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What are the my Spiritual aspects ?

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Dear Sir,


I am very religious person. Please tell me my

spiritual aspects from astrological point of view and

about my poorvajanma.Please also tell me which

astrological text book is available on this subject.


My D.O.B is:-


Time: 1.00 A.M.

Place Jullundur (Punjab)


with regards

Mandhir Singh







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Feel free to write to me at clarity2020

I publicly promise you that as long as you do not change your

identity and email address -- I will not charge you anything in cash

or kind.

You will not end up being my chela for I have said boldly many times,

I am no guru or Guru or GURU!

I will not go soft on you by any standards, though -- beware of that!

Why am I doing this to you?

I have a reason, but do you have one for not responding to my offer?


, Mandhir Singh

<mandhir_14> wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> I am very religious person. Please tell me my

> spiritual aspects from astrological point of view and

> about my poorvajanma.Please also tell me which

> astrological text book is available on this subject.


> My D.O.B is:-

> 13-14/7/1970

> Time: 1.00 A.M.

> Place Jullundur (Punjab)


> with regards

> Mandhir Singh







> Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005



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Call me human :-)


Gurus are great, but given what I see these days (and that seeing

goes back some years actually in more than one country, more than one

society, more than a few circles) there is much emotionality. Nothing

against emotions, allow me to say Rishiji, but when life is at stake

and hypothermia is sure to kill one, one wants dry wood and not soggy

wet wood which will smoke more but give less heat. The smoke alone

would kill, if not hypothermia!


And yet, emotions are beautiful as all of us poets know and have

confessed many times before. Not sure if you have read this before or

not, but let me close this post with the following words, from the



Maa Shakti Dey, haar klanti ley

Maa Buddhi Dey, haar bhranti ley

Maa Shanti Dey, Maa Bhakti Dey, Maa Mukti Dey




I publicly promise you that as long as you do not change your

identity and email address -- I will not charge you anything in cash

or kind.

You will not end up being my chela for I have said boldly many times,

I am no guru or Guru or GURU!

I will not go soft on you by any standards, though -- beware of that!

Why am I doing this to you?

I have a reason, but do you have one for not responding to my offer?


, "rishi_2000in"

<rishi_2000in> wrote:


> Verrrrry difficult, Sir, to fathom reasons but one query!

> Why this extremely rigid stance on the Guruism part


> Regards


> rishi


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However, if you will permit me to say this, learning is not directly

proportional to emotions. If the word 'guru' implicit implies

emotionality then what about teacher!

The greatest teacher though is life and Ma tests us at every step and

expects us to keep learning.




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It is a very rare joy that is awarded to a human when truly emotion is

gifted with a meeting with cognition or mentation.


Only when the left and right brain meet through corpus callosum

(comunication) can the human experience be complete and then the

genders can stop fighting -- and the seeking can continue, if not end!


The BEST parent can only sense that while being caretakers and fully

responsible for the nubile soul that they have been entrusted with

(whether they know or realize it or not!), there is responsibility



The responsibility is not to be felt by teachers at each step, but



The student is the one who dare not doze off or miss a single word!


Always the younger and the energetic one that ends up paying the final

price! It does make sense, though, does it not, Sir?




, "rishi_2000in"

<rishi_2000in> wrote:


> Amen.

> However, if you will permit me to say this, learning is not directly

> proportional to emotions. If the word 'guru' implicit implies

> emotionality then what about teacher!

> The greatest teacher though is life and Ma tests us at every step and

> expects us to keep learning.


> regards

> rishi


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Responsibility and/or duty has to be borne is perhaps the primary lesson of

life. The merging of two parts together to give a finite whole.. the left brain

alone falters in grief or sorrow while experiencing bliss tries to cling

on...the right part falters in cold reasoning and finds itself incomplete but

more often than not prevails as the mundane alongwith the societal pressures

often win..what is right and what is correct, the dilemma!


So we seek on, but such is the innate human need to take shortcuts that one cant

be blamed for succumbing at times. And the price has to be paid, nothing is

really free in life.Does make sense and one is not dozing just contemplating but

then that is another story and Jyotish goes on teaching.







, "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...> wrote:


> It is a very rare joy that is awarded to a human when truly emotion is

> gifted with a meeting with cognition or mentation.


> Only when the left and right brain meet through corpus callosum

> (comunication) can the human experience be complete and then the

> genders can stop fighting -- and the seeking can continue, if not end!


> The BEST parent can only sense that while being caretakers and fully

> responsible for the nubile soul that they have been entrusted with

> (whether they know or realize it or not!), there is responsibility

> involved!


> The responsibility is not to be felt by teachers at each step, but

> overall.


> The student is the one who dare not doze off or miss a single word!


> Always the younger and the energetic one that ends up paying the final

> price! It does make sense, though, does it not, Sir?





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