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D1, D10,D24, precision in predicting

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Namaste Mahalinga and other list members,


A wonderful debate indeed. I will very briefly point a few things as

per what I have been taught, learnt or inferred from my experience

with Jyotish.


The charts of parents, children, siblings, country etc DO NOT AFFECT

the individual chart. They only show INTER-RELATED destinies. We are

born in a family, country etc by virtue of our karmas. We get exactly

what we deserve. It is of course a different matter that astrologers

read other family members' charts to get points that they failed

to read in the individual chart itself. What we have either

overlooked or misread or underestimated in the native's chart

sometimes hits us on the face in the chart of a family member. But

when we come back and see again, it is clear in the original chart

itself. Luck or bad luck cannot be attributed to the entry of a new

member into the family. No use blaming a Moola nakshatra girl for the

father-in-law's death. His own chart would indicate his death



The mid-heaven also doesn't change in the example given by

Mahalinga.It remains the same in most divisional charts including

D24. We would realize this if we do such examples practically or if

we had questioned ourselves in a similar fashion in our quest for

precision. Having done this myself over the years I am convinced

that the nadiamshas and Krishnamurthi subs and subsubs could shed

more light.


Theoretically though one could argue that if all parameters are

considered the highest level of precision can be attained, that level

of precision WILL NOT be revealed to the human mind in Kali Yuga.

Firstly life will become miserable, boring and mechanical. Secondly

Karma, Prarabdha Vs Purushardha ( destiny versus free will) has

bogged even the best human minds forever. The greatest sages have

differed on these issues. We cannot do better. But that level of

precision can also be attained though only partly. This is the area

of Prasna. While the natal chart reveals Prarabdha, the prasna chart

reveals both prarabdha and freewill. It is like the current bank

balance in the savings account. That is why it IS possible to attain

the highest precision in prashna because we are taking into account

other parameters which are missing in the natal chart. DKP factors

have no role absolutely in the Prashna chart. If we know where to

look for in the prashna chart for a particular question, we will have

definite answers. Clear and intelligent questions get clear and

intelligent answers in Prashna. If it can be proved that Astrology is

accurate and that its principles work independently without any

reference to DKP etc, it can be done ONLY in Prashna. Though this

will convince the most skeptical, unfortunately Prashna answers only

one issue at a time or at the most a few. So life will still remain

an enigma for all including the astrologer. Natal horoscopy will

NEVER have that level of precision.


Even DKP are included in Jyotish. It is by virtue of one's karma

that one is born in a particular DKP. Jyotish is the practical study

of Karma. But the natal chart alone cannot give a complete idea since

it reveals only the Prarabdha which is just a fraction of Sanchita.

Moreover the planets don't affect us as we think. The planets

themselves are PART of a universal order.Jyotish sheds light on life

by revealing our karmic patterns. When a soul is born into a family,

it is because of the karmic debts with the others in that family.

When everything is ideal, the situations and the persons fit into the

karmic patterns and the soul takes birth. In other words the

individual karmic pattern selected for this life has to fit in or

correspond to the group (whole) karmic patterns of the family,

society, etc. This happens not just by chance, but in accordance with

the cosmic patterns.


What relation does the horoscope have to destiny? Do planets dictate

our lives? These are often asked questions. The planets do not

control our lives. They reflect the cosmic patterns. The universe

works in certain natural cyclic patterns. Both the macrocosm and

microcosm operate in a similar way. The planets revolve around the

sun. The electrons revolve around the nucleus in the atom. `As

above so below'. This is the fundamental law. A man can be born


at a time when his individual karmic pattern (Prarabdha) matches that

of the macrocosm, that is, the planetary and stellar patterns. What

is happening at a macrocosmic level is also happening at a

microcosmic level. By this cosmic law, the karmic pattern matches

with the planetary pattern. In other words the time of birth is

Prarabdha (destiny)!


By studying the patterns created by the stellar bodies, we can infer

the karmic patterns of the individual, because they both are co-

extensive. The horoscope thus reveals the Prarabdha karma of an

individual. An intelligent astrologer can analyse to a reasonable

extent, the Prarabdha with which a person is born, and based on that,

the situations in which the individual may be placed in life at

different times. The character, the tendencies, the Prakriti

(Constitution), mental make-up and the situations in life are all

Prarabdha indicated by the horoscope through the patterns revealed.

Hence study of Jyotish or Hindu astrology can shed a lot of light on

the unknown aspects of life and is very illuminating. That is why it

is called the best light (Jyoti:light; Ish:Lord). Astrology is the

best light on life.


Let me point out the difference between the physical body called

planet and Graha. The physical planet is just one more manifestation

of the Universal principle Graha. While Jyotish talks of the grahas,

we actually make use of the planetary positions to understand the

correlated working of the grahas. Since everything in the manifest

universe has to come under the vibration of the nine principles of

energy (grahas), everything falls under the signification(karakatwa)

of a graha. But since each graha has multiple karakatwas, the scope

for confusion arises. A particular combination will come under a

graha. But there are other things that also come under the same. For

instance Mercury-Jupiter conj could indicate an accountant,

journalist or an astrologer among other things (if these grahas turn

out to be the strongest determinants of profession in a chart). That

an astrologer cannot precisely pinpoint the career is not proof of

the limitations of Jyotish. It is rather the result of simplifying a

very complicated phenomenon. Karma is an enigma that has baffled even

sages. The patterns of karma are myriad, exceedingly intricate and

perplexing. It is very difficult to understand because karma is an

eternal mystery that defies all description. Yet we should try to

understand what little we could with the guiding `light' of



For those who wish to know more (at least for the new comers who have

only more questions after all this debate for the past few days) I

sending an article of mine that was published last year. It is rather

too long for a mail. I APOLOGISE TO those who dont need it. I will

follow this mail by one more on Ruling planets with a clear example

sometime tonight. This will reveal that it is possible to attain a

high level of precision indeed even if it is only in one area of




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