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Ashish ji - marriage analysis

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Dear friends,


Saturn having directional strength and also being the lagna lord

can take the person abroad with a good job oppurtunities.


Juipiter being the 12th lord- its placement in Kendra from lagna/Moon

may not be good for marital harmoney.


Please do not be afread of such minor things as skin diseases-

if the girl really suits you.


with regards,






, Ashish Srivastava

<srivastava_ashishk> wrote:

> Dear Sir,

> There is a marriage proposal for me. The girl has done MA(Eco.) and

basically belongs from the same locality to which I belong to. Here

are the birth details of this girl:


> Name: Seema

> DOB: 11 Oct. 1981

> Time: 11.00AM

> Place: Dhanbad(Lat-23.47N,Lon-86.30E) India.


> I had consulted an astrologer according to which the match seems to

be a good one. Now a point which has put everybody in my family in

delimma is that the girls' mother has WHITE PATCHES(LEUCODERMA) in

her body(since last 3-4 yrs). Although the treatment is going on, but

the patches are quite visible.

> As you know that in our Indian society this is generally a matter

of social acceptance and medical science accepts this as heridetary.


> Now can you please guide me on these following points:

> 1) Whether this girl is carrier of this disorder?

> 2) Whether her child will also get affected with this problem?


> As per my knowledge none of the girls' sibling has this problem as

of now.

> Sometime earlier I too has this problem, but got cured since this

was in very initial phase.


> Please let me know your thoughts. Should I go forward or should I

revert back. Yours though will defenitely help me and my family in

taking decision.


> Rgds,

> Ashish



> Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji> wrote:

> Ashish ji,


> First of all, let me thank you for providing details so

> meticulously.


> Secondly, I think that the issues you have mentioned should be

> looked into by the astrologer who is matching your chart with

> the girl's. Additionally, from a non-astrological purpose, you

> should talk to the girl to ascertain how she will conduct

> herself with your parents.


> All I can do is perform a general reading, with special focus on

> your marriage.


> In your chart, you have Makara Lagna, and Chandra in Lagna gives

> you a wavering mind. The aspect of Sani might make you gloomy,

> and the aspect of Kuja might make you prone to mental agitation

> and anger.


> Surya is Neecha in Navamsa, but more worrying is the fact that

> Budha, the lord of the 9th, is Neecha in Rasi. Budha gets Neecha

> Banga because his dispositor Guru is in a Kendra from

> Lagna/Chandra, but a Neecha Bhagyamadipati could afflict you by

> robbing you of luck.


> For marriage, one looks at Kalarthakaraka Sukra, the lord of the

> 7th (Chandra), the planet aspecting the 7th (Chandra again) and

> the planet in the 7th (Sani).


> Sani in the 7th may not be too good for marriage. It has a

> Shadbala of 5.83 Rupas, and is the weakest graha in your chart.

> Even in terms of Shadvarga Vimshopak, it gets a paltry 5.25, and

> so is not capable of helping you. Chandra too is not very

> strong, and gets a Shadvarga Vimshopak of 9.65. A graha needs to

> get over 15 to be beneficial.


> However, look at Sukra, and things improve. Sukra is Uccha in

> Navamsa (as an aside, your career is probably doing well because

> Sukra is the lord of the 10th, and the dispositor of Rahu, whose

> Dasa you are running. Rahu will behave like Sukra, and also like

> Guru, whose aspects are generally benefic. However, Guru rules

> the 12th house of losses, so be careful), and has a Shadvarga

> Vimshopak of 15.30, and so he can help you in this matter.


> We also need to look at the Bhava Bala of the 7th house, and

> this stands at 8.8 rupas, which makes it the second strongest

> one. However, the Lagna is equally important, and the Bhava Bala

> of the 1st house is 5.8 Rupas, making it the weakest house. A

> weak Lagna can make things difficult, especially since the Lord

> of the 9th is also afflicted.


> I do not wish to scare you with my predictions. However, I

> suggest that you evaluate your prospective wife stringently,

> both from an astrological as well as a non-astrological angle,

> and then come to a decision. Best of luck!


> *** SARVATO BHADRA CHAKRA ANALYSIS for 32/Feb/2005 ***


> For UAsh, Sury affecting Sata [04] = -0

> For UAsh, Sury affecting Swat [22] = -0

> For UAsh, Sury affecting Push [15] = -0


> (UAsh.Sury 0

> For UAsh, Chan affecting Asle [16] = +0

> For UAsh, Chan affecting Makh [17] = +2

> For UAsh, Chan affecting Anur [24] = +2

> For UAsh, Chan affecting Dhan [03] = +0

> (UAsh.Chan 4

> For UAsh, Budd affecting Sata [04] = +2

> For UAsh, Budd affecting Swat [22] = +2

> For UAsh, Budd affecting Push [15] = +2


> (UAsh.Budd 6

> For UAsh, Sukr affecting Dhan [03] = +0

> For UAsh, Sukr affecting Vish [23] = +0

> For UAsh, Sukr affecting Asle [16] = +0

> For UAsh, Sukr affecting Srav [02] = +2

> (UAsh.Sukr 2

> For UAsh, Kuja affecting PAsh [27] = -0

> For UAsh, Kuja affecting Arid [13] = -0

> For UAsh, Kuja affecting UBha [06] = -0

> For UAsh, Kuja affecting Hast [20] = -0

> (UAsh.Kuja 0

> For UAsh, Guru affecting Chit [21] = +0

> For UAsh, Guru affecting PBha [05] = +0

> For UAsh, Guru affecting Mool [26] = +2

> For UAsh, Guru affecting Mrig [12] = +0

> (UAsh.Guru 2

> For UAsh, Sani affecting Purn [14] = -2

> For UAsh, Sani affecting Mool [26] = -0

> For UAsh, Sani affecting PBha [05] = -2

> For UAsh, Sani affecting UPha [19] = -1

> (UAsh.Sani -5

> For UAsh, Rahu affecting Reva [07] = -2

> For UAsh, Rahu affecting UPha [19] = -1

> For UAsh, Rahu affecting Mrig [12] = -2

> For UAsh, Rahu affecting Mool [26] = -0

> (UAsh.Rahu -5

> For UAsh, Ketu affecting Chit [21] = -2

> For UAsh, Ketu affecting PBha [05] = -2

> For UAsh, Ketu affecting Mool [26] = -0

> For UAsh, Ketu affecting Mrig [12] = -2

> (UAsh.Ketu -6

> {UAsh. -2


> Slightly low, but more worrying is the fact that Kuja affects

> Tithi, Sani affects Day, Rahu affects Name, and Lagna is

> affected by Surya and Rahu. The only benefic aspect on these

> five sensitive points is that of Budha on Lagna, but Budha alone

> cannot overthrow Surya and Rahu.


> The Sanghtaic Nakshtra (16) and the Vinash Nakshtra (23) are

> aspected by Sukra, providing unity and safety. However, Sani and

> Rahu afflict the Adhana Nakshatra (19), which is almost as

> critical as the Janma Nakshatra. The Raj Nakshatra (26) is

> affected by Sani, Rahu, and Ketu, and together, they can prevent

> you from achieving things, but the aspect of Guru reduces the

> effects of the malefics considerably. Finally, Kuja afflicts the

> Abhishek Nakshtra (27), and prevents enjoyment of past deeds.


> Please pray to God and be cautious, and may you find the ideal

> wife by His grace.



> =====

> Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> =====





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