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Ve cnj Ke & psnl Atom bomb from there psychic powers - Venus and materialism

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Dear ALL. And ALL (there is no levity in this. I am very distressed in my

astro-learning). NO QUERIES in this posting. Only DISTRESS for students &

imp notes for masters/ authors.


As long posting: a) Ref Ve cnj Ke: diffc in spiritual vs matl plane meaning

of astro-units, b) suxesiv excavations will disprove all astro-origins of

the continuum of knldg, c) communicn of asro-knldg more imp than knldg, d)

I forgot (it is always EXECUTIVE bhvr to say upfrnt that i have 4 points to

state, even if there are only 3, or maybe 5, as nobody rmbrs, as .... they

get cot up in the details of their psnl histories v soon in the disussn &

what is quantifbl in their naro domains, etc ... whew ...... whether

Board meetings or Lists, all the same.....:


I am now MORE distressed. Than my recent posting (just so soon ago).


BASIC PROBLEM (as this posting is long): Ve cnj Ke is DISASTER in the

physical plane acc to my adoptd Guru. Prove this wrong. OR take the

responsibiity of teaching me astrology (NO- not more trillions of Rules,

but heirarchy of applications & conceptual dfnns as N Rao tryd to do in



Because I thot explanations &/ or sample exercise (ref recent posting rqst

to Mr Rao in Vedic List for a focussed example of ALL factors that affect

an issue in a chart, ref Mose's ill conceived query (the stupid fellow

blanched my chances of using his posting as an example just b'cos of his

language - what is an astrologer- NOT knldg- but CONVEYANCE of knldg- ref

my earlier posting on this strongly-felt issue of bzzzzzzzzz in client's

mind of whatever an "astrologer says". I am hassling Moses, bcoz he made

the MOST COMMUNICV errors, ignoring his CONTENT & all-IMP INTENT (his

intent got crushed - v sad!), next Mu in another context, last Rao- tho he

is ALSO guilty - as ever when he talks to sub-counterparts vs students who

he indulges with explanations (sub-bracket: except me: shows my

astro-lrng-distress)). Dear Mr Rao & Mu & Moses & all of u: if u mind this,

u r paying too much attention to a kg student. Wd u if yr baby potties in

yr face?


OK, so enuff goodling soothies: To continue: (so many sub-plots, even I am

confused: which is MY stamp/ inimitable style): B'cos I thot : a clear

u/sdg of the a) heirarchy of factors, & b) cleaving of strength vs

disposition factors, wd make me at last stop writing astro-notes (its an

endless process: see PS1 for notes on this) & start reading at least my own



BUT this Ve cnj Ke thing just blew my mind. Foundations shaken again!

(But what are foundations. What are supposed to be top heirarchy

foundational rules. Whew!!!!!).


I was tot by an adopted Guru (his book is out-of-print, & he has passed

away aeons ago. For authenticity, I state that he has never been referred

to in any book in my library (extensiv) except by Mr Rath in CoVA!/ JSutras

!!! Adopted meant: I adopted him as my Guru, lyk many consider Raman, from

R's yeoman rytings).


That Ve cjn Ke is DISASTER. Spoils ANY RY in the chart (Oops, sorry all: RY

= Raj Yog). And takes pains to hassle anything else which associates in the

chart - in their respective dasa-lordships (pains, as in PAINS!!!).


AND. Overryds all else in Chart.


AND MOST IMPORTANT: He also said but never explained. That there are

various PLANES of consciousness. He nvr elucidated - i only assume -

fizzikal, mental, spiritual - & the factors & concepts cd be ulta-phulta

(tumble-bumble in difft planes). Meaning all those Svoboda St etc mlfx in a

physl plane are all GOOD guys in other planes of consciousness. So Ve cnj

Ke will freak & squeeze the spiritual challenge out of u into moksha. BUT.

As the physical frying pan gets batter & batter ("a" on porpos). I dont


u are saying Ve cnj Ke is great. For What?


Completion & Challenge: Some Masters may take this exercise (ref my earlier

posting on ALL actors on an a focussed domain) as a challenge. And answer

immediately. And half-bakedly. Just to challenge other astro-pundits. Will

NOT help us students. And will only become another COMPLICATED argument,

whr Ravan (astrology-Guru) & Ram (Truth) will talk esoteric fowl-language

(sp mistk intended) at each other, & we KG students wil keep scrubbing out

imaginary beards, & sying "SAME TO YOU, SAME TO YOU". Greek/ Aryan/

Dravidian/ Harappan valley unintelligibility.


PS 1: Note-ryting to learn a subject: I am sik & tyrd of ryting notes,

which I thot was a short-term process. If u do not u/std the basix, u will

spend a lyftym writing notes. And I am distressed because nobody is telling

me the basix. I KNOW all the hundreds of factors (hundreds of books, almost

2 yrs of this List's membership, etc).


I am willing to suffer:

a) Visti's urgings to read on (contrived answer! offense MEANT. I am saying

this because I respect his rytings, o/wise I wdnt hv bothered to say it),


b) N Rao's silence on my fundamental qns (I have re-organised every posting

in this List subject-wise in my Notes, so my qns are NOT due to

Net-laziness- I have searched the archives b4 I ask any qn), &

c) the whole List getting bugged with my qns, &

d) X's saying that I am unworthy of learning astro (Note: i use the same

linguistic contrivance when I get bugged with my wife, who I THINK is MORE

educd than I am, & she cant understand finance basix after HOURS of trying

to explain, I say the same thing to her. She has the highest educl qlfns in

her line possible in this world from the most respected plc in the globe,

while I have the best in my field in India).


BUT what do I do. Seek a Guru? I AM A BENGALI. THE HOTBED OF ASTRO,

TANTRA, U name it. Lyk Tamil Nadu & Kerala. I can fall at hundreds of feet

to learn, within 100 km of where I live. Many are willing to teach. BUT.

All teach different things. Example. My daughter's birth. Basic rules.

Avoid Visti karana, etc etc. Avoid malefix in 5 (karaka) & 6 (result of

karaka house: Guru square= Rath teachings). Look at transits & dasas in my

wyf's chart. Based on weeks of research, I came up with a few dates &

times. Sent it to a VERY well regarded astrologer. For certain reasons, he

did NOT charge me (so no funny issues rel to our association & doubts wrt

his attempt to please me, etc). He said Jhoral S/W was all wrong. He uses 1

of 3 panchangs used in TN. Date of Jp's entry into Ge was all wrong. Abv

rules were all rubbish (secondary to IMP rules acc to him) as they cd all

be taken care of by remedies, basically feeding bramhins, etc. What I am

saying is: the heirarchy of factors is so unintelligible, & all Gurus are

so divergent, that one just has to follow the Guru who has the time to

answer questions & .... (rest deletd on 2nd thot) ...


Pavlov & learning: Suppose u learn wrong. And see a few chts. U will look

at what u know. And the small sampl syz of yr chts (esp if u r not a pro)

will FORCE u to relate back to the chts u know (esp if psnl). That alfa

astro unit did this. Yes. This. In 7 cases. So it is correct. Is it

correct? Rational mind says re-check. Irrational mind & ego (next point:

based on SUXES of readings on a small samle size, & based actually on OTHER

factors) says ASSOCIATION, which says Yes, yes, yes, x= X. Disaster for



So let me continue note-ryting, till i imbibe concepts & not let

application corrupt my imbibing.


Palmistry experience: Remember College? Yr first attempt at versus other

Cheiros towards pulling a nail-polish towards u under a banyan tree

(intent> knldg: posting is too long to xpln that more). Tell me truly :

didnt u say: i) u r v mis u/std in lyf, ii) u hv a relnship problem (then u

pause, to gauge further) : parent of same sex/ friend, depending on age of

native/ next jescher-klu, iii) u hv not yet reached yr full potential, iv)

u r v moody, sometyms X (depending on jescharal hints u recv), sometyms

Y............ i guess all of u can ad infinitum.


Things that few wd disagree. DO WE WANT OUR SUBCONSCIOUS dezyr to please,

as dinosaural "learning" from our college pre-marital days to affect our

lrrng concepts TODAY, when we r older & wyzer? It is invidious. So we wont

even KNOW that our Reading is affecting our Learnig.


So I decide to read a chart after I learn. But so few help me to do so. So,

I am distressed.


PS 2: Aryans: Nazi convenience, Max Muller ignorance. Who cares? They are

up there. There are INFINITE LAYERS of excavations not done yet by

archaeologists. And archaeologists CANT study TRAVEL patterns, leave alone



Take 2000 yrs later.

BPHS is Lost.

There is an Asimov casket:

N Rao's VAIP ( Indian origin, living inUS: but who realises Origin: that

Raos originated in India. Bcoz Si Valley is now bramhind by Raos, & the Mr

McDonalds by now (4000 AD) inhabit Pondicherry):


The continents were difftly circumscibed b4 we knew how they were cmscbd.

So an AMERICAN ritn VAIP (N Rao's book) survives. That is the FUNDAMENTAL

point. MAYBE, the yankees read more of N Rao, & the Indains read more of K

N Rao. 2000 yrs later, wd any one know that BOTH were from the same womb of

Misconception & genuine Intent. So 2000 yrs later u wd all think that KN

Rao was Indian astrology, & N Rao was Wn. All of U KNOW that all the

continents were misshapen aeons ago (who traveleled where: my 7 daughter is

like a monkey, only her tail (umblcl tail) is in front. What is relevant is

that there is a System which has been HONED & HONED and HONED thru

centuries in a womb-tolerance-lyk atmosfere, which, for its depth, is

unparalled across civilyznns. Because apart from THIS central thesis (of

tolerant culture- even M Porter, the mgt Guru had to acknldg this concept

at last, of Intent over Theory), EACH theory will be proved wrong by

suxesiv archeo-excavations of knldg: Greeks came before Romans before

harappa before aryans b4 Moses & Mu & Nandan. Before nandan b4 .....

Interleaving leaves of excavating travel-some confusion. WHY are we

debating origins??? And not the consistency of results. Origins will not

prove Origins. Or Results. Statisix MAY. IF a) we use NORMAL scientific

stat 101 fundas, b) standardise atleast ONE school of knldg to test on, c)

NOT divert issues (Communicn.....), c) have a database after standardisn

(Fr God's sake DONT use use 5 degs of N plntry hits: hey, PLEASE let us NOT

waste time, EACH chart has an imp PLNT which affects all else, & ONE

strongest per application - JUST USE THAT FOR THAT CHART & applicn, AND

AGGREGATE that concept for testing - UNLESS U R USING A H U G



Too bugging? So why did u have to read this much. Bye.

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