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How to find twin birth in horoscope?

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Namaste to all

Can anyone tell me whether i have chances of multiple pregnancies in

future. I have already posted reg. my pregnancy problem last yr

got replies too, my doctor has suggested to go for IVF in next few

months ,

If we go for IVF wil it be sucessfull?do my chart shows any chances of

multiple pregnancies?i am afraid becos of multiple pregnancies,i

already have 7yrs old son and i am not in situattion to handle

multiple pregnancies. My problem is hundred percent male infertility case.

my details: name:lakshmi, DOB:8th april 1977,





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Hello Lakshmi ji,

Normally twins may be born because of 2 planets in 11th aspecting 5th or two

planets from anywhere aspect 5th or palnets having more or less ahving same

longitudes are in conjunction with 5th lord.

where as in your case parasna indicates that your 7th lord mars is in 12th in

own sign.Also aspect of saturn in 3rd on 12 th besides 3rd aspect of saturn on


This situation as seen with dasa and the karak for putra karak,there may be

delay in next child bou not denied.

2.As far as IVF,this is personal matter and incase for any reason you are

seeking it completely depends on kshetra but not beeja.In your case it is watery

sign kshetra,possibilty for multiple can not be totally denied.


3.In any case even in normal pregnancy,surgical intervention is not denied.

This is based on parsna and the lagna lord is in 6th in airy sign and in own

house in visakha nakshtra owned by jupiter.Astrologically beeja is not


But from sun lagna rahu in pisces may be a little suscipicion for male

infertility.otherwise moonlagna too indicates beeja is o.k



ashokanandalakshmi <ashokanandalakshmi wrote:

Namaste to all

Can anyone tell me whether i have chances of multiple pregnancies in

future. I have already posted reg. my pregnancy problem last yr

got replies too, my doctor has suggested to go for IVF in next few

months ,

If we go for IVF wil it be sucessfull?do my chart shows any chances of

multiple pregnancies?i am afraid becos of multiple pregnancies,i

already have 7yrs old son and i am not in situattion to handle

multiple pregnancies. My problem is hundred percent male infertility case.

my details: name:lakshmi, DOB:8th april 1977,



















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  • 7 years later...

December 11 1984

4:36 PM Time Zone is CST

Little Rock, AR


This is a reading of my astrology chart but not the vedic astrology. Vedic basically moves everything one sign down to the next house. Also, I conceived on August 22nd, 2012 and I am due on May 29th, 2013.


Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Gemini

Extremely active by nature, you like to get around, meet people and do different things. Very restless, you just can't seem to stay put. You need to be involved in several projects at once in order to keep your mind stimulated. You like to read books and to write letters and to talk -- constantly. Seemingly ageless, you will always appear to be much younger than you really are. Very adaptable and inquisitive, you are always open to new ideas and experiences. A "jack-of-all-trades", you are lively and versatile. Because of the high nervous tension that you always seem to have, athletic activity would be a good way for you to burn off energy. But be careful of a tendency to experience things only superficially -- try to dig in and absorb things at a deeper level.


Sun is in 20 Degrees Sagittarius.

Very fun-loving, spirited and energetic, you have a huge reservoir of physical energy within you that needs to be released. As such, exercise or sports are very important to you. Quite gregarious, you enjoy being with other people, but you tend to avoid emotionally restrictive or intimate relationships. Constantly curious about the broader issues of life, you may at times be quite careless and sloppy about details -- you tend to leap to conclusions before all the facts are in. An avid reader, you are totally enthusiastic about any given subject should it interest you. You are known for being idealistic, generous, sociable, cheerful and very positive!


Moon is in 02 Degrees Leo.

You always want to be proud of yourself and will never do anything that will make yourself look bad. You need the respect and admiration of others and enjoy attracting attention to yourself. Everything you do tends to be self-emphasized and self-exaggerated. Very stubborn, willful and independent yourself, be sure to allow others who are close to you the similar right to "be themselves." Your need for love, affection and reassurance, and your tendency toward vanity, allow you to have your head easily turned by flattery. The more insecure you are, the more you tend to be a showoff. You love games and sports as a matter of fact, you would usually rather play than work. Be careful of a tendency to be snobbish and uppity -- it does not become you.


Mercury is in 26 Degrees Sagittarius.

Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -- the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful.


Venus is in 03 Degrees Aquarius.

You are a friendly and outgoing individual, but close relationships are difficult for you to maintain due to your fear that they will cause you to lose your freedom. You attract friends and associates who are exciting, different and sometimes a bit odd. You are popular with others and enjoy working within a group toward group goals.


Mars is in 19 Degrees Aquarius.

Your ideas and opinions are usually inventive and original, but sometimes they are merely eccentric and offbeat. You are altruistic -- you will work hard for the attainment of group goals, as long as they meet your high standards. You tend to resent traditional authority figures because you think that your ideas are better thought out and more valuable than theirs. Very idealistic, you are a rebel WITH a cause!


Jupiter is in 16 Degrees Capricorn.

You tend to feel that the only results that are worthwhile are the results that are concrete and demonstrable. You distrust abstract solutions and appreciate measurable achievements. An excellent organizer and planner, you are optimistic as well as practical and realistic about what can and what cannot happen. Very responsible, you consider it a personal weakness to be wrong about anything. This makes you appropriately cautious. You are very efficient but you tend to be cool and detached.


Saturn is in 22 Degrees Scorpio.

You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.


Uranus is in 14 Degrees Sagittarius.

You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.


Neptune is in 00 Degrees Capricorn.

You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.


Pluto is in 03 Degrees Scorpio.

For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.


N. Node is in 27 Degrees Taurus.

It's not in your nature to seek out many casual acquaintances in your daily round of activities. You feel much more comfortable with a small, close-knit group of people -- those with whom you can relax and work toward known and clearly defined goals. Your loyalty to a person or group, once given, is forever -- you'll expend all of your quite considerable energy in seeing that the group stays together and prospers. You choose your partners and relationships so carefully that you're bound to gain certain advantages from them, including those of a material nature. Be careful though not to let mere self-service be your motivation in establishing your connections -- make sure that there's an even give-and-take!

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