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Vedic/Greek Astrology Controversey...Please Read

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The following is from my list, the Pan Astrological

Forum, and has to do with the issue of whether Vedic

Astrology came from the Greeks. This is a topic of

grear interest among the Western Astrological

Community, particularly the more Ancient Western

systems. I have presented my views to the contrary of

this contention, saying that from all that I have read

and studied, I have have found no evidence of VA coing

from the Greeks in any way, no have I found any Vedic

Astrological Scholars saying same. Whay do you all say

about this, and particularly Narasimha? Thanks for

your responses.






More on the Vedic/Greek Controversey...


Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:45:09 -0400






This colloquiy is very interesting, so let me throw

this into the mix -

as I

have said, I am no scholar when it comes to the area

of Astrological

History, BUT, consider the following...


At present, there are people here in the West, such as

Rob Hand and


Johnsen, who are no doubt good people to the field of

Astrology, but


also have B.V. Raman and K.N. Rao, two of modern

India's greatest

Astrological figures. Both of these men have between

them, nearly two

centuries of experience and scholarship, and neither

of them, to all of


knowledge, has ever said that Vedic Astrology had

originated by the

Greeks -

in fact, Raman has refuted such claims in his books,

notably his

Autobiography and his travelogue to the West when,

among other things,


spoke before the United Nations. So the question then

becomes - are


two men, and in particular, Raman, lying?


Again, it must be noted that, among all other

scholars, white ones from


West have shown, actually demonstrated a propensity

towards bending the

truth, destroying evidence, and out-and-out lying when

the facts didn't


with their presumptions. This isn;t to say that no one

can't do it


but it IS to say, that we DO know who has done it the

most and to the

greatest degree. Again, there are NO Vedic

Astrological Scholars who


supported the claims that Vedic Astrology originated

from the Greeks.


Additionally, and again, I am not a historian, but I

believe that


went to India, where HE learned about Harmony and

Number, and how the


were linked to together! Additionally, we find in the

Brihat Parasara


Shastra, a document that is both the cornerstone of

Vedic Astrology and

about 5,000 years old, early and clear references to

the Vargas, the

divisonal charts that are used in VA. WE see no such

evidence in the


system, nor do we see any evidence of the Dasa systems

(and yes, I am

familiar with the Persian Firdaria, etc), and if they

are, it is


that they dated farther back than the Ancient Hindus.

We know that the

Greeks, along with the Arabs, have learned much from

the Hindus (and we


include in that, the Africans, for AStrology was

clearly in evidence in

Eygpt, and the Africans, make no msitake about it,

were Black; this is

according to the painstaking researches of Dr Yusef

Ben Jochanan, Dr.

Cheinkh Anta Diop, and others; see Poe, Black Spark,

White Fire), among

other things, Astrology.


The major question has to be - WHY is it so important

to find out


Vedic Astrology came from the Greeks? This wasn't such

a burning


even ten years ago, at least not to my recollection,

and I stand to be

corrected if I am wrong. Why? For what purpose does it

serve? Again,


questions have to be asked, much in the same way that

one should find


the motivations behind a writer who pens a literay

work. The mindset of


people really throws alot of light on the results of

the research,


that maybe.


So, in the end, I maintain what I have said with

respect to white


scholars now seemingly so interested in the "Greek"

roots of Vedic

Astrology, something that NONE of the greatest voices

of Modern Vedic

Astrology has ever even uttered.


Comments, Please...






Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

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where Freedom in Astrological Thought Lives!

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Namaste Mu,


This claim that Vedic Astrology came from Greeks is not exactly new. There are

also other *claims* that Sanskrit & all our Vedic literature like RgVeda,

Upanishads etc were all the result of Aryan Invasion. This theory or claim is

known under the name of Aryan Immigration Theory or the Aryan Migration Theory.

This has been propounded by Prof. Witzel who is a German born in Germany.


Here's the skinny on it:


The classical Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), rooted (to a great extent) on the

white supremacist and colonialist paradigms of the 19th century, states that

sometime in the second millennium BCE, hordes of Indo-Europeans descended from

somewhere in Central Asia and subjugated the black skinned, stub nosed,

Dravidian speaking natives of India through a military conquest and thereby,

occupied entire North India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in course of time. The Indus

Valley Culture (IVC), straddling over an area of800,000 square kilometers, is

supposed to be the Dravidian civilization that was overwhelmed by these

`fair-skinned, blonde, blue-eyed, sharp-nosed' invaders. In the process, the

Dravidian inhabitants were pushed to the southern parts of peninsular India. As

decades of research has failed to yield a shred of archaeological [Ref. 1,2],

anthropological [Ref. 3,], genetic and literary [Ref. 4,5] evidence, and the

linguistic evidence in support of AIT is also tenuous at the most [Ref.5,6,7],

Indologists (who are largely linguists and philologists outside India) have

proposed a new model called the `Aryan Migration Theory' (AMT).


Infact Sanskrit is known as Indo-European language.


I think these two claims are in some way inter-connected. Let me do some

research and get back to you.









vedic astrology, Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey> wrote:

> All,


> The following is from my list, the Pan Astrological

> Forum, and has to do with the issue of whether Vedic

> Astrology came from the Greeks. This is a topic of

> grear interest among the Western Astrological

> Community, particularly the more Ancient Western

> systems. I have presented my views to the contrary of

> this contention, saying that from all that I have read

> and studied, I have have found no evidence of VA coing

> from the Greeks in any way, no have I found any Vedic

> Astrological Scholars saying same. Whay do you all say

> about this, and particularly Narasimha? Thanks for

> your responses.


> Salaam,

> Mu


> Subject:

> More on the Vedic/Greek Controversey...

> Date:

> Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:45:09 -0400

> Reply-to:

> panastroforum@t...


> Marilynn/Moses/All,


> This colloquiy is very interesting, so let me throw

> this into the mix -

> as I

> have said, I am no scholar when it comes to the area

> of Astrological

> History, BUT, consider the following...


> At present, there are people here in the West, such as

> Rob Hand and

> Linda

> Johnsen, who are no doubt good people to the field of

> Astrology, but

> we

> also have B.V. Raman and K.N. Rao, two of modern

> India's greatest

> Astrological figures. Both of these men have between

> them, nearly two

> centuries of experience and scholarship, and neither

> of them, to all of

> my

> knowledge, has ever said that Vedic Astrology had

> originated by the

> Greeks -

> in fact, Raman has refuted such claims in his books,

> notably his

> Autobiography and his travelogue to the West when,

> among other things,

> he

> spoke before the United Nations. So the question then

> becomes - are

> these

> two men, and in particular, Raman, lying?


> Again, it must be noted that, among all other

> scholars, white ones from

> the

> West have shown, actually demonstrated a propensity

> towards bending the

> truth, destroying evidence, and out-and-out lying when

> the facts didn't

> jibe

> with their presumptions. This isn;t to say that no one

> can't do it

> either,

> but it IS to say, that we DO know who has done it the

> most and to the

> greatest degree. Again, there are NO Vedic

> Astrological Scholars who

> have

> supported the claims that Vedic Astrology originated

> from the Greeks.


> Additionally, and again, I am not a historian, but I

> believe that

> Pythagoras

> went to India, where HE learned about Harmony and

> Number, and how the

> two

> were linked to together! Additionally, we find in the

> Brihat Parasara

> Hora

> Shastra, a document that is both the cornerstone of

> Vedic Astrology and

> about 5,000 years old, early and clear references to

> the Vargas, the

> divisonal charts that are used in VA. WE see no such

> evidence in the

> Greek

> system, nor do we see any evidence of the Dasa systems

> (and yes, I am

> familiar with the Persian Firdaria, etc), and if they

> are, it is

> unlikely

> that they dated farther back than the Ancient Hindus.

> We know that the

> Greeks, along with the Arabs, have learned much from

> the Hindus (and we

> can

> include in that, the Africans, for AStrology was

> clearly in evidence in

> Eygpt, and the Africans, make no msitake about it,

> were Black; this is

> according to the painstaking researches of Dr Yusef

> Ben Jochanan, Dr.

> Cheinkh Anta Diop, and others; see Poe, Black Spark,

> White Fire), among

> other things, Astrology.


> The major question has to be - WHY is it so important

> to find out

> wheter

> Vedic Astrology came from the Greeks? This wasn't such

> a burning

> question,

> even ten years ago, at least not to my recollection,

> and I stand to be

> corrected if I am wrong. Why? For what purpose does it

> serve? Again,

> such

> questions have to be asked, much in the same way that

> one should find

> out

> the motivations behind a writer who pens a literay

> work. The mindset of

> such

> people really throws alot of light on the results of

> the research,

> whatever

> that maybe.


> So, in the end, I maintain what I have said with

> respect to white

> Western

> scholars now seemingly so interested in the "Greek"

> roots of Vedic

> Astrology, something that NONE of the greatest voices

> of Modern Vedic

> Astrology has ever even uttered.


> Comments, Please...


> Salaam,

> Mu



> Mu'Min M. Bey

> Western and Vedic Astrologer

> AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

> Subscribe to the Pan Astrological Forum,

> where Freedom in Astrological Thought Lives!

> Send a blank email to:

> panastroforum-@t...






> Get personalized email addresses from Mail - only $35

> a year! http://personal.mail./

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Namaste Mu


My understanding is that all Vedic knowledge is timeless, eternal wisdom

(and not of human origin), given to us by the grace of the Maharishis, who

received this knowledge ultimately from Lord Brahma Himself. It is

therefore not possible to put a date on the origins of Jyotish, and so any

discussion regarding Vedic Astrology having come from the Greeks does seem

rather meaningless to me.


I would, of course, like to hear the opinions of our learned scholars.


With all respect,





Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:07 PM

[vedic astrology] Vedic/Greek Astrology Controversey...Please Read



> All,


> The following is from my list, the Pan Astrological

> Forum, and has to do with the issue of whether Vedic

> Astrology came from the Greeks. This is a topic of

> grear interest among the Western Astrological

> Community, particularly the more Ancient Western

> systems. I have presented my views to the contrary of

> this contention, saying that from all that I have read

> and studied, I have have found no evidence of VA coing

> from the Greeks in any way, no have I found any Vedic

> Astrological Scholars saying same. Whay do you all say

> about this, and particularly Narasimha? Thanks for

> your responses.


> Salaam,

> Mu


> Subject:

> More on the Vedic/Greek Controversey...

> Date:

> Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:45:09 -0400

> Reply-to:

> panastroforum


> Marilynn/Moses/All,


> This colloquiy is very interesting, so let me throw

> this into the mix -

> as I

> have said, I am no scholar when it comes to the area

> of Astrological

> History, BUT, consider the following...


> At present, there are people here in the West, such as

> Rob Hand and

> Linda

> Johnsen, who are no doubt good people to the field of

> Astrology, but

> we

> also have B.V. Raman and K.N. Rao, two of modern

> India's greatest

> Astrological figures. Both of these men have between

> them, nearly two

> centuries of experience and scholarship, and neither

> of them, to all of

> my

> knowledge, has ever said that Vedic Astrology had

> originated by the

> Greeks -

> in fact, Raman has refuted such claims in his books,

> notably his

> Autobiography and his travelogue to the West when,

> among other things,

> he

> spoke before the United Nations. So the question then

> becomes - are

> these

> two men, and in particular, Raman, lying?


> Again, it must be noted that, among all other

> scholars, white ones from

> the

> West have shown, actually demonstrated a propensity

> towards bending the

> truth, destroying evidence, and out-and-out lying when

> the facts didn't

> jibe

> with their presumptions. This isn;t to say that no one

> can't do it

> either,

> but it IS to say, that we DO know who has done it the

> most and to the

> greatest degree. Again, there are NO Vedic

> Astrological Scholars who

> have

> supported the claims that Vedic Astrology originated

> from the Greeks.


> Additionally, and again, I am not a historian, but I

> believe that

> Pythagoras

> went to India, where HE learned about Harmony and

> Number, and how the

> two

> were linked to together! Additionally, we find in the

> Brihat Parasara

> Hora

> Shastra, a document that is both the cornerstone of

> Vedic Astrology and

> about 5,000 years old, early and clear references to

> the Vargas, the

> divisonal charts that are used in VA. WE see no such

> evidence in the

> Greek

> system, nor do we see any evidence of the Dasa systems

> (and yes, I am

> familiar with the Persian Firdaria, etc), and if they

> are, it is

> unlikely

> that they dated farther back than the Ancient Hindus.

> We know that the

> Greeks, along with the Arabs, have learned much from

> the Hindus (and we

> can

> include in that, the Africans, for AStrology was

> clearly in evidence in

> Eygpt, and the Africans, make no msitake about it,

> were Black; this is

> according to the painstaking researches of Dr Yusef

> Ben Jochanan, Dr.

> Cheinkh Anta Diop, and others; see Poe, Black Spark,

> White Fire), among

> other things, Astrology.


> The major question has to be - WHY is it so important

> to find out

> wheter

> Vedic Astrology came from the Greeks? This wasn't such

> a burning

> question,

> even ten years ago, at least not to my recollection,

> and I stand to be

> corrected if I am wrong. Why? For what purpose does it

> serve? Again,

> such

> questions have to be asked, much in the same way that

> one should find

> out

> the motivations behind a writer who pens a literay

> work. The mindset of

> such

> people really throws alot of light on the results of

> the research,

> whatever

> that maybe.


> So, in the end, I maintain what I have said with

> respect to white

> Western

> scholars now seemingly so interested in the "Greek"

> roots of Vedic

> Astrology, something that NONE of the greatest voices

> of Modern Vedic

> Astrology has ever even uttered.


> Comments, Please...


> Salaam,

> Mu



> Mu'Min M. Bey

> Western and Vedic Astrologer

> AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

> Subscribe to the Pan Astrological Forum,

> where Freedom in Astrological Thought Lives!

> Send a blank email to:

> panastroforum-






> Get personalized email addresses from Mail - only $35

> a year! http://personal.mail./








> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Salaam Mu,


> I have have found no evidence of VA coing

> from the Greeks in any way, no have I found any Vedic

> Astrological Scholars saying same. Whay do you all say

> about this, and particularly Narasimha? Thanks for

> your responses.


One can only *speculate* on this topic. Here are some of my

observations and personal views:


(1) Varahamihira and some authors after him mentioned Yavanacharyas

(interpreted as Greek scholars) in their works. This suggests that

there was some communication between Indian and Greek scholars at that

time. Varahamihira is the most ancient author who referred to Greeks.


(2) However, Varahamihira is relatively modern. Vedic astrology

existed long before him. The most respected authorities of Vedic

astrology are Sages Parasara and Jaimini. Parasara was the father of

Sage Veda Vyasa, who wrote the epic Mahabharata and lived around

Mahabharata time. Parasara is very ancient compared to Varahamihira.

Unlike Varahamihira, Parasara's writings have no mention of any

Yavanacharyas at all. Nor is there any indication anywhere of

borrowing from Greeks.


[some people suggest that Parasara lived after Varahamihira. But this

view does not have ANY factors supporting it. In fact, a careful

examination of Parasara's classic "Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram"

(Parasara's grand astrological science) shows that it is ancient. Just

look at language. Or meter. For example, ancient authors like Valmiki

(Ramayan) and Vyasa (Mahabharat) relied on a simple and flexible meter

called "anushtup". Relatively modern authors like Kalidasa (Uttara

Kalamrita), Varahamihira (Brihat Jataka), Prithuyasas (Hora Sara),

Kalyana Verma (Saravali) and Mantreswara (Phala Deepika) used much

more complicated and rigid meters. Anushtup was out of fashion and

rarely used in the last two millennia. Parasara's aforementioned

classic completely relies on anushtup meter. Clearly, it came long

before Varahamihira's time. Moreover, Parasara's classic refers to

Dharma Raja of Mahabharata as "Dharma Raja of this yuga (age)".]


(3) Summary: Some exchange may have taken place with Greeks slightly

before or during Varahamihira's time, but Indian astrology is far more

ancient than Varahamihira's time. Parasara's writings show no Greek

influence and he lived much before Varahamihira.


(4) Look at the "dasa" systems of Parasara. There are tens, if not

hundreds, of totally different dasa systems that are prescibed for

different matters and/or areas of life. We only find very very simple

subsets in other systems. Look at concepts like different divisional

charts showing different areas of life, different special lagnas

showing different aspects of self, arudhas (risen ones) of houses and

planets showing how various aspects rise materially, argalas

(interventions) and multiple types of aspects. Though some yogas are

mentioned in foreign systems, Parasara mentioned many yogas. The

astrological system taught by Parasara and Jaimini is very broad, deep

and refined. Many principles found in most other subsystems of the

world are but variations of smaaall subsets of the teachings of

Parasara, Jaimini and Manu. (Western astrology seems to have close

links particularly with the teachings of Manu.)


Considering this, it seems more logical to suggest that Greeks, Arabs

and many other civilizations borrowed techniques from Vedic astrology

and not the other way. Of course, some knowledge may have come to

India from outside during the last two millennia, but, Vedic astrology

as taught by Parasara did not come from Greek astrology.


Other related points:


(5) History is not a science like mathematics and physics. Ancient

India's history as understood today may not be accurate. This history

was written by colonial scholars who may have had their own prejudices

about civilization and Indian civilization. Some Indian historians and

archaelogists are re-examining some issues and working hard on

establishing the facts.


(6) In Parasara's teachings, we find statements like "Brahma (Creator)

taught this" and "Shiva (a Hindu god) taught this". We believe that

the knowledge of Vedic astrology "revealed" itself to the seers and

sages due to advanced spiritual powers. This may, however, unpalatable

to rational minds. So let us leave this point.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Look at Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky abt this AIT.


regards, V

vedic astrology, "Narayan Iyer" <narayaniyer@v...> wrote:

> Namaste Mu,


> This claim that Vedic Astrology came from Greeks is not exactly new.

There are also other *claims* that Sanskrit & all our Vedic literature

like RgVeda, Upanishads etc were all the result of Aryan Invasion.

This theory or claim is known under the name of Aryan Immigration

Theory or the Aryan Migration Theory. This has been propounded by

Prof. Witzel who is a German born in Germany.


> Here's the skinny on it:


> The classical Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), rooted (to a great

extent) on the white supremacist and colonialist paradigms of the 19th

century, states that sometime in the second millennium BCE, hordes of

Indo-Europeans descended from somewhere in Central Asia and subjugated

the black skinned, stub nosed, Dravidian speaking natives of India

through a military conquest and thereby, occupied entire North India,

Pakistan, Bangladesh in course of time. The Indus Valley Culture

(IVC), straddling over an area of800,000 square kilometers, is

supposed to be the Dravidian civilization that was overwhelmed by

these `fair-skinned, blonde, blue-eyed, sharp-nosed' invaders. In the

process, the Dravidian inhabitants were pushed to the southern parts

of peninsular India. As decades of research has failed to yield a

shred of archaeological [Ref. 1,2], anthropological [Ref. 3,],

genetic and literary [Ref. 4,5] evidence, and the linguistic evidence

in support of AIT is also tenuous at the most [Ref.5,6,7],

Indologists (who are largely linguists and philologists outside India)

have proposed a new model called the `Aryan Migration Theory' (AMT).


> Infact Sanskrit is known as Indo-European language.


> I think these two claims are in some way inter-connected. Let me do

some research and get back to you.


> Salaam

> Narayan






> vedic astrology, Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey> wrote:

> > All,

> >

> > The following is from my list, the Pan Astrological

> > Forum, and has to do with the issue of whether Vedic

> > Astrology came from the Greeks. This is a topic of

> > grear interest among the Western Astrological

> > Community, particularly the more Ancient Western

> > systems. I have presented my views to the contrary of

> > this contention, saying that from all that I have read

> > and studied, I have have found no evidence of VA coing

> > from the Greeks in any way, no have I found any Vedic

> > Astrological Scholars saying same. Whay do you all say

> > about this, and particularly Narasimha? Thanks for

> > your responses.

> >

> > Salaam,

> > Mu

> >

> > Subject:

> > More on the Vedic/Greek Controversey...

> > Date:

> > Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:45:09 -0400

> > Reply-to:

> > panastroforum@t...

> >

> > Marilynn/Moses/All,

> >

> > This colloquiy is very interesting, so let me throw

> > this into the mix -

> > as I

> > have said, I am no scholar when it comes to the area

> > of Astrological

> > History, BUT, consider the following...

> >

> > At present, there are people here in the West, such as

> > Rob Hand and

> > Linda

> > Johnsen, who are no doubt good people to the field of

> > Astrology, but

> > we

> > also have B.V. Raman and K.N. Rao, two of modern

> > India's greatest

> > Astrological figures. Both of these men have between

> > them, nearly two

> > centuries of experience and scholarship, and neither

> > of them, to all of

> > my

> > knowledge, has ever said that Vedic Astrology had

> > originated by the

> > Greeks -

> > in fact, Raman has refuted such claims in his books,

> > notably his

> > Autobiography and his travelogue to the West when,

> > among other things,

> > he

> > spoke before the United Nations. So the question then

> > becomes - are

> > these

> > two men, and in particular, Raman, lying?

> >

> > Again, it must be noted that, among all other

> > scholars, white ones from

> > the

> > West have shown, actually demonstrated a propensity

> > towards bending the

> > truth, destroying evidence, and out-and-out lying when

> > the facts didn't

> > jibe

> > with their presumptions. This isn;t to say that no one

> > can't do it

> > either,

> > but it IS to say, that we DO know who has done it the

> > most and to the

> > greatest degree. Again, there are NO Vedic

> > Astrological Scholars who

> > have

> > supported the claims that Vedic Astrology originated

> > from the Greeks.

> >

> > Additionally, and again, I am not a historian, but I

> > believe that

> > Pythagoras

> > went to India, where HE learned about Harmony and

> > Number, and how the

> > two

> > were linked to together! Additionally, we find in the

> > Brihat Parasara

> > Hora

> > Shastra, a document that is both the cornerstone of

> > Vedic Astrology and

> > about 5,000 years old, early and clear references to

> > the Vargas, the

> > divisonal charts that are used in VA. WE see no such

> > evidence in the

> > Greek

> > system, nor do we see any evidence of the Dasa systems

> > (and yes, I am

> > familiar with the Persian Firdaria, etc), and if they

> > are, it is

> > unlikely

> > that they dated farther back than the Ancient Hindus.

> > We know that the

> > Greeks, along with the Arabs, have learned much from

> > the Hindus (and we

> > can

> > include in that, the Africans, for AStrology was

> > clearly in evidence in

> > Eygpt, and the Africans, make no msitake about it,

> > were Black; this is

> > according to the painstaking researches of Dr Yusef

> > Ben Jochanan, Dr.

> > Cheinkh Anta Diop, and others; see Poe, Black Spark,

> > White Fire), among

> > other things, Astrology.

> >

> > The major question has to be - WHY is it so important

> > to find out

> > wheter

> > Vedic Astrology came from the Greeks? This wasn't such

> > a burning

> > question,

> > even ten years ago, at least not to my recollection,

> > and I stand to be

> > corrected if I am wrong. Why? For what purpose does it

> > serve? Again,

> > such

> > questions have to be asked, much in the same way that

> > one should find

> > out

> > the motivations behind a writer who pens a literay

> > work. The mindset of

> > such

> > people really throws alot of light on the results of

> > the research,

> > whatever

> > that maybe.

> >

> > So, in the end, I maintain what I have said with

> > respect to white

> > Western

> > scholars now seemingly so interested in the "Greek"

> > roots of Vedic

> > Astrology, something that NONE of the greatest voices

> > of Modern Vedic

> > Astrology has ever even uttered.

> >

> > Comments, Please...

> >

> > Salaam,

> > Mu

> >

> >

> > Mu'Min M. Bey

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