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Is Guru A Benign /Divine Planet ?? Guru gives

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Very interesting observations indeed.

The entire debate on Guru suggests that while

different opinions may prevail on the beneficience of

Guru yet the key is to understand Guru.

I would suggest that Guru is what the term implies,

the giver.

Guru gives.

Similarly, Guru as a planet gives and keeps

giving.Perhaps, we are limiting our analysis of this

whole issue by limiting the effects of Guru in a bhava

to the owner of the chart.

Guru in 12th may take away shaiya sukh for the person

but if he/she is lets say working in an ICU , staying

awake and giving life saving assistance to patients,

there is Guru giving.

Do not merely see, if Guru in 2nd has made a person

wealthy or a pauper but lets look if Guru in second

has made a person give in terms of the second house

attributes to persons with whom he/she has interacted.

If I may add that a person is not only an individual

but a part of the human race, lets see what guru in

the person has given to the society instead of looking

at what Guru has given to the person.

Just a viewpoint.





--- Tatvamasi <om_tatsat_om wrote:


> Dear Friends,


> I am posting the second part of my paper on Guru.


> Guru Bhagawan as Giver of DHI Intellectual Aura,

> Tejas, Brilliance of Dhi shakti etc. is highly

> reveared in Vedic Astrology. His aspect infuses

> life, fortifies athe Bhava he aspects and gives

> superior grasping power of shastras.


> In my last posting on Guru I have tried and posted

> some charts to corroborate the dictum BHAVA NASHA

> KARO JEEVA, I had posted its effects till 5th bhava.

> Some time back, in other postings in Another

> discussion group, I had posted my findings on Guru

> in 7th bhava also .


> I have found Guru in 7th bhava delaying marriages

> and also giving an inclination of straying from

> normal marital life .It has been found to give love

> marriages and Extra marital interests.


> Guru in 8th bhava has been found to take life and

> give Alpayu/Madhyayu to jatakas.

> Guru in 9th has been found by me to be very

> detrimental to father in a lot of cases. Father's

> luck starts dwindling after the jatakas are born.

> Guru in 10th bhava has been observed by me to give

> failures in business to self and loss of property to

> father.


> Guru in 11th makes a person first born or 1st male

> child or it denotes miscarriage/short life to

> previous borns of the siblings elder to jataka.

> Father is found to be eldest born or he outsurvives

> all his siblings.


> Guru in 12th bhava gives destruction of Shaiya

> sukham resulting in very late marriages , remarriage

> and inflow of money.I have found people with 12th

> Guru earning in excess and spending little.


> Guru and Sani , always give something and take

> away something.

> If in 9th, if a person becomes lucky, his father

> suffers or dies.

> In second house, he gives a lot of money and then

> lands the man in neck deep debts.

> In 4th house, if he gives a house, he takes away

> vahana or mother or somerthing connected with 4th

> house.


> My whole exercise in giving examples of negetive

> traits of Guru is not to demean Guru but trying to

> enter in an excercise to reach the bottom of the

> thing and find out why GURU gives very bad results.


> I have done research into the causes and found the

> cause to be very simple as always. As written

> before, Guru takes root in a bhava and in order to

> give something in aspects to other bhavas, it sucks

> the inner strength of the bhava like a tube well or

> a wick of a lamp.In this process some attributes of

> a bhava are destoyed.The examples are already given

> as above.


> The cause may lie in his ownership of Dhanur Rasi.

> What is so special about Dhanur Rasi?

> Dhanur is an Agni Tatwa rasi which is termed as


> It is the sign that falls in 9th house of

> kalapurusha chart.Over this sign, a Jathaka has no

> control as it signifies Bhagya and Pita.

> If Mesha is the jathaka, then Dhanur Rasi is the

> father. Nakshatras in Dhanur rasi are, MOOLA,

> belonging to Ketu, Purvashadha of Shukra and

> U.Shadha of Surya.If you think the significance of

> this, it means, Father puts Atma Tatwa(Sun) in His

> sperms(Shukra) and thereby reduces his own life

> (ketu)

> .

> Since only 1st pada of U.Shadha is in Dhanur Rasi,

> it means Father puts only a part of his Atma tatwa

> in the Sperm. As he may have many other children.

> Guru is made the owner of this sign as the

> combination of Sperm, Atma tatwa signifies Sum total

> of Jeeva or Life.This is why Guru is also known as

> JEEVA. It may look paradoxical that a dry sign

> should signify life. But it is true.

> Why the sign is Krura? This sign is Krura because

> When the Ojas of Father leaves him, he reduces his

> Tejas and his Atma shakti becomes depleated or


> This is a krura karma.


> All these is ok so far.

> But why should the Dhanur Rasi be affecting its

> owner so much ?


> I would like to take you back to my work on Plantery

> Nodes .

> Out of the Nodes of Guru and Sani, we are concerned

> with the following nodes.

> Jupiter'e Northen node GURA (My termonology)falls

> in Gemini,17Deg.40mts in Aridra Nakshatra.


> Jupiter'e southern node GUKE falls in Dhanur Rasi

> .17Deg.40 mt

> in P.Shadha Nakshatra.

> Saturn's Northern Node SARA falls in Gemini.0.Deg

> 56mts.

> in Mrigshirsha Nakshatra.

> Saturn's southern node SAKE falls in Dhanur

> Rasi.0.Deg 56.mts Southern Node in MULA nakshatra.



> NAKSHATRA IS SO POISONOUS.!!!Remarkable isn't it?



> No wonder Guru is the Lord of Knowledge and

> Intelligence.

> These nodes are as good as planets in those signs.

> Of the above nodes, it has been found that nodes of

> Mars,Jupiter and Saturn are very important and have

> a remarkable effect in mundane and personal life.


> Since each node takes over 30,000 to 40,000 years

> to change a sign, we can practically say that they

> do not change their fixed positions during our

> lifetime.

> Dhanur rasi is represented by A Hunter.


> Dhanur Rasi has SAKE,and GUKE the southern nodes of

> Sani and Guru. It also has Mula Nakshatra of Lunar

> southern node Ketu.

> Having three Ketus power is something very very

> powerful thing.

> Ketu is termed as Daruna, Tikshna,Hangman,Atirogi,

> Sinful planet, karaka of Pain and

> suffering,Tamasika, living in cremation ground,

> without any Rasa,a snake, he is very old of Vayu

> prakriti,Akash Tatwa ,Headless spirit.


> On the positive side, Ketu is Moksha karaka and

> Antargyani.

> So when Guru becomes the lord of Dhanur Rasi, he is

> responsible for imbibing the attributes of Ketus of

> Dhanu Rasi.


> Imagine how will it be when there are Two

> Permenent Ketus in Dhanur rasi and aspect of Sani's

> Rahu SARA and Guru's Rahu GURA on Dhanur Rasi ??.

> Compared to this, Meena Rasi which is another Rasi

> owned by Guru , is totally opposite in nature more

> in tune with Guru's good attributes.

> Hence Guru gives two types of results whenever he

> occupies anysign.

> This result is part negetive and part positive.


> So when we talk of Guru and his effects, we are

> talking of a planet with almost exactly opposite

> attributes.Dr. Jackyll & Hyde personified.


> He is a hangman and a killer and at the same time

> Giver of Life.

> He is the chief cause of disease and he is the

> medicine.

> Guru is very mighty and has very benign

> aspect.Guru gives us oxygen and is Jeeva.Without

> Guru's help, we would all be Mudha and lifeless.

> Let us pray Guru with all our heart and full faith

> for his Amrit Drishti.


> Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


















> Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


> Some time back I had stated that we need to take a

> fresh look at

> Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on

> Rahu and my quest

> for Karaktwa is continuing.

> I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru

> and Shani.

> So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in

> Karakatwa of Guru, I


=== message truncated ===







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