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Male/female births uniformly distributed

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Dear Mahalinga,




This is an interesting article in answer on your question:


> http://www.inward.com/





> By Rev. Fred Sterling through the loving guidance of Kirael from the

> Seventh Dimension


> Author Insights: Upon conception, when the egg and sperm unite, the

> Creator infuses a light particle of love into this singular cell called

> the "signature cell." This light particle holds the complete four-body

> makeup (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) of this new human

> being. All the lesson plans one chooses to experience on the Earth plane

> are safely locked into this single particle of light. When the X or Y

> chromosomes unite and the physical embodiment develops, the soul essence

> of this being is immediately aware of the unfolding life journey. However,

> little is known of what transpires in the conscious reality of the newly

> forming being.


> As I posed questions to Kirael regarding the developing life force in the

> womb of the maternal host, it became apparent that the nine-month period

> called pregnancy was much more than what it appears to be. What was this

> new being experiencing? If we came willingly to experience life on Earth,

> why are there so many unhappy people? If life in the womb sets the stage

> for much of what will be experienced on Earth, then what were we missing

> that would make the journey easier?


> Through spiritual guidance, I was able to open my heart to the Creator's

> Light and bring forth Kirael's message on our miraculous entrance into the

> third dimensional human life journey.


> KIRAEL: Your life begins on planet Earth as a beautiful particle of light

> called upon by the Creator to once again incarnate on the Earth plane.

> Each of you arrived here the same way. All are overjoyed and honored that

> of all the billions upon billions of particles, your light was granted the

> grand opportunity to live the life of a human with the ability to smell,

> touch, taste, see and hear all the beauty that awakens to your

> five-sensory reality.

> Your initial journey begins by addressing questions such as, "What will I

> do this time as I pass through that exciting process? Do I need to

> experience being rich or poor, happy or sad, male or female? What

> scenarios would best help me gain the most clarity during my time on

> Earth?"


> Once you have answered these questions and clarified the details, you

> check and re-check to ensure that you have included as many possibilities

> as needed to enhance the learning of the lessons in completion. As a rule,

> you suggest many more lesson plans than is humanly possible to endure in a

> single life span. This may help you to understand why the human journey

> sometimes feels so compressed.


> When you find the program that you would most love to experience on the

> Earth plane, you begin the task of choosing a mother and father best

> suited to your journey. Once you've made your selection and your mother

> and father are conjoined, you sit in spirit form and observe your parents.

> You observe what they are thinking and doing, and you can feel their

> vibration. You know everything because you are one with the Creator.


> As a light particle floating around in the Creator's pure energy, you are

> acutely aware of the moment the sperm and egg come together. In that

> instant, as you descend onto the Earth plane and enter your divine light

> consciousness into the physical world of human, you experience your first

> pangs of presumed separation. For a split second you feel, "I have lost

> the Creator." And this is the origin of humans' greatest fear, the fear

> of death, for in essence you feel as though you have separated from the

> full love of the Creator. But you are indeed alive.


> Just as you are feeling grand in this new alignment with Mom, you faintly

> remember that this part of the journey is only nine months in duration.

> The slight tinge of fear you experienced during your supposed separation

> from the Creator's Light becomes stronger upon knowing that you will need

> to separate again. When does all this separation stop? In knowing that

> you will separate from the womb and you will experience an even stronger

> veil of separation, you become intent on making your journey in the womb

> as splendid and as full as possible.




> So here you are in the first of nine months. (Interesting, is it not, that

> nine is the completion number?) What are you doing in the first thirty

> days? Well, you're not spending a lot of time with Mom because you have

> other things to do. You've brought a life plan with you, and you spend

> most of your time in the etheric fabric, meeting with all of the angels

> and guides and the beautiful beings available to you. The first thirty

> days is really spent staying as closely connected as you possibly can be

> to the God Creator.




> During the second month, you experience the duality process. One part of

> you is spirit and still wants to be spirit, while the other part is fully

> demanding that you start the process of adhering to human life principles.

> Much of this second month is spent trying to balance the two forces. So

> you spend a number of days adjusting and resetting your energies in order

> to experience the journey you came to experience, the journey of the Earth

> human. Welcome to the world of duality.


> THIRD MONTH: Trinity


> Now the real fun begins because you are beginning to sense Mom on a much

> higher level. You know her energies. You can feel her heart because it is

> your heart, and you can feel her pulse because it is your pulse. The truth

> is, everything she experiences, you experience as well. Take heed that if

> she gets angry, you feel disconnected from the Creator's Light. Here again

> is that feeling of separation, for when one is fully connected to the

> Source, only love can be experienced.


> At about the middle of the third month, your heart begins to hear a second

> voice, a deeper, playful voice, and you soon recognize that your

> relationship with Dad is now beginning. It is during the third month that

> you develop the ability to listen to conversations. You can't hear Dad too

> clearly yet, but you can hear Mom, and you can hear her through her

> thoughts.


> In your growing relationship with your parents, you experience the trinity

> of Truth, Trust and Passion. After coming from a space where you lived

> within the trinity, you now have to recall the feelings to fullness.




> By the fourth month, you are having complete thought transference with

> both Mom and Dad. With Mom, the process started as early as the second

> month, but now Dad gets involved, and it gets a little confusing for you.

> Mom and Dad are going through so many thoughts and feelings, and you're

> experiencing them all. So this would be a good time for both parents to

> focus on love, love, love, because thought transfers are definitely taking

> place.


> You are also communicating your thoughts willingly, however, they are most

> often ignored. For instance, you tell Mom that you don't like the feeling

> you get when she has that first cup of coffee in the morning. And you tell

> Dad that the kicking he's all excited about is really because he is laying

> his heavy head on Mom's belly and squeezing the heck out of you. You say,

> "Tickle me with love and I'll dance a jig for you, just don't squash me."

> Full conversations can take place if the parents would simply listen.




> Now is the exciting time because the Creator is still in total contact

> with you and reminds you that you are a bundle of love. You become the

> bridge between your parents and this "All That Is" force. Your entire

> existence is a product of love, and all you want to do is express it. Moms

> refer to it as, "I think the baby is turning hand springs." You are more

> than halfway through this period, and you want to reach out and experience

> your life. The truth is that you are aware few will quit the journey at

> this point.


> SIXTH MONTH: Mastery


> By the sixth month, you have mastered this thing called pregnancy. You

> have mastered being in Mom's space, and you are aware of the world

> outside. In fact, you don't want to be in the womb anymore. And guess

> where that takes you?


> SEVENTH MONTH: Transition


> This is where the child realizes it is transcending from its ethereal self

> to the human reality. Here it begins to utilize its body system and is in

> final preparation to fully evolve the veil. In this period it is well

> versed in the functions of the Earth vibration and is fully aware that the

> lesson plans of this dimension are about to begin.


> This period also directs the consciousness of the cellular memory to

> prepare for transition, and that process will prevail each time a number

> seven (years) is in process. Each time your physical world evolves through

> a seven-year cycle, it will be reminded that change is evident.


> EIGHTH MONTH: Infinity


> This period is virtually your last conscious memory of knowing that you

> can travel between the worlds. Maintaining the ability to experience both

> the ethereal and physical understandings is slowly slipping away. You

> realize that you have reached a point where there is no turning back.

> Much of this month is used to complete any possible reformatting of life

> plans. This is where the angels remain in almost constant watchfulness to

> assist in your completion schedule.


> NINTH MONTH: Completion


> As you near the end of your nine-month journey, you are totally aware of

> all that has transpired around you. Much of this nine-month history is

> stored in your memory bank and is utilized in your unfolding lesson plans.

> Thus, it is imperative that Mom and Dad be aware of how their interactions

> affect you, the unborn infant.


> Your human mindset has been established, and your thoughts are just like

> what you're having right now. You are quite active, and much of this is

> nervous energy. You are acutely aware that your journey in the womb is

> quickly coming to an end.


> The ninth month is no picnic for either you or Mom. You no longer fit

> within the confines of your environment, and the need to evolve is a

> priority. When the warm liquid you've been residing in is completely gone

> in a matter of seconds, you know your world is about to change. The light

> appears at what might seem to be the tunnel, and life as you have known it

> is changed forever.


> So, my friends, the journey of pregnancy is an absolute God gift from all

> aspects. But it must be remembered that the period of time when the baby

> has entered from Light particle into human form is one of the most

> intricate parts of the human journey.


> Q: Can you go over the importance of one's birth name?

> KIRAEL: In the early stages of becoming human, the baby actually

> influences the choice of names he/she will accept. This new essence uses a

> fairly intricate system in determining what type of name will best suit

> its journey. Interestingly, quite often it can communicate this easier to

> Dad than Mom. Most of the time though, the parents go about changing what

> the baby picks. If your parents do allow you to have the name you picked

> out, that name will be a resonation which is going to guide your life in

> the highest potential. It is going to guide you for the first six or seven

> years of life. It is also going to guide how other people approach you and

> relate to you, and in that way, it is going to guide how your life

> unfolds. So, if you're going to have a baby, ask that his/her chosen name

> be revealed to you.


> Q: Can you elaborate on the life plan that each particle brings to the

> Earth plane?

> KIRAEL: The blueprint of your life is set by your higher self in the

> etheric plane, but you must be clear that the blueprint is changeable. In

> the nine months that you are in the womb, you are working on this

> blueprint constantly, adjusting it according to earthly circumstances

> which may not have been anticipated. Suppose an unforeseen event - a

> sudden loss of wealth, for example - occurs in your parents' lives. That

> doesn't mean you end your plan to live in luxury. It means you begin to

> adjust your blueprint.


> Q: How is the ego system set in place in the baby?

> KIRAEL: The ego system is set at its strongest level at the water break,

> when the amniotic fluid is released. The ego upon birth is extremely

> veiled, extremely exaggerated, mostly because the Creator doesn't want you

> to change your mind at this point. It is a protective device designed to

> shield you from the trauma of birth and separation. When the baby is

> returned to its mother's breast just after birth, and when Dad places his

> cheek against the baby's and whispers "I love you," the baby's ego then

> begins to diminish back to normal levels.


> There is a point in the first twenty-four hours where the baby's ego

> becomes almost non-existent. The baby's brain now functions differently

> than it did in the womb. In the first twenty-four hours, when the child is

> almost ego-less, I urge parents to talk to the child constantly. This is

> when the child is most accessible and most open to the thought patterns of

> the Earth in its new vibration.


> In the first year, you change ego systems four times, approximately every

> three months. That isn't so bad because in year three you have twelve ego

> systems. If the parents are very wise, very spiritual, they can shift the

> child's ego each time it needs to shift by conversing with and loving the

> child. You see the ego is set up because you are so afraid of separation

> again. The loving energy you respond to the child with will help to

> ameliorate the process.


> Q: Can the trinity established between father, mother, and child affect

> each other's blueprints?

> KIRAEL: Yes. If you are working with the state of love which is the result

> of working within that trinity, all blueprints can absolutely be shifted -

> the parents' as well as the child's. Because the child spends lots of time

> in the Creator's light throughout the pregnancy and especially in the

> first three months, masterminding with a newborn or even unborn baby can

> be very powerful. It might be said that mastermind work with the child

> will assure a fuller blueprint.


> Q: How does the playing of classical music help to stimulate the baby's

> brain cells?

> KIRAEL: It doesn't have to be classical music. What it has to be is music

> that covers all spectrums of the scales. Classical music does, as a rule,

> cover all scales and is generally soft and melodious, so it is definitely

> an advantage for the child to hear some classical music. Vocals are a

> little disconcerting for them because they try to follow voice patterns

> even at that young state. The reason classical music is touted is because

> of its range and depth and the fact that so many instruments are

> intertwined to produce a nice blend. In creating the awareness of the

> sounds of this dimension, the child yet to be born can begin to adjust to

> this Earth world in a more expedient manner.


> More questions and answers on the May 2001 "Evening with Kirael"

> audiotape, "From Inception to the First Year." What can you tell us about

> the lesson plan of premature babies? How does adoption affect the life

> plan? What can you tell us about abortion? What about babies that are in

> utero with mothers who do substances?



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