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Is perfection, infallability possible?

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Hi Das

I do agree to what you have said. Except God nothing & nobody is perfect



Das Goravani <das (AT) goravani (DOT) com> wrote:

To have a perfect chart seems impossible. It seems the way the cast of characters work, the signs, houses, and planets, are made such that there is always built in afflictions. Like I have a great Jupiter, but Saturn is there afflicting it. It seems that if you play the characters around like a chess game, you can never come up with a carefree and perfectly moral, just and overal well, perfect life. It seems, Impossible.


Which means, to me, that there can never be a perfect guru or pope. So, movement like Hare Krishna and Catholic, where they say Prabhupada and Pope are perfect, are kidding themselves, and setting themselves up for problems down the road. This is my opinion.


Now, further, I have a theory that what we are doing here in this world, is proving to ourselves as a large collective of souls, that we cannot have the good lives we want while ignoring our oneness. Here we have individuality and free will, so to speak, the illusion of. So, to me, it's alwys going to have some bad thing ruining virtually everything. There seems to be NOTHING here which is perfect, ever.


To me the meaning is that eventually we will collectively realize that all must be one, and one for the all, and when we achieve this, we will virtually end the material plane, and it will become spiritual. Something along those lines. It is already true..but we are resisting and not willing to see it...that we are all one, and everything each does affects all others, and what all does affects the one, and only in one-ness concsiousness purely, will we have the perfection we would love to have, which will cause unlimited and unending happiness..


It's a theory, based on what I see, and Jyotish, and what all religions have always taught, but few can follow.


I think it may be a big machine we agreed to enter to learn the lesson or re-learn the lesson, for, when something ends, it is over and forgotten not matter how long it was, so, when this is over, even billions of passed years, will seem only like a dream, and we shall emerge from teh machine, the game, reminded of why we have oneness where we truly live.


Idea, thoughts, of Freya Daag, the day of love.


T rix ter







Das Goravani (Richard Vuerst-MachAeoidh)


das (AT) goravani (DOT) com


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On May 13, 2006, at 8:14 AM, Haresh (Harry) Nathani wrote:


> I do agree to what you have said. Except God nothing & nobody is

> perfect

> Harry



hi, harry and everyone.

i consider the word, 'perfection' to be a synonym for what

writers have always tried to put into words and cannot...



the absolute




divine light





all are words that are trying to describe an inner condition of

oneness -- that peace that passes all intellectual understanding,

the highest high, etc.


love, patricia














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