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Why Is It So ?...Fear of Rahu, Sani and Mangal

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I have often read ,seen and experienced over these years that people ,

both astrologers and the jathaks are afraid of above planets.

More than the gullible public, it is the ill informed and illread Adhe

adhure so called Jyotishacharyas wanting to make a fast buck are to


Many times in the past, I have raised the question of having a fresher

look at Karakatwa of planets.

I had taken the case of Jupiter being given divine portfolios of many

things whereas in actuality, Jupiter tends to destroy the bhava it


Rahu-Ketu give best Computer engineers but are treated with

Tuchhakaara .And in the same manner, Mars gives some of the best

administrators but is looked at with fear.


Each planet has its plus and minus Gunas.

Shall we discuss these here?



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I thought you would never ask!!


Of course we should discuss it. "Discuss" to some these days has

become reduced to 'confrontation' and side swipes -- sad as it may

be but discussion is really something to be done without emotions.

Given the narrow unidimensional reality of internet this can prove

to be a challenge as has been demonstrated time and again. My

apologies for venting my frustrations!


Frustrated as I too am about what you alluded to -- I have begun to

appreciate, mistakenly perhaps, that this karmic drama is more

complex than it is made out to be. All -- nativities, acharyas E07,

acharyas E-07, etc are all important to complete the script. The

basic truth we all believe in is that the Universe is fair and just.

It all works out in the end, speedbumps notwithstanding and if one

persists, on the internet for instance, as in the other reality that

hosts the internet, arpanet whatever one wants to address it as --

constancy is the key. I have read what you posted in this mayavini

nagri of internet now for a few years and the message has been

constant, for sure. So, qudos for persistence coming obviously

through a strong belief in the truth as you see it, no matter what.


Please allow the ant to express his perspective but what I see is

that planets are multidimensional. They are like the computer games

with multiple levels of difficulty, complexity. The player chooses

through their actions and levels and at what point of Karma

Kurriculam they are at, the manifestation, perspective and

expression of a given planet.


Karaka consideration for instance gives some insight into that.

Karaka, for instance atmakaraka using the charakaraka scheme would

not automatically mean the means of expression or experience of

self. I have great difficulty about separating the Jaimini

considerations from Parashara considerations as some jyotishis

insist must be separated. Some planet like mars, direct and somewhat

reckless of personal consequences would not be switching hats, and

playing the parashari role one day and jaimini role the other day!

Simply ridiculous concept regardless of where it is coming from.


On the other hand, depending on the recipient, the role of the

karaka would change. The prime minister of a country would behave

differently with the press, with his opponents, his caucus, his wife

in public, his wife in private, his infant child, his teenager

child, and the same child when he is an adult (and there have been

prime ministers who have been PMs that long to see their children

grow up while still being PMs!).


The point I am trying to make through a real world analogy, an

anthropomorphic human example is that like us humans in this

mayavini world, akin to a theatre stage, the planets also have

similar nuances and roles. The astrological framework, afterall, is

supposed to image the worldly reality -- hence its ability to

reflect (pun natural and unintended) the drama that the soul was

supposed to play on this worldly stage.


To cut to the chase -- karakatwa of a plaent must not be considered

in isolation but alongwith its other roles and the resultant

considered when pronouncing a verdict, a signature interpreted.


Multifactorial consideration, a blend, a melange of ingredients just

as some of your beautiful, tasteful recipes at your website has such

a close parallel to astrology and astrological readings. Cooking,

Chemistry and astrological guidance -- have such a lot in common

that it cannot be accidental!








, "om_tatsat_om"

<om_tatsat_om wrote:


> Friends,


> I have often read ,seen and experienced over these years that

people ,

> both astrologers and the jathaks are afraid of above planets.

> More than the gullible public, it is the ill informed and illread


> adhure so called Jyotishacharyas wanting to make a fast buck are


> blame.

> Many times in the past, I have raised the question of having a


> look at Karakatwa of planets.

> I had taken the case of Jupiter being given divine portfolios of


> things whereas in actuality, Jupiter tends to destroy the bhava it

> occupies.

> Rahu-Ketu give best Computer engineers but are treated with

> Tuchhakaara .And in the same manner, Mars gives some of the best

> administrators but is looked at with fear.


> Each planet has its plus and minus Gunas.

> Shall we discuss these here?


> Tatvam-Asi


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Dear Omtasat ji,

Most of the indications that come out of some books relating to these three

planets (viz) rahu,sani and mars have been depicted as such.As a result

irrespective of where ever these planets are located and influenced through

(PAC) by other plants,there is some tendency to ignore and hand over fixed views

and rush for remedies for malific results .

Even as you pointed Rahu facilitates for many things including for

marraige,getting children and brings recognition and instills spirit of

competitiveness and combative skills.Ofcourse all these considerations must ahve

credence to the position of rahu in the chart and to influence those apart from

normal karakatwas.Infacts though these are basic,I fell often they get

transposed and tend to behave with reference to location and sign.

Mars no doubt being an energy planets makes super cops,generals and also

administrators.Mars/kuja/Angaraka as popularly known gets identified with krura

swabhava(like Sun) and the tag of malefic character gets appended.It is

certainly not correct to characterise as such to give only bad effects.

Saturn as such the master that brings values and ever willing to bring changes

reforms is rverred and respected for wrong reasons.If one is determined willing

to strain and swet,saturn helps and rewards.

may be we need to bring in some harmony while making judgements.it is not that

always brings only good to life and all other become troublesome.Infact this

demarcation in several cases does not stand to the test of reality.During dasa

of saturn,most of the person succeed and flourish in studies,make also a happy

beginning for employment and join their partners etc.

probably our approach for the knowledge science like jyotish needs a review

and refinement .This is possible only when we do not stretch the topics like

sadesati,kendradhipati yoga and all othe yogas too far.This is time we put more

attention on the chart and drill them to find and come out how planets changed

their behavious and promote the human perspectives



om_tatsat_om <om_tatsat_om wrote:



I have often read ,seen and experienced over these years that people ,

both astrologers and the jathaks are afraid of above planets.

More than the gullible public, it is the ill informed and illread Adhe

adhure so called Jyotishacharyas wanting to make a fast buck are to


Many times in the past, I have raised the question of having a fresher

look at Karakatwa of planets.

I had taken the case of Jupiter being given divine portfolios of many

things whereas in actuality, Jupiter tends to destroy the bhava it


Rahu-Ketu give best Computer engineers but are treated with

Tuchhakaara .And in the same manner, Mars gives some of the best

administrators but is looked at with fear.


Each planet has its plus and minus Gunas.

Shall we discuss these here?


















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Dear Krishnan ji,


Good post! One comment though on your example of saturn dasha and in

general -- It is important to note and makes a big difference even

jyotish neophytes would admit and must have observed. The age at

which the dasha operates! Saturn dasha happening during teenage

would have such a different expression than the same dasha towards

the end of life.


In fact, realistically speaking, if groups of individuals are

examined, most tend to have similar experiences in general, despite

different dashas and rulerships and so on. It is always

the 'exceptions' to the rules that tend to attract our attention,

make good "copy" in general and are the ones picked up and described

and discussed by authors and article writers, the modern teachers!


Most students of such forums of instructions, though would be

required to meet the general public, which somehow does not get

discussed in instructional material for the most part. I think they

should be included more and not just the exceptions.


Imagine, if a doctor were trained only about rare diseases and

exceptional syndromes, when the rubber hits the road or more

appropriately when the stethoscope hits the chest, these doctors may

find it difficult to diagnose a commonplace congestion of chest or

asthma or something like that.


And of course each time a celebrity is discussed there is the cloud

of confusion around their birthdata -- like I noticed in some forum

recently where they are discussing Sri Ravishankar ji (Art of

Living)'s chart.



, vattem krishnan

<bursar_99 wrote:


> Dear Omtasat ji,

> Most of the indications that come out of some books relating to

these three planets (viz) rahu,sani and mars have been depicted as

such.As a result irrespective of where ever these planets are

located and influenced through (PAC) by other plants,there is some

tendency to ignore and hand over fixed views and rush for remedies

for malific results .

> Even as you pointed Rahu facilitates for many things including

for marraige,getting children and brings recognition and instills

spirit of competitiveness and combative skills.Ofcourse all these

considerations must ahve credence to the position of rahu in the

chart and to influence those apart from normal karakatwas.Infacts

though these are basic,I fell often they get transposed and tend to

behave with reference to location and sign.

> Mars no doubt being an energy planets makes super cops,generals

and also administrators.Mars/kuja/Angaraka as popularly known gets

identified with krura swabhava(like Sun) and the tag of malefic

character gets appended.It is certainly not correct to characterise

as such to give only bad effects.

> Saturn as such the master that brings values and ever willing to

bring changes reforms is rverred and respected for wrong reasons.If

one is determined willing to strain and swet,saturn helps and


> may be we need to bring in some harmony while making

judgements.it is not that always brings only good to life and all

other become troublesome.Infact this demarcation in several cases

does not stand to the test of reality.During dasa of saturn,most of

the person succeed and flourish in studies,make also a happy

beginning for employment and join their partners etc.

> probably our approach for the knowledge science like jyotish

needs a review and refinement .This is possible only when we do not

stretch the topics like sadesati,kendradhipati yoga and all othe

yogas too far.This is time we put more attention on the chart and

drill them to find and come out how planets changed their behavious

and promote the human perspectives

> Krishnan


> om_tatsat_om <om_tatsat_om wrote:

> Friends,


> I have often read ,seen and experienced over these years that

people ,

> both astrologers and the jathaks are afraid of above planets.

> More than the gullible public, it is the ill informed and illread


> adhure so called Jyotishacharyas wanting to make a fast buck are


> blame.

> Many times in the past, I have raised the question of having a


> look at Karakatwa of planets.

> I had taken the case of Jupiter being given divine portfolios of


> things whereas in actuality, Jupiter tends to destroy the bhava it

> occupies.

> Rahu-Ketu give best Computer engineers but are treated with

> Tuchhakaara .And in the same manner, Mars gives some of the best

> administrators but is looked at with fear.


> Each planet has its plus and minus Gunas.

> Shall we discuss these here?


> Tatvam-Asi











> Vedic astrology Astrology chart Astrology software






> Visit your group "" on the web.





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