element of water. While his placement in such signs may not dim a person's intellectual brilliance, people with this configuration may still appear as bumblers, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and often lacking in physical grace. -------------- 3. Jyotish and Fecundity (Fertility) By Alison Nielsen (premavratini) In Jyotish, fertility can be considered separately from whether or not someone will become a parent. While it is a closely allied subject, there are other issues that come to bear on the likelihood of producing progeny, and fertility as a concept is something that can be applied to any house in a horoscope. Someone with a very fertile fourth house may own many homes or vehicles. Someone with a very fertile seventh house may have had many wives, lovers, or business partners. Someone with a fertile tenth house may be blessed with a multitude of career opportunities. The number one thing to look for in locating fertility in any area of a horoscope is water. The ancients knew it, modern science knows it, and anyone living in the rainforest knows it. Water produces life in abundance. It is no coincidence that the water rashis, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, are also the three rashis classified as "fruitful" or fully fertile. And they are the three rashis symbolized by creatures that give birth in hordes. Mammals give birth to one or two offspring at a time but crabs, scorpions and fish give birth to many, many offspring at once. The next sources of water are the watery planets who also happen to be the zodiac's natural benefics. Natural benefics are anabolic -- they support increases of all kinds. The three primary benefics are Jupiter, Venus and the bright Moon, all of whom are affiliated with the water element to one degree or another. The Moon and Venus actually rule the water element and Venus rules shukra dhatu, the actual tissue that produces offspring. While the mighty Jupiter governs space, he also rules Kapha dosha, which is composed of the water and earth elements. There are also five rashis described as semi-fruitful. They yield fertility but not with the same magnitude as the fertile rashis. They are Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. We can surmise that Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius are semi-fertile because Venus and Jupiter rule them, and Taurus has natural associations with fertility since it is an earth rashi and its symbol is the life- giving cow. In the case of Capricorn and Aquarius, they are both ardha-jala rashis, which means "half-water." The symbol for both rashis includes water--Capricorn's symbol is a makara, a crocodilian creature that inhabits water and Aquarius's symbol is that of a man holding a pot of water. One other source of "fertility" is the neuter Mercury, because he rules multiplicity. In any chart where one sees a powerful benefic or Mercury in a water rashi, there is the possibility of great fertility tied to the houses owned and occupied by that planet. Telling instances of such abundance exist in the horoscopes of Elizabeth Taylor, Albert Einstein and Hugh Hefner. Elizabeth Taylor has her seventh lord Venus exalted in Pisces in the fifth house aspected by exalted Jupiter from Cancer in the ninth house. As we all know, she has had over a dozen marriages. Albert Einstein has exalted Venus in Pisces in the tenth house conjunct debilitated Mercury. When one considers that that Venus rules his fifth house of the mind and the tenth house rules the sky, one again easily sees tremendous fertility. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has debilitated Mercury in the seventh house in Pisces. While this debilitated Mercury is not influenced by a strong benefic, Hefner's capacity for multiplicity is a big factor in his having consorted with an untold number of women. One client has a perfectly exalted Venus in his ninth house. He owns a fleet of Ferraris, Mercedes and Rolls Royces, boxes full of diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies, several Faberge eggs and countless other art treasures, and palatial homes on several continents. May we all be blessed with the fecundity most suited to our respective natures! -------------- 4. Weather Prediction and Vedic Astrology By Michael Laughrin (Michael) This chapter originally appeared in the book "Hindu Astrology Lessons," edited by Richard Houck (Groundswell Press, 1997). Three charts are essential to understanding this article. Since this is a text-only newsletter, I have posted these charts, and this article, at Ancient astrology is obviously allied with the weather. Otherwise, why would there be air signs, water signs, earth signs, and so forth? The traditional seven planets all related to one ore more of the elements (earth, air, fire, and water), although we won't get involved here with Vedic "ether." The Sun and Mars are hot, fiery, dry planets. The Moon and Venus are soft, watery, feminine planets. Ayurveda, and ancient Indian medical system, provides further correlations of the planets to the elements. Saturn is a Vata (airy), dry planet--not watery at all. Rahu resembles Saturn in its actions and significations; it is dried up and dark in color. Also Rahu and its partner in weirdness, Ketu, can bring very sudden changes in the weather. Ketu is similar to Mars in its qualities--hot and dry. Whenever one finds Mars and Ketu together in a Fire sign, one will tend to find unseasonably hot and dry weather. Mercury, being a very mutable planet, tends to pick up the qualities of the planets it is cojoined with or aspected by. When it is with the Moon or Venus, it also is a watery planet. Jupiter is also a semi-watery planet, especially when posited in water signs or in some relationship with Venus or the Moon. So, using a little bit of logic, which is certainly allowed in astrology, if we find watery planets in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), strongly placed in a chart--especially in the angular Houses (1,4,7 and 10)--it would certainly be reasonable to predict precipitation for the period covered by the chart. On the other hand, if hot planets (Sun, Mars and Ketu) and dry planets (Saturn and Rahu) are found in fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) in a strong position in the chart, and if indications for rain are weak, one is pretty safe in predicting very hot and desert-like conditions. Warning: the budding weather astrologer must never forget the normal weather distribution for the geographical region he is predicting for, and he must always remember the season. For example, indications of precipitation for Los Angeles in the Summer and Seattle in the Summer, using the same exact chart, will be rather different since L.A. is basically a desert area, and Seattle is more or less a rain forest. Again, allow some common sense to prevail. With these bare-bone basics, when and how does one cast a weather prediction chart to be able to predict the weather for a given day? The best way to approach this is by way of an example. I'll use my wedding as an example because I did a great deal of work on this chart, and in the process, discovered a number of classical principles from the ancient Vedic texts on Jyotish. The wedding (meant to be only a reception--it became my 2nd wedding to the same woman) occurred on Saturday, June 18, 1994, at about 2:30 P.M. EDT in Cleveland, Ohio. The special consideration that is recommended by Prasna marga, an ancient Sanskrit text on astrology, to predict weather is to set up a chart for the exact time of the entry of the Sun into a new sign in order to predict the weather for the appropriate period. This is referred to as the solar ingress in Western astrology, but of course, here we are speaking sidereally. For example, the Sun's ingress into sidereal Gemini (see Chart #1 at ) will show the general weather patterns for the whole month of "Sun in Gemini" (approximately June 14 to July 14) for where the chart is cast. Notice that we have Sagittarius, a very hot and fiery sign, on the Ascendant, aspected by that hottest of all planets--the Sun. And since Mercury is with a hot and dry planet, it becomes hot and dry itself. The two most watery planets (Moon and Venus) cannot promise us much rain because the Moon is in Leo (a hot and dry sign), and Venus, although in the very wet sign of Cancer, cannot much increase precipitation because of its weak position in the 8th house. Also it neither aspects, no is it aspected by, any other watery or semi- watery planet. Furthermore, in the Navamsha chart, Venus is found in the hot sign of Leo. The hot and dry influences win out over the rainy ones for this 30- day period. An important rule of thumb that I have evolved is to count the number of planets (including the Ascendant) in odd (masculine or dry) signs versus those in even (feminine or wet) signs and see which side is greater. Be sure to also count the planets and Ascendant in the Navamsha chart. In this case we have 9 out of 10 planets in odd signs in Rashi and 8 out of 10 planets in dry signs in the Navamsha chart. This rule of Thumb is never sufficient to be used by itself, but it can add weight to the argument for or against rain. Here we have a clear case of the Sun in Gemini being a very hot and dry month. The Sun's ingress into Aries is used to predict the weather both for the year ahead and the quarter ahead, i.e., until the Sun enters Cancer. See Chart #2 at . Here we have a mixed prediction as far as rain is concerned. Six out of 10 planets are in wet signs in the Rashi chart, and fix out of 10 planets are in a strong position in the Rashi. Mercury, being conjoined with hot and dry Mars, becomes a hot planet itself. The Moon, although exalted and posited in the 9th house, is with Ketu, a hot and dry influence. Venus cannot promise too much rain being with the Sun in Aries, and in the 8th house--although it will give some precipitation because it is in its own sign in the Navamsha. My conclusion of the effects of this Aries ingress chart on rain for the three months from April 13 to July 13 is that there will be normal rains, or a little less, with somewhat hotter than normal temperatures. Last, but definitely not least, see Chart #3 at . This is the chart of the day of the wedding itself. This chart should carry the most weight for weather for that day --about 40%. The monthly ingress chart (Sun into Gemini--Chart #1) is 2nd and gets 30%; the yearly chart (Sun into Aries) is 3rd and gets roughly 20%. Other factors, such as the Sun's entry into the Nakshatra Mrigashira, and the Sun's entry into the quarter of a particular Nakshatra, receive the other 10%. As this monograph is designed to be only a brief overview of weather prediction, we will not go into these numerous subtle factors here. Some authorities assert that one should cast a chart for the exact moment of sunrise, i.e., the exact conjunction of the Sun with the ascending degree, for the chart of the day. I use the chart either with the Moon as the Ascendant, or I don't use the Ascendant at all. In the latter case I just determine the strength of planets from their sign placements, the aspects they receive, and their Navamsha placement. This is the method I am illustrating here. Let's first examine the watery planets, then the hot and dry planets, and see which group is stronger in this chart. Yes, the moon is vargottama in Virgo, indicating possible moisture. But it is in the last degree of its sign, and this is traditionally considered very weak. Also, and perhaps more important, the Moon neither casts, no receives, an aspect from any other watery or semi-watery planet. Venus is in the watery sign of Cancer in the Rashi and in its own sign of Libra in the Navamsha. But again, it is not reinforced by a relationship with any other watery planet. Both Jupiter and Mercury are nullified as watery planets as Jupiter is aspected by Mars, and Mercury is conjunct with the Sun. Both of them are also retrograde. Now let's review the hot planets: the Sun, Mars and Ketu. The Sun is in the masculine sign of Gemini in the Rashi, and it is in the Nakshatra of Mars, another hot planet. Mars it triply hot and dry in this chart. First it is in its own sign of Aries. Second, it is conjoined with Ketu. And third, in the Navamsha chart it is in its own sign and conjunct with the Sun. Mars it at full strength as an extremely hot and dry indicator. Ketu has four factors that contribute to its heating effect. First, it is in Aries. Second, it is conjunct Mars. Third, it is found in a star ruled by the Sun. And fourth, in the Navamsha it is in Sagittarius, a fire sign. It is clear that the fiery planets are much stronger than the watery planets in the chart. In fact, the day was so hot and dry (in the 90's!) that it was almost uncomfortable-- BUT NO RAIN! The clincher was the conjunction of Mars and Ketu in Aries. While this conjunction existed (from around May 15, 1994 to around June 25, 1994) there was, in fact, very little rain and the temperature was unseasonably high. As soon as Mars entered Taurus, and the Sun entered the Nakshatra of Ardra, ruled by Rudra, the Lord of thunderstorms, there were huge thunderstorms and very heavy rains for about 10 days. This example provides us a pretty good method to determine, with about 75% accuracy, what the weather (at least as far as precipitation is concerned) will be like on any give day at any given place. To sum up, here is what we must do: 1. Cast the chart for the day you want to predict for. 2. Cast the chart for the exact minute of the Sun's entry into the sign it currently occupies. 3. Cast the chart for the Sun's ingress into either Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn (whichever quarter of the year is applicable). 4. (Optional) Cast the chart for the Sun's entry into Aries if it has not been done at point #3 just above. Apply the methods I have outlined to determine whether the hot planets (Sun, Mars and Ketu) or watery planets (Moon, Venus, and sometimes Mercury and Jupiter) are stronger and predict accordingly. If the two groups of planets are equal, predict normal prescription and temperature for the appropriate time period and geographical location. -------------- 5. Hart de Fouw Offers Special Accelerated Jyotish Foundation Course in July Hart de Fouw is the very best teacher of Jyotish, in my opinion (Michael). He was a teacher to both Michael Laughrin and Alison Nielsen. It usually takes 6 weeks to complete this course. Now you can take it in 2 weeks on your summer vacation. Hart de Fouw is very organized. The course flows; there are lots of exercises and examples; it's not too fast, and you really learn the basics. The course takes place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sign up right away if you are interested. The dates are July 23 - August 6 2005 (with 2 one-day breaks). This stand-alone course doubles as your platform for continuing studies in Jyotish. Whatever your level of Jyotish at present, the Jyotish Foundation course builds your knowledge and ability systematically. Make this your first step in the amazing Jyotish Trilogy. You do not need any prerequisite for this course. This course, in turn, is your prerequisite for entry into the Intermediate Jyotish course (part of the Jyotish Trilogy). Note: All written registration cancellation requests received prior to the first day of class will be refunded, less a $50 administration fee. There are no refunds once the course has started. $1,400 Canadian after June 1st; deposit of $700 required; balance of tuition is due first day of class. (The total course fee is about $1,130 US dollars.) To sign up, make check or money order payable to: Hart de Fouw P.O. Box 150710 San Rafael, California 94915 Location of course: Vidya Institute Yoga Studio, 208 Christie St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada For more information, contact Aletha 415-457-1154 or visit -------------- Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter Michael Laughrin, Michael, business phone: (440) 582- 9848; cell phone: (440) 263-2159 To , send an email to: jyotish_ws- Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at: Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to send an email message to jyotish_ws-. 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