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Vedic Astrology Basics

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This file has been generated by well known Astrology software goravani.

If any one like to buy the software he can buy it from www.goravani.com



best wishes


Tarun Chopra


www.occultwizard.com <http://www.occultwizard.com>






The Planets Basic Info


Planet Owns Sex Aspects Sanskrit

------ ---- --- ------- --------

Sun Leo Male 7 Surya

Moon Cancer Female 7 Chandra

Mars Aries, Scorp Male 4-7-8 Mangal

Mercury Gemini, Virgo Neutral 7 Budha

Jupiter Sagit, Pisces Male 5-7-9 Guru

Venus Taur, Libra Female 7 Shukra

Saturn Cap, Aqu Neutral 3-7-10 Shani

Rahu Aries Female none Rahu

Ketu Libra Neutral none Ketu




Planet Main Significations

------ -------------------

Sun Soul, Self, Power,

Esteem, Ambition


Moon Emotions, Mind, Health,

Purity, Mental Balance, Mother


Mars Energy, Drive, Agility,

Agression, Accidents


Mercury Intellect, Speech, Relating,

Dimplomacy, Communications


Jupiter Fortune, Law, God, Wealth,

Status, Expansiveness


Venus Desires, Pleasures, artistry,

beauty, additions,Sex


Saturn Obstacles, seriousness,

truthfulness, Sorrows


Rahu Karma, eccentricities,

disturbances, foreign, things


Ketu Death, spirituality,

detachments, outcastes




Signs (Rashis)


Sign Sanskrit Meaning

---- -------- -------

Aries Mesha Ram

Taurus Vrishaba Bull

Gemini Mithuna Embracing

Cancer Karkata Crab

Leo Simha Lion

Virgo Kanya Teenage Girl

Libra Thula Scales

Scorpio Vrishchika Scorpion

Sagitt Dhanus Bow

Capricorn Makara Crocodile

Aquarius Kumbha Jug

Pisces Meena Fish




Sign Type Mobility Lord

------ ----- -------- -------

Aries Fire Movable Mars

Taurus Earth Fixed Venus

Gemini Air Common Mercury

Cancer Water Movable Moon

Leo Fire Fixed Sun

Virgo Earth Common Mercury

Libra Air Movable Venus

Scorpio Water Fixed Mars

Sagitt Fire Common Jupiter

Capricorn Earth Movable Saturn

Aquarius Air Fixed Saturn

Pisces Water Common Jupiter





Signs Continued


Sign Height Strong Rise Mobility

During By

----- ------ ------ ---- --------

Aries Short Night Hind Movable

Taurus Short Night Hind Fixed

Gemini Medium Night Head Mixed

Cancer Medium Night Hind Movable

Leo Tall Day Head Fixed

Virgo Tall Day Head Mixed

Libra Tall Day Head Movable

Scorpio Tall Day Head Fixed

Sagittarius Medium Night Hind Mixed

Capricorn Medium Night Hind Movable

Aquarius Short Day Head Fixed

Pisces Short Day Both Mixed




Sign Direction-Element-Caste

(4 types repeat)

---- -----

Aries East-Fire-Kshatriya

Taurus South-Earth-Vaishya

Gemini West-Air-Shudra

Cancer North-Water-Brahmin

Leo East-Fire-Kshatriya

Virgo South-Earth-Vaishya

Libra West-Air-Shudra

Scorpio North-Water-Brahmin

Sagittarius East-Fire-Kshatriya

Capricorn South-Earth-Vaishya

Aquarius West-Air-Shudra

Pisces North-Water-Brahmin





The Houses


Hs Sanskrit Meaning Karakas

-- -------- ------- -------

1 Tanu Body Sun

2 Dhana Wealth Jupiter

3 Sahaja Siblings Mars

4 Sukha Happiness Moon/Merc

5 Suta Children Jupiter

6 Ripu Enemy Saturn/Mars

7 Jaya Spouse Venus

8 Mrityu Death Saturn

9 Dharma Religion Sun/Jupiter

10 Karma Work Jup/Sun/Merc/Sat

11 Labha Gain Jupiter

12 Vyaya Loss Saturn







Hs Name Main Rulerships of the House

-- ---- -----------------------------

1 Tanu Body, Overall Results, Health, Childhood, Self, Head

2 Dhana Family, Wealth, Speech, Food,

3 Sahaja Courage, Discomforts, Loss of Property, Loss of Parents,


4 Sukha Happiness, Home, Heart, Mother, Large Property

Posessions, Heritage

5 Suta Intelligence, Creativity, Children, Entertainment, Deity,


6 Ripu Debts, Diseases, Enemies, Service, loss of relationships

7 Jaya Spouse, Partners, Contracts, Significant others in all


8 Mrityu Death, Disasters, Sex, Loss of Fortunes, Myseteries,


9 Dharma Religion, God, Guru, Fortune, Father, Law, Faith,

Protection, humility

10 Karma Career, Prestige, Rise, Success, Government, Material


11 Labha Gains, Desires, Friends, Older Siblings, Selfishness

12 Vyaya Donations, Liberation, Losses, Old Age, Private

Pleasures, Temples



Sanskrit Meaning Type of House


1 Tanu Body Trine & Angle

2 Dhana Wealth Maraka

3 Sahaja Siblings Upachaya

4 Sukha Happiness Angle

5 Suta Children Trine/Trinkona

6 Ripu Enemy Dushtana/(Difficult)

7 Jaya Spouse Angle/Maraka

8 Mrityu Death Dushtana/(Difficult)

9 Dharma Religion Trine/Trinkona

10 Karma Work Angle

11 Labha Gain Upachaya

12 Vyaya Loss Dushtana/(Difficult)


Trine and Trikona mean the same thing, either 1, 5 and 9, or just 5 and

9 according to some. Dusthana literally translated means "difficult

house". Maraka means "death causing".





Sanskrit Meaning Body Area Ruled by House


1 Tanu Body Head, body in general

2 Dhana Wealth Face, mouth

3 Sahaja Siblings Breasts, ears, arms

4 Sukha Happiness Heart, chest

5 Suta Children Belly, womb

6 Ripu Enemy Lower abdomen

7 Jaya Spouse Lap area

8 Mrityu Death Genitals, anus

9 Dharma Religion Thighs, hips

10 Karma Work Knees, back

11 Labha Gain Legs

12 Vyaya Loss Feet




The Special Signs for the Planets


Planet Own Sign(s) Mulatrikona

------ ----------- -----------

Sun Leo 1-10 deg. Leo

Moon Cancer 4-30 deg. Taurus

Mars Aries, Scorpio 0-18 deg. Aries

Mercury Gemini, Virgo 16-20 deg. Virgo

Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces 0-13 deg.Sagittarius

Venus Taurus, Libra 0-10 deg. Libra

Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius 0-20 deg. Aquarius

Rahu Aries Cancer

Ketu Libra Capricorn



Planet Exaltation Debilitation

------ ---------- ------------

Sun 10 deg. Aries 10 deg. Libra

Moon 3 deg. Taurus 3 deg. Scorpio

Mars 28 deg. Capricorn 28 deg. Cancer

Mercury 15 deg. Virgo 15 deg. Pisces

Jupiter 5 deg.Cancer 5 deg. Capricorn

Venus 27 deg. Pisces 27 deg. Virgo

Saturn 20 deg. Libra 20 deg. Aries

Rahu Taurus Scorpio

Ketu Scorpio Taurus





The Nakshatras


# Name Lord Guna Gana Type

- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----

1 Ashvini Ketu Tama Deva Dharma

2 Bharani Venus Raja Manushya Artha

3 Kritika Sun Raja Rakshasa Kama

4 Rohini Moon Raja Manushya Moksha

5 Mrigashira Mars Tama Deva Moksha

6 Ardra Rahu Tama Manushya Kama

7 Punarvasu Jupiter Satva Deva Artha

8 Pushya Saturn Tama Deva Dharma

9 Ashlesha Mercury Satva Rakshasa Dharma

10 Magha Ketu Tama Rakshasa Artha

11 Purva Phalguni Venus Raja Manushya Kama

12 Uttara Phalguni Sun Raja Manushya Moksha

13 Hasta Moon Raja Deva Moksha

14 Chitra Mars Tama Rakshasa Kama

15 Swati Rahu Tama Deva Artha

16 Vishakha Jupiter Satva Rakshasa Dharma

17 Anuradha Saturn Tama Deva Dharma

18 Jyeshtha Mercury Satva Rakshasa Artha

19 Mula Ketu Tama Rakshasa Kama

20 Purva Ashadha Venus Raja Manushya Moksha

21 Uttara Ashadha Sun Raja Manushya Moksha

22 Shravan Moon Raja Deva Artha

23 Dhanistha Mars Tama Rakshasa Dharma

24 Satabishak Rahu Tama Rakshasa Dharma

25 Purva Bhadrapad Jupiter Satva Manushya Artha

26 UttaraBhadrapad Saturn Tama Manushya Kama

27 Revati Mercury Satva Deva Moksha




# Name Symbol Demigod

- ---- ------ -------

1 Ashvini Horse Head Asvini Kumars

2 Bharani Vagina Yamaraj

3 Kritika Razor Agnidev

4 Rohini Chariot Brahma

5 Mrigashira Deer Head Candrama

6 Ardra Head Rudra

7 Punarvasu Bow Sri Aditi

8 Pushya Flower Brihaspati

9 Ashlesha Serpent Nagas

10 Magha Palanquin Pitris

11 Purva Phalguni Front Legs of Cot Bhaga

12 Uttara Phalguni Back legs of Cot Aryaman

13 Hasta Palm Suryadev

14 Chitra Pearl Visvakarma

15 Swati Sapphire Vayu

16 Vishakha Potters Wheel Indra

17 Anuradha Umbrella Mitra

18 Jyeshtha Umbrella Indra

19 Mula Crouching Lion Nritta

20 Purva Ashadha Front of square Apas

21 Uttara Ashadha Back of square Visvadev

22 Shravan Arrow Sri Visnu

23 Dhanistha Drum Vasus

24 Satabishak Flower Varuna

25 Purva Bhadrapad Front Legs of Cot Ajaikapad

26 Uttara Bhadrapad Back legs of Cot Ahirbudhnya

27 Revati Fish Pushan





Nakshatras Continued


In the table below, the "d" after the first number in "From" is for

"degrees". Then the next number is the minutes. So it's

Degrees-Minutes of Zodiac. Take Bharani, the 2nd one, it runs from 13

degrees 20 minutes of Aries to 26 degrees 39 minutes of Aries.


# Name From in To in

- ---- ---- -- -- --

1 Ashvini 0d Aries 13d 19 Aries

2 Bharani 13d 20 Aries 26d 39 Aries

3 Kritika 26d 40 Aries 9d 59 Taurus

4 Rohini 10d Taurus 23d 19 Taurus

5 Mrigashira 23d 20 Taurus 6d 39 Gemini

6 Ardra 6d 40 Gemini 19d 59 Gemini

7 Punarvasu 20d 00 Gemini 3d 19 Cancer

8 Pushya 3d 20 Cancer 16d 39 Cancer

9 Ashlesha 16d 40 Cancer 29d 59 Cancer

10 Magha 0d Leo 13d 19 Leo

11 Purva Phalgu 13d 20 Leo 26d 39 Leo

12 Uttara Phalgu 26d 40 Leo 9d 59 Virgo

13 Hasta 10d Virgo 23d 19 Virgo

14 Chitra 23d 20 Virgo 6d 39 Libra

15 Swati 6d 40 Libra 19d 59 Libra

16 Vishakha 20d 00 Libra 3d 19 Scorpio

17 Anuradha 3d 20 Scorpio 16d 39 Scorpio

18 Jyeshtha 16d 40 Scorpio 29d 59 Scorpio

19 Mula 0d Sagitt 13d 19 Sagitt

20 Purva Ashad 13d 20 Sagitt 26d 39 Sagitt

21 Uttara Ashad 26d 40 Sagitt 9d 59 Capric

22 Shravan 10d Capric 23d 19 Capric

23 Dhanistha 23d 20 Capric 6d 39 Aquar

24 Satabishak 6d 40 Aquar 19d 59 Aquar

25 Purva Bhadra 20d 00 Aquar 3d 19 Pisces

26 Uttara Bhadra 3d 20 Pisces 16d 39 Pisces

27 Revati 16d 40 Pisces 29d 59 Pisces



# Name Body Part

- ---- ---------

1 Ashvini Top of foot

2 Bharani Sole of foot

3 Kritika Head

4 Rohini Forehead

5 Mrigashira Eyebrows

6 Ardra Eyes

7 Punarvasu Nose

8 Pushya Face

9 Ashlesha Ears

10 Magha Lips/Chin

11 Purva Phalgu Right hand

12 Uttara Phalgu Left hand

13 Hasta Fingers

14 Chitra Neck

15 Swati Chest

16 Vishakha Breasts

17 Anuradha Stomach

18 Jyeshtha Right torso

19 Mula Left torso

20 Purva Ashad Back

21 Uttara Ashad Waist

22 Shravan Genitals

23 Dhanistha Anus

24 Satabishak Right Thigh

25 Purva Bhadra Left Thigh

26 Uttara Bhadra Lower legs

27 Revati Anklrs



Nakshatras Continued


# Name Caste Western Star Name

- ---- ----- -----------------

1 Ashvini Vaisya b Arietis

2 Bharani Lower 41 Arietis

3 Kritika Brahmin h Tauri Alcyone-2

4 Rohini Sudra Aldebaran

5 Mrigashira Servant l Orionis

6 Ardra Butcher a Betelgeuse

7 Punarvasu Vaisya b Geminorium Poll

8 Pushya Kshatriya d Cancri

9 Ashlesha Lowest e Hydare

10 Magha Sudra r Leonis

11 Purva Phal Brahmin d Leonis

12 Uttara Phal Kshatriya Denebola

13 Hasta Vaisya d Corvi

14 Chitra Servant Virginis Spica

15 Swati Butcher a Bootis

16 Vishakha Lowest a Librae

17 Anuradha Sudra d Scorpii

18 Jyeshtha Servant Antares

19 Mula Butcher l Scorpii

20 Purva Ash Brahmin d Sagittarii

21 Uttara Ash Kshatriya s Sagittarii

22 Shravan Lowest a Aquila

23 Dhanistha Servant b Delphini

24 Satabishak Butcher l Aquarii

25 Purva Bhad Brahmin b Pegasi

26 Uttara Bhad Kshatriya g Pegasi

27 Revati Sudra z Piscium




Change the above single letters with the western names to Symbol font on

the Mac to get the correct Latin characters, and I'm not sure what on

the PC will equal this.



# Name Syl. for the 1/4's

- ----- --- --- --- -----

1 Ashvini Chu Chay Cho La

2 Bharani Li Lu Lay Lo

3 Kritika Aa Ee U A

4 Rohini O Va Vee Vo

5 Mrigashira Vay Vo Kaa Ke

6 Ardra Koo Ghaa Jna Cha

7 Punarvasu Kay Ko Haa Hee

8 Pushya Hoo Hay Ho Daa

9 Ashlesha Dee Doo Day Do

10 Magha Maa Mee Moo May

11 Purva Phal Mo Taa Tee Too

12 Uttara Phal Tay To Paa Pee

13 Hasta Pu Shaa Naa Thaa

14 Chitra Pay Po Raa Ree

15 Swati Ru Ray Raa Tha

16 Vishakha Thee Thoo Thay Tho

17 Anuradha Naa Nee Noo Nay

18 Jyeshtha No Yaa Yee Yoo

19 Mula Yay Yo Baa Bee

20 Purva Ash Bu Dhaa Bha Dha

21 Uttara Ash Bay Bo Jaa Jee

22 Shravan Ju Jay Jo Gha

23 Dhanistha Gaa Gee Goo Gay

24 Satabishak Go Saa See Soo

25 Purva Bhad Say So Daa Dee

26 Uttara Bhad Du Tha Gya Da

27 Revati De Do Chaa Chee





Name Translation Activity Varna/Caste

---- ------------ -------- -----------

Ashvini Horse-owner Passive Vaishya

Bharani Bearer Balanced Outcast

Krittika Cutter Active Brahmana

Rohini Growing or Red Balanced Shudra

Mrigashira Deer's Head Passive Servant class

Ardra Moist Balanced Butcher class

Punarvasu Prosperity Passive Vaishya

Pushya Flower Passive Kshatriya

Ashlesha Embrace Active Outcast

Magha Mighty Active Shudra

Purva Phalguni Former Red One Balanced Brahmana

Uttara Phalguni Latter Red One Balanced Kshatriya

Hasta Hand Passive Vaishya

Chitra Bright Active Servant class

Swati Independent Passive Butcher class

Vishaka Branched/Forked Active Outcast

Anuradha Following Radha Passive Shudra

Jyeshtha Eldest Active Servant class

Mula Root Active Butcher class

Purva Ashadha Former Victor Balanced Brahmana

Uttara Ashadha Latter Victor Balanced Kshatriya

Shravana Ear Passive Outcast

Dhanishtha Abundance Active Servant class

Satabhisha 100 Physicians Active Butcher class

Purva Bhadrapada Front Good Feet Balanced Brahmana

Uttara Bhadrapada Back Good Feet Balanced Kshatriya

Revati Rich Passive Shudra




Name Creation Direction Gender

---- -------- --------- ------

Ashvini Creation Sideways Male

Bharani Maintenance Downward Female

Krittika Dissolution Downward Female

Rohini Creation Upward Female

Mrigashira Maintenance Sideways Neuter

Ardra Dissolution Upward Female

Punarvasu Creation Sideways Male

Pushya Maintenance Upward Male

Ashlesha Dissolution Downward Female

Magha Creation Downward Female

Purva Phalguni Maintenance Upward Female

Uttara Phalguni Dissolution Downward Female

Hasta Creation Sideways Male

Chitra Maintenance Sideways Female

Swati Dissolution Sideways Female

Vishaka Creation Downward Female

Anuradha Maintenance Sideways Male

Jyeshtha Dissolution Sideways Female

Mula Creation Downward Neuter

Purva Ashadha Maintenance Downward Female

Uttara Ashadha Dissolution Upward Female

Shravana Creation Upward Male

Dhanishtha Maintenance Upward Female

Satabhisha Dissolution Upward Neuter

Purva Bhadrapada Creation Downward Male

Uttara Bhadrapada Maintenance Upward Male

Revati Dissolution Sideways Female




Name Nadi Nature Guna/Quality

---- ---- ------ ------------

Ashvini Vata Light Tama

Bharani Pitta Fierce/Severe Raja

Krittika Kapha Sharp and Soft Raja

Rohini Kapha Fixed/Permanent Raja

Mrigashira Pitta Soft/Mild/Tender Tama

Ardra Vata Sharp/Dreadful Tama

Punarvasu Vata Movable Sattva

Pushya Pitta Light Tama

Ashlesha Kapha Sharp/Dreadful Sattva

Magha Kapha Fierce/Severe Tama

Purva Phalguni Pitta Fierce/Severe Raja

Uttara Phalguni Vata Fixed/Permanent Raja

Hasta Vata Light Raja

Chitra Pitta Soft/Mild/Tender Tama

Swati Kapha Movable Tama

Vishaka Kapha Sharp and Soft Sattva

Anuradha Pitta Soft/Mild/Tender Tama

Jyeshtha Vata Sharp/Dreadful Sattva

Mula Vata Sharp/Dreadful Tama

Purva Ashadha Pitta Fierce/Severe Raja

Uttara Ashadha Kapha Fixed/Permanent Raja

Shravana Kapha Movable Raja

Dhanishtha Pitta Movable Tama

Satabhisha Vata Movable Tama

Purva Bhadrapada Vata Fierce/Severe Sattva

Uttara Bhadrapada Pitta Fixed/Permanent Tama

Revati Kapha Soft/Mild/Tender Sattva




Name Gana/Species Tattvas Sexual Type

---- ------------ ------- -----------

Ashvini Deva/Divine Earth Horse

Bharani Manushya/Human Earth Elephant

Krittika Rakshasha/Demonic Earth Sheep

Rohini Manushya/Human Earth Serpent

Mrigashira Deva/Divine Earth Serpent

Ardra Manushya/Human Water Dog

Punarvasu Deva/Divine Water Cat

Pushya Deva/Divine Water Sheep

Ashlesha Rakshasha/Demonic Water Cat

Magha Rakshasha/Demonic Water Rat

Purva Phalguni Manushya/Human Water Rat

Uttara Phalguni Manushya/Human Fire Cow

Hasta Deva/Divine Fire Buffalo

Chitra Rakshasha/Demonic Fire Tiger

Swati Deva/Divine Fire Buffalo

Vishaka Rakshasha/Demonic Fire Tiger

Anuradha Deva/Divine Fire Deer

Jyeshtha Rakshasha/Demonic Air Deer

Mula Rakshasha/Demonic Air Dog

Purva Ashadha Manushya/Human Air Monkey

Uttara Ashadha Manushya/Human Air Cow

Shravana Deva/Divine Air Monkey

Dhanishtha Rakshasha/Demonic Ether Lion

Satabhisha Rakshasha/Demonic Ether Horse

Purva Bhadrapada Manushya/Human Ether Lion

Uttara Bhadrapada Manushya/Human Ether Cow

Revati Deva/Divine Ether Elephant




Natural Planetary Friends and Enemies


Planet Friends Enemies Neutrals

------ ------- ------- --------

Sun Moon, Mars, Jup Saturn, Venus Mercury

Moon Sun, Mercury none all others

Mars Sun, Moon, Jup. Mercury Venus, Saturn

Merc. Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Jup., Sat.

Jupiter Moon, Mars, Sun Mercury Saturn

Venus Merc., Saturn Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter

Saturn Merc., Venus Sun, Moon, Jupiter





Calculating Temporary Relationships


Permanent Temporary

(Naisargika) (Tatkalik) Combination

------------ ---------- ------------

Friend (Mitra) + Friend = Best Friend (Adhi Mitra)

Friend + Enemy = Neutral

Enemy (Satru) + Enemy = Great Enemy (Adhi satru)

Neutral (Sama) + Friend = Friend

Neutral + Enemy = Enemy


The first column is the natural relation covered in the Natural

Friendship chart above. To calculate the middle Temporary relation

column for any one planet: Temporary Friends: planets in houses 2, 3, 4

and 10, 11, 12 from any it. Temporary Enemies, planets in conjunction

with, or in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 houses from it.




Length of Major Periods (Maha Dashas)

of Vimshottari Dasha


Planet Length of Major Rounded

Period in years Percentage

------- --------------- ----------

Sun 6 5 %

Moon 10 8 %

Mars 7 6 %

Rahu 18 15 %

Jupiter 16 13 %

Saturn 19 16 %

Mercury 17 14 %

Ketu 7 6 %

Venus 20 17 %


Total 120 years 100





Lunar Tithis


# Tithi Name Classically Stated Best Uses

- ---------- ----------------------------

1 Pratipat Brahminical ceremonies and rituals

2 Dvitiya Laying of foundations for houses

3 Tritiya Tonsure, hair cut etc.

4 Caturthi Destruction of competitors, obstructions

5 Pancami Taking medication, emetics, tonics for the first


6 Sasti Getting new friends, coronation, etc.

7 Saptami Construction & purchase of vehicles, taking


8 Astami Taking up of arms, fortifications

9 Navami Ruining or removing obstructions, competitors

10 Dasami Meritorious & pious deeds, worship of holy persons

11 Ekadasi Fasting and worship of Visnu

12 Dvadasi Fire sacrifices

13 Trayodasi Making friends, enjoyment of sensual pleasures

14 Caturdasi Inauspicious day

15 Purnima (full) Propitiation of the ancestors

15 Amavasya (new) Propitiation of the ancestors




Names of Months


Common Name Vaisnava Name Corresponds to

----------- ------------- ---------------

Chaitra Visnu March-April

Vaisagh Madhusudana April-May

Jyestha Trivikrama May-June

Ashada Vamana June-July

Sravana Sridhara July-August

Bhadra Hrsikesa August-September

Aswin Padmanabha September-October

Kartika Damodar October-November

Margshir Kesava November-December

Pausa Narayana December-January

Magha Madhava January-February

Phalguna Govinda February-March




More on the Planets


Planet Type Aspect Direction

------ ---- ------ ----------

Sun Malefic Soul East

Moon Depends Mind NorthWest

Mars Malefic Drive South

Mercury Depends Intelligence North

Jupiter Benefic Divinity NorthEast

Venus Benefic Love SouthEast

Saturn Malefic Restrictions West



Planet Element Color Gem

------ ------- ----- ---

Sun Fire Ruby Red Red Ruby

Moon Water White Pearl

Mars Fire Red Red Coral

Mercury Earth Green Green Emerald

Jupiter Ether Gold Yellow Yellow Saphire

Venus Water Rainbow Diamond

Saturn Air Darkness Blue Saphire




Solar Sign Changes


These are constant every year.


The Sun is From To


---------- ----- ----

Aries 4/14 5/13

Taurus 5/14 6/13

Gemini 6/14 7/15

Cancer 7/16 8/15

Leo 8/16 9/15

Virgo 9/16 10/16

Libra 10/17 11/15

Scorpio 11/16 12/14

Sagittarius 12/15 1/13

Capricorn 1/14 2/12

Aquarius 2/13 3/13

Pisces 3/14 4/13





Drekkana Body Parts Rulership Table


House 1st Drekkana 2nd Drekkana 3rd Drekkana

----- ------------ ------------ ------------

1st Head Neck Pelvis

2nd Right Eye Right Shoulder The genital

3rd Right Ear Right Arm Right Testicle/Ovary

4th Right Nostril Right Side Right Thigh

5th Right Cheek Right Heart Right Knee

6th Right Jaw Right Chest Right Calf

7th Mouth Navel Legs

8th Left Jaw Left Chest Left Calf

9th Left Cheek Left Heart Left Knee

10th Left Nostril Left Side Left Thigh

11th Left Ear Left Arm Left Testicle/Ovary

12th Left Eye Left Shoulder Anus





Applications of the Varga Charts


Parts Name Application

----- ---- -------------

1 Rashi Main Chart, Everything, Overall

2 Hora Prosperity, Wealth

3 Drekkana Siblings, their lives and well being

4 Chaturtamsha Luck and Residence

7 Saptamsha Children, Grand Children

9 Navamsa Spouse, general overall with Rashi

10 Dashamsha Profession, Success of all matters

12 Dwadashamsha Parents, their lives and well being

16 Shodashamsha Ones relationship to Vehicles

20 Vimshamsha Spiritual Undertakings

24 Siddhamsha Education, Learning, Brains

27 Bhamsa Strengths and Weaknesses

30 Trimshamsha Miseries, Troubles, Disasters

40 Khavedamsha Auspicious / Inauspicious Events

45 Akshavedamsha All things- everything- overall

60 Shastiamsha All things- everything- overall







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