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perception of god

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Dear friends


While attributing various gods to various planets and recommending worship to

the concerned god, I sometimes feel we are deviating from the truth, for god is

one and only manifestations are many. "Ekam Sat, Vipraa Bahudhaa Vadanti"

reality is only one living force (god) behind all sentient beings. So instead

of us recommending this god or that god for worship, shall we be realistic in

just inculcating spirituality and devotion and guide people to walk on the right

path to reach god as told in Gita and by Ved Vyas. In many puranas, we have

seen vishnu praising shiva and saying that he is the supreme god (when he fell

one short of his sahasra lotus archana to shiva, he plucked his eye and placed

at the feet of shiva), shiva says to parvati that he always chant "raam" and it

is the secret behind his success, shiva also says that all gods and goddesses

are created from one force only and that brahma, vishnu and shiva all are equal.

In islam, there is no shape to the god and they

just praise the god. Christians have three different versions of seeing jesus

as god, son of god and messenger of god. If we go by jesus example, even lord

saibaba is a messenger of god but crores of people worship himself as god.

these days many gurus who come on tv screens (like sermons on the mount) preach

their visitors to treat them as god and their disciples keep huge photos of

their guru on the houses, businesses and cars and parade his photo as if he is

god and sing their own tailor-made aarti of the guru. modern scientists may say

that even a rainbow has several colours, if we spin the wheel, it gives only one

white colour but these days some newage astrologers have cropped up advocating

colour therapy and it is the latest inthing or in vogue. In a recent posting,

one member observed Kalki (the demi-god) as the avtaar of this yuga. It is

written in several holy scriptures that after the buddha avtaar, the Kalki

avtaar would happen at the fag end of the kali yug (in

the last 800 years) which is several lakhs of years from now.

as you said aright, all our postings or understanding of scriptures is only our

perception and we shall continue our learning for reaching closer to the truth,

which may take full life time or many more births.

the forum of late has become active with sharing and dissemination of light

(knowledge) and with continued march on this path of knowledge


with best wishes



kadrudra <kadrudra wrote:

Dear Arjun,


Thanks for understanding my words. Exactly as you say, any vedic

process - may not be only rituals - were started for a great cause,

which we really are unaware of. All we debate on is just on our

perception of the 'existing form' of Vedic practice we see, hear,

learn and understand. When we are at the stage of just

anticipating 'what they were', it is incorrect to brand them as

orthodox or 'just written in books' or useless.







, arjun pandit

<panditarjun2004> wrote:

> Dear KADji

> from the post, one can understand that u r well-read of our

puranas. emphasising the last sentence you wrote, since kali yuga

is different from its previous three predecessors, and dharam is

ruling on one pada instead of 4 in satya yuga, for this yuga, those

who protect the dharma are protected and blessed by god. in recent

posts, few members had observed their scepticism in rituals. arya

samaj has shown with evidence how an entire family in bhopal was

saved in the dreaded gasleak decades ago only because of their daily

havan which did not allow killer gases to land onto them and their

entire family was saved. even lord saibaba (a muslim) performed

daily havan and his divine miracles need no explanation. so my only

request to those who cannot follow rituals or believe in rituals is

not to brand them as orthodox or useless.

> with best wishes

> arjun


> kadrudra <kadrudra> wrote:

> Dear John,


> As I already wrote in my other post, IVF or fertilization external


> womb is not a

> new concept to Vedic culture. There are many examples available in

> Vedic history like:


> 1.Sage Agastya and Sage VasiShTha - were born in a water-pitcher


> Mitra and Varuna

> placed their seeds in it wishing to get Urvashi, the nymph.

> 2.Acharya Drona - was born in a bowl(=droNa) when the semen of

> Maharshi Bharadwaja leaked into

> it on seeing a nymph named Ghritachi.

> 3.ShaNmukha - son of Shiva was born due to release of REATS of


> into space, carried

> by Agni to six star-women of Krittika(Pleidas).

> 4.Matsya Hanuman - was born when a drop of semen from Hanuman

> crossing the Indian Ocean fell into

> the mouth of a Matasya Kanya - a mermaid/fish below.

> ....there are so many other examples too...the list continues.....


> The Kauravas of Mahabharata were born by CLONING technique, which


> already known!

> So, all these were considered LEGAL births and Shastra or sages

> accepted them, for they

> were needed for a great cause. All those births resulted in great

> persons; becasue they were planned so!


> Can we guarantee now? Surely, we do not have that capacity to


> and the YUGA is different!


> yours humbly





> , "John" <jr_esq>


> > To all members:

> >

> > I wonder what the sages would say about using invitro


> > technology to have a baby in this present time. Should this

> > technology be encouraged? Or, do the shastras have any


> > against such technology?

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > John R.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , "kadrudra"


> > wrote:

> > > Dear friend,

> > >

> > > May look funny, but the caerasean births are AYONI JANMA and

> astro-

> > > classical texts

> > > deal with great details. Also there are astro-dictum available

> for

> > > judging FORCED birth.

> > > There are also great details in astro-classical texts

> > > describing 'shastra ghaata' to

> > > the mother while a native is born ie use of a weapon at birth.

> > > Besides, there is a wonderful DEFINITION of 'birth' according

> sages:

> > >

> > > kritevAdhAnalagnam tu tretAyAm puMsavanam(jalodayam) tathA |

> > > dvApare shIrshodayam syAt kalau bhUpatanam smr.tam ||

> > >

> > > which means:

> > > The Lagna defining the time of birth shall correspond to

> conception

> > > in KritaYuga,

> > > pumsavana process(some say jalodaya = burst of water bag


> the

> > > baby) in TretaYuga,

> > > the rise of HEAD(or body in general) of the baby at birth in

> > > DvaparaYuga and

> > > the GROUND-TOUCH of the baby in KaliYuga ie now.

> > > How genius were they to anticipate techno advances!

> > >

> > > So, even now, in kaliyuga, in which caesarean birth are


> > more

> > > in number, still

> > > the dictum is clear and holds good! Whether the birth is


> > (even

> > > if it is unnatural or supernatural)

> > > a birth is a BIRTH now only at the ground-touch moment of the

> baby,

> > > astrologically!

> > > Ground here is EARTHY existence and is not to be confused with

> real

> > > sand or land touching the baby.

> > >

> > > Hope I am clear!

> > > yours

> > > KAD

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , "ashwin_062k"

> > > <ashwin_062k> wrote:

> > > > Dear Gurujans !!

> > > >

> > > > In the present day moden world with technological


> > > > cesearian cases have become a regular feature for birth of a

> > > child. I

> > > > have come across few cases where parents even decide the


> and

> > > time

> > > > in which the operation to be undertaken.

> > > >

> > > > These things rises a question in my mind about the


> of

> > > > predictions by any astrologer based on chart to that of the

> fate

> > of

> > > the

> > > > soul which is pre-defined by HIM.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Sridhar









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Dear Mr Arjun ji,

Before we attempt to do on the subject the electronic media available is to be

thanked as it has given us a platform to dessiminate,discuss and opine on

various issues.


Secondly whether we like it or not the advent of technology bulids up more

materialistic approaches including amassing energies powers by various means.Now

the media too knows there is lot to present.Their only problem is group

psychology.who wants what?

may be we as persons devoted to our subject are vary of these issues.This really

leads to contradictions.


Thirdly,are we really able to shed off from the past and say that scriptures are

nonsense and able to adopt a vedantic approach

Certainly not an Indian who is an NRI wants to spend 100crores or more to build

karumariamman temple in Australia.In his child hood he used to pray this goddess

and would prefer even now in a foriegn land people continue to worship her(may

be one can worship in his own place of stay without loosing time in travel)


For me the biggest challenging issue looks to be more about values in the

society and bring peace between various schools of thoughts.Now every

controversy big and small is heard on streets.if the event relates to violence

there is more audience.


Infact the ego conflicts(Y generation particularly) are now guinea pigs in the

universal laboratories.All kind of experiments are being made on them from

pornos to puranas.


This situation makes our situation worse.Even though you are right when you say:


<<<understanding of scriptures is only our perception and we shall continue our

learning for reaching closer to the truth, which may take full life time or many

more births.


How many of us will be ready and how many takers will be there?If you ask me Iam

caught in a confounding situation as I was always in waging battles.When ever I

disagree whole of my family looks back and says conventions and traditions are

to be safeguarded.Even we are conveying these things to outside India.

"for reaching closer to the truth" is a pursuit that needs interest and time

which in the present world looks to be scarce.


what people look from us is in 'capsule forms' but not logic.This universe is

full of search engines and menu driven.people are craving for franchises in

every arena.


Those interested and able to spare time and want to get out from rut of present

socities will only be interested in these soul searching questions.I consider

them as Hippies ready to grow their hairs long and learn many thing from the

nature and script.


As all of us know that science is unravelling the nature through technology.So

what scientist say:



<<<scientists may say that even a rainbow has several colours


has meaning only to them as they are able to serve to cause and effect

situations and certainly not beyond that.


<<<to reach god as told in Gita and by Ved Vyas.


Even this Iam not sure as universality in faith and belief is a different



What I have seen and understood is a humanistic approachi.e fulfilling various

wants in the heirarchy and seek to the highest form.So we have partially

accpepted Martin Luther,Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teressa and ofcourse Nelson

Mandelas.These leaders who worked for the cause of others and sacrificed their

lives are not considered as Avatars as of now.Though these days books of history

have relevance only to academics.


Let's hope and see the teachings of Lord krishna to Arjuna made at the time of

war and on battle ground and the great effort of the Maharishi Vyas goes down

the gullet of the ambitious people and trying to be hurry to attain maturity in

shortest possible ways and means.


The banner of Astrology atlast sells as round the corner efforts being made by

people in various walks of life as a hobby and as a post retirement plan.


<<<newage astrologers have cropped up advocating colour therapy


what ever that comes from in the banner of Astrology that will have some impact

Before we really have to understand amongest ourselves is what the modern Y

generation wants?


I Know very well Swamy Chinmayanda very enthusiastically tried to make the

essence ofGita to the reach of common people and started schools internationally

to impart education about our relics.

Thanks also to the proponents of T.V.serilas of Mahabharata and Ramayana who

really took pains and made very impressive presentations that helped many

mothers to see that their children take food while viewing these serials and

their energies were saved.


Now the market is now flooded with DVD/C.Ds of these mythologicals and also

about yoga,meditation,prayer replacing for Books and cultivate habit of



Only blessing is very one has some critical issues,helplessness and as last

minuet trials in times of need to think of God and pray.


For all these people God means some form and inattractive and colorful and

pleasing ways to forget about their tensions and feel differently .

Finally when we speak about remedies for problems arising out of planets we have

to speak many things and pacify first and leave the final option to the subject.


We tell them chara,sthira and dual with male female signs and land finally to

various forms of deities depending on the qualities of planets



If we are not to initiate through Astrology and dwell on the subjects people

feel we are speaking very very dry subjects.otherwise no doubt that God has no

shape and form ang ultimate is to attain truth.


with regards





arjun pandit <panditarjun2004 wrote:

Dear friends


While attributing various gods to various planets and recommending worship to

the concerned god, I sometimes feel we are deviating from the truth, for god is

one and only manifestations are many. "Ekam Sat, Vipraa Bahudhaa Vadanti"

reality is only one living force (god) behind all sentient beings. So instead

of us recommending this god or that god for worship, shall we be realistic in

just inculcating spirituality and devotion and guide people to walk on the right

path to reach god as told in Gita and by Ved Vyas. In many puranas, we have

seen vishnu praising shiva and saying that he is the supreme god (when he fell

one short of his sahasra lotus archana to shiva, he plucked his eye and placed

at the feet of shiva), shiva says to parvati that he always chant "raam" and it

is the secret behind his success, shiva also says that all gods and goddesses

are created from one force only and that brahma, vishnu and shiva all are equal.

In islam, there is no shape to the god and they

just praise the god. Christians have three different versions of seeing jesus

as god, son of god and messenger of god. If we go by jesus example, even lord

saibaba is a messenger of god but crores of people worship himself as god.

these days many gurus who come on tv screens (like sermons on the mount) preach

their visitors to treat them as god and their disciples keep huge photos of

their guru on the houses, businesses and cars and parade his photo as if he is

god and sing their own tailor-made aarti of the guru. modern scientists may say

that even a rainbow has several colours, if we spin the wheel, it gives only one

white colour but these days some newage astrologers have cropped up advocating

colour therapy and it is the latest inthing or in vogue. In a recent posting,

one member observed Kalki (the demi-god) as the avtaar of this yuga. It is

written in several holy scriptures that after the buddha avtaar, the Kalki

avtaar would happen at the fag end of the kali yug (in

the last 800 years) which is several lakhs of years from now.

as you said aright, all our postings or understanding of scriptures is only our

perception and we shall continue our learning for reaching closer to the truth,

which may take full life time or many more births.

the forum of late has become active with sharing and dissemination of light

(knowledge) and with continued march on this path of knowledge


with best wishes



kadrudra <kadrudra wrote:

Dear Arjun,


Thanks for understanding my words. Exactly as you say, any vedic

process - may not be only rituals - were started for a great cause,

which we really are unaware of. All we debate on is just on our

perception of the 'existing form' of Vedic practice we see, hear,

learn and understand. When we are at the stage of just

anticipating 'what they were', it is incorrect to brand them as

orthodox or 'just written in books' or useless.







, arjun pandit

<panditarjun2004> wrote:

> Dear KADji

> from the post, one can understand that u r well-read of our

puranas. emphasising the last sentence you wrote, since kali yuga

is different from its previous three predecessors, and dharam is

ruling on one pada instead of 4 in satya yuga, for this yuga, those

who protect the dharma are protected and blessed by god. in recent

posts, few members had observed their scepticism in rituals. arya

samaj has shown with evidence how an entire family in bhopal was

saved in the dreaded gasleak decades ago only because of their daily

havan which did not allow killer gases to land onto them and their

entire family was saved. even lord saibaba (a muslim) performed

daily havan and his divine miracles need no explanation. so my only

request to those who cannot follow rituals or believe in rituals is

not to brand them as orthodox or useless.

> with best wishes

> arjun


> kadrudra <kadrudra> wrote:

> Dear John,


> As I already wrote in my other post, IVF or fertilization external


> womb is not a

> new concept to Vedic culture. There are many examples available in

> Vedic history like:


> 1.Sage Agastya and Sage VasiShTha - were born in a water-pitcher


> Mitra and Varuna

> placed their seeds in it wishing to get Urvashi, the nymph.

> 2.Acharya Drona - was born in a bowl(=droNa) when the semen of

> Maharshi Bharadwaja leaked into

> it on seeing a nymph named Ghritachi.

> 3.ShaNmukha - son of Shiva was born due to release of REATS of


> into space, carried

> by Agni to six star-women of Krittika(Pleidas).

> 4.Matsya Hanuman - was born when a drop of semen from Hanuman

> crossing the Indian Ocean fell into

> the mouth of a Matasya Kanya - a mermaid/fish below.

> ....there are so many other examples too...the list continues.....


> The Kauravas of Mahabharata were born by CLONING technique, which


> already known!

> So, all these were considered LEGAL births and Shastra or sages

> accepted them, for they

> were needed for a great cause. All those births resulted in great

> persons; becasue they were planned so!


> Can we guarantee now? Surely, we do not have that capacity to


> and the YUGA is different!


> yours humbly





> , "John" <jr_esq>


> > To all members:

> >

> > I wonder what the sages would say about using invitro


> > technology to have a baby in this present time. Should this

> > technology be encouraged? Or, do the shastras have any


> > against such technology?

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > John R.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , "kadrudra"


> > wrote:

> > > Dear friend,

> > >

> > > May look funny, but the caerasean births are AYONI JANMA and

> astro-

> > > classical texts

> > > deal with great details. Also there are astro-dictum available

> for

> > > judging FORCED birth.

> > > There are also great details in astro-classical texts

> > > describing 'shastra ghaata' to

> > > the mother while a native is born ie use of a weapon at birth.

> > > Besides, there is a wonderful DEFINITION of 'birth' according

> sages:

> > >

> > > kritevAdhAnalagnam tu tretAyAm puMsavanam(jalodayam) tathA |

> > > dvApare shIrshodayam syAt kalau bhUpatanam smr.tam ||

> > >

> > > which means:

> > > The Lagna defining the time of birth shall correspond to

> conception

> > > in KritaYuga,

> > > pumsavana process(some say jalodaya = burst of water bag


> the

> > > baby) in TretaYuga,

> > > the rise of HEAD(or body in general) of the baby at birth in

> > > DvaparaYuga and

> > > the GROUND-TOUCH of the baby in KaliYuga ie now.

> > > How genius were they to anticipate techno advances!

> > >

> > > So, even now, in kaliyuga, in which caesarean birth are


> > more

> > > in number, still

> > > the dictum is clear and holds good! Whether the birth is


> > (even

> > > if it is unnatural or supernatural)

> > > a birth is a BIRTH now only at the ground-touch moment of the

> baby,

> > > astrologically!

> > > Ground here is EARTHY existence and is not to be confused with

> real

> > > sand or land touching the baby.

> > >

> > > Hope I am clear!

> > > yours

> > > KAD

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , "ashwin_062k"

> > > <ashwin_062k> wrote:

> > > > Dear Gurujans !!

> > > >

> > > > In the present day moden world with technological


> > > > cesearian cases have become a regular feature for birth of a

> > > child. I

> > > > have come across few cases where parents even decide the


> and

> > > time

> > > > in which the operation to be undertaken.

> > > >

> > > > These things rises a question in my mind about the


> of

> > > > predictions by any astrologer based on chart to that of the

> fate

> > of

> > > the

> > > > soul which is pre-defined by HIM.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Sridhar









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