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Yugas - Comment Please!

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To All the SJVC gurus - Please make a comment after

reading the following extract from a reliable

source.Is Kali Yuga 1200 earthly years or daiva years?



It was Shrimat Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giriji Maharaj,

the great disciple of the Yogiraj who first explained

the facts about the Yugas or the Cycles of human

consciousness on earth in modern times. He noticed the

miscalculations regarding the Yugas in our current

almanacs and sought to rectify them in the light of

truth. He also published some rectified almanacs and

prophesied that a day would come when this perfectly

scientific system based on astronomical observations

would be current throughout the world. We have a

detailed enunciation of his theory in the introduction

to his book The Holy Science or Kaibalva Darshanam.

The same theory has been very beautifully expounded by

his disciple Shrimat Matilal Thakur in his

Yuga-Paribartan O Jagadgurur Abirbhav (The Evolution

of the Ages and the Holy Advent of the Master of the

Universe). Shrimat Paramhansa Yoganandaji, too, has

mentioned about the theory in his Autobiography of a



The following is only a brief sketch of what the

Masters have said. An inquisitive reader may kindly

look into the books mentioned above for further



Oriental astronomy tells us that the Sun, with all its

planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual

and revolves round it in about 24000 earthly years.

Another motion of the Sun makes it revolve round a

Grand Center called ‘Visnunabhi' or the seat of the

Creative Power Brahma, the Universal magnetism. When

the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes nearest

to this center (which takes place when the autumnal

equinox comes to the first point of Aries), ‘dharma'

becomes so developed that man can easily comprehend

the mysteries of the Spirit. After 12,000 years the

Sun goes farthest from the Grand Center and therefore

man cannot grasp anything besides gross material

creation. Again the Sun advances towards the Grand

Center and human consciousness, too, gradually

advances till is complete in another 12,000 years.


Each of these periods of 12,000 years is called one of

the Daiva Yugas or Electric Couple and brings about a

complete change in the human world. Thus we have one

electric cycle of 12,000 years in an ascending arc,

and 12,000 years in a descending arc.


The gradual development of ‘dharma' is divided into

four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The

time of 1200 years during which the Sun passes through

1/20th portion of its orbit is called the ‘Kali Yuga'

when ‘dharma' is at its lowest. The next 2400 years

(2/20th portion) is called ‘Dwapara' when the human

consciousness can comprehend fine matters or

electricities and their attributes. The next 3600

years (3/20th portion of 24,000 years) is the ‘Treta

Yuga' when the human intellect can comprehend the

divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces.

The period of 4800 years is called the ‘Satya Yuga'

when ‘dharma' is at its highest and the human

consciousness can comprehend God the Spirit in His

full glory. The state of consciousness referred to in

the above lines, however, concern only the common run

of human consciousness. Great Yogis or spiritualists

may flourish in every age and they are always

exceptions. They are never bound down by Space and

Time and therefore can transcend the general virtues

of the particular periods to which they belong.


The theory of the Yugas has been beautifully explained

by the great sage Manu in his Manusamhita:-


(reference 12)


The Satya-Yuga consists of 4000 years. But 400 years

before and after the Yuga areits ‘Sandhis' or periods

of mutation or periods of mutation with the preceding

and the succeeding Yugas. Thus the Satya-Yuga

continues for 4800 years. In calculating the other

Yugas and Yuga-Sandhis, the numerical ‘I' should be

deducted from the numbers of both thousands and

hundreds indicating the periods of the previous Yugas

and Sandhis. According to this calculation the

duration of the Treta comes to 3000+ 300+300=3600, of

the Dwapara 2000+200+200=2400 and that of the Kali

becomes 1000+100+100=1200 years.


The current almanacs give us the Kali Yuga itself as

consisting of 432,000 years instead of only 1200

years. The error, too, was due to the influence of

Kali or the dark age when the human intellect lost the

power to grasp finer things. Thus, Medhatithi and

Kullukabhatta, two of the celebrated commentators on

the Manusamhita were both wrong in taking the earthly

years mentioned in the verses as "Daiva" or years of

the gods which have never been mentioned in the

Samhita in this context. The Mahabharata, in the

Vanaparva ( Chapter 188 ) and Shantiparva (Chapter

231, Verses 20—23), and the Harivamsha tell us the

same thing as the great sage Manu does. From a

detailed discussion of all these sources the Masters

have shown us that the cycles of human consciousness

on earth move on in the following order: Satya, Treta,

Dwapara, Kali ( the descending arc) ; Kali, Dwapara,

Treta, Satya (the ascending arc). Thus we find that we

have two Kali and two Satyas side by side, the one

ascending, the other a descending one. We have just

now finished 2400 years of Kali (1200 descending and

1200 ascending) and in 1969 are passing through the

269th year of the Dwapara era. Signs of gradual

improvement in the general human consciousness were

visible in the 1200 years of the ascending Kali. As

soon as 1100 years of the ascending Kali were spent,

the period of mutation preparing for the Dwapara Age

started and finer electrical matters gradually

received greater and greater comprehension from the

human mind.



Thanks to all SJVC gurus!





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Dear Murali.


Its been established that Kali Yuga is 1200 Daiva years.


Best wishes, Visti.


Murali Murthy <m_muraly

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:30 PM

[vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!



> To All the SJVC gurus - Please make a comment after

> reading the following extract from a reliable

> source.Is Kali Yuga 1200 earthly years or daiva years?



> It was Shrimat Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giriji Maharaj,

> the great disciple of the Yogiraj who first explained

> the facts about the Yugas or the Cycles of human

> consciousness on earth in modern times. He noticed the

> miscalculations regarding the Yugas in our current

> almanacs and sought to rectify them in the light of

> truth. He also published some rectified almanacs and

> prophesied that a day would come when this perfectly

> scientific system based on astronomical observations

> would be current throughout the world. We have a

> detailed enunciation of his theory in the introduction

> to his book The Holy Science or Kaibalva Darshanam.

> The same theory has been very beautifully expounded by

> his disciple Shrimat Matilal Thakur in his

> Yuga-Paribartan O Jagadgurur Abirbhav (The Evolution

> of the Ages and the Holy Advent of the Master of the

> Universe). Shrimat Paramhansa Yoganandaji, too, has

> mentioned about the theory in his Autobiography of a

> Yogi.


> The following is only a brief sketch of what the

> Masters have said. An inquisitive reader may kindly

> look into the books mentioned above for further

> details.


> Oriental astronomy tells us that the Sun, with all its

> planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual

> and revolves round it in about 24000 earthly years.

> Another motion of the Sun makes it revolve round a

> Grand Center called 'Visnunabhi' or the seat of the

> Creative Power Brahma, the Universal magnetism. When

> the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes nearest

> to this center (which takes place when the autumnal

> equinox comes to the first point of Aries), 'dharma'

> becomes so developed that man can easily comprehend

> the mysteries of the Spirit. After 12,000 years the

> Sun goes farthest from the Grand Center and therefore

> man cannot grasp anything besides gross material

> creation. Again the Sun advances towards the Grand

> Center and human consciousness, too, gradually

> advances till is complete in another 12,000 years.


> Each of these periods of 12,000 years is called one of

> the Daiva Yugas or Electric Couple and brings about a

> complete change in the human world. Thus we have one

> electric cycle of 12,000 years in an ascending arc,

> and 12,000 years in a descending arc.


> The gradual development of 'dharma' is divided into

> four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The

> time of 1200 years during which the Sun passes through

> 1/20th portion of its orbit is called the 'Kali Yuga'

> when 'dharma' is at its lowest. The next 2400 years

> (2/20th portion) is called 'Dwapara' when the human

> consciousness can comprehend fine matters or

> electricities and their attributes. The next 3600

> years (3/20th portion of 24,000 years) is the 'Treta

> Yuga' when the human intellect can comprehend the

> divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces.

> The period of 4800 years is called the 'Satya Yuga'

> when 'dharma' is at its highest and the human

> consciousness can comprehend God the Spirit in His

> full glory. The state of consciousness referred to in

> the above lines, however, concern only the common run

> of human consciousness. Great Yogis or spiritualists

> may flourish in every age and they are always

> exceptions. They are never bound down by Space and

> Time and therefore can transcend the general virtues

> of the particular periods to which they belong.


> The theory of the Yugas has been beautifully explained

> by the great sage Manu in his Manusamhita:-


> (reference 12)


> The Satya-Yuga consists of 4000 years. But 400 years

> before and after the Yuga areits 'Sandhis' or periods

> of mutation or periods of mutation with the preceding

> and the succeeding Yugas. Thus the Satya-Yuga

> continues for 4800 years. In calculating the other

> Yugas and Yuga-Sandhis, the numerical 'I' should be

> deducted from the numbers of both thousands and

> hundreds indicating the periods of the previous Yugas

> and Sandhis. According to this calculation the

> duration of the Treta comes to 3000+ 300+300=3600, of

> the Dwapara 2000+200+200=2400 and that of the Kali

> becomes 1000+100+100=1200 years.


> The current almanacs give us the Kali Yuga itself as

> consisting of 432,000 years instead of only 1200

> years. The error, too, was due to the influence of

> Kali or the dark age when the human intellect lost the

> power to grasp finer things. Thus, Medhatithi and

> Kullukabhatta, two of the celebrated commentators on

> the Manusamhita were both wrong in taking the earthly

> years mentioned in the verses as "Daiva" or years of

> the gods which have never been mentioned in the

> Samhita in this context. The Mahabharata, in the

> Vanaparva ( Chapter 188 ) and Shantiparva (Chapter

> 231, Verses 20-23), and the Harivamsha tell us the

> same thing as the great sage Manu does. From a

> detailed discussion of all these sources the Masters

> have shown us that the cycles of human consciousness

> on earth move on in the following order: Satya, Treta,

> Dwapara, Kali ( the descending arc) ; Kali, Dwapara,

> Treta, Satya (the ascending arc). Thus we find that we

> have two Kali and two Satyas side by side, the one

> ascending, the other a descending one. We have just

> now finished 2400 years of Kali (1200 descending and

> 1200 ascending) and in 1969 are passing through the

> 269th year of the Dwapara era. Signs of gradual

> improvement in the general human consciousness were

> visible in the 1200 years of the ascending Kali. As

> soon as 1100 years of the ascending Kali were spent,

> the period of mutation preparing for the Dwapara Age

> started and finer electrical matters gradually

> received greater and greater comprehension from the

> human mind.



> Thanks to all SJVC gurus!

> Murali




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Dear Murali,




Kali yuga is 1200 Daiva years, i.e. 1200x360 solar years. This is very

clearly explained in the introduction to Vedic Remiedies by Sanjayji. Please

ingore any other views. They are just coming from the desire to be more wise

than Sril Vyasadeva. We had a bit of a discussion on this list recently on

the starting point of Kali youga. Nou doubt, there are sub-ccycles in a

Mahayuga itself, but the main unit is Kali yuga of 432 000 solar years, and

then previous yugas 2, 3, and 4 times longes. The subcycles may be divided

into units down to 120 years duration periods, which are mini-yugas. This

is the same as with the Dasas.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Jyotish Remedies:







> To All the SJVC gurus - Please make a comment after

> reading the following extract from a reliable

> source.Is Kali Yuga 1200 earthly years or daiva years?



> It was Shrimat Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giriji Maharaj,

> the great disciple of the Yogiraj who first explained

> the facts about the Yugas or the Cycles of human

> consciousness on earth in modern times. He noticed the

> miscalculations regarding the Yugas in our current

> almanacs and sought to rectify them in the light of

> truth. He also published some rectified almanacs and

> prophesied that a day would come when this perfectly

> scientific system based on astronomical observations

> would be current throughout the world. We have a

> detailed enunciation of his theory in the introduction

> to his book The Holy Science or Kaibalva Darshanam.

> The same theory has been very beautifully expounded by

> his disciple Shrimat Matilal Thakur in his

> Yuga-Paribartan O Jagadgurur Abirbhav (The Evolution

> of the Ages and the Holy Advent of the Master of the

> Universe). Shrimat Paramhansa Yoganandaji, too, has

> mentioned about the theory in his Autobiography of a

> Yogi.


> The following is only a brief sketch of what the

> Masters have said. An inquisitive reader may kindly

> look into the books mentioned above for further

> details.


> Oriental astronomy tells us that the Sun, with all its

> planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual

> and revolves round it in about 24000 earthly years.

> Another motion of the Sun makes it revolve round a

> Grand Center called 'Visnunabhi' or the seat of the

> Creative Power Brahma, the Universal magnetism. When

> the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes nearest

> to this center (which takes place when the autumnal

> equinox comes to the first point of Aries), 'dharma'

> becomes so developed that man can easily comprehend

> the mysteries of the Spirit. After 12,000 years the

> Sun goes farthest from the Grand Center and therefore

> man cannot grasp anything besides gross material

> creation. Again the Sun advances towards the Grand

> Center and human consciousness, too, gradually

> advances till is complete in another 12,000 years.


> Each of these periods of 12,000 years is called one of

> the Daiva Yugas or Electric Couple and brings about a

> complete change in the human world. Thus we have one

> electric cycle of 12,000 years in an ascending arc,

> and 12,000 years in a descending arc.


> The gradual development of 'dharma' is divided into

> four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The

> time of 1200 years during which the Sun passes through

> 1/20th portion of its orbit is called the 'Kali Yuga'

> when 'dharma' is at its lowest. The next 2400 years

> (2/20th portion) is called 'Dwapara' when the human

> consciousness can comprehend fine matters or

> electricities and their attributes. The next 3600

> years (3/20th portion of 24,000 years) is the 'Treta

> Yuga' when the human intellect can comprehend the

> divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces.

> The period of 4800 years is called the 'Satya Yuga'

> when 'dharma' is at its highest and the human

> consciousness can comprehend God the Spirit in His

> full glory. The state of consciousness referred to in

> the above lines, however, concern only the common run

> of human consciousness. Great Yogis or spiritualists

> may flourish in every age and they are always

> exceptions. They are never bound down by Space and

> Time and therefore can transcend the general virtues

> of the particular periods to which they belong.


> The theory of the Yugas has been beautifully explained

> by the great sage Manu in his Manusamhita:-


> (reference 12)


> The Satya-Yuga consists of 4000 years. But 400 years

> before and after the Yuga areits 'Sandhis' or periods

> of mutation or periods of mutation with the preceding

> and the succeeding Yugas. Thus the Satya-Yuga

> continues for 4800 years. In calculating the other

> Yugas and Yuga-Sandhis, the numerical 'I' should be

> deducted from the numbers of both thousands and

> hundreds indicating the periods of the previous Yugas

> and Sandhis. According to this calculation the

> duration of the Treta comes to 3000+ 300+300=3600, of

> the Dwapara 2000+200+200=2400 and that of the Kali

> becomes 1000+100+100=1200 years.


> The current almanacs give us the Kali Yuga itself as

> consisting of 432,000 years instead of only 1200

> years. The error, too, was due to the influence of

> Kali or the dark age when the human intellect lost the

> power to grasp finer things. Thus, Medhatithi and

> Kullukabhatta, two of the celebrated commentators on

> the Manusamhita were both wrong in taking the earthly

> years mentioned in the verses as "Daiva" or years of

> the gods which have never been mentioned in the

> Samhita in this context. The Mahabharata, in the

> Vanaparva ( Chapter 188 ) and Shantiparva (Chapter

> 231, Verses 20-23), and the Harivamsha tell us the

> same thing as the great sage Manu does. From a

> detailed discussion of all these sources the Masters

> have shown us that the cycles of human consciousness

> on earth move on in the following order: Satya, Treta,

> Dwapara, Kali ( the descending arc) ; Kali, Dwapara,

> Treta, Satya (the ascending arc). Thus we find that we

> have two Kali and two Satyas side by side, the one

> ascending, the other a descending one. We have just

> now finished 2400 years of Kali (1200 descending and

> 1200 ascending) and in 1969 are passing through the

> 269th year of the Dwapara era. Signs of gradual

> improvement in the general human consciousness were

> visible in the 1200 years of the ascending Kali. As

> soon as 1100 years of the ascending Kali were spent,

> the period of mutation preparing for the Dwapara Age

> started and finer electrical matters gradually

> received greater and greater comprehension from the

> human mind.



> Thanks to all SJVC gurus!

> Murali




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I feel points made by Shri Murali can not be dismissed.

Tradition treats Manu Samhita as the oldest dharmashaastra,

and such shaastras are, relatively speaking, scientifically

"correct" while puraaNa-Itihasas have much exaggeration so

as to make the Vedic wisdoms appeal to the masses (such as

Shree Raama ruled for 36,000 years). The relatively recent

Aryabhatta's works (considered as shaastras) seem to pick

the puraaNa version for the kaala gaNanaa. Whereas, the

original Manu Samhita might have been recorded even before

Shree Raama's time, and is most likely uninfluenced by Kali

age's ignorance. This Manu is stated to have lived at the

end of last Satya yuga. He was the grand old father of the

Soorya and Chandra vamshas.


Another strength for Manu Samhita's version is in that it is

astronimically "correct" (earth axis precession, earth

orbit's perihelion's precession, Sun going around galactic

center, etc.), while PuraaNas' version with the 360 factor

is hard to explain logically. It is not clear if Maharshi

Vyasa himself put this down or if what we have today as

puraaNas are a corrupted version compiled during the Guptas'

rule. In the puraaNas, Shri Veda Vyasa's purpose was also to

take Vedic culture to masses so as to ensure its survival

through the 1200 + 1200 years of Kali. This intention among

shaastrakaaras was lot more during the Gupta period. And it

is said in our tradition that a Vyasa appears in every

(descending) dwaaparaanta just for this purpose.


I am signing off the list now till October 15.


Gauranga Das wrote:




> Dear Murali,


> Namaste.


> Kali yuga is 1200 Daiva years, i.e. 1200x360 solar years. This is very

> clearly explained in the introduction to Vedic Remiedies by Sanjayji. Please

> ingore any other views. They are just coming from the desire to be more wise

> than Sril Vyasadeva. We had a bit of a discussion on this list recently on

> the starting point of Kali youga. Nou doubt, there are sub-ccycles in a

> Mahayuga itself, but the main unit is Kali yuga of 432 000 solar years, and

> then previous yugas 2, 3, and 4 times longes. The subcycles may be divided

> into units down to 120 years duration periods, which are mini-yugas. This

> is the same as with the Dasas.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

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Dear Visti and Gauranga!


I would rather like to keep my mind open to the ideas floated by Murali and

supported by Tik. Kali yuga as 1200 Daiva years might have become a

established truth, however, the new contradicting ideas cannot be rejected

only on that basis. Try to convince others why the ideas given by Murali is

incorrect. Please justify why Murali's version is incorrect.


Frankly speaking, I am not in anyone's favour as I am not an authority on

the same. I am open to both the ideas. There could be corruption in the

scriptures, during their compilation.








Visti Larsen <vlarsen

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:40 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!



> Dear Murali.


> Its been established that Kali Yuga is 1200 Daiva years.


> Best wishes, Visti.

> -

> Murali Murthy <m_muraly

> <vedic astrology>

> Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:30 PM

> [vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!



> > To All the SJVC gurus - Please make a comment after

> > reading the following extract from a reliable

> > source.Is Kali Yuga 1200 earthly years or daiva years?

> >

> >

> > It was Shrimat Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giriji Maharaj,

> > the great disciple of the Yogiraj who first explained

> > the facts about the Yugas or the Cycles of human

> > consciousness on earth in modern times. He noticed the

> > miscalculations regarding the Yugas in our current

> > almanacs and sought to rectify them in the light of

> > truth. He also published some rectified almanacs and

> > prophesied that a day would come when this perfectly

> > scientific system based on astronomical observations

> > would be current throughout the world. We have a

> > detailed enunciation of his theory in the introduction

> > to his book The Holy Science or Kaibalva Darshanam.

> > The same theory has been very beautifully expounded by

> > his disciple Shrimat Matilal Thakur in his

> > Yuga-Paribartan O Jagadgurur Abirbhav (The Evolution

> > of the Ages and the Holy Advent of the Master of the

> > Universe). Shrimat Paramhansa Yoganandaji, too, has

> > mentioned about the theory in his Autobiography of a

> > Yogi.

> >

> > The following is only a brief sketch of what the

> > Masters have said. An inquisitive reader may kindly

> > look into the books mentioned above for further

> > details.

> >

> > Oriental astronomy tells us that the Sun, with all its

> > planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual

> > and revolves round it in about 24000 earthly years.

> > Another motion of the Sun makes it revolve round a

> > Grand Center called 'Visnunabhi' or the seat of the

> > Creative Power Brahma, the Universal magnetism. When

> > the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes nearest

> > to this center (which takes place when the autumnal

> > equinox comes to the first point of Aries), 'dharma'

> > becomes so developed that man can easily comprehend

> > the mysteries of the Spirit. After 12,000 years the

> > Sun goes farthest from the Grand Center and therefore

> > man cannot grasp anything besides gross material

> > creation. Again the Sun advances towards the Grand

> > Center and human consciousness, too, gradually

> > advances till is complete in another 12,000 years.

> >

> > Each of these periods of 12,000 years is called one of

> > the Daiva Yugas or Electric Couple and brings about a

> > complete change in the human world. Thus we have one

> > electric cycle of 12,000 years in an ascending arc,

> > and 12,000 years in a descending arc.

> >

> > The gradual development of 'dharma' is divided into

> > four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The

> > time of 1200 years during which the Sun passes through

> > 1/20th portion of its orbit is called the 'Kali Yuga'

> > when 'dharma' is at its lowest. The next 2400 years

> > (2/20th portion) is called 'Dwapara' when the human

> > consciousness can comprehend fine matters or

> > electricities and their attributes. The next 3600

> > years (3/20th portion of 24,000 years) is the 'Treta

> > Yuga' when the human intellect can comprehend the

> > divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces.

> > The period of 4800 years is called the 'Satya Yuga'

> > when 'dharma' is at its highest and the human

> > consciousness can comprehend God the Spirit in His

> > full glory. The state of consciousness referred to in

> > the above lines, however, concern only the common run

> > of human consciousness. Great Yogis or spiritualists

> > may flourish in every age and they are always

> > exceptions. They are never bound down by Space and

> > Time and therefore can transcend the general virtues

> > of the particular periods to which they belong.

> >

> > The theory of the Yugas has been beautifully explained

> > by the great sage Manu in his Manusamhita:-

> >

> > (reference 12)

> >

> > The Satya-Yuga consists of 4000 years. But 400 years

> > before and after the Yuga areits 'Sandhis' or periods

> > of mutation or periods of mutation with the preceding

> > and the succeeding Yugas. Thus the Satya-Yuga

> > continues for 4800 years. In calculating the other

> > Yugas and Yuga-Sandhis, the numerical 'I' should be

> > deducted from the numbers of both thousands and

> > hundreds indicating the periods of the previous Yugas

> > and Sandhis. According to this calculation the

> > duration of the Treta comes to 3000+ 300+300=3600, of

> > the Dwapara 2000+200+200=2400 and that of the Kali

> > becomes 1000+100+100=1200 years.

> >

> > The current almanacs give us the Kali Yuga itself as

> > consisting of 432,000 years instead of only 1200

> > years. The error, too, was due to the influence of

> > Kali or the dark age when the human intellect lost the

> > power to grasp finer things. Thus, Medhatithi and

> > Kullukabhatta, two of the celebrated commentators on

> > the Manusamhita were both wrong in taking the earthly

> > years mentioned in the verses as "Daiva" or years of

> > the gods which have never been mentioned in the

> > Samhita in this context. The Mahabharata, in the

> > Vanaparva ( Chapter 188 ) and Shantiparva (Chapter

> > 231, Verses 20-23), and the Harivamsha tell us the

> > same thing as the great sage Manu does. From a

> > detailed discussion of all these sources the Masters

> > have shown us that the cycles of human consciousness

> > on earth move on in the following order: Satya, Treta,

> > Dwapara, Kali ( the descending arc) ; Kali, Dwapara,

> > Treta, Satya (the ascending arc). Thus we find that we

> > have two Kali and two Satyas side by side, the one

> > ascending, the other a descending one. We have just

> > now finished 2400 years of Kali (1200 descending and

> > 1200 ascending) and in 1969 are passing through the

> > 269th year of the Dwapara era. Signs of gradual

> > improvement in the general human consciousness were

> > visible in the 1200 years of the ascending Kali. As

> > soon as 1100 years of the ascending Kali were spent,

> > the period of mutation preparing for the Dwapara Age

> > started and finer electrical matters gradually

> > received greater and greater comprehension from the

> > human mind.

> >

> >

> > Thanks to all SJVC gurus!

> > Murali

> >

> >

> >

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> > http://personal.mail./

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Namaste everyone!

I agree with both TIK and Sarajit. Visti and Gauranga - please

explain why you strongly feel the way you have written.

What I have brought forward is actually a compilation from very

renouned personalities. BABAJI ( the founder of KRIYA YOGA) was

Yogiraj's guru. Babaji ( Autobiography of Yogi by Paramhansa

Yogananda)is still alive( nearly 1800 years old) and is considered a

deathless guru and still performing miracles although he says

everything supernatural is actually natural when you become an

advanced yogi. I don't see any reason why these masters would lie.

So please Visti and Gauranga explain why you think otherwise.




vedic astrology, "Sarajit" <sarajitp@h...> wrote:

> Dear Visti and Gauranga!


> I would rather like to keep my mind open to the ideas floated by

Murali and

> supported by Tik. Kali yuga as 1200 Daiva years might have become a

> established truth, however, the new contradicting ideas cannot be


> only on that basis. Try to convince others why the ideas given by

Murali is

> incorrect. Please justify why Murali's version is incorrect.


> Frankly speaking, I am not in anyone's favour as I am not an

authority on

> the same. I am open to both the ideas. There could be corruption in


> scriptures, during their compilation.


> Regards

> Sarajit




> -

> Visti Larsen <vlarsen@h...>

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:40 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!



> > Dear Murali.

> >

> > Its been established that Kali Yuga is 1200 Daiva years.

> >

> > Best wishes, Visti.

> > -

> > Murali Murthy <m_muraly>

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:30 PM

> > [vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!

> >

> >

> > > To All the SJVC gurus - Please make a comment after

> > > reading the following extract from a reliable

> > > source.Is Kali Yuga 1200 earthly years or daiva years?

> > >

> > >

> > > It was Shrimat Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giriji Maharaj,

> > > the great disciple of the Yogiraj who first explained

> > > the facts about the Yugas or the Cycles of human

> > > consciousness on earth in modern times. He noticed the

> > > miscalculations regarding the Yugas in our current

> > > almanacs and sought to rectify them in the light of

> > > truth. He also published some rectified almanacs and

> > > prophesied that a day would come when this perfectly

> > > scientific system based on astronomical observations

> > > would be current throughout the world. We have a

> > > detailed enunciation of his theory in the introduction

> > > to his book The Holy Science or Kaibalva Darshanam.

> > > The same theory has been very beautifully expounded by

> > > his disciple Shrimat Matilal Thakur in his

> > > Yuga-Paribartan O Jagadgurur Abirbhav (The Evolution

> > > of the Ages and the Holy Advent of the Master of the

> > > Universe). Shrimat Paramhansa Yoganandaji, too, has

> > > mentioned about the theory in his Autobiography of a

> > > Yogi.

> > >

> > > The following is only a brief sketch of what the

> > > Masters have said. An inquisitive reader may kindly

> > > look into the books mentioned above for further

> > > details.

> > >

> > > Oriental astronomy tells us that the Sun, with all its

> > > planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual

> > > and revolves round it in about 24000 earthly years.

> > > Another motion of the Sun makes it revolve round a

> > > Grand Center called 'Visnunabhi' or the seat of the

> > > Creative Power Brahma, the Universal magnetism. When

> > > the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes nearest

> > > to this center (which takes place when the autumnal

> > > equinox comes to the first point of Aries), 'dharma'

> > > becomes so developed that man can easily comprehend

> > > the mysteries of the Spirit. After 12,000 years the

> > > Sun goes farthest from the Grand Center and therefore

> > > man cannot grasp anything besides gross material

> > > creation. Again the Sun advances towards the Grand

> > > Center and human consciousness, too, gradually

> > > advances till is complete in another 12,000 years.

> > >

> > > Each of these periods of 12,000 years is called one of

> > > the Daiva Yugas or Electric Couple and brings about a

> > > complete change in the human world. Thus we have one

> > > electric cycle of 12,000 years in an ascending arc,

> > > and 12,000 years in a descending arc.

> > >

> > > The gradual development of 'dharma' is divided into

> > > four different stages in a period of 12,000 years. The

> > > time of 1200 years during which the Sun passes through

> > > 1/20th portion of its orbit is called the 'Kali Yuga'

> > > when 'dharma' is at its lowest. The next 2400 years

> > > (2/20th portion) is called 'Dwapara' when the human

> > > consciousness can comprehend fine matters or

> > > electricities and their attributes. The next 3600

> > > years (3/20th portion of 24,000 years) is the 'Treta

> > > Yuga' when the human intellect can comprehend the

> > > divine magnetism, the source of all electrical forces.

> > > The period of 4800 years is called the 'Satya Yuga'

> > > when 'dharma' is at its highest and the human

> > > consciousness can comprehend God the Spirit in His

> > > full glory. The state of consciousness referred to in

> > > the above lines, however, concern only the common run

> > > of human consciousness. Great Yogis or spiritualists

> > > may flourish in every age and they are always

> > > exceptions. They are never bound down by Space and

> > > Time and therefore can transcend the general virtues

> > > of the particular periods to which they belong.

> > >

> > > The theory of the Yugas has been beautifully explained

> > > by the great sage Manu in his Manusamhita:-

> > >

> > > (reference 12)

> > >

> > > The Satya-Yuga consists of 4000 years. But 400 years

> > > before and after the Yuga areits 'Sandhis' or periods

> > > of mutation or periods of mutation with the preceding

> > > and the succeeding Yugas. Thus the Satya-Yuga

> > > continues for 4800 years. In calculating the other

> > > Yugas and Yuga-Sandhis, the numerical 'I' should be

> > > deducted from the numbers of both thousands and

> > > hundreds indicating the periods of the previous Yugas

> > > and Sandhis. According to this calculation the

> > > duration of the Treta comes to 3000+ 300+300=3600, of

> > > the Dwapara 2000+200+200=2400 and that of the Kali

> > > becomes 1000+100+100=1200 years.

> > >

> > > The current almanacs give us the Kali Yuga itself as

> > > consisting of 432,000 years instead of only 1200

> > > years. The error, too, was due to the influence of

> > > Kali or the dark age when the human intellect lost the

> > > power to grasp finer things. Thus, Medhatithi and

> > > Kullukabhatta, two of the celebrated commentators on

> > > the Manusamhita were both wrong in taking the earthly

> > > years mentioned in the verses as "Daiva" or years of

> > > the gods which have never been mentioned in the

> > > Samhita in this context. The Mahabharata, in the

> > > Vanaparva ( Chapter 188 ) and Shantiparva (Chapter

> > > 231, Verses 20-23), and the Harivamsha tell us the

> > > same thing as the great sage Manu does. From a

> > > detailed discussion of all these sources the Masters

> > > have shown us that the cycles of human consciousness

> > > on earth move on in the following order: Satya, Treta,

> > > Dwapara, Kali ( the descending arc) ; Kali, Dwapara,

> > > Treta, Satya (the ascending arc). Thus we find that we

> > > have two Kali and two Satyas side by side, the one

> > > ascending, the other a descending one. We have just

> > > now finished 2400 years of Kali (1200 descending and

> > > 1200 ascending) and in 1969 are passing through the

> > > 269th year of the Dwapara era. Signs of gradual

> > > improvement in the general human consciousness were

> > > visible in the 1200 years of the ascending Kali. As

> > > soon as 1100 years of the ascending Kali were spent,

> > > the period of mutation preparing for the Dwapara Age

> > > started and finer electrical matters gradually

> > > received greater and greater comprehension from the

> > > human mind.

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks to all SJVC gurus!

> > > Murali

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Get personalized email addresses from Mail

> > > http://personal.mail./

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-


> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

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> > >

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Dear Sarajit,





> Dear Visti and Gauranga!


> I would rather like to keep my mind open to the ideas floated by Murali


> supported by Tik. Kali yuga as 1200 Daiva years might have become a

> established truth, however, the new contradicting ideas cannot be rejected

> only on that basis. Try to convince others why the ideas given by Murali


> incorrect. Please justify why Murali's version is incorrect.


> Frankly speaking, I am not in anyone's favour as I am not an authority on

> the same. I am open to both the ideas. There could be corruption in the

> scriptures, during their compilation.


Murali's version is not incorrect. But the yugas that he mentions are

subsets of the Mahayuga cycle. The greatest cycle of yugas is 1200 Daiva

years long, (i.e. Kali, and the rest are 2,3, and 4 times longer). The

cycles mentioned by Yukteshwar are subcycles of this Mahayuga. Is it clear

now? But the cycle mentioned by him is not the smallest, as there are also

120 years long mini-kali yugas, one of which have ended just in 2000, as

prediceted by Sriu Acyuta das. Now a 480 year long mini-Satya yuga began

again. Do you understand?




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Jyotish Remedies:









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> Namaste everyone!

> I agree with both TIK and Sarajit. Visti and Gauranga - please

> explain why you strongly feel the way you have written.

> What I have brought forward is actually a compilation from very

> renouned personalities. BABAJI ( the founder of KRIYA YOGA) was

> Yogiraj's guru. Babaji ( Autobiography of Yogi by Paramhansa

> Yogananda)is still alive( nearly 1800 years old) and is considered a

> deathless guru and still performing miracles although he says

> everything supernatural is actually natural when you become an

> advanced yogi. I don't see any reason why these masters would lie.

> So please Visti and Gauranga explain why you think otherwise.


They do not lie. They simply don't know the full truth. It is only Krishna

who knows the full truth, and no human being can understand it by

speculation. Similarly, a yogu may be 1800 years old, and also perform some

miracles, but still he will not become God or equal to God even ijn

knowledge. Thus it is not the point of proving himself to be something

pecial. I must reiterate a principle that I have quoted before: The Guru

must represent Bhagava'ns teachings, and not his own, and therefore he must

quote shastra. Without referring to shastra how can you check whether the

knowledge that he gives is authentic? Sri Yukteshwar never quoted any

shastra while making this satement. However, I have stated in another mail

that he was correct in one sense, but he was talking about sub-yugas. So the

problem with him is not with introducing 1200 year long Kali yuga, but with

ignoring the Mahayuga cycles mentioned in the Puranas. So the truth that he

gave was incomplete. But Sanjayji ahve cleared this question up in his book

"Vedic Remedies". Have you read it?




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Jyotish Remedies:










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Hamsa Aum So'Ham

Dear Tik, Sarajit and Murali.. Namaste


My understanding of the Yugas come from Lord Brahmas conception of time.

Taking your conception of time, how long till Lord Brahma falls asleep again?


i.e. how long is a Kalpa in your calculations?


If i'm not mistaken, doesn't Manu also explain Lord Brahmas, and the other devas

conception of time? Keep in mind that Vishnu see's everything, so he's excluded

from this basis.


VedaVyasa, Manu and the Parampara of Achyuta Das, seem to follow this

understanding. I don't think anyone understands what Sri Yukteswar did, yet his

parampara would offcourse follow it blindly.


>From my understanding, 1 Chakra is 6 Jup+Sat conjunctions, i.e 120 years. Keep

in mind that the Yuga timing, is similar to maha-antar-pratyantar-etc Dasa's.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:37 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Yugas - Comment Please!

Namaste everyone!I agree with both TIK and Sarajit. Visti and Gauranga - please

explain why you strongly feel the way you have written.What I have brought

forward is actually a compilation from very renouned personalities. BABAJI (

the founder of KRIYA YOGA) was Yogiraj's guru. Babaji ( Autobiography of Yogi

by Paramhansa Yogananda)is still alive( nearly 1800 years old) and is

considered adeathless guru and still performing miracles although he says

everything supernatural is actually natural when you become an advanced yogi. I

don't see any reason why these masters would lie.So please Visti and Gauranga

explain why you think otherwise. Thanks!Murali

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Dear Gauranga and Visti!


Thanks for taking time and writing. I am still learning these profound

concepts of cosmic science. I am hence open to ideas from any body which

appeals me and unless otherwise I have sufficient reason to reject it.


I regard all scriptures and think that there must be some basis behind the

writings of many saints. Under circumstances, when it is not supported by

the shastras, I would infer that, he might have taken some other clue to

infer that or the concepts given in the shastras might not be clear. I just

wanted to know the basis of your arguement that, Yukteshwar Giri's idea is

not completely true.



I remain. In case I have any doubt, I will come again...









Gauranga Das <gauranga

<vedic astrology>

Thursday, July 19, 2001 12:19 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Yugas - Comment Please!





> Dear Sarajit,


> Namaste.



> > Dear Visti and Gauranga!

> >

> > I would rather like to keep my mind open to the ideas floated by Murali

> and

> > supported by Tik. Kali yuga as 1200 Daiva years might have become a

> > established truth, however, the new contradicting ideas cannot be


> > only on that basis. Try to convince others why the ideas given by Murali

> is

> > incorrect. Please justify why Murali's version is incorrect.

> >

> > Frankly speaking, I am not in anyone's favour as I am not an authority


> > the same. I am open to both the ideas. There could be corruption in the

> > scriptures, during their compilation.


> Murali's version is not incorrect. But the yugas that he mentions are

> subsets of the Mahayuga cycle. The greatest cycle of yugas is 1200 Daiva

> years long, (i.e. Kali, and the rest are 2,3, and 4 times longer). The

> cycles mentioned by Yukteshwar are subcycles of this Mahayuga. Is it clear

> now? But the cycle mentioned by him is not the smallest, as there are also

> 120 years long mini-kali yugas, one of which have ended just in 2000, as

> prediceted by Sriu Acyuta das. Now a 480 year long mini-Satya yuga began

> again. Do you understand?


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> <gauranga

> Phone: +36-309-140-839

> Jyotish Remedies:







> _______


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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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  • 10 months later...
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om namo narayanaya



Dear Gauranga dasa, namaskaaram.




>> Namaste everyone!

>> I agree with both TIK and Sarajit. Visti and

>>Gauranga - please explain why you strongly feel the

>>way you have written.What I have brought forward is

>>actually a compilation from very renouned

>>personalities. BABAJI ( the founder of KRIYA YOGA)

>>wasYogiraj's guru. Babaji ( Autobiography of Yogi by

>>ParamhansaYogananda)is still alive( nearly 1800

>>years old) and is considered a deathless guru and

>>still performing miracles although he says

>>everything supernatural is actually natural when

>>you become an advanced yogi. I don't see any reason

>>why these masters would lie. So please Visti and

>>Gauranga explain why you think otherwise.


> They do not lie. They simply don't know the full

>truth. It is only Krishna who knows the full truth,

>and no human being can understand it by speculation.

>Similarly, a yogu may be 1800 years old, and

>also perform some miracles, but still he will not

>become God or equal to God even ijn knowledge. Thus

>it is not the point of proving himself to be

>something pecial. I must reiterate a principle that I

>have quoted before: The Guru must represent

> Bhagava'ns teachings, and not his own, and therefore

>he must quote shastra. Without referring to shastra

>how can you check whether the knowledge that he gives

>is authentic?


PuraaNa-s and Arya Bhatta give that factor of 360( 1

deva varsha = 360 human varsha-s) but it is absent in

the older shastra "Manusmr`ti" (MS 1-69,70). Kallooka

Bhatta's bhaashya (we believe it is later to Arya

Bhatta) on this text gives the interpretation for

"varsha" as "deva varsha" = 360 times a human year,

but the actual verse merely says "varsha", meaning our

plain human seasonal year on earth. Being the most

authoritative of the ancient shaastra-s when Vedic

words were taken seriously, I feel "Manusmr`ti" does

not use the word 'varsha', or any other

word, loosely.


Wherever there is "varsha" in connection to the

calculation of yuga cycles in Manusmr`ti, you

interpret it as "daiva varsha", and rest follow. Just

because we have 360 or so days in a our year, why

should deva-s have similar of *their* days in *their*

year? Such genuine question of students was simply

brushed aside, as it happens even now!


Guru YuktEshwar ji is half right - he saw it in

Manusmr`ti and questioned kallUka Bhatta and

meDhAtiThi. But his astronomical explanations don't

fit(like our solar family is spinning around

another SUN, the astromical time is 24,000 years: but

the real truth is that our aadhitya mandala is

orbiting around the Aakaashaganga galactic center.

This time is 250 million years astronomically =

brahma year).But, guru YuktEshwar give this time as

24,000 years, It is the precession of earth axis that

is causing this this - Lagadha of Vedanga Jyotisha was

the first to point this, 1500 BC. Nonetheless, we

should credit Yukteshwarji's correct rethinking some

100 years ago when even current science was primitive.


> Sri Yukteshwar never quoted any shastra while making

> his satement.


He quoted Manu Samhita. We should not blame YukTeswara

like saying that he is trying to prove, wiser than

Srila Vyaasa. I feel, we are mixing jnana with bhakti

et al.



Best Regards

Venkateswara Reddy


>However, I have stated in another mail that he was

>correct in one sense, but he was talking about

sub->yugas. So the problem with him is not with

>introducing 1200 year long Kali yuga, but with

>ignoring the Mahayuga cycles mentioned in the

>Puranas. So the truth that he gave was incomplete.

>But Sanjayji ahve cleared this question up in his


> "Vedic Remedies". Have you read it?


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> <gauranga@b...>

> Phone: +36-309-140-839

> Jyotish Remedies:








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Dear Venkatesvara,





> PuraaNa-s and Arya Bhatta give that factor of 360( 1

> deva varsha = 360 human varsha-s) but it is absent in

> the older shastra "Manusmr`ti" (MS 1-69,70). Kallooka

> Bhatta's bhaashya (we believe it is later to Arya

> Bhatta) on this text gives the interpretation for

> "varsha" as "deva varsha" = 360 times a human year,

> but the actual verse merely says "varsha", meaning our

> plain human seasonal year on earth. Being the most

> authoritative of the ancient shaastra-s when Vedic

> words were taken seriously, I feel "Manusmr`ti" does

> not use the word 'varsha', or any other

> word, loosely.


> Wherever there is "varsha" in connection to the

> calculation of yuga cycles in Manusmr`ti, you

> interpret it as "daiva varsha", and rest follow. Just

> because we have 360 or so days in a our year, why

> should deva-s have similar of *their* days in *their*

> year? Such genuine question of students was simply

> brushed aside, as it happens even now!


> Guru YuktEshwar ji is half right - he saw it in

> Manusmr`ti and questioned kallUka Bhatta and

> meDhAtiThi. But his astronomical explanations don't

> fit(like our solar family is spinning around

> another SUN, the astromical time is 24,000 years: but

> the real truth is that our aadhitya mandala is

> orbiting around the Aakaashaganga galactic center.

> This time is 250 million years astronomically =

> brahma year).But, guru YuktEshwar give this time as

> 24,000 years, It is the precession of earth axis that

> is causing this this - Lagadha of Vedanga Jyotisha was

> the first to point this, 1500 BC. Nonetheless, we

> should credit Yukteshwarji's correct rethinking some

> 100 years ago when even current science was primitive.


Well, I'm not sure about the other sources quoted because I have not met

them directly so coludn't study them. But reg. Puranas, Soka 3.11.12. of

Bhagavata Purana says as follows:


ayane caahani praahur

vatsaro dvaadasha smrtah

samvatsara-shatam nreenaam

paramaayur niruupitam




Two solar movements make one day and night of the demigods, and that

combination of day and night is one complete calendar year for the human

being. The human being has a duration of life of one hundred years.


Here a day of demigods is taken as one solar year. It is taken that 360

daiva days comprise one daiva-varsha or samvatsara.


Then Sloka 18 of the same chapter says:


maitreya uvaaca

krtam tretaa dvaaparam ca

kalis ceti catur-yugam

divyair dvaadasabhir varsaih

saavadhaanam niruupitam




Maitreya said: O Vidura, the four millenniums are called the Satya, Treta,

Dvaapara and Kali yugas. The aggregate number of years of all of these

combined is equal to twelve thousand years of the demigods.


So I think it is clear that the Mahayugas mentioned here are calculated in

divya varshas, which is 360 human years.





> > Sri Yukteshwar never quoted any shastra while making

> > his satement.


> He quoted Manu Samhita. We should not blame YukTeswara

> like saying that he is trying to prove, wiser than

> Srila Vyaasa. I feel, we are mixing jnana with bhakti

> et al.


I don't know what you are talking about. Jnaana and bhakti are not

independently existing realities, but both are Vedic processes intertwined

with each other. Therefore it is impossible that Puranas say one truth and

Manu Samhita says another one. There should be a link between the two.


The 1st Adhyaya of the Manu Samhitha states as follows:


ahoraatre vibhajate suryo maanusa-daivike

raatrih svapnaaya bhutaanaam cestaayai karmanaam ahah


65. The sun divides days and nights, both human and divine, the night (being

intended) for the repose of created beings and the day for exertion.


pitrye raatryahanii maasah pravibhaagas tu pakshayo

karma/cestasv ahah krishnah shuklah savpnaaya sharvariih


66. A month is a day and a night of the manes, but the division is according

to fortnights. The dark (fortnight) is their day for active exertion, the

bright (fortnight) their night for sleep.


daive ratryahanii varsham pravibhaagas tayoh punah

ahas tatra udagyanam raatrih syaad daksinaayanam


67. A year is a day and a night of the gods; their division is (as follows):

the half year during which the sun progresses to the north will be the day,

that during which it goes southwards the night.


So I think that these two quotes indicate that there's no discrepancy

between the statements of Bhagavatam and Manu Samhita.




> Best Regards

> Venkateswara Reddy


> >However, I have stated in another mail that he was

> >correct in one sense, but he was talking about

> sub->yugas. So the problem with him is not with

> >introducing 1200 year long Kali yuga, but with

> >ignoring the Mahayuga cycles mentioned in the

> >Puranas. So the truth that he gave was incomplete.

> >But Sanjayji ahve cleared this question up in his

> book

> > "Vedic Remedies". Have you read it?


And as I have mentioned in my earlier posts, it is actually true in the

sense of sub-cycles as Sanjayji had explained. However, Mahayugas should be

considered to be of that length, which will give us the correct

approximation in timing the Mahabharata war and other Puranic events.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:



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