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Krishnanji : your analysis on my career stagnation

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Mr Krishnan


I would like to know if you would be able to help me with your

anaysis of my career


I am in the USA for the last 9 1/2 years ( since August 96 ).

Due to various reasons my career , since coming to the US has not

been progressing. Though I have been in job for all these years I am

pretty much stagnant in about the same position since the time I

came ! here.

It has been a source of constant worry for me, especially to find

people junior to me progressing ahead. I have been working honestly

and hard, been getting very good comments from my superiors but still

no progress.I am atleast 2 rungs below my rightful position.


Can you please analyse my horoscope and let me know


- When do you think my career will progress to the level that I

rightfully desrve. Will it be in the current job or in a new job?


- How much is my current sade sathi has got to do with my career

woes ? Looking back most of the stagnancy started since the beginning

of sade sathiin 2000.But I hear people saying that Sani should do

good for me.


My details


DOB : March 13, 1965

Place of Birth : Koothanur , in former Thanjavur district , near


Time of Birth : 1.30 AM


Thanks for your time , and I would greatly appreciate any help.



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Dear mr.Ram,

It is my approach to analyse your query through a prasna method and link of

the status of things as it existsand with future likely to take place,as a kind

of trend.

Lucky enough you are just free from problems as parsna lagna is out from

clutches of ketu,who gives strain,reduces confidence and brings impediments.ketu

being represented Lord Vinayaka,in your own propitations on wednesday will help

you to resolve situation.

For the kind of results anticipated your Sun too has to be helpful.As the

trend indicates your boss is not easily satisfiable as he himself is in

different condition

saturn no doubt for you is not bad

moon how ever is not free from affliction as lord of stability is in 3rd from

there in not so friendly house with the one who makes you feel tense like ketu.

your career is due to your internal frame of mind due to conflicts

boss in 12th is in sixes and eights does not let you go with rewards.his

expectations are high and are also not open.

Also with your colleagues particularly may be a lady who is trying to steal

youe efforts and present herself with credit.I fyou are a person engaged in

designing aspects due to venus ,the credit for your achievements some body is

getting encouragements.

The conflict with your boss is mostly that he treats for less category of work

where more than intellect routine matter is given as he considers very trust


mercury retrograde as lord of houses of promises does not help you to make

money .lagna lord mars is certainly is obstructing through your own colleagues.


dasa of moon as the lord of 4th house where saturn is posited(trying to hard

press you) to be more getting diverted on minor tasks.moon as dispositor is in

3rd from own sign.This basically 6th from lagna denotes services and office.

All this i just could see only from transit point of view.may be you deny or

confirm some of these things.Moon as soft planet and root for thought gives some

way our .I will find what went really wrong after hearing from you further


lajamur <lajamur wrote:

Mr Krishnan


I would like to know if you would be able to help me with your

anaysis of my career


I am in the USA for the last 9 1/2 years ( since August 96 ).

Due to various reasons my career , since coming to the US has not

been progressing. Though I have been in job for all these years I am

pretty much stagnant in about the same position since the time I

came ! here.

It has been a source of constant worry for me, especially to find

people junior to me progressing ahead. I have been working honestly

and hard, been getting very good comments from my superiors but still

no progress.I am atleast 2 rungs below my rightful position.


Can you please analyse my horoscope and let me know


- When do you think my career will progress to the level that I

rightfully desrve. Will it be in the current job or in a new job?


- How much is my current sade sathi has got to do with my career

woes ? Looking back most of the stagnancy started since the beginning

of sade sathiin 2000.But I hear people saying that Sani should do

good for me.


My details


DOB : March 13, 1965

Place of Birth : Koothanur , in former Thanjavur district , near


Time of Birth : 1.30 AM


Thanks for your time , and I would greatly appreciate any help.


















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Sincere thanks for taking the time to analyse my career.


Please find my comments below:


As the trend indicates your boss is not easily satisfiable as he himself


boss in 12th is in sixes and eights does not let you go with rewards.his

expectations are high and are also not open.

Very true. My present boss does have a very high expectations for

promotions. I find others ( with different boss ) going ahead withabout

the same kind of work I do.


Also with your colleagues particularly may be a lady who is trying to

steal youe efforts and present herself with credit


Possibly true, But not recently. In 2000 , when all my trouble started ,

I did have a lady colleague who could have done what you say. That was

with a different boss - with whom I fell apart and changed my group in

early 2001 . This boss was actually a former close colleague of me in a

different company.


In my present group since 2001 May,I have not worked closely with a lady

colleague. But there was an instance in March 2004, when a lady

colleague was given the preference of a promotion over me by my current



This lady colleague later left the company in 2 months, and I took over

her project. But had she not left, I might have lost my job, as the

company was going through difficult times and the project I was in , was

being cut down.


So I have had 2 times where I could have almost lost my job , once in

April/May 2001 and another during the second half of 2004.


Right now I don't have any conflicts with my boss, but then he is not

favourable to my career progress as well.


Also about current colleagues, I genarally keep away from them, but for

official purposes.I closely work with a senior colleague who is very

good .


Curious to know your further observations , analysis and future trends.


Thx again









, vattem krishnan <bursar_99



> Dear mr.Ram,

> It is my approach to analyse your query through a prasna method and

link of the status of things as it existsand with future likely to take

place,as a kind of trend.

> Lucky enough you are just free from problems as parsna lagna is out

from clutches of ketu,who gives strain,reduces confidence and brings

impediments.ketu being represented Lord Vinayaka,in your own

propitations on wednesday will help you to resolve situation.

> For the kind of results anticipated your Sun too has to be helpful.As

the trend indicates your boss is not easily satisfiable as he himself is

in different condition

> saturn no doubt for you is not bad

> moon how ever is not free from affliction as lord of stability is in

3rd from there in not so friendly house with the one who makes you feel

tense like ketu.

> your career is due to your internal frame of mind due to conflicts

> boss in 12th is in sixes and eights does not let you go with

rewards.his expectations are high and are also not open.

> Also with your colleagues particularly may be a lady who is trying to

steal youe efforts and present herself with credit.I fyou are a person

engaged in designing aspects due to venus ,the credit for your

achievements some body is getting encouragements.

> The conflict with your boss is mostly that he treats for less category

of work where more than intellect routine matter is given as he

considers very trust worthy.

> mercury retrograde as lord of houses of promises does not help you to

make money .lagna lord mars is certainly is obstructing through your own



> dasa of moon as the lord of 4th house where saturn is posited(trying

to hard press you) to be more getting diverted on minor tasks.moon as

dispositor is in 3rd from own sign.This basically 6th from lagna denotes

services and office.

> All this i just could see only from transit point of view.may be you

deny or confirm some of these things.Moon as soft planet and root for

thought gives some way our .I will find what went really wrong after

hearing from you further

> krishnan

> lajamur lajamur wrote:

> Mr Krishnan


> I would like to know if you would be able to help me with your

> anaysis of my career


> I am in the USA for the last 9 1/2 years ( since August 96 ).

> Due to various reasons my career , since coming to the US has not

> been progressing. Though I have been in job for all these years I am

> pretty much stagnant in about the same position since the time I

> came ! here.

> It has been a source of constant worry for me, especially to find

> people junior to me progressing ahead. I have been working honestly

> and hard, been getting very good comments from my superiors but still

> no progress.I am atleast 2 rungs below my rightful position.


> Can you please analyse my horoscope and let me know


> - When do you think my career will progress to the level that I

> rightfully desrve. Will it be in the current job or in a new job?


> - How much is my current sade sathi has got to do with my career

> woes ? Looking back most of the stagnancy started since the beginning

> of sade sathiin 2000.But I hear people saying that Sani should do

> good for me.


> My details


> DOB : March 13, 1965

> Place of Birth : Koothanur , in former Thanjavur district , near

> Mayuram.

> Time of Birth : 1.30 AM


> Thanks for your time , and I would greatly appreciate any help.


> RM











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