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To Mr Narasimha & Mr Gaurango: Jp Excpn, Arg, Yogas in VAIP Ju exception

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3 unrelated matters:


1. Jp exception: Just wanted to Reconfirm that this rule OverRides ALL

others in the strength ones for node lordship ie (1. own, 2. no. of

planets, 3. occ/ asp by Jp, Mc, dis, 4. exalted/ own, 5. sign of ntl

strength, 6. dasa yrs ), else what NUMBER in the order is it?


2. Disposition of Argalas: U knocked into my head repeatedly, that Argalas

"decide", and their disposition is governed by that of the participating

planets, not the nature of the argala (1 exception being the 3rd

vipritargala by an NM). Now, 3 clarifications please:


a) Natural disposition of Virodh Argalas: Let me first enunciate

specifically what u have taught: (using NB & NM as abbreviations for

natural benefic & malefic respectively). Natural disposition of planets

forming argalas (=arg) provide good vs bad outcome. And the Natural

disposition of virodhargalas (=v'arg) obstruct respective argalas. So,

please correct my understanding (leave out relative strengths for the


i) consider an arg by an NB : Does good: NM v'arglg the same will hassle it

(obvious). NB v'arg will ALSO obstruct.

ii) consider an arg by an NM : Hassles: NB v'arglg the same will alleviate

this (obvious). NM v'arg will ALSO help hassle by obstructing (unless in 3

= Viprit).


b) Functional disposition: Now, this is again modified in your examples on

MM Joshi's d-10, where u have given more importance to functional

disposition than natural one when they conflict (yes, I realise that

everything affects, but it does seem to a student that the known conclusion

affects the choice of tool - which is really very frustrating for

students). So when they are opposite dispositions by natural & functional,

what is the correction to the above. Say Sun= authority and arrogance if

its functional disposition is good or bad respectively. Now, do I use this

PRIMARILY, & say ONCE this is the primary effect, the actually what happens

is IF FB, he is say magistrate, & if FM, a leader of criminals (ie its

intrinsic nature as Sun). Or is it the Opposite. Sun is a bad guy

naturally. So its arg effect on say 10= profession, is bad PRIMARILY. Now,

if it is Functionally bad, he is this gang leader of thieves, & if

functionally good, there is some hope for him to become a Valmiki later

(tho bad now) & write Ramayana.


Basically, should I re-define the Natl vs Funcl funda in Argalas, in case

of conflict, by saying: the WHAT, ie good or bad outcome is based on the

functional nature, & the HOW by its natural disposition. The Mars as FB

argalaing someone's profession would HELP (FB) by emphasising engineering

(Ma's nature) but there would be breaks in current profession (NM) before

doing so, IF I were to ignore all other factors (virodh argalas, its

dispositor, conjunctions & aspects to it, etc). Could you please cleave

these concepts for me before providing any examples for the same (as that

example would only confuse me more, as it would not accomodate all the

concepts above).


c) Afflictions to sign primarily decide disposition of Argalas: Once the

above is clarified to me, please also explain the following of what I

understand from the following excerpt from Mr Gaurango's posting: Both NBs

& NMs promote signications of house argalaed (thru good/ bad means,

depending on their disposition) if the house is unafflicted by aspect &

other considerations, & hassle the fellow if afflicted....

Following re-unabbreviated from my version in my notes: Gaurango: Eg for

judging disease/health of organ/ body part signified by a sign/ plnt: Arg,

bn/ ml, promotes affairs of hse it falls on. So shd chk health/ illness of

concerned organ from other sources eg ml asps/ cjn/ Badhak sign. If bn

health indicated, bn Arg protects it, & ml Arg gives possibility to heal

it, even if ml eg poison cd be usd for healing, eg Ra's Arg= heal with

medicine, by Ke/Ma= heal by surgery, by St= by diet. But, bn Args will keep

organ healthy & protect it fm diseases, or altvly may= preventive measures.

BUT, if concerned sign itself afflicd by mls, Arg promotes negative effects

issuing from sign, ie the diseased condition. Then neither bn nor ml Arg

will help, but both harm organ concerned. Bn Args may= disease caused by

over-indulgence/ overload of organ. Eg, Mn's Arg= too much drinking or

water present, Jp= excess eating, Ve= excess sex, & Mc= excess talking. And

ml Args in this case= -ve effects leading to diseases eg poisoning (Ra),

smoking/ drugs (Ke), axidts & injuries (Ma) or work overload (St). Viprit

Arg may give similar effects to subharg in both cases. So Jp's Arg on a

sign will not necrily protect or heal it, rather Jp's asp wd do. So no arg,

ml, bn or Viprit can mk any organ diseased, unless concerned hse itself



3. Chapter 10 on Yogas in your book VAIP: The Chapter DID have a purpose.

It was very comprehensive, packed a helluvalot in optimal pages. I checked

each one with BPHS & my notes from eclectic sources. I have ignored minor

variations & alternative definitions. Just 3 questions on any specific

reason why you have chosen these definitions:


a) Sharda: Your conditions 1-3 & 4-5 are AND, while BPHS are OR, as

Alternatives. You have thus made it v stringent. Any particular reason?

b) Dhan: Following Parasar, you have given primary importance to 5/9 &

secondarily to 2/11. In most of Jaimini sutras & in other texts, it is the

opposite. Any comments?

c) Kusum: a) BPHS: Ve in Kendra, & Mn in kon cnj NB, & St in 10, b) You:

Lg in fxd syn, Plus bphs dfnn, c) Raman: Ve in fxd syn & kendra, weak Mn in

kon & Sn in 10 (so, Ve has to be in 10=fxd, unless birth in hr latds, whr

Ve & Sn cd be in nr syns & yet many hses away), d) Others: Jp in Lg, Mn in

7, & Sn in 8 fm Mn= 2. Note: inclds Jp-Mn GjKsri yog & Sn-Mn Vesi).

Normally I have ignored these variations in alternative texts, but as they

are so close yet so far, I cd not figure out the reason for the

differences. Also, the meanings provided for definitions a to c are similar

, ie Generous, pleasure- seeking, famous, courageous, character, learned;

while that provided for d is : Power, reputation, protector, head of town,

eg magistrate, mayor.




Nandan : The astro-cockroach keeps cockroaching away thru tomes, in the

hope that some of Jupiter's light filters thru:

(evry caste has a role in God's Universe; see how the Service orientation

of the Far East in this century has worked, & is taking over as an ethic

from the Vaishya & Kshatriyasism of the last few centuries, which succeeded

the Knowledge ethic of aeons back)


PS: The story of my abbreviation habit: In my class in IIM, Cal (Mgt),

there was this IIT-Mds topper who we used to call Zero. We never saw him.

Tho he attended every class. We only noticed his name in the honours list

every semester-ending. Someone finally noticed him, & everybody realised

that he did not take a single note in any class. We confirmed that at the

end of 2 years of so many subjects, he had filled only one small notebook.

Somebody asked him. He said he had studied in vernacular (non-English

medium) all thru his village school before going to IIT (engg), & here, in

management school, the subjects were all so descriptive/ narrative, that he

said he could either listen & understand, OR take notes, not do both.

Someone tried his method, & promptly failed most courses that semester. The

above story is true & NOT the reason for my abbreviations, just funny. The

reason is a bit similar, in the sense of cramming notes in symbolic

language on the tiny margins of Shakespeare pages in school, & cramming

entire subjects in 2 pages of symbolic language & equations before any

exams all thru my educational life (incl subjects like Eco). Helped me

remember & holistic conceptual ability at that time to grasp the entire

subject. But. Apologies for using it here in e-comms (oops, cdnt help

that). A typical line in my astro-notes go: ChandikaYg = aggresiv Parvati:

Lg in fxd & asp by L6, & Lds.(d9 occ by L6 & 9) both cnj Sn= Agresiv (L6)

poltcn. Which lets me pack lots in a few pgs, to read as I am travelling,

etc. Also a moral for me: I can either take astro-notes. Or learn


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