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2-Pankaj: re..... Is really Jyotish vidya helping man? >> Mark Kincaid 7/30

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i am abslute naive to this field, some absolute prediction of some

of the respected astrologer diverted my interest in this field

Tbere prdictions are based on the planetary position when the

native was born, no doubt some are very correct, then my question is


if everything in our life is going on is predecided as per the

planetary position when we got birth (and the native is not

responsible at all for the time and location, then what is the role

of KARMA in his life?



Dear Pankaj:



You bring up, of course, a very important point. In life, there exists both

these qualities:

pre-determinism, and freedom.


At every stage of life, both these qualities co-exist.


The growth of life, in fact, is towards more and more, freedom and ability

to rise up,

above 'fate', alone.


This problem, though is very deep, because intellectually, the mind, or

intellect wants to

say, how can both co-exist?


Either we have pre-conditionings, and no freedom of choice, or we have

freedom and everything

is not pre-determined.



See below:




"12345" <jtobdg


Sat, 30 Jul 2005 18:53:31 -0000


Is really Jyotish vidya helping man?



namaskar, to all respected astrologers,

i am abslute naive to this field, some absolute prediction of some

of the respected astrologer diverted my interest in this field

Tbere prdictions are based on the planetary position when the

native was born, no doubt some are very correct, then my question is


if everything in our life is going on is predecided as per the

planetary position when we got birth (and the native is not

responsible at all for the time and location, then what is the role

of KARMA in his life?


Karma of our charts are like seeds being planted.


if we plant a banana seed, we're going to get a banana tree!


However, we still have freedom, to either water it, or not.


There lies our freedom, whether we work well with our charts, or not.


We do have freedom of choice.




if his KARMA is as per his horo then why he is blame or

appriciated for his deeds ?


Because I believe in karma: "as you sow, so shall you reap", then it

follows that I believe

in my ability to take responsibility and make even better actions for




vice versa if the karmas are regulated by desitiny/horoscopes

then can we change our destiny by our karm(deeds)?



yes, not only do I believe we can, I also believe we're even born to do



We we're just born to be like puppets, living out the pre-determined

qualities, but,...

to also, grow, improve and become better!


In Jyotish, this is called the Remedial measures or remedies....




the astrologers have only predictions do they have any solution

for the welfare of mankind to neutralise the effects of planetary



More and more interest is now being expressed all about this aspect of

Jyotish, called






I am sorry if my questions annoyed you. iwant to learn about

this science your answers definatly help me and others like me


No, this is a very important question, and if you check out past messages,

you'll come across

many discussions about just this....





With regards



I think this is one of the reasons for this great interest in this group:

"Jyotish Remedies",


because this is the key to life, as well as Jyotish.


If life was just our fate, then there wouldn't be any point.


The fact that we can not only see the dangers on the horizon, but, we can

also learn how to

avoid those dangers,...is the real purpose of Jyotish, and all Vedic





Mark Kincaid






















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