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JIVA -a vote for conscious study

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Om Brihaspataye Namah




Dear Michal,

Ok . so you dont want to do the SJCERC exams, but maybe following up officially on the course can fix any confusion .Good Luck.


Whatever is happening around the age of 16 physically, is not what I am talking about.


It is about Karma, and taking responsibility, for our actions.

responsibility=ability to respond.

At 16 the being has all shakti to meet the karma he has earnt. Before that the karma is of the parents.Buddhi takes sometimes till 19 to fully mature, but it kicks in from 16.For me at 16 I suddenly had this huge desire to be awake, and ran around jumping out of perfectly good aeroplanes, in an attempt to realise I was!! :)))

Study did not even feature unless it was passing flying or Jumping Instructor exams!!


yes i have seen 2 sons grow through this age and hundreds through my youth training programme, but what I have shared with you is knowledge from the vedas, from Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math Conversations specifically on education. It rung a bell in Delhi for me with Guruji also when he was teaching , and he agreed about matri-kaa. The point was here about Jupiter , having the natural age of 16 which is what we are taught and I linked it to this issue of wanting independent study. I shall try to find the exact quote, but maybe Visti can help. He may have even been there.


Hope this helps

Best Wishes


Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand



Michal Dziwulski

Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:56 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


I probably would have made it to Serbia last year for an exam if I had known about it and I had won a lottery a week prior. I think that programme has had real success in Serbia and perhaps India, from what I can gather. But you don't need to bother anybody in Novi Sad about it, I'll just keep on. Thanks.


I think there is a plethora of physiological activity occuring at around the age of 16. I noticed a few things, though I don't know about 'lights going out'. Though honing charachter and buddhi activating seems familiar. You have seen three children go through this age, so maybe it is your experience.





[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote:

Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Michal,


JIVA can be enrolled in at any time. I only enrolled 7 days ago, and I have had the conference call, the material received the passwords and got the homeworks all within a few days. The System has been specifically designed for the distance learner, whereas SJCERC has not. For JIVA you dont have to be a wiz at the computer either, and the course assumes the student is unfamiliar with even the most basic sanskrit terms like veda!!


I do not understand what is happening with SJERC, as I know 2nd year students in Serbia are having their exams on 15th June, this year. It was this that created the problem initially for getting Zoran and Sanjay out to New Zealand in May06. Whilst in London in March I came across a student who also had enrolled in SJCERC , but had not had any activity either. In his case I dont think he had even the material, but this may have changed by now, and he is probably turning up in Serbia to sit his exams!!

I can only suggest asking through your Guru Vistiji what is happening. Certainly I will ask on your behalf when I am there in Novi Sad if you would like. Perhaps I can arrange to get the exams done here in Gulf Harbour, with Wentworth College .They are registered with Cambridge . Would this help? Do you know of any other SJCERC student in New Zealand?


From my Advaita studies16, is a special point in the life of a human being. I think it is related to the 16 matrika, 16 shaktis. It is here that a being starts earning and paying for Karma. some have described it as "the light going out" Did you notice anything at that time yourself? Before this, education is a case of preserving the intelligence, whereas after this point it is more a case of honing charachter. A much harder task, and is why education of our children , especially from 4 1/2 to 16years is of supreme importance. All the shaktis are in place by 16 and the being then starts to expend this energy. At the time of turning 16, a persons Buddhi starts operating.


Yes, I remember Sanjay saying these ages as you have described, but I remember them more as flavours of the mind. My reference to Jupiter is more related to Karma.


Hope this helps

Best Wishes


Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand





Michal Dziwulski

Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:56 AM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


There has been no activity in SJCERC for almost a year now, as far as I am aware. There is a wealth of material available however and I am trying to work my way through it in as ordered a fashion as I can muster. I owe so much to Visti for his contribution, but so does virtually everyone participating on this list.


As long as the organisation continues to serve the furthering of this great science, as it has done as far as I can see, then all will benefit. Difficulties arise when people are self-serving.


I was using the natural age of Venus with regard to the impact on knowledge which is from an article in JD some time ago.


0-4 - Moon

5-14 - Mercury

15-22 - Venus

23-41 - Sun

42-56 - Mars

57-68 - Jupiter

69-108 - Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu





[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote:

Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Michal,

Forgive me, but arent you studying SJERC material and are attended by your Guru, Vistiji? If this is the case then you are one of the extremely blessed.


From your posts, , I see a lot of conscious study being done, and you are extremely hardworking. What you are doing is working perfectly.To borrow your phrase, about prefering to find out "who or what I am " rather than titles, it is the discovery of this which is what I mean by conscious. All the SJC materials, the Cd.s and the discussions and most especially our SJC Gurus who give so much of their time promote this discovery of consciousness in us. What I personally found from following the JIVA programme, was new and refreshing insight from its simplicity. This created order for this mind, and opened up what has been recognised before. Rather than pouring knowledge in, as what passes for education these days, JIVA tries to come from uncovering the existing knowledge ..........that we all have.


Why I shared this on this most eminent list of dedicated Jyotishi's , was because often when new people come to this study, we give them the books and show them the lists, and unless they are as hardworking as yourself, they give up as it appears to be far too complex and confusing. Unless we can recognise ourselves , our true self, in our study it becomes a dry intellectual thing. Then often the interest wanes.The student who enrolled upon my reccomendation, is delighted as although she has been on a SJC list ( Not Visti's) for 3 years, she is learning from simple Advaita principles first. Maybe its the timing , but JIVA seems to suit her. It fits with her 30 years meditation and Shankya philosophy. So the "vote" for JIVA , goes alongside all the "votes" for study on all the SJC lists! The fact that this non-profit organisation has been set up to fund Jyotish research and Jyotish publications that all of us enjoy, should also be supported, dont you think?


In regard to your chart questions, I will look at it over the next few days. Natural age of Jupiter i thought was 16.


hope this helps,

Best wishes and warm regards


Rosemary Innes--Jones

SJC New Zealand




Michal Dziwulski

Friday, May 12, 2006 2:45 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


Indeed Jiva is a Godsend. Unfortunately, I think I missed the boat for enrolling. Which may not be an entirely conscious decision, if I may borrow the term, but something perhaps more destined in the stars.


Recently I examined my D24 chart. It has Aquarius rising with Venus in MKS in the 6th house. Venus owns the 4th house of formal education as well as the 9th house of higher studies, so naturally these houses suffer. And suffer they have. When I saw this combination all the struggle I had experienced in high school and University became abundantly clear, and I realised that more informal, personal and self disciplined teachings were more suited to me.


In a way it feels like a bit of a shame, because I am very attracted to the titles, logos and credentials that all these formal institutions have to offer, including Jiva, but I always just try to remember that for me it is not about the organisation and the letters after a name, but about who (or what!) I am, and what good I can do with this knowledge. So, with the books I revere, the audio material available, and the discussions between students and gurus on the lists, I'll persevere.


My birth details - 7th May 1981, 3:15am, Warsaw, Poland.



Michal Dziwulski

B.A. History and Philosophy


[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote:




Om Gurave Namah

JIVA- A vote for Conscous Learning !! How blessed are we!

To all those keen Jyotish learners,


Nothing beats the presence and attendance of a Jyotish guru, to learn from our great parampara tradition. For those fortunate enough to learn at their guru's feet and attend a class, you have been extremely blessed.

HOWEVER- for those of us learning from a distance, like me who is 000's of miles from just about anywhere, Sanjay has started JIVA and SJERC.

The latest impulse, JIVA( www.jiva.us ) I recently joined as a student. I have been truly amazed at the depth of advanced material delivered . Always in simple yet universal, and spiritual form that is given in just the first two sessions. For me who has studied Jyotish for many years, (I think it is about 6!!) and attended many SJC conferences worldwide, .......................It is a Godsend!!


The reason is, is that JIVA finally puts all that golden knowledge into conscious order!! Willa, who delivers the course , is very thorough by nature, and she has managed to work ,work and work with the JIVA team , on guruji's dictims until the order is refined and defined. The Guna and Tattwas take precedence, so the more universal leads , Samashti to the Vyashti NOT the other way around as in so many other courses available today in vedic astrology. This is the true direction of jyotish, as it establishes Advaita from the beginning and then differentiates. It is also why the actual presence of your teacher will be much more easily effective. Somehow some gift from the Rishis has blessed JIVA, as i have found deep and conscious learning taking place, despite the distance. Sanjay and his JIVA team seem to have achieved almost the impossible, as every subtle gap in my knowledge is being nourished to reveal deep understanding beneath. We are up to session 3 and planets have not yet been covered!! Session two included Panchanga, with the play of Tattwas and gunas amongst vara, Tithi, nakshatra, Yoga and Karana.!!


Some may ask how can this be beginner material?

Well the Rishis have the last word, as I found all the students keeping up with Guruji on our weekend conference call!!

It also means all the conscious study that everyone on this list and others , have done has helped bring this great fruit of the tradition into being!! JIVA is a whole new impulse for SJC and it is a very great credit to those who have gone before, and those with it today. Already I have reccomended the course to other students, and they too have enroled and come under the care of its impulse. When you study on your own, so far away, it is not always easy to keep the BIG picture and Guruji's shakti in view. JIVA does this with its structure, its content, and its delivery. Even the On line Powerpoint displays follow the same flow of consciousness, and a student can replay the lecture, whilst pulling up all his charts that promote a question. Yes, there are some advantages of this modern age! But for me the real test came when i listened to Guruji on the conference call. ( 1:30am NZlocal time, Kali's hour) I heard the questions and the understanding from beginner students from all around the world.It was breathtaking!! As Sanjay being Sanjay delivered a brilliant explaination of guna and dharma, that I am STILL thinking about, yet one student clicked with instantly!!


I hope those of you who read this, know of keen spiritual learners of Jyotish that need this foundation grounding, and will reccomend JIVA. By doing this you are honouring not only Guruji, and SJC but the Rishi's that have so clearly been the vidya behind it.


May Jagannath continue to Bless Our studies

In grateful thanks,


Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand






Vedic Vedic astrology Sjc







Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1�/min.





Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.






Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.


~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today






a.. Visit your group "" on the web.






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[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


As I said earlier in this thread, there does not seem to be any SJCERC activity available to students outside India and Serbia. I may be wrong. Certainly there is no activity in New Zealand. So it is not because I do not wish to do an exam, but that there is no exam. Please understand.


Regarding the information about children not having any karma, but taking part in their parents karma - who or what is the source of this? To delineate results from a childs birthchart, should we be looking at their parent's horoscopes?


What do you mean by "At 16 the being has all the shakti to meet the karma he has earned"? How could we verify this? Is there some way to do it in analysing the chart?


Why does Buddhi kick in at 16? I realise this correlates to the natural age of Jupiter, but there are many children that display a high level of intelligence (and ability to respond) before this age.


Sorry for all the questions, and specifics, but I just am not the kind of person that can take such statements for truth until I understand why. There are many views on Shakti, Karma and Buddhi from many different people and interpretaions of Vedas, and many are different. If someone can give a viable explanation then I will believe it. But I will not believe it blindly.





[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote: Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Michal,

Ok . so you dont want to do the SJCERC exams, but maybe following up officially on the course can fix any confusion .Good Luck.

Whatever is happening around the age of 16 physically, is not what I am talking about.

It is about Karma, and taking responsibility, for our actions.

responsibility=ability to respond.

At 16 the being has all shakti to meet the karma he has earnt. Before that the karma is of the parents.Buddhi takes sometimes till 19 to fully mature, but it kicks in from 16.For me at 16 I suddenly had this huge desire to be awake, and ran around jumping out of perfectly good aeroplanes, in an attempt to realise I was!! :)))

Study did not even feature unless it was passing flying or Jumping Instructor exams!!

yes i have seen 2 sons grow through this age and hundreds through my youth training programme, but what I have shared with you is knowledge from the vedas, from Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math Conversations specifically on education. It rung a bell in Delhi for me with Guruji also when he was teaching , and he agreed about matri-kaa. The point was here about Jupiter , having the natural age of 16 which is what we are taught and I linked it to this issue of wanting independent study. I shall try to find the exact quote, but maybe Visti can help. He may have even been there.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes

Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand



Michal Dziwulski

Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:56 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study


[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


I probably would have made it to Serbia last year for an exam if I had known about it and I had won a lottery a week prior. I think that programme has had real success in Serbia and perhaps India, from what I can gather. But you don't need to bother anybody in Novi Sad about it, I'll just keep on. Thanks.


I think there is a plethora of physiological activity occuring at around the age of 16. I noticed a few things, though I don't know about 'lights going out'. Though honing charachter and buddhi activating seems familiar. You have seen three children go through this age, so maybe it is your experience.





[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote: Om Brihaspataye Namah

Dear Michal,

JIVA can be enrolled in at any time. I only enrolled 7 days ago, and I have had the conference call, the material received the passwords and got the homeworks all within a few days. The System has been specifically designed for the distance learner, whereas SJCERC has not. For JIVA you dont have to be a wiz at the computer either, and the course assumes the student is unfamiliar with even the most basic sanskrit terms like veda!!

I do not understand what is happening with SJERC, as I know 2nd year students in Serbia are having their exams on 15th June, this year. It was this that created the problem initially for getting Zoran and Sanjay out to New Zealand in May06. Whilst in London in March I came across a student who also had enrolled in SJCERC , but had not had any activity either. In his case I dont think he had even the material, but this may have changed by now, and he is probably turning up in Serbia to sit his exams!!

I can only suggest asking through your Guru Vistiji what is happening. Certainly I will ask on your behalf when I am there in Novi Sad if you would like. Perhaps I can arrange to get the exams done here in Gulf Harbour, with Wentworth College .They are registered with Cambridge . Would this help? Do you know of any other SJCERC student in New Zealand?

From my Advaita studies16, is a special point in the life of a human being. I think it is related to the 16 matrika, 16 shaktis. It is here that a being starts earning and paying for Karma. some have described it as "the light going out" Did you notice anything at that time yourself? Before this, education is a case of preserving the intelligence, whereas after this point it is more a case of honing charachter. A much harder task, and is why education of our children , especially from 4 1/2 to 16years is of supreme importance. All the shaktis are in place by 16 and the being then starts to expend this energy. At the time of turning 16, a persons Buddhi starts operating.

Yes, I remember Sanjay saying these ages as you have described, but I remember them more as flavours of the mind. My reference to Jupiter is more related to Karma.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes

Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand


----- Original Message -----

Michal Dziwulski

Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:56 AM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study


[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


There has been no activity in SJCERC for almost a year now, as far as I am aware. There is a wealth of material available however and I am trying to work my way through it in as ordered a fashion as I can muster. I owe so much to Visti for his contribution, but so does virtually everyone participating on this list.


As long as the organisation continues to serve the furthering of this great science, as it has done as far as I can see, then all will benefit. Difficulties arise when people are self-serving.


I was using the natural age of Venus with regard to the impact on knowledge which is from an article in JD some time ago.


0-4 - Moon

5-14 - Mercury

15-22 - Venus

23-41 - Sun

42-56 - Mars

57-68 - Jupiter

69-108 - Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu





[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote: Om Brihaspataye Namah

Dear Michal,

Forgive me, but arent you studying SJERC material and are attended by your Guru, Vistiji? If this is the case then you are one of the extremely blessed.

From your posts, , I see a lot of conscious study being done, and you are extremely hardworking. What you are doing is working perfectly.To borrow your phrase, about prefering to find out "who or what I am " rather than titles, it is the discovery of this which is what I mean by conscious. All the SJC materials, the Cd.s and the discussions and most especially our SJC Gurus who give so much of their time promote this discovery of consciousness in us. What I personally found from following the JIVA programme, was new and refreshing insight from its simplicity. This created order for this mind, and opened up what has been recognised before. Rather than pouring knowledge in, as what passes for education these days, JIVA tries to come from uncovering the existing knowledge ..........that we all have.

Why I shared this on this most eminent list of dedicated Jyotishi's , was because often when new people come to this study, we give them the books and show them the lists, and unless they are as hardworking as yourself, they give up as it appears to be far too complex and confusing. Unless we can recognise ourselves , our true self, in our study it becomes a dry intellectual thing. Then often the interest wanes.The student who enrolled upon my reccomendation, is delighted as although she has been on a SJC list ( Not Visti's) for 3 years, she is learning from simple Advaita principles first. Maybe its the timing , but JIVA seems to suit her. It fits with her 30 years meditation and Shankya philosophy. So the "vote" for JIVA , goes alongside all the "votes" for study on all the SJC lists! The fact that this non-profit organisation has been set up to fund

Jyotish research and Jyotish publications that all of us enjoy, should also be supported, dont you think?

In regard to your chart questions, I will look at it over the next few days. Natural age of Jupiter i thought was 16.

hope this helps,

Best wishes and warm regards

Rosemary Innes--Jones

SJC New Zealand


----- Original Message -----

Michal Dziwulski

Friday, May 12, 2006 2:45 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study


[ Hare Rama Krsna ]


Dear Rosemary,


Indeed Jiva is a Godsend. Unfortunately, I think I missed the boat for enrolling. Which may not be an entirely conscious decision, if I may borrow the term, but something perhaps more destined in the stars.


Recently I examined my D24 chart. It has Aquarius rising with Venus in MKS in the 6th house. Venus owns the 4th house of formal education as well as the 9th house of higher studies, so naturally these houses suffer. And suffer they have. When I saw this combination all the struggle I had experienced in high school and University became abundantly clear, and I realised that more informal, personal and self disciplined teachings were more suited to me.


In a way it feels like a bit of a shame, because I am very attracted to the titles, logos and credentials that all these formal institutions have to offer, including Jiva, but I always just try to remember that for me it is not about the organisation and the letters after a name, but about who (or what!) I am, and what good I can do with this knowledge. So, with the books I revere, the audio material available, and the discussions between students and gurus on the lists, I'll persevere.


My birth details - 7th May 1981, 3:15am, Warsaw, Poland.



Michal Dziwulski

B.A. History and Philosophy


[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


Rosemary Innes-Jones <rf.innes-jones (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz> wrote:


Om Gurave Namah

JIVA- A vote for Conscous Learning !! How blessed are we!

To all those keen Jyotish learners,

Nothing beats the presence and attendance of a Jyotish guru, to learn from our great parampara tradition. For those fortunate enough to learn at their guru's feet and attend a class, you have been extremely blessed.

HOWEVER- for those of us learning from a distance, like me who is 000's of miles from just about anywhere, Sanjay has started JIVA and SJERC.

The latest impulse, JIVA( www.jiva.us ) I recently joined as a student. I have been truly amazed at the depth of advanced material delivered . Always in simple yet universal, and spiritual form that is given in just the first two sessions. For me who has studied Jyotish for many years, (I think it is about 6!!) and attended many SJC conferences worldwide, ......................It is a Godsend!!

The reason is, is that JIVA finally puts all that golden knowledge into conscious order!! Willa, who delivers the course , is very thorough by nature, and she has managed to work ,work and work with the JIVA team , on guruji's dictims until the order is refined and defined. The Guna and Tattwas take precedence, so the more universal leads , Samashti to the Vyashti NOT the other way around as in so many other courses available today in vedic astrology. This is the true direction of jyotish, as it establishes Advaita from the beginning and then differentiates. It is also why the actual presence of your teacher will be much more easily effective. Somehow some gift from the Rishis has blessed JIVA, as i have found deep and conscious learning taking place, despite the distance. Sanjay and

his JIVA team seem to have achieved almost the impossible, as every subtle gap in my knowledge is being nourished to reveal deep understanding beneath. We are up to session 3 and planets have not yet been covered!! Session two included Panchanga, with the play of Tattwas and gunas amongst vara, Tithi, nakshatra, Yoga and Karana.!!

Some may ask how can this be beginner material?

Well the Rishis have the last word, as I found all the students keeping up with Guruji on our weekend conference call!!

It also means all the conscious study that everyone on this list and others , have done has helped bring this great fruit of the tradition into being!! JIVA is a whole new impulse for SJC and it is a very great credit to those who have gone before, and those with it today. Already I have reccomended the course to other students, and they too have enroled and come under the care of its impulse. When you study on your own, so far away, it is not always easy to keep the BIG picture and Guruji's shakti in view. JIVA does this with its structure, its content, and its delivery. Even the On line Powerpoint displays follow the same flow of consciousness, and a student can replay the lecture, whilst pulling up all his charts that promote a question. Yes, there are some advantages of this modern age! But for me the

real test came when i listened to Guruji on the conference call. ( 1:30am NZlocal time, Kali's hour) I heard the questions and the understanding from beginner students from all around the world.It was breathtaking!! As Sanjay being Sanjay delivered a brilliant explaination of guna and dharma, that I am STILL thinking about, yet one student clicked with instantly!!

I hope those of you who read this, know of keen spiritual learners of Jyotish that need this foundation grounding, and will reccomend JIVA. By doing this you are honouring not only Guruji, and SJC but the Rishi's that have so clearly been the vidya behind it.

May Jagannath continue to Bless Our studies

In grateful thanks,

Rosemary Innes-Jones

SJC New Zealand




Vedic Vedic astrology Sjc Jyotish


Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1�/min.


Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.



Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2�/min with Messenger with Voice.


~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today



Vedic Vedic astrology Sjc Jyotish



Visit your group "" on the web.








Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Guest guest

|| Hare Rama Krishna ||


Dear Rosemary and Michal,


Namaskar. Karma

of parents, grandparents and lineage upto 14 generations are linked to

an individual. The karma of jaati (society), country, and universe are

also linked and experienced by individual. When we say individual, it is

not the highest unit where karma manifests and gets accumulated. An

individual is a sub-unit. If you think about the human body, each cel is

an individual and we are a giant collection of these individuals.


But to say that before 16 the child is only experiencing the karma of

parents is not appropriate. The child has taken birth and selected the

specific 'yoni' of the parents to take that birth solely to discharge

the accumulated karma. So if the child dies before 16, shall we say that

he died due to parents karma and none of his/her own karma fructified ?

I don't think so. Karma manifests from conception. That we are slowly

able to manifest free will happens in the teens. The starting of

growth/strength in faculties doesn't mean that karma was not there



Best wishes,









, "Rosemary Innes-Jones"

<rf.innes-jones wrote:


> Om Brihaspataye Namah




> Dear Michal,

> Ok . so you dont want to do the SJCERC exams, but maybe following up

officially on the course can fix any confusion .Good Luck.


> Whatever is happening around the age of 16 physically, is not what I

am talking about.


> It is about Karma, and taking responsibility, for our actions.

> responsibility=ability to respond.

> At 16 the being has all shakti to meet the karma he has earnt. Before

that the karma is of the parents.Buddhi takes sometimes till 19 to fully

mature, but it kicks in from 16.For me at 16 I suddenly had this huge

desire to be awake, and ran around jumping out of perfectly good

aeroplanes, in an attempt to realise I was!! :)))

> Study did not even feature unless it was passing flying or Jumping

Instructor exams!!


> yes i have seen 2 sons grow through this age and hundreds through my

youth training programme, but what I have shared with you is knowledge

from the vedas, from Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math Conversations

specifically on education. It rung a bell in Delhi for me with Guruji

also when he was teaching , and he agreed about matri-kaa. The point was

here about Jupiter , having the natural age of 16 which is what we are

taught and I linked it to this issue of wanting independent study. I

shall try to find the exact quote, but maybe Visti can help. He may have

even been there.


> Hope this helps

> Best Wishes


> Rosemary Innes-Jones

> SJC New Zealand

> Vishvamitra

> -

> Michal Dziwulski


> Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:56 PM

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



> [ Hare Rama Krsna ]


> Dear Rosemary,


> I probably would have made it to Serbia last year for an exam if I had

known about it and I had won a lottery a week prior. I think that

programme has had real success in Serbia and perhaps India, from what I

can gather. But you don't need to bother anybody in Novi Sad about it,

I'll just keep on. Thanks.


> I think there is a plethora of physiological activity occuring at

around the age of 16. I noticed a few things, though I don't know about

'lights going out'. Though honing charachter and buddhi activating seems

familiar. You have seen three children go through this age, so maybe it

is your experience.


> Respectfully,

> Michal


> [ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


> Rosemary Innes-Jones rf.innes-jones wrote:

> Om Brihaspataye Namah


> Dear Michal,


> JIVA can be enrolled in at any time. I only enrolled 7 days ago, and I

have had the conference call, the material received the passwords and

got the homeworks all within a few days. The System has been

specifically designed for the distance learner, whereas SJCERC has not.

For JIVA you dont have to be a wiz at the computer either, and the

course assumes the student is unfamiliar with even the most basic

sanskrit terms like veda!!


> I do not understand what is happening with SJERC, as I know 2nd year

students in Serbia are having their exams on 15th June, this year. It

was this that created the problem initially for getting Zoran and Sanjay

out to New Zealand in May06. Whilst in London in March I came across a

student who also had enrolled in SJCERC , but had not had any activity

either. In his case I dont think he had even the material, but this may

have changed by now, and he is probably turning up in Serbia to sit his


> I can only suggest asking through your Guru Vistiji what is happening.

Certainly I will ask on your behalf when I am there in Novi Sad if you

would like. Perhaps I can arrange to get the exams done here in Gulf

Harbour, with Wentworth College .They are registered with Cambridge .

Would this help? Do you know of any other SJCERC student in New Zealand?


> From my Advaita studies16, is a special point in the life of a human

being. I think it is related to the 16 matrika, 16 shaktis. It is here

that a being starts earning and paying for Karma. some have described it

as "the light going out" Did you notice anything at that time yourself?

Before this, education is a case of preserving the intelligence, whereas

after this point it is more a case of honing charachter. A much harder

task, and is why education of our children , especially from 4 1/2 to

16years is of supreme importance. All the shaktis are in place by 16 and

the being then starts to expend this energy. At the time of turning 16,

a persons Buddhi starts operating.


> Yes, I remember Sanjay saying these ages as you have described, but I

remember them more as flavours of the mind. My reference to Jupiter is

more related to Karma.


> Hope this helps

> Best Wishes


> Rosemary Innes-Jones

> SJC New Zealand

> Vishvamitra



> -

> Michal Dziwulski


> Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:56 AM

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



> [ Hare Rama Krsna ]


> Dear Rosemary,


> There has been no activity in SJCERC for almost a year now, as far as

I am aware. There is a wealth of material available however and I am

trying to work my way through it in as ordered a fashion as I can

muster. I owe so much to Visti for his contribution, but so does

virtually everyone participating on this list.


> As long as the organisation continues to serve the furthering of this

great science, as it has done as far as I can see, then all will

benefit. Difficulties arise when people are self-serving.


> I was using the natural age of Venus with regard to the impact on

knowledge which is from an article in JD some time ago.


> 0-4 - Moon

> 5-14 - Mercury

> 15-22 - Venus

> 23-41 - Sun

> 42-56 - Mars

> 57-68 - Jupiter

> 69-108 - Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu


> Respectfully,

> Michal


> [ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


> Rosemary Innes-Jones rf.innes-jones wrote:

> Om Brihaspataye Namah


> Dear Michal,

> Forgive me, but arent you studying SJERC material and are attended by

your Guru, Vistiji? If this is the case then you are one of the

extremely blessed.


> From your posts, , I see a lot of conscious study being done, and you

are extremely hardworking. What you are doing is working perfectly.To

borrow your phrase, about prefering to find out "who or what I am "

rather than titles, it is the discovery of this which is what I mean by

conscious. All the SJC materials, the Cd.s and the discussions and most

especially our SJC Gurus who give so much of their time promote this

discovery of consciousness in us. What I personally found from following

the JIVA programme, was new and refreshing insight from its simplicity.

This created order for this mind, and opened up what has been recognised

before. Rather than pouring knowledge in, as what passes for education

these days, JIVA tries to come from uncovering the existing knowledge

...........that we all have.


> Why I shared this on this most eminent list of dedicated Jyotishi's ,

was because often when new people come to this study, we give them the

books and show them the lists, and unless they are as hardworking as

yourself, they give up as it appears to be far too complex and

confusing. Unless we can recognise ourselves , our true self, in our

study it becomes a dry intellectual thing. Then often the interest

wanes.The student who enrolled upon my reccomendation, is delighted as

although she has been on a SJC list ( Not Visti's) for 3 years, she is

learning from simple Advaita principles first. Maybe its the timing ,

but JIVA seems to suit her. It fits with her 30 years meditation and

Shankya philosophy. So the "vote" for JIVA , goes alongside all the

"votes" for study on all the SJC lists! The fact that this non-profit

organisation has been set up to fund Jyotish research and Jyotish

publications that all of us enjoy, should also be supported, dont you



> In regard to your chart questions, I will look at it over the next few

days. Natural age of Jupiter i thought was 16.


> hope this helps,

> Best wishes and warm regards


> Rosemary Innes--Jones

> SJC New Zealand

> Vishvamitra


> -

> Michal Dziwulski


> Friday, May 12, 2006 2:45 PM

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] JIVA -a vote for conscious study



> [ Hare Rama Krsna ]


> Dear Rosemary,


> Indeed Jiva is a Godsend. Unfortunately, I think I missed the boat for

enrolling. Which may not be an entirely conscious decision, if I may

borrow the term, but something perhaps more destined in the stars.


> Recently I examined my D24 chart. It has Aquarius rising with Venus in

MKS in the 6th house. Venus owns the 4th house of formal education as

well as the 9th house of higher studies, so naturally these houses

suffer. And suffer they have. When I saw this combination all the

struggle I had experienced in high school and University became

abundantly clear, and I realised that more informal, personal and self

disciplined teachings were more suited to me.


> In a way it feels like a bit of a shame, because I am very attracted

to the titles, logos and credentials that all these formal institutions

have to offer, including Jiva, but I always just try to remember that

for me it is not about the organisation and the letters after a name,

but about who (or what!) I am, and what good I can do with this

knowledge. So, with the books I revere, the audio material available,

and the discussions between students and gurus on the lists, I'll



> My birth details - 7th May 1981, 3:15am, Warsaw, Poland.


> respectfully,

> Michal Dziwulski

> B.A. History and Philosophy


> [ Om Namo Narayanaya ]


> Rosemary Innes-Jones rf.innes-jones wrote:




> Om Gurave Namah

> JIVA- A vote for Conscous Learning !! How blessed are we!

> To all those keen Jyotish learners,


> Nothing beats the presence and attendance of a Jyotish guru, to learn

from our great parampara tradition. For those fortunate enough to learn

at their guru's feet and attend a class, you have been extremely


> HOWEVER- for those of us learning from a distance, like me who is

000's of miles from just about anywhere, Sanjay has started JIVA and


> The latest impulse, JIVA( www.jiva.us ) I recently joined as a

student. I have been truly amazed at the depth of advanced material

delivered . Always in simple yet universal, and spiritual form that is

given in just the first two sessions. For me who has studied Jyotish for

many years, (I think it is about 6!!) and attended many SJC conferences

worldwide, ......................It is a Godsend!!


> The reason is, is that JIVA finally puts all that golden knowledge

into conscious order!! Willa, who delivers the course , is very thorough

by nature, and she has managed to work ,work and work with the JIVA team

, on guruji's dictims until the order is refined and defined. The Guna

and Tattwas take precedence, so the more universal leads , Samashti to

the Vyashti NOT the other way around as in so many other courses

available today in vedic astrology. This is the true direction of

jyotish, as it establishes Advaita from the beginning and then

differentiates. It is also why the actual presence of your teacher will

be much more easily effective. Somehow some gift from the Rishis has

blessed JIVA, as i have found deep and conscious learning taking place,

despite the distance. Sanjay and his JIVA team seem to have achieved

almost the impossible, as every subtle gap in my knowledge is being

nourished to reveal deep understanding beneath. We are up to session 3

and planets have not yet been covered!! Session two included Panchanga,

with the play of Tattwas and gunas amongst vara, Tithi, nakshatra, Yoga

and Karana.!!


> Some may ask how can this be beginner material?

> Well the Rishis have the last word, as I found all the students

keeping up with Guruji on our weekend conference call!!

> It also means all the conscious study that everyone on this list and

others , have done has helped bring this great fruit of the tradition

into being!! JIVA is a whole new impulse for SJC and it is a very great

credit to those who have gone before, and those with it today. Already I

have reccomended the course to other students, and they too have enroled

and come under the care of its impulse. When you study on your own, so

far away, it is not always easy to keep the BIG picture and Guruji's

shakti in view. JIVA does this with its structure, its content, and its

delivery. Even the On line Powerpoint displays follow the same flow of

consciousness, and a student can replay the lecture, whilst pulling up

all his charts that promote a question. Yes, there are some advantages

of this modern age! But for me the real test came when i listened to

Guruji on the conference call. ( 1:30am NZlocal time, Kali's hour) I

heard the questions and the understanding from beginner students from

all around the world.It was breathtaking!! As Sanjay being Sanjay

delivered a brilliant explaination of guna and dharma, that I am STILL

thinking about, yet one student clicked with instantly!!


> I hope those of you who read this, know of keen spiritual learners of

Jyotish that need this foundation grounding, and will reccomend JIVA. By

doing this you are honouring not only Guruji, and SJC but the Rishi's

that have so clearly been the vidya behind it.


> May Jagannath continue to Bless Our studies

> In grateful thanks,


> Rosemary Innes-Jones

> SJC New Zealand






> Vedic Vedic astrology Sjc

> Jyotish





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> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

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