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What indicates death of father in early life?-Mu's Response

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Hi Vinay,


I'm kind of jumping in here, without knowing all of

the particulars, but I'll say this in a sort of

general sense:


For potentail early death of the father, I have found

that the 9 house, from the Asc and/or the Moon should

be really laden with malefics; either by occupancy or

aspect, that is namely, Mars, Saturn or Rahu.

Additionally, the 9 lord again from the Asc or Moon

should be weakened in some way, placed in the Trik

houses from the Asc, Moon, OR from the 9 house itself

AND it being aspected/assoc. w/malefics. Finally, the

8 house from that of the 9 house (father) and/or the 8

house from the Asc or Moon should be seen. Finally,

the Dasas of said malefics, and in some cases,

transits of planets like Saturn or Rahu, can indicate

the likely death of the father.


Sade Sati, esp. when exp. when one is young, can

indeed indicate the early death of the father, esp. if

this takes place in or near the 9 house (Moon in the 8

or 9).


In a general sense, it's a pretty safe bet that things

for the father didn't go so well if you see the

malefics, Mars Saturn or Rahu in the 9 houses. I have

seem this many times myself.


That's all for now. Hope it helps a bit.


Are you still in Bangalore?







Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

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<<<--- Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey wrote:

For potentail early death of the father, I have found

that the 9 house, from the Asc and/or the Moon should

be really laden with malefics; either by occupancy or

aspect, that is namely, Mars, Saturn or Rahu.

Additionally, the 9 lord again from the Asc or Moon

should be weakened in some way, placed in the Trik

houses from the Asc, Moon, OR from the 9 house itself

AND it being aspected/assoc. w/malefics. >>>


HI Mu'min


I'll take it the same rules apply if I want to

determine early death of mother, though in my case, I

would have to look at the 4th house from Ascendant and

4th house from the Moon. Yes??






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Dear Aileena,


> HI Mu'min


> I'll take it the same rules apply if I want to

> determine early death of mother, though in my case, I

> would have to look at the 4th house from Ascendant and

> 4th house from the Moon. Yes??


> Aileena


Exactly. You got it right! The 9th from asc/Sun shows father and the

4th from asc/Moon shows mother.


Most decent computer programs give what are called "divisional

charts" also. There is a chart called "Dwadasamsa" or "D-12". If you

use that chart instead of rasi chart (treat it just as if it was an

independent rasi chart) to see matters related to parents, you'll see

more consistent correlations.


Don't worry about how that D-12 chart is calculated. It is based on

dividing each sign (30 deg) into 12 equal parts and mapping each part

to a sign again. Don't worry about calculations and use the chart

given by computer programs.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Hello Mu and Vinay!


In Jaimini Sutra by Pt.Sanjay Rath we see that in determination of

Longivity, we see the strength of 1st, 8th and 10th lord. If all of them are

strong then the native enjoys long life, if two of them are stron then he

enjoys middlelife and if one of then is strong then short life.


For father take the 9th house from Lagna as the Pitru Lagna and find the

strength of the lords of 1st 10th and 8th from that to find out the

longevity of the father. i.e., check the placement of the 4th, 6th and the

9th lord from the 9th house.


Try this out and get back to me.







Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, June 19, 2001 6:17 AM

[vedic astrology] What indicates death of father in early

life?-Mu's Response




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