Guest guest Posted July 27, 2005 Report Share Posted July 27, 2005 Dear Mark, I went to your and read the article on Saturn which was simply terrific! I could see how my negative Saturn was being reflected in my actions like sleeping late, pushing hard, being out of tune and creating stress for myself. Dear Sanjit: Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I know what you mean, when I learned that my negatively, functioning or malefic Saturn helped me understand why I hated going to bed on time, and not getting or even understanding the importance of rest, and rejuvenation; then I began to make a conscious desire to better understand Saturn! (See below for response to your other thoughts.) "sanjit" <sanjitdutt "The Astroexperts" <TheAstroexperts Mon, 25 Jul 2005 19:32:42 -0700 "The Astroexperts" <TheAstroexperts Re: 2-Sanjit: ....Re: Long transit of Mars in Aries from 18.07.05tillFeb.2006 >> New Message on The Astroexperts <> 2-Sanjit: ....Re: Long transit of Mars in Aries from 18.07.05tillFeb.2006 >> Reply Reply to Sender Recommend Message 16 in Discussion sanjit Dear Mark, I went to your / and read the article on Saturn which was simply terrific! I could see how my negative Saturn was being reflected in my actions like sleeping late, pushing hard, being out of tune and creating stress for myself. It's wonderful to hear you so clearly describe the benefit of being able to understand one's planets, (and in this case Saturn), .... more clearly. Yours is a very great, positive, beneficial experience of the power and wisdom of Astrology. During my sadesati, when I look back now, I realize that things would have been so much more different if I hadnt pushed so much. The harder I tried the more balance I lost and things kept getting more out of hand. Patience is truly the biggest virtue that we can develop to offset a negative Saturn. This too is a good experience. In fact all Saturn moments, sade sat periods, Saturn dasas, and even, Saturn transits, are all there, to show us how we're doing with Saturn, in this example. Too often, I think, people just think that life's Astrological feedbacks are just karmic. However, once we've learned the lesson, say in the transits, then, future transits don't have to be so negative. I'll give you an example. When I first started studying the stars, (Transits), I noticed every month, feeling very rough, and almost depressive around the New Moon! This initially was kind of depressing and made me feel very vulnerable and weak. It helped a little bit when I looked at my chart and realized this might be due to my Sun & Moon, only 1 house away from each other. In other words, I was born with the Moon very small. So, intuitively I thought, this negative transit, might be Nature, trying to tell me something. I then began experimenting with what is the Nature of the Moon, and was there a unique message for me, both in my chart, and especially in the pain of that New Moon, transit? After awhile it also occured to me that the Moon's doing something to us, or with us, as it plays out it's two Waxing & Waning cycles. After awhile I realilzed that the Waning cycle just wasn't a cycle about emptyness, or weakness of the Moon, as you often read about. The Moon waxes and wanes, a lot like the daily cycle of rest and activity; at night and then, during the day. I realized that the Moon, when it's Waning, is encouraging us to go inward and rest. You can even experience this, in your body. Then, once you recognize or learn to give in to this quality, inside, then, you can begin to notice, that the Waxing periods, are stronger, and more full of energy and dynamism. Very similar to resting more deeply at night and enjoying that greater dynamism, during the next day! When I read your observations, I feel that they come more out of experiences, observation and especially, introspection. What makes you go so deep inside, I mean astrologically, which planet makes you so introspective? When I was very young, I just felt very shy, and self-conscious with periods of worry, and especially some depression, here and there. That experience along with a strong spiritual 'seeking', helped me search for things like Meditation. I learned to meditate in college many years ago, (1970), and every day that I meditated, I noticed feeling better and better! Now, I understand that 'meditation' has a great potential for expanding and developing both the Moon, & the Sun's in us! Later, (1988), when I first began studying Jyotish I realized that that 'depressive', shy, part came from my very small Moon in the 12th, (ie. Sun in the 11th house), along with a Saturn in my 12th as well. I think my Moon/Saturn conjunction does have the potential of being introspective.... However, .... I think my Moon/Saturn conjunction, led me to be depressive when I was young, but because my Saturn was acting soooo malefically, early on in my life. I also have, however, my Jupiter in Pisces, in the opposite house/sign, in the 6th house, which I also think describes a fairly curious, and seeking quality goings on. Then, as various remedial measures began to help improve my Saturn and eventually, even, my Moon, then the positive side of my Moon/Saturn conjunction started to become more available! Your mind seems to probe and question each tiny thing with astrology and establish a connection. I find having introspective powers as a great advantage because if you dont question, you wont find answers. Also, does having a Libra ascendant help you in any way, particularly against Saturn? I can't even begin to describe all the wonderful things that have come to me, since learning to meditate, in the early 70's.... More wakefulness inside. Less stress, more peace of mind, more expansion of mind, and each day as one meditates, the mind has a potential to unfold! This Moon/Saturn, with Jupiter simultaneous conjunction and aspect, I think expresses why I have both a Moon/Jupiter nature, along with a Moon/Saturn nature. Before I learned Jyotish & meditation, however, more of the negative side of the Moon/Saturn conjunction dominated! Your mind seems to probe and question each tiny thing with astrology Ahhhh, this may be due to my Moon in Virgo! Not a lot of great attributes to Moon in Virgo, hehe, too critical, seeing the faults, etc. but once I learned to stop being so obsessive, and a perfectionist, then, more of the positive side of Moon/Virgo started to pop up. Also, does having a Libra ascendant help you in any way, particularly against Saturn? I've found that those with strong Saturns, or as in my case, SAturn is Yogakaraka, because of that Libra Rising; Saturn is verrrrrry important. When I didn't get Saturn when I was younger, it was very wildly malefic, especially being in the 12th house, but as I learned to surrender, both in meditation, and later, with Jyotish, then, the more profound and wonderful qualities of Saturn started to if, pop up! Best regards, Sanjit Nice talking with you! Sincerely, Mark Kincaid ps.... I think the greatest thing I've learned from Astrology/Jyotish, is that life is progressive! Life is not just about our fates or karmas, but, even more importantly; about our opportunities for growth and personal change. And, like if we find ourselves under the grip of accidents or accident prone qualites; eventually we begin to understand that 'Nature's' trying to tell us something! Then, once we get it, "Oh, I'm going to fast!", then we begin to change and even improve ourselves. Now I understand the positive and negative consequences of our chart, or experiences in life, are there to show us how we're presently doing with each of our Astrological planets! ciao! Jai Guru! Astrologer Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved / 1 641 472-0000. View other groups in this category. <> document.write(' Also on MSN: Start Chatting | Listen to Music | House & Home | Try Online Dating | Daily Horoscopes To stop getting this e-mail, or change how often it arrives, go to your E-mail Settings. Need help? If you've forgotten your password, please go to Passport Member Services. For other questions or feedback, go to our Contact Us page. If you do not want to receive future e-mail from this MSN group, or if you received this message by mistake, please click the "Remove" link below. On the pre-addressed e-mail message that opens, simply click "Send". Your e-mail address will be deleted from this group's mailing list. Remove my e-mail address from The Astroexperts. 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