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Having Guru in the 5th house 3/4...eo Astrologer-1

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I meant the new ones [new stram] who with little base in either a guru

shishya base or read sanskrit works or had some to do that for them and then

understand the spirit behind most of the past astrological works, as when I

used the word classic it offenned some. so the word again neo


in my case I can understand sanskrit


Mr K ASHWATAPPA co founder, founder secy of ICAS with BV RAMAN and his

friends did that job- read out slokas try to understand the meaning the author

meant and what it can mean now etc.

next I lived with a guru for the past 20 yrs and still on and off visit him

they can understand that all classical works to talk of Guru being the best



BUT in keep with current times it has some changes to be made not condemd.


when Guru aspects 5th or 7th lord in the past it used to auger well as it was

a DWIKALATRA YOGA (one could have a couple of rich spouses) but by law it is

illegal so a dosha.

which means depending on OTHER CHART FACTORS a secnod marriage by divorce or

death after the 1st marriage is over legally.


u need to make such adjustments, not go in to other periods esp other Yugas

and see ramu going to the forest, or foresaking Sita later alone as an entity

and call it Dosha and that too due to Guru alone.


IF U HAVE READ MY NOTINGS ON GURU it is easier else can repeat it no problem


in 1line the desha, Kala paristhi must be taken into account and no

intrerpretation on research label must be viewd from current period, values.of

past Yugas.


if ramayan charts are analysed Amar chitra katha version of ramayana is no

use u need to read more of it to understand the great personality of RAMA.

some valmiki's works as transulated by people at least 100-200 yrs ago where

some values were there unlike now.


today u can get a MA SANSKIRT or english if u can write 1400 words max in

each paper no match for some good vedic scholar or ashtaavadhani or

shataavadhani irrespective of caste they were good.


I HOPE U CAN ADD A LINE OR TWO on my interpration of Abhinav Mishara's queiry

it is also to do w.r.t Guru as he askedm but I have replied to it.








Tatvamasi <om_tatsat_om wrote: Sri Prashant,


And may I know what you mean by " NEO-ASTROLOGER" ?


Very curious to know.





Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:

Hi Abhiram


I am sure some neo-astrologers will jump in glee at this 5th place either

guru has spoilt it by being in 5th as a malefic or karako bhavanashaya




Ur 5th lord in the 9th is good but in mercurian sign


Bhavartha Ratnakara

and Sanketha Nidhi - this is the most definitive work on children, u can

even time back a childs conception here or

predict forward to the lagna.

Gopala Rathnakara

Kerala sutras

will tell u this


if 5th lord in sa saturnain, or mercurian house, amsa there will be

problems with children even adpotion or artificial means to have them


BUT b4 commintig further

give ur wifes' details

ur marriage date, miscarriage date will go to next step.

u will still have children sure.




abhiram mishra <abhiram_dude wrote: Respected Pandit Arjun

ji and Tatvam Asi ji,


I have been following your critique on Guru and its significance for the

5th house and the progeny with a lot of curiosity. I do not have much to

contribute save for my own experiences that go as under:




ToB: 5 PM

PoB: Delhi

DoB: 08-06-74


Going by the preceding details, i have a Tula lagna, and therefore,

Shani becomes the santaana kaaraka as well as the yoga kaaraka.


I have Rahu in the second, Chandra in the fourth, Guru in the fifth,

Shukra, the lagnesha, in the seventh, Soorya and Ketu in the eigth, Shani and

Budh in the ninth, and Kuja in the tenth house.


My wife has already had a "medically unexplainanble" miscarriage in the

year 2005. I was running Rahu mahaadasha, Ketu dasha, and Budh pratyantar at

that time.


I am only a learner of jyotish and thought that the incident could add to

the point in case.


I also have a question for the learned gurus. Although, going by the

classical definition, Guru in the fifth is not construed to be favourable for

the progeny, does Shani (the yoga kaaraka) being the santaan kaarak help.

Also, Guru will be in the fifth house soon, gochar-wise, followed by Shani's

dhaiyya in November.


Please do illuminate.


Thanks and Regards,


Abhiram Mishra






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