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Vedic Astrology Journal From Australia

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This post is for all members. It is about the Vedic Astrology Journal

in Australia.


Dear Sarajit,


It was nice to know that my previous mail was of some help to you.

The reference in the post to *my magazine* was by Sri Krishnamurthi to

his magazine. It was not by me. I was quoting him.


However the following information might be useful to you. Next month

I am taking over as National President the *Australian* Council of

Vedic Astrology. In the quarterly journal of the Australian Council,

I will cover KP as well as traditional astrology. There will be

lessons for both the beginner and advanced. It is $60 per annum which

includes membership. This money goes to the Australian Council

and not me. Hope this information will be useful. The Australian

council was founded by Mr.Keven Barett who wishes to retire.

Unfortunately it was not much active like the American Council. We

hope to bring Vedic astrology to a better status than it is currently

in Australia. Part of my strategy, is to make the journal more USEFUL

both to a layperson as well as an astrologer. The journal will have

the following sections regularly:


1.A Section for beginners explaining fundamentals(this would be

interesting to the more advanced as well)

2.A Section for moderate to little more advanced

3.A section for the Vedic Paradigm which includes spiritual and

philosophical articles, not necessarily astrological, but dealing

with other allied sciences.

4.A section for Muhurtas for the months which the quarterly covers.

This will give auspicious dates and times for most common activities

like most Indian panchangas do. The Vedic calendar will be a part of



Other features such as the lives of famous astrologers, Vastu, Hindu

Palmistry,etc also will find place according to space and time

constraints. Authors are welcome to contribute. But it is expected

that they use as less Sanskrit terms as possible and explain them

clearly wherever they do. All articles dealing with any astrological

method should be accompanied by atleast 3 or more examples.

Conventional as well as tested methods like KP will find place in the

journal. KP articles will either be contributed by KP astrologers or


Any subscriptions from other countries will help us to strengthen

Vedic astrology in Australia. But in return we assure you of GOOD



Currently we dont have a website. But soon we will have one. Till

then all queries may be addressed to satyaketu






vedic astrology, sarajit poddar <sarajitp> wrote:

> Dear Satya!


> I am really benifitted with this mail of yours. This

> is indeed eye-opening.


> However, I would like to know about your magazene.

> Sorry for being unaware.


> Regards

> Sarajit


> --- satyaketu wrote:

> > Namaste Mahalinga and others,

> >

> > I am reproducing exactly what the genius Sri

> > K.S.Krishnamurthi wrote

> > in one of his articles. Starts ----

> >

> > Identical results are enjoyed by people whose birth

> > took place at the

> > same minute, in the same Latitude and Longitude. Let

> > me place before

> > the readers in a tangible and systematic form my

> > reasons :

> >

> > The first instance relates to two persons born at

> > the same time and

> > who both got married to two career girls who were

> > earning. They had

> > no children but both couples were very fond of

> > domestic pets, cats

> > and dogs. The two males were lecturers producing

> > identical results,

> > with equal interest in politics, philosophy and

> > religion. Minor

> > events in their lives were also strikingly similar;

> > for example, both

> > suffered from toothache at the same time and on the

> > same day. Yet,

> > the two male partners were in no way related to each

> > other and hailed

> > from widely separated places.

> >

> > Another instance is about two men born in the same

> > village who

> > narrated their experiences after they had lived

> > there for a fairly

> > long time. Their temperaments, behaviour and

> > character were

> > identical. Both had pleasing manners, were always

> > cheerful and never

> > rude to anyone. Both were robust in health and

> > whenever one fell ill,

> > the other also ailed from the same disease.

> >

> > Each of them lost a child in the same month, and had

> > the same number

> > of children. One was a journalist, while the other

> > was a writer of

> > fiction. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter were the signs

> > who ruled over

> > their professions. The culmination in this

> > extraordinary similarity

> > was in the death of these two natives on the same

> > day.

> >

> > Yet another instance relates to a report that

> > appeared in a foreign

> > journal in 1820. It mentioned that Samuel Hennings

> > died at the age of

> > 82. He was born on 4-6-1738 at a place situated in

> > the same Latitude

> > and Longitude, as King George III, who ascended the

> > throne in

> > October, 1760. Mr. Hennings was then an independent

> > business-man.

> > King George III got married on 8-9-1761 and on the

> > same day Mr.

> > Hennings took Elsie for his wife. Both had the same

> > number of

> > children of each sex. Both were 1ong-1ived and died

> > at the same hour

> > on 2-9-1820.

> >

> > Instances can be multiplied for such remarkably

> > coincident

> > happenings. The principles governing such event will

> > be explained in

> > my magazine.

> >

> > ---------- Ends

> >

> > The question posed by Mahalinga is hypothetical. The

> > number of births

> > taking place per unit of time are not EVENLY placed.

> > Probably when

> > persons of one of their kinds are born, there may be

> > no other birth.

> > But after ten seconds there may be 6 births in the

> > same second. How

> > are we to know? We can only speculate about a

> > hypothetical question.

> > Yet what Mahalinga suggests could be a possibility.

> > As an astrologer,

> > I am sure of one thing. IF two people share exactly

> > the same charts,

> > they WILL share similiar results, if not same. While

> > one is a

> > journalist, the other could be a fiction writer. To

> > this extent they

> > could share the results. Even with the same charts

> > some differences

> > could exist because the chart is JUST A TOOL to help

> > us understand

> > the person's karma, that too only Prarabdha, with

> > the help of the

> > planets the physical representatives of the higher

> > principles of

> > energy called the Grahas. Each graha has multiple

> > significations.

> > Each combination could manifest in a few ways. The

> > differences are

> > due to the simplification of a complex phenomenon.

> > Even in a precise

> > methodology like KP each sub has atleast 8-10

> > professions. But the

> > 249 subs totally represent literally thousands of

> > careers. Career

> > itself(10th house is karma sthana)represents karma.

> > While every house

> > represents some karmas, it is the 10th house that

> > expressly

> > represents karma. It is in our career that we

> > actually get to

> > interact with maximum number of people than in any

> > other area. Career

> > affords one a chance to liquidate karma by living

> > out one's personal

> > dharma (svadharma). The highest manifestation of


> > real flowering of the 10th house is MOKSHA.

> > Surprised? That is why

> > the highest manifestation of Ketu in the 10th means

> > self-realisation.

> > Such is the enigma of Karma. Myriad are the

> > expressions of karma. So

> > in this area the possibility for variations exists.

> > Who can unravel

> > the mystery of Karma? Not even the sages. Then how

> > can we say much?

> > But most other areas like date of marriage,

> > children, promotion,

> > sickness and death are all common if two people have

> > same charts.

> > Slight differences could exist in career alone.

> >

> > All this apart astrology IS QUITE AN ACCURATE

> > SCIENCE IF our

> > methodologies are good esp in Prashna. Once you

> > EXPERIENCE 80-90% of

> > your predictions coming true, esp when above 60%

> > come precisely

> > correct, it is then and only then that you stand in

> > awe, like an atom

> > in an ocean of atoms, marveling at the mystery that

> > life is, the

> > glory and grandeur of the Universal intelligence. We

> > will still never

> > know IN ENTIRETY karma, the secret of secrets.

> > Jyotish is an attempt

> > to know the unknown through the known. Yet Jyotish

> > is the best light

> > on life. It gives us a vision of the workings of the

> > Universe. Verily

> > it is the eye of the Veda.

> >

> > May the truth set us free,

> > Satya

> >

> >

> > Archives:

> > vedic astrology

> >

> > Group info:

> >

> vedic astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> > vedic astrology-

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

> > ||

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





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Guest guest

> This post is for all members. It is about the Vedic Astrology Journal

> in Australia.


> Currently we dont have a website. But soon we will have one. Till

> then all queries may be addressed to satyaketu


Dear Satya,


Please tell me how to this magazine.

Can I use VISA card?





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Aum Namah Shivaya!


Dear Akira,




Unfortunately the Australian Council is not yet ready to accept

cards. By the time we are ready with the website and other things, it

will be the year end. We are also re-registering under a different

name soon because both the Australian Council and American Council

have the same initials (ACVA). Till then the following may be used.

As of now, the subscription fee is US$50 which may be remitted in the

form of either a cheque or a telegraphic transfer. Cheques may be

sent to:


The Secretary, Elite Ancient Wisdom Pty Ltd, 42, Cammaray Road,

Castle Cove, NSW 2069, Australia.


Telegraphic transfers may be done to Elite Ancient Wisdom,

Commonwealth Bank, Account Number. 06-2215-1008-6325, Northbridge,

NSW 2069, Australia.


Please cite your name and address to which the Journal may be

posted .


Please direct all enquiries to satyaketu






> Dear Satya,


> Please tell me how to this magazine.

> Can I use VISA card?


> Regards,


> Akira

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