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Dear Dharmesh,


In last one year I purchased many books written by SJC people or based on

theories propagated and supported by SJC. Even at my seniority level, I consider

myself to be a learner of astrology hence wanted to clarify some doubts and

questions I had about their theories.


I have full respect for Shri Sanjay Rathji and Shri Narshhima Raoji , their

educational background and their devotion for the subject. You have to

understand any activity of this kind you do should have a business model so that

it becomes sustaining one and you do not have to close it in between. So I do

not think anything wrong if they are charging for some of the services and give

many other services free.


Anyway I am stopping discussion from my side on this subject.


Sorry for cross posting.


Best wishes,


Anil Gogate



Wednesday, July 06, 2005 8:21 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] sanjay rath, PV narshimha rao and sjc




Yah Anil Ji my style does not match with u, but wht hv written in

this list only proving that they are manupulator. If we can not say

thief to thief then what? and one more thing i donot know astrology

and above to all I do not want to make people fool like Sjc. If u are

denying to tell them thief then in reality u are also a thief.why u

are trying to protect them Always write as u are some shakespear..let

this massage expend all over net.



-- In , Anil VSNL <gogatea@v...>


> Dear Dharmesh,


> I have gone through your messages and the link which you have

provided. I think you have no substantial point to be made, Quality

of your communication is poor and choice of language is horrible. You

are making same posting again and again. Also anyone's personal

issues need not be mentioned in the forum unless they are relevant to

the forum's activity.


> So I suggest if all your points are exhausted, please stop posting.

And if you start posting by assuming different names they will have

to moderate every email causing further delays.


> I sincerely wish you start your own forum and show how ideal

astrological forum should be.


> I hope now sanity prevails and you stop posting. We have understood

all the messages you are trying to give.


> Best wishes,


> Anil

> -

> dharmesh_microsof


> Wednesday, July 06, 2005 6:35 AM

> [vedic astrology] sanjay rath, PV narshimha rao and

sjc thief



> Pls read the following site....and decide

> urself.www.jyotishdigest.com

> Dear Neeraj, Good to hear you.Yah i will say u that a person who

> went, after passing his mechanical engineer in foreign. And not

> doing service there. U know a person is in foreign can give the


> for free? Now why free?

> See if u are in foreign u can understand that If poor Indians get

> some thing free they thanxs to the persons lacs times. And this


> what he is taking profits.I am mentioning some points below.U can

> undesrtand,


> 1-yah they hv knowedge of predicting by different and advanced

> methods but u know an astrologer can give predictions on his

> intutions by his limited methods also but SJC is stoping all

> astrologers bread gathering here some astrologers who are giving

> free predictions, thinking some day they will become SJC member

> after that sjc guru. And they will earn more.


> 2- They are providing free things but they are also earning in

> carror and in that spending in some thousands to be popular.


> 3- Gentle Indians if get something in free thanxs again and again

> and can be traped easily,Like politicians hv also huge amount and

> spend some in it to find VOTES.



> To give some free reading is a method to finish a lot of


> breads? Now How? See all astrologers are not here of SJC. They


> participating here for getiing some more knowledge and ultimately

> who is getting profit?? U can find out SJC..

> All astrologers can not find even 1000 rs as here on Net in this

> group os providing free readings and on this basis of this sjc


> earning huge amount???



> Dharmesh


> Neeraj Gupta <gupta_neeraj_2000> wrote:


> ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


> Hi Dharmesh,


> I think you have just joined the group and you do not

> about PVR Ji and Sanjay Rath Ji.


> I am not the member of Varahmirah and I have not paid

> to anybody. Still I have recieved the expert advise

> from Sanjay Rath Ji, Visti Ji, PVR Ji, Ramdas Rao Ji

> and other gurus. They are not here for money.


> You might not be knowing that PVR Ji conducts classes

> for Vedic Astrology in Boston the audio for the

> classes along with handouts is available free of cost.


> About the books, you might have seen some cheap books

> that comes for Rs. 100. The books priced by Sagar

> Publications (I have almost all the books of Sanjay

> Rath and the only book of PVR Ji and I wish to

> purchase the book about Thithi Pravesh, whenever PVR

> Ji is going to release it).


> Tell me in which of the book by any other author

> costing Rs. 100/- in India describes the following:


> 1. Kala Chakra Dasha.

> 2. Narayana Dasha

> 3. Drig Dasha

> 4. Sarvottabhadra Chakra

> 5. Principles of Argala

> 6. Determining Ishta, Dharma Devta etc.

> 7. Calculating Rudra, Maheshwara, etc with examples.


> and there are numerous other dasha systems that I have

> seen only in books by PVR Ji and Sanjay Ji.


> Tell the name of any book costing Rs. 100/- or even a

> bit more that covers such a detailed explanations of

> various topics.


> If PVR Ji and Sanjay Ji were after money, there was no

> point in offering the full JHL software. Compare it

> with any other software available worldwide and I am

> sure, you will not get the detailed calculations,

> customizations offered in this free JHL. I have used

> plenty of Vedic Astrology Softwares and the features

> in JHL surpass the other softwares by huge huge margin

> and this is free of Cost. You can see calcuations for

> approximately for a large number of dasha systems that

> are not even mentioned in other softwares.


> Sanjay Ji has offered his book "Narayna Dasha" free of

> cost and it is available for download (free).


> Just one suggestion for you. Do not make comments

> about someone until you know him / her. Compare the

> knowledge of SJC gurus with any other local astrologer

> and you will see the difference.


> Regards,


> Neeraj Gupta




> --- dharmesh_mirosoft <dharmesh_mirosoft>

> wrote:


> > Dear group members Don't go in trap of SJC. I tell u

> > what is this.

> > It is only a free group. In which narshimha has

> > increasing the

> > groups members to increase there majority.Now I tell

> > u some points..

> >

> > 1- here the astrologers who are serving are general

> > astrologers not

> > SJC memers and doing service free for this group and

> > the NAME goes

> > to SJC???Why any profit to anyone..yes only to SJC,

> > when they want

> > can take donation as u can see in previous mailing

> > list....

> >

> > 2- they are running group named varahmirah??

> > now see they are misguiding telling sjc gurus? will

> > teach u depsoit

> > some fee to enter in varahmirah and get ur guruji???

> > But those so called gurus has not any time to teach

> > there puples..

> > The only pupose is to seelling SJC books as well as

> > CD...

> > There are so many good books in india only of cost

> > 100 and they are

> > looting the pblics..

> >

> > Don't come in this group...........

> > Dharmesh( rational manager)

> > Lucknow

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >















> --




> a.. Visit your group "" on the web.


> b..



> c.. Terms

of Service.



> --





















a.. Visit your group "" on the web.












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