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Current Transits, how does my carreer get affected.

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Respected Astrologers,


Actually I would like to put forward few questions to you, regs myself

and the current transits that are taking place, it would be helpful if

you can explain me the current transits and it implictions in my life

for this year( in brief. ). Currently I am most worrid about my career

front, the company in which i was working is on the brink of closing

down and this has affected me badly,


Can you tell me, during this next 4-5 months, whether there will any

tranists which will help me to find a suitable job. Also I am going

thru my Sadesati, which puts additional challenges for me. I have read

ur Saturn articles, and I try to follow and keep a close watch on

things and try to relate it.


Also mercury being retrogade, and ketu-jupiter coming together?


Sir, if anybody can just interpret the current transit and transit


happens within this year, and tell me abt the challenges that are


Also could you tell me how to harmonize other planets specially Moon,

as it is placed with Saturn in my Natal Chart.


I am providing my details


DOB: 13.02.1976

TOB: 21:20

POB:Calcutta ( West Bengal, India )


Thanking you,



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