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The 4 Awakenings..... >> Mark Kincaid 10/5

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The 4 Awakenings





Did you know their were four kinds of lives that we were born to live, in

this life?


This morning as the Moon moved passed Almighty Jupiter, these thoughts came

to me.




The First Awakening




Most of those who have been exposed to the vision of life, through

Astrology, known as the Astrological life, that¹s unique to our Jyotish.


Even not knowing about our Astrology we are born to live all the pluses and

minuses of our Astrology.


We have sweet periods, times when everything wonderful happens for us. Then

there are the dark times, when everything unimaginable goes wrong! Later

we hear there are these two sides of our Astrological life; called benefics

and maleifcs.


Pre-Jyotish is one life, and post-Jyotish begins another.


I find myself sometimes reminiscing sometimes about my former, pre-Jyotish,

life. There were some absolutely positive times, but, there were also some

deeply troubling ones, as well.


For most it¹s the dark times of our malefics that makes us search for the

unique answers that are so well available in the understandings of our





The Second Awakening




So, we begin the process of seeing ourselves through our Astrology charts.

Why are we the way we are? Why are we so uniquely different then other

people? And, how are we the same? These and many more questions get a

chance to be fulfilled the more we understand the unique flavors of our

Jyotish charts.


After awhile, learning about our Astrology, feels, literally, like we¹ve

been reborn!


There¹s a unique kind of Œawakening¹ that comes to us, even if we only begin

hearing about our Astrology. ³Ahhhhh, sooo that¹s why I¹m the way I am?²


Then, a unique kind of peacefulness begins washing over us, even after just

beginning to hear about our charts.


For some, we go to our Astrology when we¹re having problems. For others, we

delight in this unique process of Œawakening¹ with each aspect of our

charts, that we hear.


What is this process of Awakening that we¹re going through?


What are it¹s full possibilities? And where will it end up?




The Third Awakening




One time I heard it said: ³The purpose of life is the development of

perfection. We will be born again and again until full perfection is



I think of this when I think of this quality of ŒAwakening¹.


Pre-Jyotish, I was like a football, being kicked this way and that.


One moment I was rushing ahead, happy, excited. The next, stumbled,

tackled, with my face in the mud. After awhile, even the happy times,

couldn¹t out-way the disappointing ones.


Thus begins the process of self-inquiry which has the delicious quality of



Because it¹s in Awakening that we truely find ourselves.


It¹s in Awakening that we begin to Œawaken¹ from our deep slumber.


It¹s in Awakening that we see our true purposes and potentials in this life.


It¹s in Awakening that we see the light!


Jyotish is the supreme light of the Ved!


Vedic Knowledge contains the complete knowledge of life; both in it¹s

Absolute and Relative characteristics.



Expansion of Consciousness




In Œthis¹ 3rd Awakening, whether we¹ve learned our Astrology, or not, is

contained the possibility of awakening to our higher Selves.


For thousands of years, people have heard: ³Know Thyself².


In Western culture from the times of the Greeks, the idea of coming to know

ThySelf, has

been there. Though of course, it¹s been not well understood or practiced

for almost as long.


In the East, this idea of Higher Self, or Enlightenment, is more clearly

understood. Though, there, too, it¹s not widely practiced anymore.


But, the entire World today, is in a process of an explosion of

self-renewal! Today, millions of individuals, of all nations and all

cultures have been exposed to the unique life-awakening properties of the

Higher Self.





The Fourth Awakening




Though for most, Astrology or especially Jyotish is not know, but for those

unique few, who have started seeing themselves through the Self, notice,

capital ŒS¹, and also have found themselves, enlivening themselves through

their Jyotish, a unique 4th dimension of life begins to be.




In the beginning, we¹re living our lives. We don¹t know why, and sometimes

we¹re happy and other times we¹re not.


But, such a life, seems grossly superficial, so after a time, we begin to

itch, to search for something else.


For some, this Œemptiness¹, draws us to Astrology. For others, we¹re drawn

to things like meditation, and other time honored technologies of



Whatever the Œpath¹, we begin to find ourselves in a new light.


If we¹ve coming from that Astrological Œbranch¹, then, we¹re beginning to

see, the relative Wisdom of our path.


Once we begin to understand our Jyotish, we begin to feel more at peace,

because we begin to understand that there are some very good reasons why our

life has been the way it has.


A kind of initial peacefulness begins to spread over us, and this is the

effect of Knowledge, the Pure Knowledge or Vedic Knowledge of the Self.


The uniquely detailed variety of Jyotish, Vedic Knowledge gives us a

delicious specificity of insight that makes us feel extremely

self-confident, because so few understand, really, the reasons why our lives

are the way they are.


For those whose Œsecond¹ path, became Œmeditation¹ of consciousness

expansion, a huge thrust or swelling of self, explodes, for us.


>From this perspective, many possibilities are possible. Regardless of the

Astrological Œpath¹ that we had been walking, now we begin to see ourselves

from a completely unique and unparalled consciousness perspective.


When the mind begins to go within, and especially learns to ŒTRANSCEND¹,

then, the beginning possibilities of ŒAll Possibilities¹ begins.


When the mind settles down, and goes for brief or longer periods of silence,

the Self of the Universe, begins to pull us back to itSelf.


We sometimes come out of meditation feeling great, mmmmmm, something. We

can¹t quite put our finger on it, but we do feel different. As time goes by

and we¹re regularly taking time to fathom this new Reality, we begin to have

especially clearer experiences.


Many experiences of clearer transcending come to us, and then, we begin to

find that especially Œsmooth¹ and delicious quality of bliss permeating out

into every day life.


I¹ll never forget when that experience began. For me, it took about 5 years

of meditating. Probably because I was so highly stressed, even in my youth!



But, after about that time, I began to feel an inner glow that was



I hadn¹t learned my Jyotish yet, but something fundamentally wonderful had



Unfortunately, even meditation without Jyotish might be incomplete.


Because of these two Jyotish sides of us; Benefic and Malefic, even with

meditation, a kind of frustration can continue.


I remember thinking even after 10 years of meditating, why aren¹t I

progressing, more quickly! This quagmire continued for a few more years,

until I found myself in India, and literally stumbled onto Jyotish.


Then over the next few years, I began my study of Jyotish, which because I

was already meditating, I found myself zooming to an even more exciting

level of Awakening.




Changeing our Stars




For most, fatalism dominates most of the thinking of even, modern day

Jyotish. There are your strengths, those Benefics, but then, there are

those pesky Malefics!


For most, sure, there are some kinds of Œremedial measures¹ that might be

tried, but basically we¹re stuck to live out the poorer karmas of those

so-called malefics.


But, sometimes, you can have the experience of some kind of

self-transformation, even, wrapped around one of those same malefics.


Maybe it¹s Mars, maybe Mars has been acting weirdly and some kinds of

disappointing characteristics of malefic Mars has been dominating.


Maybe we¹ve been accident prone, or subject to easy bouts of anger, or

confrontation with others. Or maybe, even, we¹ve been treated badly by



But, sometimes, we somehow begin to Œget it¹, and we seem to turn a corner,

so to speak, and that same intensity of Mars Œmaleficness¹, seems to be



Maybe we just got tired of being so Marish!


Or, maybe we just started to understand.


Whatever the reason, but, we seem to be fundamentally different now, and

that¹s because we stumbled upon some deep shift in ŒBALANCE¹, regarding even

one of our Malefics!


So, we get excited and we begin to look at our Jyotish, or our charts,



Maybe, even, someone says ³You Can Change Your Stars²!


Regardless of the reason, but once we start to look at our Malefics, in this

way, not only as our fixed, Œfate¹, but as literally the very areas of our

lives; that we¹re meant to change!, then,

we begin to move into a bigger Œlight¹ of our lives.


It happens in meditation, too. We are going along, living the relative

strengths of our planets, and then, whoosh, we sit down to meditate, and our

minds ..... literally, go off!


We don¹t even know where we went.


But, after some time, we come back, and we think, ... ³Wow, what happened?

Where, did I go? It was so..... great,.... there.²


In those experiences, wherever our charts have lead us, we begin to

experience an unmistakable, deeper level of Reality.


In such a state, our Sun¹s are found expanding. In those simple, wonderful

inner experiences, even our Moon¹s are found bigger, and brighter.

Afterwards, we come out, we come back, and as we get back into our day, the

flows of our events, begins to be, more effortless and natural.


In truth, even the Saturn within us got enlivened in an amazing way, from



So, we continue with our inner development of Consciousness, but if we¹re

one of those lucky one¹s who also know their Jyotish, an amazing 4th level

of Awakening becomes possible for us.




Jai Guru!





All thanks to the Almighty Guru or Jupiter, witin us.






Mark Kincaid









Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


1 641 472-0000.









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