Guest guest Posted April 4, 2006 Report Share Posted April 4, 2006 Dear Friends, I am posting the second part of my paper on Guru. Guru Bhagawan as Giver of DHI Intellectual Aura, Tejas, Brilliance of Dhi shakti etc. is highly reveared in Vedic Astrology. His aspect infuses life, fortifies athe Bhava he aspects and gives superior grasping power of shastras. In my last posting on Guru I have tried and posted some charts to corroborate the dictum BHAVA NASHA KARO JEEVA, I had posted its effects till 5th bhava. Some time back, in other postings in Another discussion group, I had posted my findings on Guru in 7th bhava also . I have found Guru in 7th bhava delaying marriages and also giving an inclination of straying from normal marital life .It has been found to give love marriages and Extra marital interests. Guru in 8th bhava has been found to take life and give Alpayu/Madhyayu to jatakas. Guru in 9th has been found by me to be very detrimental to father in a lot of cases. Father's luck starts dwindling after the jatakas are born. Guru in 10th bhava has been observed by me to give failures in business to self and loss of property to father. Guru in 11th makes a person first born or 1st male child or it denotes miscarriage/short life to previous borns of the siblings elder to jataka. Father is found to be eldest born or he outsurvives all his siblings. Guru in 12th bhava gives destruction of Shaiya sukham resulting in very late marriages , remarriage and inflow of money.I have found people with 12th Guru earning in excess and spending little. Guru and Sani , always give something and take away something. If in 9th, if a person becomes lucky, his father suffers or dies. In second house, he gives a lot of money and then lands the man in neck deep debts. In 4th house, if he gives a house, he takes away vahana or mother or somerthing connected with 4th house. My whole exercise in giving examples of negetive traits of Guru is not to demean Guru but trying to enter in an excercise to reach the bottom of the thing and find out why GURU gives very bad results. I have done research into the causes and found the cause to be very simple as always. As written before, Guru takes root in a bhava and in order to give something in aspects to other bhavas, it sucks the inner strength of the bhava like a tube well or a wick of a lamp.In this process some attributes of a bhava are destoyed.The examples are already given as above. The cause may lie in his ownership of Dhanur Rasi. What is so special about Dhanur Rasi? Dhanur is an Agni Tatwa rasi which is termed as KRURA or PITILESS . It is the sign that falls in 9th house of kalapurusha chart.Over this sign, a Jathaka has no control as it signifies Bhagya and Pita. If Mesha is the jathaka, then Dhanur Rasi is the father. Nakshatras in Dhanur rasi are, MOOLA, belonging to Ketu, Purvashadha of Shukra and U.Shadha of Surya.If you think the significance of this, it means, Father puts Atma Tatwa(Sun) in His sperms(Shukra) and thereby reduces his own life (ketu) .. Since only 1st pada of U.Shadha is in Dhanur Rasi, it means Father puts only a part of his Atma tatwa in the Sperm. As he may have many other children. Guru is made the owner of this sign as the combination of Sperm, Atma tatwa signifies Sum total of Jeeva or Life.This is why Guru is also known as JEEVA. It may look paradoxical that a dry sign should signify life. But it is true. Why the sign is Krura? This sign is Krura because When the Ojas of Father leaves him, he reduces his Tejas and his Atma shakti becomes depleated or KSHINA. This is a krura karma. All these is ok so far. But why should the Dhanur Rasi be affecting its owner so much ? I would like to take you back to my work on Plantery Nodes . Out of the Nodes of Guru and Sani, we are concerned with the following nodes. Jupiter'e Northen node GURA (My termonology)falls in Gemini,17Deg.40mts in Aridra Nakshatra. Jupiter'e southern node GUKE falls in Dhanur Rasi .17Deg.40 mt in P.Shadha Nakshatra. Saturn's Northern Node SARA falls in Gemini.0.Deg 56mts. in Mrigshirsha Nakshatra. Saturn's southern node SAKE falls in Dhanur Rasi.0.Deg 56.mts Southern Node in MULA nakshatra. IF YOU LOOK AT SOUTHERN NODE OF SATURN (Sani's Ketu), IT IS IN MULA AND THIS EXPLAINS WHY MULA NAKSHATRA IS SO POISONOUS.!!!Remarkable isn't it? IF YOU LOOK AT SOUTHERN NODE OF GURU, (Ketu of Jupiter) IT IS IN SAGGITARIUS.!! No wonder Guru is the Lord of Knowledge and Intelligence. These nodes are as good as planets in those signs. Of the above nodes, it has been found that nodes of Mars,Jupiter and Saturn are very important and have a remarkable effect in mundane and personal life. Since each node takes over 30,000 to 40,000 years to change a sign, we can practically say that they do not change their fixed positions during our lifetime. Dhanur rasi is represented by A Hunter. Dhanur Rasi has SAKE,and GUKE the southern nodes of Sani and Guru. It also has Mula Nakshatra of Lunar southern node Ketu. Having three Ketus power is something very very powerful thing. Ketu is termed as Daruna, Tikshna,Hangman,Atirogi, Sinful planet, karaka of Pain and suffering,Tamasika, living in cremation ground, without any Rasa,a snake, he is very old of Vayu prakriti,Akash Tatwa ,Headless spirit. On the positive side, Ketu is Moksha karaka and Antargyani. So when Guru becomes the lord of Dhanur Rasi, he is responsible for imbibing the attributes of Ketus of Dhanu Rasi. Imagine how will it be when there are Two Permenent Ketus in Dhanur rasi and aspect of Sani's Rahu SARA and Guru's Rahu GURA on Dhanur Rasi ??. Compared to this, Meena Rasi which is another Rasi owned by Guru , is totally opposite in nature more in tune with Guru's good attributes. Hence Guru gives two types of results whenever he occupies anysign. This result is part negetive and part positive. So when we talk of Guru and his effects, we are talking of a planet with almost exactly opposite attributes.Dr. Jackyll & Hyde personified. He is a hangman and a killer and at the same time Giver of Life. He is the chief cause of disease and he is the medicine. Guru is very mighty and has very benign aspect.Guru gives us oxygen and is Jeeva.Without Guru's help, we would all be Mudha and lifeless. Let us pray Guru with all our heart and full faith for his Amrit Drishti. Brum Bruhaspataye Namah: -------------------------- IS GURU A BENIGN/DIVINE PLANET ?? Brum Bruhaspataye Namah: Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my quest for Karaktwa is continuing. I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani. So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I am writing the first instalment of work on Guru. I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani. "It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc. once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole hill is converted into a mountain. Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats, crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials, diseased etc. This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by astrologers of yore. Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves, labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of. So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round holes. Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet, Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas became one . Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature, pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of that, portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the lineage to the end.The person becomes childless. How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the Putra Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ? They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava. It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!! How paradoxical !!!! So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule to explain. BHAVA NASH KARO JEEVA, BHAVA VRIDDHHI KARAU SHANI: Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn increases the bhava he occupies. I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the reflection of Moon." And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he is a misfit in most of the places he sits. According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in form of aspectual fruits. In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table, Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group. JUPITER AS LORD OF 6th GROUP Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality). Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone is Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE. You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts are yellow. Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!! Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process. And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA. I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses today to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies. EFFECT OF GURU IN 5TH HOUSE. Male DOB: 28.9.1954 TOB: 18.30 Hrs POB: Madras Asc: Pisces Ketu: Gemini Jupiter: Cancer Moon,Sun: Virgo Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in exaltation. He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light funeral pyre. This person is childless even after two marriages. CASE # II Male DOB: 6TH July 1935 Tob : 5.34 AM POB: Teng-t'a 101 E 12 36 N 32 Gemini: Asc Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu Leo: Moon/venus Virgo : Mars Libra : Jupiter Saggi: Rahu Aquarius: Saturn This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no children due to religious abstinence. This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama. CASE # III GURU IN 2ND HOUSE DHANA BHAVA MALE Born ...10th Nov 1955 Janma Lagna Kataka Vrishabha...........ketu Simha ..............Guru Kanya...............Moon, Mars Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra VIMSHOTTARI DASAS EXPERIENCED SO FAR, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently). This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo. RESULT: The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has failed in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and also his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked after by father inlaw. GURU IN 8TH , AYUSHYA BHAVA. Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a person. I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru. CASE #1 Male: DOB: 27.3.1972 TOB: 9.07 AM POB: Udaipur Rajasthan Taurus: Asc Taurus: Mars/Sat Cancer: Ketu Leo: Moon Saggi: Jupiter Capri: Rahu Pisces: Sun/Merc Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic road accident in year 2001. CASE # 2 Male DOB: 9.11.1915 TOB: 12.15 am POB: Porbandar India Cancer : Asc Cancer: Mars/ketu Libra: Merc/Sun Scorpio: Moon/Venus Capri: Rahu Aquarius: Jupiter Gemini: Saturn Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava. The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years. To Be Continued. BRUM BRUHASPATAYE NAMAH: SURRENDER JOYFULLY TO THE WILL OF THE ULTIMATE DIVINITY AND RELISH THE TASTE OF ABSOLUTE BLISS. Visit your group "" on the web. New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates. 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Guest guest Posted April 5, 2006 Report Share Posted April 5, 2006 Dear Tatvam-asi, Interesting observations. As you have said, every planet has negative and positive effects. It will be an oversight to blindly take any planet as fully benefic or fully malefic. Regards, Ashutosh [The services of this astrologer are free on this group but off-group consultations may be chargeable] - Tatvamasi Tuesday, 04 April, 2006 20:20 Re: Is Guru A Benign /Divine Planet ?? Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva...Part II Dear Friends, I am posting the second part of my paper on Guru. Guru Bhagawan as Giver of DHI Intellectual Aura, Tejas, Brilliance of Dhi shakti etc. is highly reveared in Vedic Astrology. His aspect infuses life, fortifies athe Bhava he aspects and gives superior grasping power of shastras. In my last posting on Guru I have tried and posted some charts to corroborate the dictum BHAVA NASHA KARO JEEVA, I had posted its effects till 5th bhava. Some time back, in other postings in Another discussion group, I had posted my findings on Guru in 7th bhava also . I have found Guru in 7th bhava delaying marriages and also giving an inclination of straying from normal marital life .It has been found to give love marriages and Extra marital interests. Guru in 8th bhava has been found to take life and give Alpayu/Madhyayu to jatakas. Guru in 9th has been found by me to be very detrimental to father in a lot of cases. Father's luck starts dwindling after the jatakas are born. Guru in 10th bhava has been observed by me to give failures in business to self and loss of property to father. Guru in 11th makes a person first born or 1st male child or it denotes miscarriage/short life to previous borns of the siblings elder to jataka. Father is found to be eldest born or he outsurvives all his siblings. Guru in 12th bhava gives destruction of Shaiya sukham resulting in very late marriages , remarriage and inflow of money.I have found people with 12th Guru earning in excess and spending little. Guru and Sani , always give something and take away something. If in 9th, if a person becomes lucky, his father suffers or dies. In second house, he gives a lot of money and then lands the man in neck deep debts. In 4th house, if he gives a house, he takes away vahana or mother or somerthing connected with 4th house. My whole exercise in giving examples of negetive traits of Guru is not to demean Guru but trying to enter in an excercise to reach the bottom of the thing and find out why GURU gives very bad results. I have done research into the causes and found the cause to be very simple as always. As written before, Guru takes root in a bhava and in order to give something in aspects to other bhavas, it sucks the inner strength of the bhava like a tube well or a wick of a lamp.In this process some attributes of a bhava are destoyed.The examples are already given as above. The cause may lie in his ownership of Dhanur Rasi. What is so special about Dhanur Rasi? Dhanur is an Agni Tatwa rasi which is termed as KRURA or PITILESS . It is the sign that falls in 9th house of kalapurusha chart.Over this sign, a Jathaka has no control as it signifies Bhagya and Pita. If Mesha is the jathaka, then Dhanur Rasi is the father. Nakshatras in Dhanur rasi are, MOOLA, belonging to Ketu, Purvashadha of Shukra and U.Shadha of Surya.If you think the significance of this, it means, Father puts Atma Tatwa(Sun) in His sperms(Shukra) and thereby reduces his own life (ketu) . Since only 1st pada of U.Shadha is in Dhanur Rasi, it means Father puts only a part of his Atma tatwa in the Sperm. As he may have many other children. Guru is made the owner of this sign as the combination of Sperm, Atma tatwa signifies Sum total of Jeeva or Life.This is why Guru is also known as JEEVA. It may look paradoxical that a dry sign should signify life. But it is true. Why the sign is Krura? This sign is Krura because When the Ojas of Father leaves him, he reduces his Tejas and his Atma shakti becomes depleated or KSHINA. This is a krura karma. All these is ok so far. But why should the Dhanur Rasi be affecting its owner so much ? I would like to take you back to my work on Plantery Nodes . Out of the Nodes of Guru and Sani, we are concerned with the following nodes. Jupiter'e Northen node GURA (My termonology)falls in Gemini,17Deg.40mts in Aridra Nakshatra. Jupiter'e southern node GUKE falls in Dhanur Rasi .17Deg.40 mt in P.Shadha Nakshatra. Saturn's Northern Node SARA falls in Gemini.0.Deg 56mts. in Mrigshirsha Nakshatra. Saturn's southern node SAKE falls in Dhanur Rasi.0.Deg 56.mts Southern Node in MULA nakshatra. IF YOU LOOK AT SOUTHERN NODE OF SATURN (Sani's Ketu), IT IS IN MULA AND THIS EXPLAINS WHY MULA NAKSHATRA IS SO POISONOUS.!!!Remarkable isn't it? IF YOU LOOK AT SOUTHERN NODE OF GURU, (Ketu of Jupiter) IT IS IN SAGGITARIUS.!! No wonder Guru is the Lord of Knowledge and Intelligence. These nodes are as good as planets in those signs. Of the above nodes, it has been found that nodes of Mars,Jupiter and Saturn are very important and have a remarkable effect in mundane and personal life. Since each node takes over 30,000 to 40,000 years to change a sign, we can practically say that they do not change their fixed positions during our lifetime. Dhanur rasi is represented by A Hunter. Dhanur Rasi has SAKE,and GUKE the southern nodes of Sani and Guru. It also has Mula Nakshatra of Lunar southern node Ketu. Having three Ketus power is something very very powerful thing. Ketu is termed as Daruna, Tikshna,Hangman,Atirogi, Sinful planet, karaka of Pain and suffering,Tamasika, living in cremation ground, without any Rasa,a snake, he is very old of Vayu prakriti,Akash Tatwa ,Headless spirit. On the positive side, Ketu is Moksha karaka and Antargyani. So when Guru becomes the lord of Dhanur Rasi, he is responsible for imbibing the attributes of Ketus of Dhanu Rasi. Imagine how will it be when there are Two Permenent Ketus in Dhanur rasi and aspect of Sani's Rahu SARA and Guru's Rahu GURA on Dhanur Rasi ??. Compared to this, Meena Rasi which is another Rasi owned by Guru , is totally opposite in nature more in tune with Guru's good attributes. Hence Guru gives two types of results whenever he occupies anysign. This result is part negetive and part positive. So when we talk of Guru and his effects, we are talking of a planet with almost exactly opposite attributes.Dr. Jackyll & Hyde personified. He is a hangman and a killer and at the same time Giver of Life. He is the chief cause of disease and he is the medicine. Guru is very mighty and has very benign aspect.Guru gives us oxygen and is Jeeva.Without Guru's help, we would all be Mudha and lifeless. Let us pray Guru with all our heart and full faith for his Amrit Drishti. Brum Bruhaspataye Namah: -------------------------- IS GURU A BENIGN/DIVINE PLANET ?? Brum Bruhaspataye Namah: Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my quest for Karaktwa is continuing. I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani. So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I am writing the first instalment of work on Guru. I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani. "It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc. once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole hill is converted into a mountain. Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats, crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials, diseased etc. This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by astrologers of yore. Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves, labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of. So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round holes. Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet, Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas became one . Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature, pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of that, portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the lineage to the end.The person becomes childless. How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the Putra Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ? They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava. It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!! How paradoxical !!!! So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule to explain. BHAVA NASH KARO JEEVA, BHAVA VRIDDHHI KARAU SHANI: Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn increases the bhava he occupies. I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the reflection of Moon." And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he is a misfit in most of the places he sits. According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in form of aspectual fruits. In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table, Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group. JUPITER AS LORD OF 6th GROUP Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality). Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone is Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE. You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts are yellow. Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!! Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process. And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA. I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses today to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies. EFFECT OF GURU IN 5TH HOUSE. Male DOB: 28.9.1954 TOB: 18.30 Hrs POB: Madras Asc: Pisces Ketu: Gemini Jupiter: Cancer Moon,Sun: Virgo Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in exaltation. He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light funeral pyre. This person is childless even after two marriages. CASE # II Male DOB: 6TH July 1935 Tob : 5.34 AM POB: Teng-t'a 101 E 12 36 N 32 Gemini: Asc Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu Leo: Moon/venus Virgo : Mars Libra : Jupiter Saggi: Rahu Aquarius: Saturn This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no children due to religious abstinence. This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama. CASE # III GURU IN 2ND HOUSE DHANA BHAVA MALE Born ...10th Nov 1955 Janma Lagna Kataka Vrishabha...........ketu Simha ..............Guru Kanya...............Moon, Mars Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra VIMSHOTTARI DASAS EXPERIENCED SO FAR, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently). This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo. RESULT: The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has failed in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and also his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked after by father inlaw. GURU IN 8TH , AYUSHYA BHAVA. Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a person. I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru. CASE #1 Male: DOB: 27.3.1972 TOB: 9.07 AM POB: Udaipur Rajasthan Taurus: Asc Taurus: Mars/Sat Cancer: Ketu Leo: Moon Saggi: Jupiter Capri: Rahu Pisces: Sun/Merc Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic road accident in year 2001. CASE # 2 Male DOB: 9.11.1915 TOB: 12.15 am POB: Porbandar India Cancer : Asc Cancer: Mars/ketu Libra: Merc/Sun Scorpio: Moon/Venus Capri: Rahu Aquarius: Jupiter Gemini: Saturn Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava. The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years. To Be Continued. BRUM BRUHASPATAYE NAMAH: SURRENDER JOYFULLY TO THE WILL OF THE ULTIMATE DIVINITY AND RELISH THE TASTE OF ABSOLUTE BLISS. Visit your group "" on the web. New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates. SURRENDER JOYFULLY TO THE WILL OF THE ULTIMATE DIVINITY AND RELISH THE TASTE OF ABSOLUTE BLISS. a.. Visit your group "" on the web. b.. c.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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