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If you ever get a chance....read the Turner Foundation Winner...a book Called

'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn who has written some VERY interesting books about a

certain mentality that has developed in man in the last 10,000 years. The

general idea behind the Old Testament is that there WAS no history of Man before

a certain 'time'....roughly the idea being before 'known' accepted recorded

history (before the 10,000 year mark).


Man, in his arrogance, shaped the old Testament with statements such as God

giving man 'dominion' over the Earth/animals...etc....as if we ARE superior and

the world was made for US exclusively to use and abuse at will. Like who wrote

this anyway? The idea that we could have existed for years and years prior to

an accepted orthodox 'beginning' was not even allowed to be thought about for

centuries. It's still pooh poohed despite evidence to the contrary. There is

only ONE God and his name is Yahweh (yeah right). And since God created man in

his own image (white) then nothing else is acceptable....everyone else (the

majority of the world) is outside the box and are heretics and infidels <grin>.


Being a student of history...a lover of philosophy, psychology, astrology, all

faces/forms of spirit, mythology...etc....this book is WELL written in simple

language that puts forth a theory. He basically states that there are two

groups of people...the Leavers and the Takers. Leavers are natural 'tribal'

(community oriented...what's good for the community/culture) people while Takers

feel that there is only ONE right way for ALL and devised a plan to enslave the

world and turn it into one color, one religion...one way...by 'locking up the

food' and making people 'work' for it when in ancient times...no one 'owned' the

capacity to find and generate their own self sufficiency (food/agriculture is

used as an example). So what did the initial group of Takers DO? War...overran

tribal area's...'absorb' and conquer many cultures or genocide...if you can't

absorb them then destroy them and that INCLUDES their religion. Please note

that our 'old' earth religions in the West were 'adopted' and changed or merged

into Orthodox faith. Suddenly Mother Earth (Goddess) is now a whore....and

Mother Mary is now a virgin (another face of the Goddess)...know what I mean?

Since Takers are intent upon creating a 'homogenized' type of world 'for the

good of all concerned'...in order to corner the market on power for themselves.


I don't see any reason why we swallow what others deem as 'facts' when, in light

of new evidence (not so new really), it seems that our 'history' is much much

older than previously thought. Maybe 'literal' translations are closer to the

truth than we think (in scripture in terms of years). Kali Yuga may have

started when? Could it be that this delusional narrow way of thinking is a

physical manifestation of this Kali Yuga influence? Meaning we have the

audacity to think in linear fashion and accept the 'status quo' as gospel? I





>>> lostinmotion 07/19/01 09:02AM >>>

Namaste Renee,


That makes sense about the orthodox mentality, as the Darwinism

theories appeared during the early 20th century, which was a time

period heavily under the limiting conceptions of Biblical history,

which makes the claim that the world was created in 4004 BC. So even

with the radically different theory of evolution, these people were

working under conceptual restraints due to the clime of the time.


A similar parallel was in how the historians of that time attempted

to insert the total history of the Vedas into this time frame, dating

all Indian scriptures against their biblical conceptual model.


Other than the footprints, there are other artifacts as you say, such

as tools, some dating back tens of millions of years, that have been

found in layers of rock.




Alex J


vedic astrology, "Renee Serrano" <RSERRANO@R...> wrote:

> They had a very interesting documentary on one of our scientific

channels in the U.S. awhile back (Discovery channel) regardin these

footprints and how man in his present form DID exist 3.5 million

years ago. One theory is that the orthodox mentality of the time

discouraged the general population from believing that man has

existed WAY back ....therefore everything is 'eternal' in a sense.

Orthodox (Catholic/christian) groups like to be in power and chain

people with idea's that they are the ONLY ones who really know what

is going 'on' spiritually and historically. There are

other 'artifacts' that have been found showing that man existed long

ago including pieces of an airplane that has been carbon dated

thousands of years ago (at least if I'm not mistaken). Hmmmmmm....


> Me


> >>> lostinmotion@h... 07/18/01 09:21AM >>>

> Hello Murali,


> The following is related to this discussion, so I have added it. It

> shows scientific proof that humans existed in their current form


> million years ago, which is the Satya yuga proposed in the Sastras.

> The belief that humans existed in this time was rejected by

> westerners in the early 20th century as uneducated mythological

> musings of the ancient Indians, but as with many other things, they

> have proven to be correct. Please forgive me that this post does


> directly address your questions.


> There is not much in the ways of scientific evidence that proves


> humans existed millions of years ago. However there are a few


> of evidence that are undisputed, and that severely challenge the

> current scientific model in vogue.


> Please view the following links. They deal with the Laetoli

> footprints, that date back 3,600,000 years. This puts them into the

> Satya yuga. The footprints themselves match current human ones in

> form, and do not show evolution, which is against the scientific

> thought. They are indistinguishable from any Homo Sapien footprint,

> and do not tally with the apelike footprints evolutionists

> hypothesize belong to humanity's ancestors of the time.


> http://www.evol.net/evol/laetoli.htm

> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/evolution/footprints.html

> http://www.humanevolution.f2s.com/laetolifoot.html

> http://wupa.wustl.edu/record/archive/1996/02-15-96/2767.html


> regards,


> Alex J








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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Greetings everyone,

Thanks for probing into the yugas concept. I have following questions

based on the thread we started; these are philosophic questions and

maybe you gurus might have shrutis or smritis to answer the following:

a> Why are there only 4 yugas?

b> Why should dharma depreciate in subsequent yugas?

I don't believe in the answer that jealousy,greedy blah blah creeped

into man and he started becoming evil while everything was perfect in

Kreta yuga and these traits were missing in man as time progressed. I

don't see a reason why man would have strived to become unhappy from

being happy. This also makes me wonder why should God descend at the

end of every Kaliyuga and restore dharma.

c> Why hasn't there been a shruti or smriti for KARMA. By this I mean

what will be the reaction for my action. I will further corroborate

this - What sufferings will I undergo if sleep with many women? What

enjoyment will I get if I don't sleep with any women? There has been

many rishis and many countless Brahamas but I haven't come across any

book which details every possible actions. Mind the word every

because time is repetitive and actions can be limited only.

d> If I were to believe that MahaVishnu descended as Ram in Treta

yuga and as Krishna in Dwapar yuga - we have horoscopes of both and

yet I don't see any correlation on their purva papa/punya.

e> Why should Rama start something called "EKA PATNI DHARMA" and

Krishna ( the same parmatmansh) descend and destroy that rule and

have 16008 wives? This means laws are different for every yuga. This

might also mean eating beef in Kaliyuga afterall may not be a sin.

Where are those laws?


These and many more genuine questions I have for which I am sincerely

trying to find answers.


Thanks again everyone!





vedic astrology, "Renee Serrano" <RSERRANO@R...> wrote:

> Alex....


> If you ever get a chance....read the Turner Foundation Winner...a

book Called 'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn who has written some VERY

interesting books about a certain mentality that has developed in man

in the last 10,000 years. The general idea behind the Old Testament

is that there WAS no history of Man before a

certain 'time'....roughly the idea being before 'known' accepted

recorded history (before the 10,000 year mark).


> Man, in his arrogance, shaped the old Testament with statements

such as God giving man 'dominion' over the Earth/animals...etc....as

if we ARE superior and the world was made for US exclusively to use

and abuse at will. Like who wrote this anyway? The idea that we

could have existed for years and years prior to an accepted

orthodox 'beginning' was not even allowed to be thought about for

centuries. It's still pooh poohed despite evidence to the contrary.

There is only ONE God and his name is Yahweh (yeah right). And since

God created man in his own image (white) then nothing else is

acceptable....everyone else (the majority of the world) is outside

the box and are heretics and infidels <grin>.


> Being a student of history...a lover of philosophy, psychology,

astrology, all faces/forms of spirit, mythology...etc....this book is

WELL written in simple language that puts forth a theory. He

basically states that there are two groups of people...the Leavers

and the Takers. Leavers are natural 'tribal' (community

oriented...what's good for the community/culture) people while Takers

feel that there is only ONE right way for ALL and devised a plan to

enslave the world and turn it into one color, one religion...one

way...by 'locking up the food' and making people 'work' for it when

in ancient times...no one 'owned' the capacity to find and generate

their own self sufficiency (food/agriculture is used as an example).

So what did the initial group of Takers DO? War...overran tribal

area's...'absorb' and conquer many cultures or genocide...if you

can't absorb them then destroy them and that INCLUDES their

religion. Please note that our 'old' earth religions in the West

were 'adopted' and changed or merged into Orthodox faith. Suddenly

Mother Earth (Goddess) is now a whore....and Mother Mary is now a

virgin (another face of the Goddess)...know what I mean? Since

Takers are intent upon creating a 'homogenized' type of world 'for

the good of all concerned'...in order to corner the market on power

for themselves.


> I don't see any reason why we swallow what others deem as 'facts'

when, in light of new evidence (not so new really), it seems that

our 'history' is much much older than previously thought.

Maybe 'literal' translations are closer to the truth than we think

(in scripture in terms of years). Kali Yuga may have started when?

Could it be that this delusional narrow way of thinking is a physical

manifestation of this Kali Yuga influence? Meaning we have the

audacity to think in linear fashion and accept the 'status quo' as

gospel? I dunno.....hmmmm....


> Renee


> >>> lostinmotion@h... 07/19/01 09:02AM >>>

> Namaste Renee,


> That makes sense about the orthodox mentality, as the Darwinism

> theories appeared during the early 20th century, which was a time

> period heavily under the limiting conceptions of Biblical history,

> which makes the claim that the world was created in 4004 BC. So


> with the radically different theory of evolution, these people were

> working under conceptual restraints due to the clime of the time.


> A similar parallel was in how the historians of that time attempted

> to insert the total history of the Vedas into this time frame,


> all Indian scriptures against their biblical conceptual model.


> Other than the footprints, there are other artifacts as you say,


> as tools, some dating back tens of millions of years, that have


> found in layers of rock.


> regards,


> Alex J


> vedic astrology, "Renee Serrano" <RSERRANO@R...> wrote:

> > They had a very interesting documentary on one of our scientific

> channels in the U.S. awhile back (Discovery channel) regardin these

> footprints and how man in his present form DID exist 3.5 million

> years ago. One theory is that the orthodox mentality of the time

> discouraged the general population from believing that man has

> existed WAY back ....therefore everything is 'eternal' in a sense.

> Orthodox (Catholic/christian) groups like to be in power and chain

> people with idea's that they are the ONLY ones who really know what

> is going 'on' spiritually and historically. There are

> other 'artifacts' that have been found showing that man existed


> ago including pieces of an airplane that has been carbon dated

> thousands of years ago (at least if I'm not mistaken). Hmmmmmm....

> >

> > Me

> >

> > >>> lostinmotion@h... 07/18/01 09:21AM >>>

> > Hello Murali,

> >

> > The following is related to this discussion, so I have added it.


> > shows scientific proof that humans existed in their current form

> 3.5

> > million years ago, which is the Satya yuga proposed in the


> > The belief that humans existed in this time was rejected by

> > westerners in the early 20th century as uneducated mythological

> > musings of the ancient Indians, but as with many other things,


> > have proven to be correct. Please forgive me that this post does

> not

> > directly address your questions.

> >

> > There is not much in the ways of scientific evidence that proves

> that

> > humans existed millions of years ago. However there are a few

> pieces

> > of evidence that are undisputed, and that severely challenge the

> > current scientific model in vogue.

> >

> > Please view the following links. They deal with the Laetoli

> > footprints, that date back 3,600,000 years. This puts them into


> > Satya yuga. The footprints themselves match current human ones in

> > form, and do not show evolution, which is against the scientific

> > thought. They are indistinguishable from any Homo Sapien


> > and do not tally with the apelike footprints evolutionists

> > hypothesize belong to humanity's ancestors of the time.

> >

> > http://www.evol.net/evol/laetoli.htm

> > http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/evolution/footprints.html

> > http://www.humanevolution.f2s.com/laetolifoot.html

> > http://wupa.wustl.edu/record/archive/1996/02-15-96/2767.html

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Alex J

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-


> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to








> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to nriptures against their biblical

convedic astrology-


> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Dear Murali.

I couldn't answer the rest of your posts with confidence, but this one i have some insight to;


<<e> Why should Rama start something called "EKA PATNI DHARMA" and Krishna ( the

same parmatmansh) descend and destroy that rule and have 16008 wives? This means

laws are different for every yuga. This might also mean eating beef in Kaliyuga

afterall may not be a sin. Where are those laws?>>


Rama stated that in his next birth, he wouldn't abide by the rule he gave, yet

pressed the issue alot. Krishna also upheld dharma, but didn't uphold this one

dharmic act, as he had predicted.


The Prophet Muhamed also had many wives, and for some time, it was ok for the

muslims to have many wives.. why? because the wars had killed many men, and

left many widows that needed to be protected. The Prophet didn't have time for

any of his wives.. *laughs* but he protected them. Later on this rule was

un-needed, and hence removed. i.e. rules/guidelines for the benefit of

protecting humanity. Unfortunately tradition has become distorted along the way

and today put muslim women in very bad circumstances, in the middle-east, but

this has nothing todo with Islam.


Best wishes, Visti.

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> m_muraly [m_muraly]

> Monday, July 23, 2001 12:15 AM


> c> Why hasn't there been a shruti or smriti for KARMA. By this I mean


There are. Why, you can even find some in some Upanishads.


> what will be the reaction for my action. I will further corroborate

> this - What sufferings will I undergo if sleep with many women? What

> enjoyment will I get if I don't sleep with any women? There has been


Check out Vishnu purana, for instance, when it describes the various

hells. Btw, you don't need to perform the act, even thinking about it is

considered a sin.


> e> Why should Rama start something called "EKA PATNI DHARMA" and

> Krishna ( the same parmatmansh) descend and destroy that rule and

> have 16008 wives? This means laws are different for every yuga. This


1. Sri Rama held eka patni 'vrata'. There is a difference here. Dharma

is mandatory, vrata isn't. Vrata is mostly individualistic. Why,

Dasaratha himself had 3 wives! Having more than one wife was dharma then

(and if I am not wrong, according to dharmashaastras, even now it is



2. Sri Krishna did not 'destroy' any dharma. But you are right, the laws

are slightly different for different yuga. Parashara smriti says that.

Manu smriti is for the Krita Yuga,(I don't remember the rest) and

Parashara smriti for Kali Yuga.


> might also mean eating beef in Kaliyuga afterall may not be a sin.

> Where are those laws?


That is not true. Eating 'beef' (among other meat products) is anyday a

sin. Check out any smriti. I have seen Gautama, Manu, Apastamba and

parashara shrutis. Killing a cow is considered a 'mahaapataka' in all of





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