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When is a yog for us to have a kid

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My Birth Details are

Name: Madhavi Hebbar (Kulkarni)

3rd Oct 1975

Time: 09:00 am

Place: Mahim Mumbai, Maharashtra


My husband's birth details are

Name: Kiran Hebbar

11th Jan 1970

Time: 10:50 am

Place: Arisekere, Karnataka (Tumkur - nearest place)


We are married for 5 years. I had conceived twice: first in July 2002

and second in Sept 2005. Both the times I had ectopic pregnancy

detected in 5th week, which resulted in abortion.


As per doctors, it is better not to try natural way, as it may again

result another ectopic, looking at the history. We may need to try

medically such as IVF.


We want to know whether we will have a kid and when is the yog? Will

that yog result in successful delivery?


Any precaution / measures / remedies to consider?


Your advise will be helpful for us.

Madhavi and Kiran

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Problem certainly is reflected in two ways in Prashna Lagna:

1.Lagna lord though in it's own sign in 6th house

2.5th house known for putra bhava is under the aspect of sun influenced by fiery

star chitta nakshtra.

Apart from these,influence of 9th lord moon closely proximity to rahu in

5th.saturn posited in 9th by 10th aspect and 3rd causing problems in progeny.

Then vargottama mars in 6th is again in navamsa is influenced by Rahu but putra

karaka jupiter aswell as venus normally considered as planet for purushardh are

together is aspecting 7th of spouseindicating docile and lack of mobility of

beej and in capricorn (7th House) in earthy nature.

Complications in conception need surgical intervention.Even ectopregnancy are

the results of dry sign of 6th that plays a vital role sexual issues,indicating

hormonal problems.

pl also note lord of 7th in lagna in saturn's nakshtra(Anuradha) at degrees very

close to that of Rahu in 5th(with moon)

Possibilities for getting child are promising.surgical intervention either way

are inevitable.dasa lord inprashna lagna in the own nakshtra of pushyami is

favourable to have pregnancy on it's without artificial insertions.

>From the natal horoscope Mr Kiran is undergoing antar of Moon(lord of 5th) in

the mahdasa of saturn as 9th and 10th lords .From this natal the following that

emerge(from point of progeny) are interest for medical reasons:

6th lord sun is in 10th in fiery sign with beej karak venus.This must also

influence the count for number of sperms that cause fertilization of egg.

5th house known for putra bhava is rule by moon sign with lord posited with Rahu

at 14+deg in pushya nakshtra.This fact as I already mentioned tallies with

prashna lagna drwn for the issue of problems in progeny and ectopic conceptions

Also aspect benific jupiter from 8H on moon is some what instrumental for

begetting children,though 8th as such is malefic in nature.Both house of jupiter

in the horoscope of Mr Kiran are lagna and 10th ruled by jupiter but placed in

8th.In navamsa as lord of 5th is palced in 6th along with retrograde mercury in

earthy sign of capricorn.Atmakarak sun in 10th venus has given him lot of drive

for authority and manah karak moon in 12th with rahu and mars do give sexual

urge.Probably this can also be a cause for lack of proper count needed for

healthy sperms for pregnancy.

As faras kshtra representd in his natal sign is of virgo lord mercury

retrograde.This is where venus undergoes as beeja karak(purushardh)

debilitation.But then drive is maintained and in navamsa with moon in 7th kshtra

is fertile in airy sign of kumbha influneced by saturn that is taken care by

benific jupiter assuring a male boy on it's own.may be medical guidance would

helo as antar of mars in saturn turns by march 2006.may be good to plan for an

issue after December when Mars has no rettrogression.best is poornimas of

Decembr3rd week around 22nd and 23rd.





My Birth Details are

Name: Madhavi Hebbar (Kulkarni)

3rd Oct 1975

Time: 09:00 am

Place: Mahim Mumbai, Maharashtra


My husband's birth details are

Name: Kiran Hebbar

11th Jan 1970

Time: 10:50 am

Place: Arisekere, Karnataka (Tumkur - nearest place)


We are married for 5 years. I had conceived twice: first in July 2002

and second in Sept 2005. Both the times I had ectopic pregnancy

detected in 5th week, which resulted in abortion.


As per doctors, it is better not to try natural way, as it may again

result another ectopic, looking at the history. We may need to try

medically such as IVF.


We want to know whether we will have a kid and when is the yog? Will

that yog result in successful delivery?


Any precaution / measures / remedies to consider?


Your advise will be helpful for us.

Madhavi and Kiran




















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Your words are reassuring, thanks for your advice.

Madhavi and Kiran.


, vattem krishnan

<bursar_99> wrote:


> Problem certainly is reflected in two ways in Prashna Lagna:

> 1.Lagna lord though in it's own sign in 6th house

> 2.5th house known for putra bhava is under the aspect of sun

influenced by fiery star chitta nakshtra.

> Apart from these,influence of 9th lord moon closely proximity to

rahu in 5th.saturn posited in 9th by 10th aspect and 3rd causing

problems in progeny.

> Then vargottama mars in 6th is again in navamsa is influenced by

Rahu but putra karaka jupiter aswell as venus normally considered as

planet for purushardh are together is aspecting 7th of

spouseindicating docile and lack of mobility of beej and in

capricorn (7th House) in earthy nature.

> Complications in conception need surgical intervention.Even

ectopregnancy are the results of dry sign of 6th that plays a vital

role sexual issues,indicating hormonal problems.

> pl also note lord of 7th in lagna in saturn's nakshtra(Anuradha)

at degrees very close to that of Rahu in 5th(with moon)

> Possibilities for getting child are promising.surgical

intervention either way are inevitable.dasa lord inprashna lagna in

the own nakshtra of pushyami is favourable to have pregnancy on it's

without artificial insertions.

> From the natal horoscope Mr Kiran is undergoing antar of Moon(lord

of 5th) in the mahdasa of saturn as 9th and 10th lords .From this

natal the following that emerge(from point of progeny) are interest

for medical reasons:

> 6th lord sun is in 10th in fiery sign with beej karak venus.This

must also influence the count for number of sperms that cause

fertilization of egg.

> 5th house known for putra bhava is rule by moon sign with lord

posited with Rahu at 14+deg in pushya nakshtra.This fact as I

already mentioned tallies with prashna lagna drwn for the issue of

problems in progeny and ectopic conceptions

> Also aspect benific jupiter from 8H on moon is some what

instrumental for begetting children,though 8th as such is malefic in

nature.Both house of jupiter in the horoscope of Mr Kiran are lagna

and 10th ruled by jupiter but placed in 8th.In navamsa as lord of

5th is palced in 6th along with retrograde mercury in earthy sign of

capricorn.Atmakarak sun in 10th venus has given him lot of drive for

authority and manah karak moon in 12th with rahu and mars do give

sexual urge.Probably this can also be a cause for lack of proper

count needed for healthy sperms for pregnancy.

> As faras kshtra representd in his natal sign is of virgo lord

mercury retrograde.This is where venus undergoes as beeja karak

(purushardh) debilitation.But then drive is maintained and in

navamsa with moon in 7th kshtra is fertile in airy sign of kumbha

influneced by saturn that is taken care by benific jupiter assuring

a male boy on it's own.may be medical guidance would helo as antar

of mars in saturn turns by march 2006.may be good to plan for an

issue after December when Mars has no rettrogression.best is

poornimas of Decembr3rd week around 22nd and 23rd.

> krishnan


> Hi,


> My Birth Details are

> Name: Madhavi Hebbar (Kulkarni)

> 3rd Oct 1975

> Time: 09:00 am

> Place: Mahim Mumbai, Maharashtra


> My husband's birth details are

> Name: Kiran Hebbar

> 11th Jan 1970

> Time: 10:50 am

> Place: Arisekere, Karnataka (Tumkur - nearest place)


> We are married for 5 years. I had conceived twice: first in July


> and second in Sept 2005. Both the times I had ectopic pregnancy

> detected in 5th week, which resulted in abortion.


> As per doctors, it is better not to try natural way, as it may


> result another ectopic, looking at the history. We may need to try

> medically such as IVF.


> We want to know whether we will have a kid and when is the yog?


> that yog result in successful delivery?


> Any precaution / measures / remedies to consider?


> Your advise will be helpful for us.

> Madhavi and Kiran














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