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Why are interpretations so different?Seriously though ...

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Question is about marriage. The indicators for marriage are:

occupant of 7th = venus

lord of 7th = mercury

nkarakas = venus and jupiter

ckarka = sun

P12 = leo/sun


malefic/debilitated but strong in SB and weak in Vimshopaka saturn

in 7th from moon.

Moon also happens to be lord of navamsha lagna and saturn lord of

navamsha 7th -- placed in 2nd, kutumba sthana in that chart and in

8th from house of marriage in navamsha


Saturn does not seem like the happy camper in this collection and

his dasha continues until July 2009.


My attention is drawn to it because saturn is the natural celibate,

and with all those chips on its already drooping shoulders it is not

going to be full of blessings, either for marriage or children (sa

in 5th).


It also has the grip on moon which is 8th lord and so unlike its

natural mien (the bubbly lunar personality, effusive, like a doting

mother, only focused on her child and the rest of the world can be

ignored -- outlook) this moon is turned inwardly and tends to give a

serious persona, deep but not exactly very extrovert. Moon is in

rahu's star and rahu is in saturn's sign (also its own in J system)

so it is happy as it is, alone and finely self-occupied but the rest

of the world does not agree or perceive this so.


Actually, this person may perhaps be coming across, at least in the

world's view as a bit different, a bit eccentric or too

shy/withdrawn perhaps.


Once Jupiter moves to libra (end of this year) and strongly early

2007 chances of resolution of this issue are stronger.





, "swatisonee"

<swatisonee wrote:


> We had refferd to 3 persons and they have given 3 answers all of

> which seem different from each other. This was 2 years ago.

> Incidentally, marriage has still not taken place. Whom do we


> please ?


> For your ready reference, the birth data is POB:Bombay, TOB:

> 3.45 PM , DOB: 19/8/69., Female


> Thanks in advance.

> Swati


> A. First Interpretion.

> Chart has a severe affliction..Lagna is Dhanu and 7th is

> occupied by Shukra who is 6th and 11th lord which is a malefic for

> this chart.2nd and 3rd lord Shani who is also another malefic for

> this chart is debilitated in 5th and aspects Shukra,the Vivaha

> Karaka.Rahu who is very strong in 3rd house of Kumbha Rashi also

> aspects Shukra.7th lord Budha is in 7th house but is in a lower

> longitude than Ketu,so Ketu is eclipsing Budha and this is also a

> major affliction.8th house is Mangalya Sthana in a female's chart

> and its lord Chandra is in 11th aspected by debilitated malefic

> Shani.7th house lord Budha's Navamshadhipaty Kuja is in 12th in

> Rashi chart along with Mandi.UL which is in Kumbha rashi is


> by Rahu, a malefic.Also when seen from Bhava point of view,Rahu


> to 4th house which is Sukha Sthana and Ketu goes to 10th house and

> afflicts Guru.The chart has severe Kuja Dosha. See Kuja with Mandi

> is in 12th from Lagna,2nd from Chandra and this is one of the major

> afflictions to get married.In the Navamsha Kuja with Ketu in 6th is

> aspected by Rahu indicating Severe Sarpa Dosha.Also Shani who is in

> his enemic sign of Simha aspects Mandi in Tula and this indicates

> Preta Shaapa.Shukra is 6th and 11th lord in 7th house which is

> aspected by debilitated malefic Shani and so because of severe

> afflictions in the chart ,her marriage did not take place in any of

> the said periods.

> At present Shani - Chandra is going on till 30-10-2004 and checking

> on transit Guru is in Simha transitting over her 7th lord Budha,


> lord Surya and Ketu,aspecting Rahu and Dasha lord Shani also.So if

> the above remedies are done at the earliest,marrigae is possible

> before August 28th of 2004.

> As 7th from Shukra is Dhanu which is a Dwiswbhava Rashi , her

> husband comes from east of her birth place and the time to reach


> husband's place of birth will be nearer to that of hers.


> B)Second interpretation .


> She has Saggitarius ascendant having Rahu in 3rd, Saturn in 5th,

> Venus in 7th, Sun-Mer-Ketu in 9th, Jupiter in 10th, Moon in 11th &

> Mars in 12th. The lagna lord is placed in 10th and dispositor of it

> Mercury is in 9th with Sun and Ketu getting aspect from Rahu so

> becomes weak. The lagna is in Ketu constellation and Ketu is in 9th

> aspecting lagna. So the lagna lord, its dispositor and


> dispositor are weak. Lagna lord is in enemical sign Virgo. Now come

> to her marriage point of view. She is going through Saturn


> since April 1992 and currently under Saturn/Moon upto Nov 2004.

> Saturn is debilited and placed in 5th aspecting 7th house, Rahu


> aspecting 7th house and its lord Mercury also, Mars aspecting 7th

> house. So there is triple affliction to 7th house making her

> unmarried till date. The balance of Saturn mahadasha is still


> 7 years and considerably delaying and even denying the marriage.

> Even if the marriage happens which is unlikely then there goes to


> problem in the marriage life. suggest appease Saturn.


> C) Third


> Houses 2 (Sani), 4 (Guru), 9 (Surya) and 12 (Kuja) are

> aspected/occupied by own lords, which is good. Lord of 9 is

> swakshetra, and so is lord of 12th. The former gives good luck

> and fortune, while the latter confers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> On the negative side, Sani is fallen in 5th house, and Sani dasa

> is running until 2008. Sani gets Neecha Banga because it is

> opposite Chandra, but this is not sufficient to completely

> overcome all ills. It just dilutes the venom.


> Regarding marriage--Sukra is karaka, and is in 7th, house of

> marriage. This is not good. Also, Sukra's dispositor, Budha, is

> very close to Ketu. The nodes tend to eclipse any planet and

> causes them to lose potency. The 7th house is also aspected by

> Sani, which causes delay.


> Marriage was possible in 1999 because of Sani-Sukra Dasa.

> Marriage takes place in dasa of (a) planet in 7, (b) lord of 7

> and © planet aspecting 7. There is possibility in end 2004-end

> 2005 because of Sani Dasa - Kuja Bukti, since both are aspecting

> the 7th.

> Using Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, I found that Star, Tithi, Day,

> Name, and Lagna of birth are all afflicted by malefics, which is

> enormously grave. The only benefics in sight are Budh (Tithi)

> and Guru (Lagna).


> Regarding important stars, Janma Nakshtra (1) [Ketu], Karma

> Nakshtra (10) [Ketu, Surya], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [Kuja], and

> Manas Nakstra (25) [sani] are afflicted, causing a lot of

> difficulties. These are somewhat mitigated by the benefics--Uday

> Nakshtra (18) [sukra], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [budh], and Abhishek

> Nakshatra (27) [sukra].


> Native will never get married


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Swatee ji,

Astrologers keen on technalities are less understandable and will say in their

own how marriage is getting delayed?postponed and even broken?Certainly in

Astrology to be precise about is not easy to delay as gochara maters a lot.For

this purpose of the event of marraige to take place:

saturn has to smile

jupiter has to bless

moon has to make

These threeplanets have very great role in marriages?Most important from

grooms point of view is that many youngsters anticipate big pay packets are the

primary perquisite if they have to please young charming life artners and prefer

to wait till such time.In the meantime what ever proposals come forward they get

shrouded in racks and in mediators cupboards.The result the dasa of 7th

lord,antardasa of 7th lord and the related pratyantar dasa of 2nd and 5th lords

pass off cooly with no event at sight.

Please note what even Astrologers say need full comprehension and ofcourse

with trust to initiate action on the lines suggested.

If these advices are unheeded,there will always room to find gaps in various

forecaste and the Astrologers become vulnerable.

before this fact is appreciated,the data being advanced for matching

horoscopes and find vivaha yoga have to be most reliable.This need also to be

ensured before somebody embarks on forecasting of such important life eevents



crystal pages <rrgb wrote:

Question is about marriage. The indicators for marriage are:

occupant of 7th = venus

lord of 7th = mercury

nkarakas = venus and jupiter

ckarka = sun

P12 = leo/sun


malefic/debilitated but strong in SB and weak in Vimshopaka saturn

in 7th from moon.

Moon also happens to be lord of navamsha lagna and saturn lord of

navamsha 7th -- placed in 2nd, kutumba sthana in that chart and in

8th from house of marriage in navamsha


Saturn does not seem like the happy camper in this collection and

his dasha continues until July 2009.


My attention is drawn to it because saturn is the natural celibate,

and with all those chips on its already drooping shoulders it is not

going to be full of blessings, either for marriage or children (sa

in 5th).


It also has the grip on moon which is 8th lord and so unlike its

natural mien (the bubbly lunar personality, effusive, like a doting

mother, only focused on her child and the rest of the world can be

ignored -- outlook) this moon is turned inwardly and tends to give a

serious persona, deep but not exactly very extrovert. Moon is in

rahu's star and rahu is in saturn's sign (also its own in J system)

so it is happy as it is, alone and finely self-occupied but the rest

of the world does not agree or perceive this so.


Actually, this person may perhaps be coming across, at least in the

world's view as a bit different, a bit eccentric or too

shy/withdrawn perhaps.


Once Jupiter moves to libra (end of this year) and strongly early

2007 chances of resolution of this issue are stronger.





, "swatisonee"

<swatisonee wrote:


> We had refferd to 3 persons and they have given 3 answers all of

> which seem different from each other. This was 2 years ago.

> Incidentally, marriage has still not taken place. Whom do we


> please ?


> For your ready reference, the birth data is POB:Bombay, TOB:

> 3.45 PM , DOB: 19/8/69., Female


> Thanks in advance.

> Swati


> A. First Interpretion.

> Chart has a severe affliction..Lagna is Dhanu and 7th is

> occupied by Shukra who is 6th and 11th lord which is a malefic for

> this chart.2nd and 3rd lord Shani who is also another malefic for

> this chart is debilitated in 5th and aspects Shukra,the Vivaha

> Karaka.Rahu who is very strong in 3rd house of Kumbha Rashi also

> aspects Shukra.7th lord Budha is in 7th house but is in a lower

> longitude than Ketu,so Ketu is eclipsing Budha and this is also a

> major affliction.8th house is Mangalya Sthana in a female's chart

> and its lord Chandra is in 11th aspected by debilitated malefic

> Shani.7th house lord Budha's Navamshadhipaty Kuja is in 12th in

> Rashi chart along with Mandi.UL which is in Kumbha rashi is


> by Rahu, a malefic.Also when seen from Bhava point of view,Rahu


> to 4th house which is Sukha Sthana and Ketu goes to 10th house and

> afflicts Guru.The chart has severe Kuja Dosha. See Kuja with Mandi

> is in 12th from Lagna,2nd from Chandra and this is one of the major

> afflictions to get married.In the Navamsha Kuja with Ketu in 6th is

> aspected by Rahu indicating Severe Sarpa Dosha.Also Shani who is in

> his enemic sign of Simha aspects Mandi in Tula and this indicates

> Preta Shaapa.Shukra is 6th and 11th lord in 7th house which is

> aspected by debilitated malefic Shani and so because of severe

> afflictions in the chart ,her marriage did not take place in any of

> the said periods.

> At present Shani - Chandra is going on till 30-10-2004 and checking

> on transit Guru is in Simha transitting over her 7th lord Budha,


> lord Surya and Ketu,aspecting Rahu and Dasha lord Shani also.So if

> the above remedies are done at the earliest,marrigae is possible

> before August 28th of 2004.

> As 7th from Shukra is Dhanu which is a Dwiswbhava Rashi , her

> husband comes from east of her birth place and the time to reach


> husband's place of birth will be nearer to that of hers.


> B)Second interpretation .


> She has Saggitarius ascendant having Rahu in 3rd, Saturn in 5th,

> Venus in 7th, Sun-Mer-Ketu in 9th, Jupiter in 10th, Moon in 11th &

> Mars in 12th. The lagna lord is placed in 10th and dispositor of it

> Mercury is in 9th with Sun and Ketu getting aspect from Rahu so

> becomes weak. The lagna is in Ketu constellation and Ketu is in 9th

> aspecting lagna. So the lagna lord, its dispositor and


> dispositor are weak. Lagna lord is in enemical sign Virgo. Now come

> to her marriage point of view. She is going through Saturn


> since April 1992 and currently under Saturn/Moon upto Nov 2004.

> Saturn is debilited and placed in 5th aspecting 7th house, Rahu


> aspecting 7th house and its lord Mercury also, Mars aspecting 7th

> house. So there is triple affliction to 7th house making her

> unmarried till date. The balance of Saturn mahadasha is still


> 7 years and considerably delaying and even denying the marriage.

> Even if the marriage happens which is unlikely then there goes to


> problem in the marriage life. suggest appease Saturn.


> C) Third


> Houses 2 (Sani), 4 (Guru), 9 (Surya) and 12 (Kuja) are

> aspected/occupied by own lords, which is good. Lord of 9 is

> swakshetra, and so is lord of 12th. The former gives good luck

> and fortune, while the latter confers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> On the negative side, Sani is fallen in 5th house, and Sani dasa

> is running until 2008. Sani gets Neecha Banga because it is

> opposite Chandra, but this is not sufficient to completely

> overcome all ills. It just dilutes the venom.


> Regarding marriage--Sukra is karaka, and is in 7th, house of

> marriage. This is not good. Also, Sukra's dispositor, Budha, is

> very close to Ketu. The nodes tend to eclipse any planet and

> causes them to lose potency. The 7th house is also aspected by

> Sani, which causes delay.


> Marriage was possible in 1999 because of Sani-Sukra Dasa.

> Marriage takes place in dasa of (a) planet in 7, (b) lord of 7

> and © planet aspecting 7. There is possibility in end 2004-end

> 2005 because of Sani Dasa - Kuja Bukti, since both are aspecting

> the 7th.

> Using Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, I found that Star, Tithi, Day,

> Name, and Lagna of birth are all afflicted by malefics, which is

> enormously grave. The only benefics in sight are Budh (Tithi)

> and Guru (Lagna).


> Regarding important stars, Janma Nakshtra (1) [Ketu], Karma

> Nakshtra (10) [Ketu, Surya], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [Kuja], and

> Manas Nakstra (25) [sani] are afflicted, causing a lot of

> difficulties. These are somewhat mitigated by the benefics--Uday

> Nakshtra (18) [sukra], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [budh], and Abhishek

> Nakshatra (27) [sukra].


> Native will never get married

















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Swati, I hope you got my email?





> crystal pages <rrgb wrote:

> Question is about marriage. The indicators for marriage are:

> occupant of 7th = venus

> lord of 7th = mercury

> nkarakas = venus and jupiter

> ckarka = sun

> P12 = leo/sun


> malefic/debilitated but strong in SB and weak in Vimshopaka saturn

> in 7th from moon.

> Moon also happens to be lord of navamsha lagna and saturn lord of

> navamsha 7th -- placed in 2nd, kutumba sthana in that chart and in

> 8th from house of marriage in navamsha


> Saturn does not seem like the happy camper in this collection and

> his dasha continues until July 2009.


> My attention is drawn to it because saturn is the natural


> and with all those chips on its already drooping shoulders it is


> going to be full of blessings, either for marriage or children (sa

> in 5th).


> It also has the grip on moon which is 8th lord and so unlike its

> natural mien (the bubbly lunar personality, effusive, like a


> mother, only focused on her child and the rest of the world can be

> ignored -- outlook) this moon is turned inwardly and tends to give


> serious persona, deep but not exactly very extrovert. Moon is in

> rahu's star and rahu is in saturn's sign (also its own in J


> so it is happy as it is, alone and finely self-occupied but the


> of the world does not agree or perceive this so.


> Actually, this person may perhaps be coming across, at least in


> world's view as a bit different, a bit eccentric or too

> shy/withdrawn perhaps.


> Once Jupiter moves to libra (end of this year) and strongly early

> 2007 chances of resolution of this issue are stronger.


> RR



> , "swatisonee"

> <swatisonee@> wrote:

> >

> > We had refferd to 3 persons and they have given 3 answers all of

> > which seem different from each other. This was 2 years ago.

> > Incidentally, marriage has still not taken place. Whom do we

> believe

> > please ?

> >

> > For your ready reference, the birth data is POB:Bombay, TOB:

> > 3.45 PM , DOB: 19/8/69., Female

> >

> > Thanks in advance.

> > Swati

> >

> > A. First Interpretion.

> > Chart has a severe affliction..Lagna is Dhanu and 7th is

> > occupied by Shukra who is 6th and 11th lord which is a malefic


> > this chart.2nd and 3rd lord Shani who is also another malefic for

> > this chart is debilitated in 5th and aspects Shukra,the Vivaha

> > Karaka.Rahu who is very strong in 3rd house of Kumbha Rashi also

> > aspects Shukra.7th lord Budha is in 7th house but is in a lower

> > longitude than Ketu,so Ketu is eclipsing Budha and this is also a

> > major affliction.8th house is Mangalya Sthana in a female's chart

> > and its lord Chandra is in 11th aspected by debilitated malefic

> > Shani.7th house lord Budha's Navamshadhipaty Kuja is in 12th in

> > Rashi chart along with Mandi.UL which is in Kumbha rashi is

> occupied

> > by Rahu, a malefic.Also when seen from Bhava point of view,Rahu

> goes

> > to 4th house which is Sukha Sthana and Ketu goes to 10th house


> > afflicts Guru.The chart has severe Kuja Dosha. See Kuja with


> > is in 12th from Lagna,2nd from Chandra and this is one of the


> > afflictions to get married.In the Navamsha Kuja with Ketu in 6th


> > aspected by Rahu indicating Severe Sarpa Dosha.Also Shani who is


> > his enemic sign of Simha aspects Mandi in Tula and this indicates

> > Preta Shaapa.Shukra is 6th and 11th lord in 7th house which is

> > aspected by debilitated malefic Shani and so because of severe

> > afflictions in the chart ,her marriage did not take place in any


> > the said periods.

> > At present Shani - Chandra is going on till 30-10-2004 and


> > on transit Guru is in Simha transitting over her 7th lord Budha,

> 9th

> > lord Surya and Ketu,aspecting Rahu and Dasha lord Shani also.So


> > the above remedies are done at the earliest,marrigae is possible

> > before August 28th of 2004.

> > As 7th from Shukra is Dhanu which is a Dwiswbhava Rashi , her

> > husband comes from east of her birth place and the time to reach

> her

> > husband's place of birth will be nearer to that of hers.

> >

> > B)Second interpretation .

> >

> > She has Saggitarius ascendant having Rahu in 3rd, Saturn in 5th,

> > Venus in 7th, Sun-Mer-Ketu in 9th, Jupiter in 10th, Moon in 11th


> > Mars in 12th. The lagna lord is placed in 10th and dispositor of


> > Mercury is in 9th with Sun and Ketu getting aspect from Rahu so

> > becomes weak. The lagna is in Ketu constellation and Ketu is in


> > aspecting lagna. So the lagna lord, its dispositor and

> constellation

> > dispositor are weak. Lagna lord is in enemical sign Virgo. Now


> > to her marriage point of view. She is going through Saturn

> mahadasha

> > since April 1992 and currently under Saturn/Moon upto Nov 2004.

> > Saturn is debilited and placed in 5th aspecting 7th house, Rahu

> also

> > aspecting 7th house and its lord Mercury also, Mars aspecting 7th

> > house. So there is triple affliction to 7th house making her

> > unmarried till date. The balance of Saturn mahadasha is still

> almost

> > 7 years and considerably delaying and even denying the marriage.

> > Even if the marriage happens which is unlikely then there goes


> be

> > problem in the marriage life. suggest appease Saturn.

> >

> > C) Third

> >

> > Houses 2 (Sani), 4 (Guru), 9 (Surya) and 12 (Kuja) are

> > aspected/occupied by own lords, which is good. Lord of 9 is

> > swakshetra, and so is lord of 12th. The former gives good luck

> > and fortune, while the latter confers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > On the negative side, Sani is fallen in 5th house, and Sani dasa

> > is running until 2008. Sani gets Neecha Banga because it is

> > opposite Chandra, but this is not sufficient to completely

> > overcome all ills. It just dilutes the venom.

> >

> > Regarding marriage--Sukra is karaka, and is in 7th, house of

> > marriage. This is not good. Also, Sukra's dispositor, Budha, is

> > very close to Ketu. The nodes tend to eclipse any planet and

> > causes them to lose potency. The 7th house is also aspected by

> > Sani, which causes delay.

> >

> > Marriage was possible in 1999 because of Sani-Sukra Dasa.

> > Marriage takes place in dasa of (a) planet in 7, (b) lord of 7

> > and © planet aspecting 7. There is possibility in end 2004-end

> > 2005 because of Sani Dasa - Kuja Bukti, since both are aspecting

> > the 7th.

> > Using Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, I found that Star, Tithi, Day,

> > Name, and Lagna of birth are all afflicted by malefics, which is

> > enormously grave. The only benefics in sight are Budh (Tithi)

> > and Guru (Lagna).

> >

> > Regarding important stars, Janma Nakshtra (1) [Ketu], Karma

> > Nakshtra (10) [Ketu, Surya], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [Kuja], and

> > Manas Nakstra (25) [sani] are afflicted, causing a lot of

> > difficulties. These are somewhat mitigated by the benefics--Uday

> > Nakshtra (18) [sukra], Vinash Nakshtra (23) [budh], and Abhishek

> > Nakshatra (27) [sukra].

> >

> > Native will never get married

> >











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