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for G.B.Prashant Kumar ji:moral boosters

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Dear Shri Srinivas Ji,

Like any other service,jyotish to some times gets strained.Your understanding

of the various interactions of the the members of group and the do's and dont's

with this kind of moral boosters is nicest guesture.certainly I for one who

would be greatful for those kind sentiments.of these the following views also

offer a positive approach in the form between seekers and sought along with the

great importance /relevance of the site.


1.The jyotishis will be rendering their service by spending a part of their

precious time for the seekers

2.This forumto provide relief to suffering souls by analysing horoscope and

offer suitable astro remedies

3.persons donot want to analyse on jyotish principles and offer their

services only on generic sense of philosophical preachings

4.Also an astrologer needs great patience as the people(not all) have

tendency to resort to this divine science as a last resort

I wish such objective approach will certaily be a boon to the group,for those

interacting and wishing to do better contributions.

may be I have edited some of your views to put the in abstract and enable

quick glance and reading



srinivasa murthy adavi <smadavi wrote:

Respected Arjunji and others,

Well said.I welcome your resolution to comeback and continue your service

which seekers believe(and have faith) in you as person of humility and

compassion .For such person's alone the divine science of jyotish become

workable and effctive.This forum,as the name suggests, is understood to provide

relief to suffering souls by analysing horoscope and offer suitable astro

remedies depending upon the place of residence of the native,his religious

background and above all taking into account the financial and mental state of

the querent.It's true that sometimes a balming talk is required ,but it alone

cannot suffice the native needs.

Also an astrologer needs great patience in dealing with the native as the

people(not all) have tendency to resort to this divine science as a last resort

for getting relief from their suffering.Obviously the native's mental state will

be depressive after dissipation of his energy on his self efforts through other

means.Thier patience to fight with circumstances will be at lowest and they'll

be eager to comeout of the crisis when they approach the astrolger.

Astrologer depending upon the situation may use balming words as a first

measure and analyse the horoscope and offer suitable propititions.It's being

observed certain people are thinking that if they offer balmy words

laced(sometimes) with wit and humour it's enough.Or it so that after years of

service they became despondent due to some inexplicable reasons and therefore

stopping their service only at first stage(balmy words...) itself ?God ,and

beyond God their conscience alone knows the truth.If this is said to them they

react angrily and feel hurt.If such persons themselves donot have patience

towards the gentle admonitions given with good intentions to correct their

behaviour and instead construe as insulted and complain to moderator.....it's

surprising and biweldering.How can a seeker expected to have patience to putup

with such a behaviour when he comes to this forum (with already depleted mental

strength) for relief based on jyotish and not just alone on balmy talk.If

persons donot want to analyse on jyotish principles and are ready to offer their

services only on generic sense of philosophical preachings that are less

understood by majority,then my advise to moderator/s is to put some reason into

such persons and let this forum be continued as and for jyotishremedies instead

of as a generic views exchange forum.Ask them to switchover to one to one (or

among select few)exchange when they truly find beneficial (of such echange)that

the discussion has to be carried further after a few exchanges in the forum


Also a kind request to the fellow seekers is that they should understand

the financial needs of the jyotishis and donot comeback with serial queries

(sometimes with changed id's) and spoil the precious time of jyotishis.The

jyotishis will be rendering their service by spending a part of their precious

time for the seekers and the rest of the time for earning their (and

families)rightful livelyhood.

Sri Arjunji,Sri Asutoshji,Sri VattemKrishnanji and few other like

Chopraji,Kuldhirbhatiji etc are adhering to the fouding objectives of this

forum and rendering wonderful service to the seekers.

I compliment them for their wonderful service and extend wishes for their




panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear prashant garu


from now onwards i have decided not to post my personal views and

opinions on any matter other than astrology in this group. also if

we both keep hitting the reply button and start expressing our

individual views on varied subjects other than astrology, we may be

drubbed as reducing this august group into our private chatroom.

even though till date we both exchanged only two mails, if we have

to communciate our views between only we two individuals, we can

always use our messenger for chatting so that the querents who

approach this group with pain and suffering do not find a long

thread of mails between two individuals and i loathe myself to be



every one who knows me knows that i preach what i practice and that

i always speak the truth. since am commited to healing and

astrology, from now onwards i will again start readng the charts and

suggestion of remedies freely in this group for any question from a

suffering querent that is left unanswered.


also i missed one of your previous mails where you requested me to

study your relative's chart and help him through divine healing.

either you or him may please contact on my private ID or chat for

this free service.


also in the gap of two months where i stopped reading charts freely

in this group, i have seen astrologers like you doing great

contributions and my personal appreciation to you. my special

respect and appreciation to krishnan ji and ashutoshji for their

continued contribution in this group on a consistent basis is always



with best wishes and regards



, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Hi Arjun

> I am sorry for the mistake but even before reading this mail in

a later mail have written as Arjun `open to debate' sure I agree

with all u said as i also share the similar thoughts on

invasion/occupation, except Isreal of course thouugh not our

problem, as after all the 3 major religions who share the old

testament r from there and it is better all of them live and share



> and probably share some land with any neighbouring country for

Palestine and all visit their holy places as siekhs go to Pak for

Nankasaheb, or Indians to china in CHina, than try to eliminate

the other as a solution..or as all muslims go to Mecca.


> but the rhetoric comming from there is

> Hinduism, Buddism, Jainism is GOD VERSION 0



> ISLAM VER 3 the latest and youngest and the poweful one and if

you u have heard Mushraff speak on 9/19 after 9/11 HE clearly tells

the Paki nation that he is going to repeat the same formula that

was used to get that land (Jerusalem durig Muhmad times] one

against other -a treaty when ur rival is attacked keep silent [as

u've signed the no war treaty] and after sometime when the jews

were already badly beatn by their common enemy they Invaded and

occupied that land [which Isreal later by decipt occupied in 67] so

he says tractfully he will use USA and nudge India and USA at the

right time.


> but religion sure is dead or dying as it is money the only god

that will remain and TV has surely erased all moral bases for all

civilisations, which cinema did a few levels, TV has done million

times more damage. so it is VINASHA KALA VIPAREETHA BUDHI [in times

of destruction our intellect fails, like fire flies get sucked into

the fire] coupled with Buddhi Marma anusare. [inteelect is driven

by fate]




> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear

prashant garu


> firstly my name is not rajan and it is arjun. even pandit arjun


> not my real name and it is only a penname.


> anyway i liked your mail since what all you mentioned are facts

> which none can deny. but i personally feel we can talk about

> individuals and not on religion as it is a highly sensitive and

> explosive issue.


> however, your mail reminsices me of some nations (not


> in my childhood we were told that all the Britishers were a

bunch of

> thieves who kept on looting the entire world and took back the

> entire world's wealth into their country. South Africa,


> and India are only few examples. despite decades long fights,


> British Queen still emblazones the Kohinoor diamond looted from


> country. definitely UK will not become poor by giving back one

> stone that they looted five decades ago. In my definition if


> nation occupies another nation by force they are looters be it


> occupying Iraq and Afghanistan or Israel occupying Palestine or

> China annexing Tibet.


> notwithstanding the repeated efforts by invaders who stood in


> to loot our country one after the other, the fact is that we


> gained from strength to strength mainly because of our inherent

> vedic knowledge. scientists may attribute other reasons for


> resilience and they are welcome.


> Anyway after Goldman Sacchs predicted few years ago that soon


> and India would be the two supermost nations in the world


> USA and UK, the entire west has started recognising the Indian

> wealth and each nation is vying a pie to share the Indian


> story. this is the new world order in the changing world



> with best wishes

> arjun



> , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi arjan,

> >

> > Sure i do accept good social work even by mata amrutananda,

> rama krishna mission some christian organisations the regular


> this Mission of charity as they have also claime is about dying

> people not living.

> >

> > Abot Satya sai Baba's super speciality hospitals they treat


> people irrespective of caste, creed, rich/poor etc with utmost


> they see all.

> > but in treatment their preference is from 16-65 yrs old who


> call BREAD WINNERS. this mission s of charity don't they do


> for the recoerd dying as they say.

> >

> > the Bishop of delhi-forgot his name also like babd does it


> same kids onwards

> >

> > Baba has comparitively limited resources to missions of

> charity do they have any such hospital/care facilities for any

> group. no the BBC documentry says they have unclean


> toilets stinking max they give is anacin they say u need to

> experience pain, and in the fag end they r asked if u want to

go to

> heaven when they say uest SHE HAS SAID THEY R GIVEN A TICKET TO


> PETERS many muslims of Bengal are without their knowledge given

> christian baptism and they do die without a honest consnet. so

> where i smorlaity in this effort, health care to baptism

> >

> > abdul satter eddhi is a great man he has grown fro the


> giving care collected good wil, finds from people by his work


> also the 1st to be at the Oct quake victims relief. did u c MoC


> Tsunami or any other quak,e flood afected areas no.

> >

> > Otheir christian organisations r surely there. as these


> have facilites, use overflowing donations for conversion in

> Africa, Asia.

> >

> > I have friends in all faiths and as u c I habe identified


> people form all faiths,

> > no bias we overplayed MT.

> > panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@> wrote: dear

> prashant ji

> >

> > what all you said is true as they are all based on facts.

> >

> > even while appreciating the social service done by mother

> teresa, i

> > do remember several years ago when she was possessed by a


> and

> > was exorcised as per christian practices. i have


> > evidence for this from christian institutions.

> >

> > to me mother teresa is a good social servant who worked on


> karma

> > marga. if someone equates her with god, i dont criticise as

> even in

> > india we have lots of godmen like satyasaibaba who are


> like

> > living gods.

> >

> > with best wishes

> > arjun

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >


> > > I am not sure of what v find in EMpTY.


> > > SAY ABORTIONS CONDOMES, especially minor girls who

> became

> > mothers in strife, war torn Africa, Latin America, slums


> > >

> > > SPREAD the word with Pope John Paul 2 that condoms


> > unsafe, leaks etc that is possible in 1 in a million

> scientifically.

> > Why do these people who believe in abstinence talk on these


> > that too rumors? The pain for millions of minor girls


> > becoming mothers will be reduced and what burden on society


> will

> > be girls who need care giving birth to kids.

> > > Condoms leak fine then abortions for such people she

> said NO

> > > It is ok to be immoral and give birth to illegal

> children

> > and suffer?

> > >

> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa

> > > this is a well documented section of both the +ve

and –

> ve.

> > > Please do see If I could appreciate a Pakistani for

> good

> > work and even a Bishop in delhi and S.Africa I am not dubbed


> > communal as many do now a days as a fashion.

> > > THESE i has aid r good as thecared for the living,


> did

> > for the ones surely who wud die asap. and won laurals from


> who

> > believe inempty rhetoric, like garibi, Hatoo, Aam admi etc.

> > > *-*-*

> > >

> > > PLEASE READ her life as presented honestly in BBC

> Channel

> > 4, on her so called achievements, all are dubious. And we


> a

> > hue and cry when it was telecast in their country, where

> reason,

> > introspection, criticism is natural; democratic we made her


> saint

> > for what?

> > > Reduced Gandhi and Harischandra as epithets, if you

> find

> > anyone following or taling about rules we say don't talk or


> like

> > Gandhi, or Harishcandra or Gandhi class etc. but elevate

her to

> > sainthood.

> > >

> > > In 79 the camp david peace accord brought about


> > between Egypt, Isreal , Jimmy carter, Anwar Sadat deserved


> honor.

> > >

> > > S Africa's Bishop Desmond Tutto deserved earlier


> her

> > at least for working in oppressive, barbarian, apartheid


> in

> > S. Africa.

> > >

> > > There is a Bishop in delhi who has raised street

> children,

> > fed them and educated them he deserves more praise not her.

> > >

> > > The best line r from her Nobel speech itself she did

> give

> > 40,000 people a ticket to St Peters (heaven) people who


> have

> > died in a day or tow live cared for intheir last days.


> died

> > in a day or two rest later max a week

> > >

> > > She talks in the speech that in the Bengal famine


> was

> > a Hindu family with 11 children and had a glass of milk only


> feed

> > them and a neighbour Muslim family had 13 so she gave the


> of

> > milk to the Muslim family as they had more children hungry,

> this u



> TO


> > >

> > > rishi_2000in <rishi_2000in@> wrote:

> > > Naliniji,

> > > I had posted a few thoughts of Mother Teresa on this


> on

> > the new year...too difficult to follow as is life but


> them

> > is a pleasure too.

> > > regards

> > >

> > > rishi

> > >

> > > Prashant


> Prashant



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Respected Jyotisihis,


I take those words of appreciation as a divine blessing.My intention of mail

is not to hurt anyone ,but to bring back the learned persons who sometimes fall

prey to temporary lapse of memory forgetting their intended/and or expected

service objectives.This I'm saying in the spirit that sometimes I may behave in

the same manner and other benevolent people will(and has!) bring me back out of

those lapses.

Coming to representation(edited pieces) please read the point

(3) as persons should primarily analyse on jyotish principles and offer

their services along with occasional generic sense of philosophical preachings

,as and when needed.

As for every maxim there will be judicious exceptions,the same holds true for

the above and all other expressions.

Why I'm saying this is that every soul has knowledge of philosophy to a

great extent inside(or say inherently)either because of the suffering it

undergoes or in the struggle to keep secure its priveleged birth; but what the

soul lacks is the language skills of expression and presentation of these

philosophical musings.This I found after interacting with many people of various

sections/classes of society as a civil construction engineer since last few


with out ill will towards anyone




vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Dear Shri Srinivas Ji,

Like any other service,jyotish to some times gets strained.Your understanding

of the various interactions of the the members of group and the do's and dont's

with this kind of moral boosters is nicest guesture.certainly I for one who

would be greatful for those kind sentiments.of these the following views also

offer a positive approach in the form between seekers and sought along with the

great importance /relevance of the site.


1.The jyotishis will be rendering their service by spending a part of their

precious time for the seekers

2.This forumto provide relief to suffering souls by analysing horoscope and

offer suitable astro remedies

3.persons donot want to analyse on jyotish principles and offer their

services only on generic sense of philosophical preachings

4.Also an astrologer needs great patience as the people(not all) have

tendency to resort to this divine science as a last resort

I wish such objective approach will certaily be a boon to the group,for those

interacting and wishing to do better contributions.

may be I have edited some of your views to put the in abstract and enable

quick glance and reading



srinivasa murthy adavi <smadavi wrote:

Respected Arjunji and others,

Well said.I welcome your resolution to comeback and continue your service

which seekers believe(and have faith) in you as person of humility and

compassion .For such person's alone the divine science of jyotish become

workable and effctive.This forum,as the name suggests, is understood to provide

relief to suffering souls by analysing horoscope and offer suitable astro

remedies depending upon the place of residence of the native,his religious

background and above all taking into account the financial and mental state of

the querent.It's true that sometimes a balming talk is required ,but it alone

cannot suffice the native needs.

Also an astrologer needs great patience in dealing with the native as the

people(not all) have tendency to resort to this divine science as a last resort

for getting relief from their suffering.Obviously the native's mental state will

be depressive after dissipation of his energy on his self efforts through other

means.Thier patience to fight with circumstances will be at lowest and they'll

be eager to comeout of the crisis when they approach the astrolger.

Astrologer depending upon the situation may use balming words as a first

measure and analyse the horoscope and offer suitable propititions.It's being

observed certain people are thinking that if they offer balmy words

laced(sometimes) with wit and humour it's enough.Or it so that after years of

service they became despondent due to some inexplicable reasons and therefore

stopping their service only at first stage(balmy words...) itself ?God ,and

beyond God their conscience alone knows the truth.If this is said to them they

react angrily and feel hurt.If such persons themselves donot have patience

towards the gentle admonitions given with good intentions to correct their

behaviour and instead construe as insulted and complain to moderator.....it's

surprising and biweldering.How can a seeker expected to have patience to putup

with such a behaviour when he comes to this forum (with already depleted mental

strength) for relief based on jyotish and not just alone on balmy talk.If

persons donot want to analyse on jyotish principles and are ready to offer their

services only on generic sense of philosophical preachings that are less

understood by majority,then my advise to moderator/s is to put some reason into

such persons and let this forum be continued as and for jyotishremedies instead

of as a generic views exchange forum.Ask them to switchover to one to one (or

among select few)exchange when they truly find beneficial (of such echange)that

the discussion has to be carried further after a few exchanges in the forum


Also a kind request to the fellow seekers is that they should understand

the financial needs of the jyotishis and donot comeback with serial queries

(sometimes with changed id's) and spoil the precious time of jyotishis.The

jyotishis will be rendering their service by spending a part of their precious

time for the seekers and the rest of the time for earning their (and

families)rightful livelyhood.

Sri Arjunji,Sri Asutoshji,Sri VattemKrishnanji and few other like

Chopraji,Kuldhirbhatiji etc are adhering to the fouding objectives of this

forum and rendering wonderful service to the seekers.

I compliment them for their wonderful service and extend wishes for their




panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear prashant garu


from now onwards i have decided not to post my personal views and

opinions on any matter other than astrology in this group. also if

we both keep hitting the reply button and start expressing our

individual views on varied subjects other than astrology, we may be

drubbed as reducing this august group into our private chatroom.

even though till date we both exchanged only two mails, if we have

to communciate our views between only we two individuals, we can

always use our messenger for chatting so that the querents who

approach this group with pain and suffering do not find a long

thread of mails between two individuals and i loathe myself to be



every one who knows me knows that i preach what i practice and that

i always speak the truth. since am commited to healing and

astrology, from now onwards i will again start readng the charts and

suggestion of remedies freely in this group for any question from a

suffering querent that is left unanswered.


also i missed one of your previous mails where you requested me to

study your relative's chart and help him through divine healing.

either you or him may please contact on my private ID or chat for

this free service.


also in the gap of two months where i stopped reading charts freely

in this group, i have seen astrologers like you doing great

contributions and my personal appreciation to you. my special

respect and appreciation to krishnan ji and ashutoshji for their

continued contribution in this group on a consistent basis is always



with best wishes and regards



, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Hi Arjun

> I am sorry for the mistake but even before reading this mail in

a later mail have written as Arjun `open to debate' sure I agree

with all u said as i also share the similar thoughts on

invasion/occupation, except Isreal of course thouugh not our

problem, as after all the 3 major religions who share the old

testament r from there and it is better all of them live and share



> and probably share some land with any neighbouring country for

Palestine and all visit their holy places as siekhs go to Pak for

Nankasaheb, or Indians to china in CHina, than try to eliminate

the other as a solution..or as all muslims go to Mecca.


> but the rhetoric comming from there is

> Hinduism, Buddism, Jainism is GOD VERSION 0



> ISLAM VER 3 the latest and youngest and the poweful one and if

you u have heard Mushraff speak on 9/19 after 9/11 HE clearly tells

the Paki nation that he is going to repeat the same formula that

was used to get that land (Jerusalem durig Muhmad times] one

against other -a treaty when ur rival is attacked keep silent [as

u've signed the no war treaty] and after sometime when the jews

were already badly beatn by their common enemy they Invaded and

occupied that land [which Isreal later by decipt occupied in 67] so

he says tractfully he will use USA and nudge India and USA at the

right time.


> but religion sure is dead or dying as it is money the only god

that will remain and TV has surely erased all moral bases for all

civilisations, which cinema did a few levels, TV has done million

times more damage. so it is VINASHA KALA VIPAREETHA BUDHI [in times

of destruction our intellect fails, like fire flies get sucked into

the fire] coupled with Buddhi Marma anusare. [inteelect is driven

by fate]




> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear

prashant garu


> firstly my name is not rajan and it is arjun. even pandit arjun


> not my real name and it is only a penname.


> anyway i liked your mail since what all you mentioned are facts

> which none can deny. but i personally feel we can talk about

> individuals and not on religion as it is a highly sensitive and

> explosive issue.


> however, your mail reminsices me of some nations (not


> in my childhood we were told that all the Britishers were a

bunch of

> thieves who kept on looting the entire world and took back the

> entire world's wealth into their country. South Africa,


> and India are only few examples. despite decades long fights,


> British Queen still emblazones the Kohinoor diamond looted from


> country. definitely UK will not become poor by giving back one

> stone that they looted five decades ago. In my definition if


> nation occupies another nation by force they are looters be it


> occupying Iraq and Afghanistan or Israel occupying Palestine or

> China annexing Tibet.


> notwithstanding the repeated efforts by invaders who stood in


> to loot our country one after the other, the fact is that we


> gained from strength to strength mainly because of our inherent

> vedic knowledge. scientists may attribute other reasons for


> resilience and they are welcome.


> Anyway after Goldman Sacchs predicted few years ago that soon


> and India would be the two supermost nations in the world


> USA and UK, the entire west has started recognising the Indian

> wealth and each nation is vying a pie to share the Indian


> story. this is the new world order in the changing world



> with best wishes

> arjun



> , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi arjan,

> >

> > Sure i do accept good social work even by mata amrutananda,

> rama krishna mission some christian organisations the regular


> this Mission of charity as they have also claime is about dying

> people not living.

> >

> > Abot Satya sai Baba's super speciality hospitals they treat


> people irrespective of caste, creed, rich/poor etc with utmost


> they see all.

> > but in treatment their preference is from 16-65 yrs old who


> call BREAD WINNERS. this mission s of charity don't they do


> for the recoerd dying as they say.

> >

> > the Bishop of delhi-forgot his name also like babd does it


> same kids onwards

> >

> > Baba has comparitively limited resources to missions of

> charity do they have any such hospital/care facilities for any

> group. no the BBC documentry says they have unclean


> toilets stinking max they give is anacin they say u need to

> experience pain, and in the fag end they r asked if u want to

go to

> heaven when they say uest SHE HAS SAID THEY R GIVEN A TICKET TO


> PETERS many muslims of Bengal are without their knowledge given

> christian baptism and they do die without a honest consnet. so

> where i smorlaity in this effort, health care to baptism

> >

> > abdul satter eddhi is a great man he has grown fro the


> giving care collected good wil, finds from people by his work


> also the 1st to be at the Oct quake victims relief. did u c MoC


> Tsunami or any other quak,e flood afected areas no.

> >

> > Otheir christian organisations r surely there. as these


> have facilites, use overflowing donations for conversion in

> Africa, Asia.

> >

> > I have friends in all faiths and as u c I habe identified


> people form all faiths,

> > no bias we overplayed MT.

> > panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@> wrote: dear

> prashant ji

> >

> > what all you said is true as they are all based on facts.

> >

> > even while appreciating the social service done by mother

> teresa, i

> > do remember several years ago when she was possessed by a


> and

> > was exorcised as per christian practices. i have


> > evidence for this from christian institutions.

> >

> > to me mother teresa is a good social servant who worked on


> karma

> > marga. if someone equates her with god, i dont criticise as

> even in

> > india we have lots of godmen like satyasaibaba who are


> like

> > living gods.

> >

> > with best wishes

> > arjun

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >


> > > I am not sure of what v find in EMpTY.


> > > SAY ABORTIONS CONDOMES, especially minor girls who

> became

> > mothers in strife, war torn Africa, Latin America, slums


> > >

> > > SPREAD the word with Pope John Paul 2 that condoms


> > unsafe, leaks etc that is possible in 1 in a million

> scientifically.

> > Why do these people who believe in abstinence talk on these


> > that too rumors? The pain for millions of minor girls


> > becoming mothers will be reduced and what burden on society


> will

> > be girls who need care giving birth to kids.

> > > Condoms leak fine then abortions for such people she

> said NO

> > > It is ok to be immoral and give birth to illegal

> children

> > and suffer?

> > >

> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa

> > > this is a well documented section of both the +ve

and –

> ve.

> > > Please do see If I could appreciate a Pakistani for

> good

> > work and even a Bishop in delhi and S.Africa I am not dubbed


> > communal as many do now a days as a fashion.

> > > THESE i has aid r good as thecared for the living,


> did

> > for the ones surely who wud die asap. and won laurals from


> who

> > believe inempty rhetoric, like garibi, Hatoo, Aam admi etc.

> > > *-*-*

> > >

> > > PLEASE READ her life as presented honestly in BBC

> Channel

> > 4, on her so called achievements, all are dubious. And we


> a

> > hue and cry when it was telecast in their country, where

> reason,

> > introspection, criticism is natural; democratic we made her


> saint

> > for what?

> > > Reduced Gandhi and Harischandra as epithets, if you

> find

> > anyone following or taling about rules we say don't talk or


> like

> > Gandhi, or Harishcandra or Gandhi class etc. but elevate

her to

> > sainthood.

> > >

> > > In 79 the camp david peace accord brought about


> > between Egypt, Isreal , Jimmy carter, Anwar Sadat deserved


> honor.

> > >

> > > S Africa's Bishop Desmond Tutto deserved earlier


> her

> > at least for working in oppressive, barbarian, apartheid


> in

> > S. Africa.

> > >

> > > There is a Bishop in delhi who has raised street

> children,

> > fed them and educated them he deserves more praise not her.

> > >

> > > The best line r from her Nobel speech itself she did

> give

> > 40,000 people a ticket to St Peters (heaven) people who


> have

> > died in a day or tow live cared for intheir last days.


> died

> > in a day or two rest later max a week

> > >

> > > She talks in the speech that in the Bengal famine


> was

> > a Hindu family with 11 children and had a glass of milk only


> feed

> > them and a neighbour Muslim family had 13 so she gave the


> of

> > milk to the Muslim family as they had more children hungry,

> this u



> TO


> > >

> > > rishi_2000in <rishi_2000in@> wrote:

> > > Naliniji,

> > > I had posted a few thoughts of Mother Teresa on this


> on

> > the new year...too difficult to follow as is life but


> them

> > is a pleasure too.

> > > regards

> > >

> > > rishi

> > >

> > > Prashant


> Prashant



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Krishnanji, Srinivasji

There are innumerable Jyotishis in here and outside

the net, there are many querists seeking help from

them to alleviate their sufferings.

The sufferings of a person originate from karmik

mistakes, whether of this life or of any other. The

solutions therefore cannot be short term and magical,

they have to be long term.

The jyotishi or the astrologer who has a clear

conscience at times is able to work some sort of

'magic' to help out a person in acute distress but

that is not the case everytime.

If such effective remedial measures could work wonders

everytime one wouldnt see anyone in this net based

forums, for we all know that beyond this net, there

are thousands of good astrologers spread all over

India and outside India.

Now when we talk of 'balmy talk' or solace, thats what

is being done in most of the cases, whether we provide

a gemstone or a mantra or anyother upaya, we are

strengthening the resolve of the querists to face

his/her problems. So let us accept our limitations ,

we are ordinary human beings not superhuman who are

with a dose of proper jyotish remedy changing the fate

of a querist.

These jyotish forums here are meant more to understand

jyotish, they are not meant to solicit professional

astrologers and their business, they can perhaps their

host their own sites and conduct business. These

forums are more for understanding the basis, the

philsphy of jyotish etc.


This is a vital issue which is being broached. Members

...do we need professional astrologers soliciting

business here or using this forum to generate their

business....I quote this from this message:

''so a kind request to the fellow seekers is

> that they should understand the financial needs of

> the jyotishis and donot comeback with serial



regards to all of you...and may the great Lord of

time, Lord Mahakaal give you all the understanding

that jyotishis cannot change human fates they can only

direct human beings to the right path of life










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Guest guest

dear rishi ji


even though you addressed this mail only to two individuals, since

you were referrring on the usage of this group, as an affected

member i am responding.


without halving, the full sentence (to get the full meaning) of what

srinivasji wrote is as follows:


"Also a kind request to the fellow seekers is that they should

understand the financial needs of the jyotishis and donot comeback

with serial queries (sometimes with changed id's) and spoil the

precious time of jyotishis."


last year i found few astrologers (to be precise 3 or 4)who charge

money from their customers posted their queries in this group some

in their own names and some in different IDs (created by them only)

and solicited readings from this group. myself, krishnanji and

ashutoshji answered most of these queries without knowing this. a

few of these astrologers also took readings and help from me on

private mails and chats as well. be it me, krishnanji, ashutoshji

or any astrologer who is reading charts in this group freely, we are

all doing this free service spending our time, money and energy to

help the querents directly. upset wih this exploitation of the

group, i stopped free reading of charts for some time before

resuming again now. on the other hand there are many genuine

astrologers who speak truth who directly exchanged private mails

with me saying that on the charts of their customers, they wanted

second opinion and took my service which i did free of cost as a

respect for these astrologers.


in this backdrop i appreciate rishi ji for highlighting the usage of

this group by such professional astrologers.


having said this, if any professional astrologer posts a query in

the group saying that this is the chart of my customer on which i

need your opinions, we would be happy to discuss the same in the

group itself as a person who speaks truth is equivalent to god.


with best wishes and regards




, rishi shukla

<rishi_2000in wrote:


> Krishnanji, Srinivasji

> There are innumerable Jyotishis in here and outside

> the net, there are many querists seeking help from

> them to alleviate their sufferings.

> The sufferings of a person originate from karmik

> mistakes, whether of this life or of any other. The

> solutions therefore cannot be short term and magical,

> they have to be long term.

> The jyotishi or the astrologer who has a clear

> conscience at times is able to work some sort of

> 'magic' to help out a person in acute distress but

> that is not the case everytime.

> If such effective remedial measures could work wonders

> everytime one wouldnt see anyone in this net based

> forums, for we all know that beyond this net, there

> are thousands of good astrologers spread all over

> India and outside India.

> Now when we talk of 'balmy talk' or solace, thats what

> is being done in most of the cases, whether we provide

> a gemstone or a mantra or anyother upaya, we are

> strengthening the resolve of the querists to face

> his/her problems. So let us accept our limitations ,

> we are ordinary human beings not superhuman who are

> with a dose of proper jyotish remedy changing the fate

> of a querist.

> These jyotish forums here are meant more to understand

> jyotish, they are not meant to solicit professional

> astrologers and their business, they can perhaps their

> host their own sites and conduct business. These

> forums are more for understanding the basis, the

> philsphy of jyotish etc.


> This is a vital issue which is being broached. Members

> ..do we need professional astrologers soliciting

> business here or using this forum to generate their

> business....I quote this from this message:

> ''so a kind request to the fellow seekers is

> > that they should understand the financial needs of

> > the jyotishis and donot comeback with serial

> queries''


> regards to all of you...and may the great Lord of

> time, Lord Mahakaal give you all the understanding

> that jyotishis cannot change human fates they can only

> direct human beings to the right path of life


> rishi

> rishi








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Thanks for your response.

The net like the real world has all sorts of people. Since it gives

annoynimity it promotes more of such things which you referred to.

However, let us all be true to ourselves for that is the only place

where disguises do not work.




, "panditarjun2004"

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear rishi ji


> even though you addressed this mail only to two individuals, since

> you were referrring on the usage of this group, as an affected

> member i am responding.


> without halving, the full sentence (to get the full meaning) of


> srinivasji wrote is as follows:


> "Also a kind request to the fellow seekers is that they should

> understand the financial needs of the jyotishis and donot comeback

> with serial queries (sometimes with changed id's) and spoil the

> precious time of jyotishis."


> last year i found few astrologers (to be precise 3 or 4)who charge

> money from their customers posted their queries in this group some

> in their own names and some in different IDs (created by them


> and solicited readings from this group. myself, krishnanji and

> ashutoshji answered most of these queries without knowing this. a

> few of these astrologers also took readings and help from me on

> private mails and chats as well. be it me, krishnanji, ashutoshji

> or any astrologer who is reading charts in this group freely, we


> all doing this free service spending our time, money and energy to

> help the querents directly. upset wih this exploitation of the

> group, i stopped free reading of charts for some time before

> resuming again now. on the other hand there are many genuine

> astrologers who speak truth who directly exchanged private mails

> with me saying that on the charts of their customers, they wanted

> second opinion and took my service which i did free of cost as a

> respect for these astrologers.


> in this backdrop i appreciate rishi ji for highlighting the usage


> this group by such professional astrologers.


> having said this, if any professional astrologer posts a query in

> the group saying that this is the chart of my customer on which i

> need your opinions, we would be happy to discuss the same in the

> group itself as a person who speaks truth is equivalent to god.


> with best wishes and regards

> arjun



> , rishi shukla

> <rishi_2000in@> wrote:

> >

> > Krishnanji, Srinivasji

> > There are innumerable Jyotishis in here and outside

> > the net, there are many querists seeking help from

> > them to alleviate their sufferings.

> > The sufferings of a person originate from karmik

> > mistakes, whether of this life or of any other. The

> > solutions therefore cannot be short term and magical,

> > they have to be long term.

> > The jyotishi or the astrologer who has a clear

> > conscience at times is able to work some sort of

> > 'magic' to help out a person in acute distress but

> > that is not the case everytime.

> > If such effective remedial measures could work wonders

> > everytime one wouldnt see anyone in this net based

> > forums, for we all know that beyond this net, there

> > are thousands of good astrologers spread all over

> > India and outside India.

> > Now when we talk of 'balmy talk' or solace, thats what

> > is being done in most of the cases, whether we provide

> > a gemstone or a mantra or anyother upaya, we are

> > strengthening the resolve of the querists to face

> > his/her problems. So let us accept our limitations ,

> > we are ordinary human beings not superhuman who are

> > with a dose of proper jyotish remedy changing the fate

> > of a querist.

> > These jyotish forums here are meant more to understand

> > jyotish, they are not meant to solicit professional

> > astrologers and their business, they can perhaps their

> > host their own sites and conduct business. These

> > forums are more for understanding the basis, the

> > philsphy of jyotish etc.

> >

> > This is a vital issue which is being broached. Members

> > ..do we need professional astrologers soliciting

> > business here or using this forum to generate their

> > business....I quote this from this message:

> > ''so a kind request to the fellow seekers is

> > > that they should understand the financial needs of

> > > the jyotishis and donot comeback with serial

> > queries''

> >

> > regards to all of you...and may the great Lord of

> > time, Lord Mahakaal give you all the understanding

> > that jyotishis cannot change human fates they can only

> > direct human beings to the right path of life

> >

> > rishi

> > rishi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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