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Attn: Balaji Pl reply Sharad ji - 27 Oct 1971; 09:04 pm; Bombay [18n58, 72e50]

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Dear Sri Balaji,

Sometime ago you had predicted the following for me.

I thank you for the same. I am happy to inform you I

had got married on 2nd June in Hyderabad, India and

have since returned to US. Hopefully my bride would

join me in a couple of months here. I thank you once

again for your analysis. I would be highly obliged if

you could tell me as to when can I expect her to join

me and when could I get a steady job.


Thanks once again



--- Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji



> Sharad ji,


> The Native has Vakra Sani in Lagna, but this is not

> much cause

> for concern because the Lagna is Vrishaba, for which

> Sani is a

> Raja Yoga Karaka. However, Vrishaba is also fixed

> sign, and

> Sani, as the lord of the 9th, is a Badhakadipati.

> When one

> considers that said Sani is Neecha in Navamsa, one

> realizes that

> some problems are liable to be present in the houses

> that Sani

> aspects, namely the 3rd, the 7th, and the 10th. The

> latter two,

> which concern marriage and career, seem to be

> getting delayed.


> The educational qualificiations of the native are

> perhaps good

> because Budha, who is known for intelligence, is the

> lord of the

> 2nd and though he is in the inimical 6th, he is also

> the lord of

> the 5th conjunct the Lagnadipati. From Chandra

> Lagna, Sani

> aspects the 2nd, which is his own house. Still,

> either way you

> look at it, the 2nd is slightly afflicted, and

> maybe, the

> native, while highly qualified, would have faced

> stumbling

> blocks, and perhaps have picked up education slowly,

> and may

> even be personally unhappy with his qualifications,

> though they

> might be good. This is just a thought, and I would

> welcome your

> confirmation on this.


> Surya is Neecha in Rasi, but gets Neecha Banga

> because he is in

> a Kendra from Chandra, and also because his

> dispositor, Sukra,

> is also in a Kendra from Chandra. Additionally, the

> graha which

> would be uccha in the said house, Sani, is in a

> Kendra from

> Lagna. Chandra is in Sani's house, conjunct Rahu,

> but since

> Chandra is Uccha in Navamsa, the affliction to the

> mind will not

> be high. Additionally, Lagnadipati Sukra is in his

> own house,

> unafflicted (though Surya is in the same house,

> Sukra is a

> comfortable 16 degrees away, and thus escapes

> combustion), and

> provides Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga from Chandra

> Lagna.


> The lord of the 5th, Budha, is in the 6th, and this

> is bad, but

> since Budha is in a friendly house, the affliction

> will be

> reduced. Marriage is delayed because Sani aspects

> the 7th from

> both Lagna as well as Chandra Lagna. Additionally,

> the 7th is

> occupied by Guru, the lord of the 8th. However,

> since the native

> is running Guru Dasa [Jan 2003 - Jan 2019; Guru

> Bukti until Mar

> 2005], there is a good chance for the marriage to

> happen in the

> current period. Try hard, and if it doesn't happen,

> don't worry,

> because the next bukti is that of Sani's, and Sani

> Bukti [Mar

> 2005 - Sep 2007] is also conducive to marriage

> because he

> aspects the 7th from both Lagna and Chandra Lagna.

> Some problems

> are possible because the lord of this house, Kuja,

> is aspected

> by Sani. Kuja is also in a Rasi Sandi.


> Guru is not a great benefic for Vrishaba Lagna, but

> he is

> Vargotamma, and also aspects the 11th, which is his

> own house,

> and so this indicates good profits. However, since

> Sani aspects

> the 10th, which is also his own, he will delay, but

> still lend

> strength to this house. So, the native's career will

> progress

> slowly, but will generally be solid. The hiccups are

> liable to

> be increased by the fact that Kuja, the lord of the

> 12th, is in

> the 10th. From Chandra Lagna, the 10th is occupied

> by Neecha

> Surya, the lord of the 8th. Fortunately, both the

> Trikonadipatis, Sukra and Budha, are also here, and

> more

> importantly, conjunct. This should help with career

> matters.

> Since the 10th is strengthened both from Lagna and

> Chandra Lagna

> by aspect/presence of own lord, career should not be

> a great

> hassle in the long run.


> In the interim period, as per Gochara, Guru (9) is

> beneficial,

> while Rahu (4), Ketu (10), and Sani (7) are not.

> But, Sani will

> move back into the 6th house shortly, while Rahu

> will move into

> the 3rd, and these two will be favourable. Ask your

> friend to

> keep making efforts on the marriage and career

> front, things

> will definitely improve if he prays to God.



> ***


> For Srav, Sury affecting Jeys [24] = -0

> For Srav, Sury affecting Push [14] = -2

> For Srav, Sury affecting Swat [21] = -2

> For Srav, Sury affecting Aswi [07] = -2

> (Srav.Sury -6

> For Srav, Chan affecting Chit [20] = +2

> For Srav, Chan affecting PBha [04] = +2

> For Srav, Chan affecting Mool [25] = +0

> For Srav, Chan affecting Mrig [11] = +2

> (Srav.Chan 6

> For Srav, Budd affecting Jeys [24] = +2

> For Srav, Budd affecting Push [14] = +0

> For Srav, Budd affecting Swat [21] = +0

> For Srav, Budd affecting Aswi [07] = +0

> (Srav.Budd 2

> For Srav, Sukr affecting Vish [22] = +2

> For Srav, Sukr affecting Dhan [02] = +2

> For Srav, Sukr affecting Anur [23] = +0

> For Srav, Sukr affecting Krit [09] = +2

> (Srav.Sukr 6

> For Srav, Kuja affecting Vish [22] = -0

> For Srav, Kuja affecting Dhan [02] = -0

> For Srav, Kuja affecting Anur [23] = -2

> For Srav, Kuja affecting Krit [09] = -0

> (Srav.Kuja -2

> For Srav, Guru affecting Hast [19] = +1

> For Srav, Guru affecting UBha [05] = +0

> For Srav, Guru affecting Arid [12] = +0

> For Srav, Guru affecting PAsh [26] = +2

> (Srav.Guru 3

> For Srav, Sani affecting Purn [13] = -0

> For Srav, Sani affecting Mool [25] = -2

> For Srav, Sani affecting PBha [04] = -0

> For Srav, Sani affecting UPha [18] = -0

> (Srav.Sani -2

> For Srav, Rahu affecting Aswi [07] = -2

> For Srav, Rahu affecting PPha [17] = -0

> For Srav, Rahu affecting Rohi [10] = -1

> For Srav, Rahu affecting Jeys [24] = -0

> (Srav.Rahu -3

> For Srav, Ketu affecting Swat [21] = -2

> For Srav, Ketu affecting Sata [03] = -2

> For Srav, Ketu affecting Jeys [24] = -0

> For Srav, Ketu affecting Rohi [10] = -1

> (Srav.Ketu -5

> {Srav.

> -1


> The score is a trifle low, and while Guru and Sukra

> protect day

> from Sani and Kuja, the Lagna is afflicted by Sani,

> Rahu, and

> Kuja, with only a little help from Sukra. Sukra by

> itself cannot

> overcome such a massive affliction.


> The Janma Nakshtra (1) is fortunately unafflicted,

> but Rahu and

> Ketu are affecting Karma Nakshtra (10), and this

> will cause a

> lot of problems on the work front. Sani's aspect on

> the Uday

> Nakshtra (18) and the Manas Nakshatra (25) means

> slow progress,

> and a great deal of mental trauma. The Vinash

> Nakshatra (23) is

> affected by Kuja, but there doesn't seem to be any

> great harm

> because Sukra also aspects it. Finally, Guru, by

> aspecting

> Adhana Nakshatra (19) and Raj Nakshatra (26), holds

> a

=== message truncated ===







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