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appreciation of christian service 19/4

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Rishi, Nalini, arjunji and others


Please I hope u read my postings in context only I agree with what is being

said in general about religion of all faiths.


this thread beagn when Pandit Arjun

said Islamic terrorism is reaping carpet bombings and other forms of counter

terrorism measures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran etc for their cruel past.


"where as chiristians are saints"



some good activites are there and the history of barbarism, terrorism by them

are there too can't be blinkered or wished away.


the death of sanskrit has lead us to read all our classics throguh english

and if the original english work was part of the regime then to destroy hindu

faith and bring in distorted versions of all our heritage we must either

re-read then and research them for which the language needs some revival.


Manu's smruthis are one whcih everyone scorns at as it is a terrible

translation deliberately with mischiouvs design by Max Muller.


Manu has clrealy said far differently tan Max Muller and recent studies

published are proof and some older ones in vernacular languages too.


say a womens right to family property she gets 1/3 and has decried the people

who deprive her of her due, it is the family responsiblity parental, and

marital inheritance are well documented

similarly the caste equations were distorted and the hate we have of different

castes in India is due to this work alone.


if anyone has seen KARL KLUX CLAN our caste divide is nothing not even dirt.

if what happened in africa till date the civil war our comminal parties are

lesser than dirt

remember 8 million mwere massacared in in RRwanda in 94 in 1 week alone, the

Dafur killings even now all the work of the so called saints and jihadis.


all i had said was we need to see the brighter side and darker side of all

relgions and no blanket rule that Islam alone is barbaric. I had given how

crusades were the origin for it. it has gone too far from such self defence to

what it is today.


how converted hava a different class system they way they treat others that

is all let people go in free will and choose and respect their peopl as they

did before after conversion how they becom eholier than thou is what i had

lamented not objected.


I QUIT this thread AS I SEE NO POINT people are not reading what i meant but

arund it Missionaries are doign soem useful work so are others listed that

doesn't get mention either.







rishi shukla <rishi_2000in wrote: Absolutely, Naliniji,I


"Give me strength to fight my greatest enemy,

Not my brother but myself,

Make me always ready to come to you,

with clean hands and straight eyes,

so when life fades as the fading sunset,

my spirit may come to you without shame"




--- auromirra19 <nalini2818 wrote:


> {Om Namo Narayanaya}

> Rishiji,

> What is a religion any way? A superficial mantle of

> our haphazard

> beliefs, some imposed at an impressionable age, some

> our own

> misinfromed impressions, some relevant some not.Some

> we cannot shirk

> off, some we dont want to. But ultimately is has

> nothing to do with

> the core of the inner being, it is untainted by any

> thing but filled

> with the knowledge of itself and ours for the

> asking, if we care to

> do so. So, why bother about religion, sanskrit,

> jesus, namaz, the

> best of every religion is God.

> Regards

> {Om namah Shivaya Namah Mallikarjunaya} --- In

> , "rishi_2000in"

> <rishi_2000in

> wrote:

> >

> > Prashantji,

> > Knowing Sanskrit does not make one a Hindu,

> nordoes praying to

> Jesus

> > make one christian. We have witnessed that

> organised religion has

> > been used as a tool of capturing and sustaining

> power in many a

> > religions.

> > However, since it is not a forum for discussing

> politics and

> > religion, I stop here.

> > regards

> > rishi

> >

> >

> >

> > , Prashant

> Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Asha, Arjun ji

> > >

> > > these cook and bull stories exist in all

> regions so no use

> > counting on it.

> > > I stuied in St Joseph's Bangalore where were

> told stories how

> in

> > Nagaland they spread the light of the church in 6

> yrs.

> > > there are 48 hills in nagaland 48 dialects

> each one is told

> such

> > story that christ walked somewhere there so each

> feels unique

> and

> > none of the 48 see eye to eye or marriy or have

> any contact, as u

> r

> > aware the Nagas r 100% christian and were 1st to

> ask for

> seperation

> > or Indipendence from India even before 1947.

> > >

> > > Tamil Nadu's so called air of superiority

> comes form same

> > source. thery were initially told they are

> dravidian race and

> aryans

> > invaded and chased them down.

> > >

> > > and part of East India company job was to


> > HINDUISM IN 100 yrs

> > > they have destroyed sanskirt like in TN case

> > > where in schools we are taught why use Jalam

> for water snanam

> > fior bath use local words

> > > even this election (May 06) u can hear that

> karunadni's family

> > still uses Northern names like Karuna and Nidhi

> both sanskrit all

> > his famly son, son-in-law nephews Dayanidi maaran

> all have

> sanskrit

> > names.

> > >

> > > u will find tamil totally de-sanskritised.

> currtsy church as

> > tamil had the 1st bible in Indian languages way

> back in 1640's

> > >

> > > like i said other day how africa is affected

> by civil war and

> > poverty Asia and India being a sub continent is

> not ruled out esp

> > with david Huttington's clash of civilisation

> projection and the


> the corner.

> > >

> > > ANY RELIOGION THAT preaches hate, intolerance

> of otehr faith

> even

> > if they are hlping poor in food, water, education

> in the long

> frun

> > is trouble like the political parties. we need

> strong faiths and

> > respect for each irrespective of faith people can

> change in

> freewill

> > not bought at 30k per conversion as in AP ,TN is

> the case. these

> > people later willsell anyting for money. even

> national interests.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ASHA <asha@> wrote: -there is a book

> about Jesus in

> > Kashmir. its a paperback.

> > > br

> > > asha-- In ,

> "panditarjun2004"

> > > <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > dear friend gopu

> > > >

> > > > it is my personal observation that i

> appreciated the way

> > > > christianity was expanded. imagine a

> neglected interior in

> a

> > > remote

> > > > corner of the country where no government

> organisation nor

> any

> > NGO

> > > > is daring to go. for rules sake, there are

> hundred and one

> > > > government schemes on the paper with crores

> of rupees

> > allocation

> > > for

> > > > their development. the torchbearers of the

> hindu religion

> have

> > > > forgotten the plights of them and the

> philanthrophers like

> > Tatas

> > > and

> > > > Birlas also construct billions of rupees

> worth temples and

> > > hospital

> > > > in urban areas. who is there to help the

> neglected people

> > living

> > > in

> > > > the jungles and remote villages. it is at

> this juncture

> where

> > > > christian missionaries have been setting up



> > > > CHURCHES and gave free clothing, education

> and medical

> > treatment

> > > in

> > > > return for singing the praise of their lord

> jesus christ. i

> > find

> > > > absolutely no wrong in doing so. if a

> starving dying person

> is

> > > fed,

> > > > clotheed, sheltered and treated and in

> return asked to sing

> the

> > > > praise of the god, there is no harm.

> > > >

> > > > only recenlty hindu organisations woke up to

> this fact and

> have

> > > > started setting up some relief centres and

> development works

> > for

> > > the

> > > > neglected people in jungles, hilly areas and

> remotest

> corners

> > of

> > > the

> > > > country.

> > > >


=== message truncated ===














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