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DEAR Narasimha

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Hello Narasimha


U remember in this astrological forum u had suggested one native

to read hanuman chalisa for 40 days 11 times a day.I thank u for ur

prediction and remedy .He tried this and it is going well he gained

lot of confidence.

I am giving this to all because every body can gain from this method.


bye bye



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dear narasimha,

namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider my


1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

something is not, especially in a subject like

jyothisham, where you can explain a certain event from

so many angles and arrive at equally good results.For

example,the bhrigu sutram quoted by you might be one

of the interpolations as well.Please dont tell me that

experience proves it,because only yesterday i saw a

horescope of leo lagna with jupiter in 5th.The native

is 40 years old and NEITHER married NOR having any

children as on date.you may want to see the whole

horoscope to refute me saying that 7 th lord or bhava

is bad etc,.but my point is proved by this

horoscope,if charts stand as proof to rules,that too

picked up ones as per one's choice.

2.The divisional chart is only subsidiary to rasi

chart, and never a substitute to it.Neither it can

totally alter the result shown in the rasi chart to

the extent of marring the whole prospect of any bhava.

3.I can equally show any number of charts to prove my

point, but you can reject my point showing equally

good reasons,so nothing is proved finally.This is like

fighting for nothing's sake.

4.I WOULD like to point out that this divisional

charts business is itself controversial,in the

sense,when there is no agreement on the ayanamsa

question,and given that all the birth times need

correction this way or that,your divisional charts

cannot be safe, because a slight variation in birth

time can drastically affect the amsa charts like D-60

or the nadi amsa.

can i hope for any answer?





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Dear Sarma,

Zai Ganesh. It is perfectly possible in cetain situations and we shouldn't

generalise based on one combination. However, it is easier tosay when we can

apply this rule and how? I got an anolgy of a particular native with no

maraka or planets aspecting marakas not coming any where after 40 years. The

native finally passed away in 11th Lord Das and 1st Lord Antardasa. Many an

astrologer has seen the horoscope and couldn't predict or reason it until

after the event.

Coming back to the Jupiter issue, By any chance, Is jupiter beyond 25

degrees and is in 6th house in Bhava with a bit of support from Navamsa as

well. Your observation could be true if the 7th lord doesn't allow marriage

in the first instance. After all you can't harvest until unless the Kshetram

is available and a seedling planted. In my view, this gets aggravated,

particularly, if Ketu is aspecting the 5th house as well. Last but not the

least, What about the Dasa?

Rather than looking at which approach is right, my view is to look at

alternate directions as you never get a probablity of 1 in any approach. If

so, we wouldn't be on this list because we will be advising the world

leaders in all fields then. Hope this will lead you into another direction

of analysis.

Good Luck and God Bless you.

Sarma Karra


>"r.sathyanarayana sharma" <rssharmabza

>vedic astrology

>vedic astrology

>Re: [vedic astrology] Re: dear narasimha

>Sat, 8 Sep 2001 17:24:59 +0100 (BST)


> dear narasimha,

>namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider my


>1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

>something is not, especially in a subject like

>jyothisham, where you can explain a certain event from

>so many angles and arrive at equally good results.For

>example,the bhrigu sutram quoted by you might be one

>of the interpolations as well.Please dont tell me that

>experience proves it,because only yesterday i saw a

>horescope of leo lagna with jupiter in 5th.The native

>is 40 years old and NEITHER married NOR having any

>children as on date.you may want to see the whole

>horoscope to refute me saying that 7 th lord or bhava

>is bad etc,.but my point is proved by this

>horoscope,if charts stand as proof to rules,that too

>picked up ones as per one's choice.

>2.The divisional chart is only subsidiary to rasi

>chart, and never a substitute to it.Neither it can

>totally alter the result shown in the rasi chart to

>the extent of marring the whole prospect of any bhava.

>3.I can equally show any number of charts to prove my

>point, but you can reject my point showing equally

>good reasons,so nothing is proved finally.This is like

>fighting for nothing's sake.

>4.I WOULD like to point out that this divisional

>charts business is itself controversial,in the

>sense,when there is no agreement on the ayanamsa

>question,and given that all the birth times need

>correction this way or that,your divisional charts

>cannot be safe, because a slight variation in birth

>time can drastically affect the amsa charts like D-60

>or the nadi amsa.

>can i hope for any answer?





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Namaste Sri Sarma,


> dear narasimha,

> namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider my

> arguments.

> 1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

> something is not, especially in a subject like

> jyothisham, where you can explain a certain event from

> so many angles and arrive at equally good results.For

> example,the bhrigu sutram quoted by you might be one

> of the interpolations as well.Please dont tell me that

> experience proves it,because only yesterday i saw a


When Jay Weiss gave a ocunter-example to your rule (about Jupiter in

5th destroying 5th), you frowned upon "so called astrologers" for

rejecting theories attributed to rishis. I see that you yourself are

now giving a justification for not accepting everything attributed to

rishis. Yes, some teachings *attributed* to rishis may just

be "interpolations".


Though you are willing to question teachings of Sage Bhrigu (Jupiter

in 5th being good) and Sage Parasara (divisions), you seem to want us

to accept without questioning your Jupiter rule. Hmm.


After all, I asked you to clarify which "rishi" (Sage) taught that

Jupiter in 5th destroys 5th. You haven't addressed that yet! Kindly

do, as that will help.


> horescope of leo lagna with jupiter in 5th.The native

> is 40 years old and NEITHER married NOR having any

> children as on date.you may want to see the whole


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Namaskaar sri narasimha,


Sage Bhrigu is our founding father,as i belong to his

leneage, the srivatsa gotram,so how can i denounce

him,my great great great grandfather or for that

matter sage parashara, since every day we pay respect

to the guru leneage which contains him as well.what i

want to point out is the flaw in the argument,how to

decide at this point of time what is rishi proktam?ok

leave this and coming to the main point..


Before coming to the authenticity of karako

bhavanashaka rule,i want to quote from ancient

works,for example

1.ubhayam bhoomijo hanti sahajashto vinischayaat(mars

in 3rd destroys elder and younger brothers)BPHS ch 15

verse 15.

2.saptame tu sthithe sukre ateevakaamee

bhavennaraha(venus in 7th makes the native over


3.asateerathaha mritakalathramaadyam vade(if venus in

7th he likes to enjoy the wives of others,and causes

death to his wife)...Phaladeepika

4.kriyaalasathanu krisathanu(sun in 1st makes native

easily fatigued by slight work,with enmaciated,sickly


5.coming to our main point of controversy...putraihi

kleshayutoh(his sons cause troubles to him,or they are

faced with obstacles) when jupiter is in

5th..Phaladeepika.Now why should jupiter cause

troubles to sons or sons should cause troubles to

father in the above combination,if not for karaka


All the above combinations given in the ancient works

testify to this rule,ofcourse as i said earlier, only

some karakatwas suffer not all.

6.I have also quoted a chart position recently read by

me with jupiter in 5th, with no children and no

marriage till today, she is 43 now not 40 as typed


7.I have no business to frown upon anyone,least upon

our rishis.On the other hand,do you endorse

innumerable bhrigu samhitas in the north as all

written by the original bhrigu rishi? Or the different

editions of BPHS available now with different slokas

and also chapters as authentic? all of them?Divisional

charts cannot be relied upon because,1.ayanamsa is not

correctly decided 2.rate of precession is not linear

and 3.time of every birth needs correction.where did i

denounce sage parashara in this?.i only say when the

basic data is wrong,how can you rely on divisional


8.Iam not in favour of anything but the TRUTH.If iam

proved wrong i will surely change my opinion,but never


by the way if you argue that mantreswara is not a

rishi, i cant help.

thanks and namaskaar.



--- pvr wrote: > Namaste Sri Sarma,


> > dear narasimha,

> > namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider my

> > arguments.

> > 1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

> > something is not, especially in a subject like

> > jyothisham, where you can explain a certain event

> from

> > so many angles and arrive at equally good

> results.For

> > example,the bhrigu sutram quoted by you might be

> one

> > of the interpolations as well.Please dont tell me

> that

> > experience proves it,because only yesterday i saw

> a


> When Jay Weiss gave a ocunter-example to your rule

> (about Jupiter in

> 5th destroying 5th), you frowned upon "so called

> astrologers" for

> rejecting theories attributed to rishis. I see that

> you yourself are

> now giving a justification for not accepting

> everything attributed to

> rishis. Yes, some teachings *attributed* to rishis

> may just

> be "interpolations".


> Though you are willing to question teachings of Sage

> Bhrigu (Jupiter

> in 5th being good) and Sage Parasara (divisions),

> you seem to want us

> to accept without questioning your Jupiter rule.

> Hmm.


> After all, I asked you to clarify which "rishi"

> (Sage) taught that

> Jupiter in 5th destroys 5th. You haven't addressed

> that yet! Kindly

> do, as that will help.


> > horescope of leo lagna with jupiter in 5th.The

> native

> > is 40 years old and NEITHER married NOR having any

> > children as on date.you may want to see the whole


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha







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Namaste Sri Sarma,


> by the way if you argue that mantreswara is not a

> rishi, i cant help.

> thanks and namaskaar.

> sarma.,


Of course, it is natural to argue that Mantreswara was in all

likelihood not a "rishi". He was a great scholar.


You have shown references from Parasara for Venus and Mars, but not

for Jupiter. How do you know that Mantreswara simply did not

extrapolate from them? Moreover, "Bhrigu Sutram" attributed to Sage

Bhrigu clearly contradits Mantreswara regarding Jupiter in 5th.


So, unless you quote a rishi (e.g. Bhrigu, Parasara, Jaimini, Garga

etc) saying that Jupiter in 5th destroys 5th, I am justified in

questioning it.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear satyanarayana,

It is so nice to read that you worship the lineage of Brighu Maharishi. So also,

I have to worship my lineage of Atri Maharishi. The points you have given are

nice but need some further clarification.


POINT 1: ubhayam bhoomijo hanti sahajashto vinischayaat(mars in 3rd destroys

elder and younger brothers)BPHS ch 15 verse 15.


Commentary: Mars is a natural malefic planet and its placement in the third

house is detrimental for the health of younger co-born just as its placement in

the 11th is detrimental for elder co-born. Jaimini adds that if Rahu and saturn

are associated with this third then all co-born shall die. If Saturn alone is

in third/eleventh then the death of younger/elder respectively shall occur at a

later age i.e. after some time.


Illustration: For a person with Dhanus Lagna with Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Venus

in 11th house in Libra and Mars in Capricorn and with Arudha Lagna in Leo, all

his younger brothers died together in a car accident. He was in tears when I

mentioned about danger to younger co-borns during the period..he had just lost



Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets.


POINT 2: (a) saptame tu sthithe sukre ateevakaamee bhavennaraha(venus in 7th

makes the native over sexual)..BPHS; (b) asateerathaha mritakalathramaadyam

vade(if venus in 7th he likes to enjoy the wives of others,and causes death to

his wife)...Phaladeepika


Commentary: The placement of Venus as Karaka of the seventh house (Kaama) does

not result in the destruction of sexual desire but increases it manifold. This

may cause death to wife if he gets infected with sexually transmitted disease,

but if his wife is also adequately matched for his sexual gratification, then

this maynot result.


Illustration: Gemini lagna person with venus alone in seventh had many

relationships outside marriage. Osho who also had this Venus in seventh was

somehow always associated with Sex and religion (No offence meant to anyone



Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa does not work with natural benefics (just like

Parasara had mentioned.)


POINT 3: kriyaalasathanu krisathanu(sun in 1st makes native easily fatigued by

slight work,with enmaciated,sickly body).. Phaladeepika


Conclusion: I am not giving comments etc; Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets.


POINT 4: coming to our main point of controversy...putraihi kleshayutoh(his sons

cause troubles to him,or they are faced with obstacles) when jupiter is in

5th..Phaladeepika.Now why should jupiter cause troubles to sons or sons should

cause troubles to father in the above combination,if not for karaka rule?


Reply: Suffering is a part of life and it is a part of nature that the good have

to suffer the actions of the evil ones. We have read of so many instances in our

sacred literature where evil ones like Kamsa or Ravana etc. Ravana had no

business to trouble Bhagavan rama, least of all kidnap His wife, yet he did it.

Thus, the house where jupiter is placed shows the place from where goodness and

Godliness will be seen. If Jupiter is in fifth, the children can be famous and

powerful provided that the Moon and fifth Lord are also well disposed. Thus,

this can cause a lot of suffering for the children and from this suffering they

shall evolve and shine as the great gifts of God on this planet.


Illustration: To explain my point, let us take two cases of the same Lagna and

exalted Jupiter in the fifth house. Case (1) Motilal Nehru Pisces Lagna; who

was born with Jupiter in exaltation is the fifth house had one famous son

Jawaharlal Nehru who suffered for many years during the freedom struggle and

finally became the PM of India. His lineage has florished for 3 generations

after him due to this exalted Jupiter as all of his son/grand daughter and

great grandson became the prime Ministers of india. Case (2) Rabindra Nath

Tagore had exalted Jupiter in the fifth house for Pisces lagna. He had a

daughter and a son both of whom died around 1903 much before he got the nobel

prize also.


Conclusion: Jupiter cannot be blamed for the death of children. The correct

picture emerges only in the Saptamsa chakra.


With these words, I urge you to study hard and understand the secrets of the

divisional charts. Do not accept what is going around in the market easily

without fully trying it out. You will also appreciate what I had earlier

written about one planet, two planet and more planet yoga's.Best WishesSanjay



r.sathyanarayana sharma <rssharmabza >

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:33 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: dear narasimha

> > > > > > > Namaskaar sri narasimha,> > Sage Bhrigu is our founding father,as

i belong to his> leneage, the srivatsa gotram,so how can i denounce> him,my

great great great grandfather or for that> matter sage parashara, since every

day we pay respect> to the guru leneage which contains him as well.what i> want

to point out is the flaw in the argument,how to> decide at this point of time

what is rishi proktam?ok> leave this and coming to the main point..> > Before

coming to the authenticity of karako> bhavanashaka rule,i want to quote from

ancient> works,for example> 2.> 3.> 4.> 5.> > All the above combinations given

in the ancient works> testify to this rule,ofcourse as i said earlier, only>

some karakatwas suffer not all.> 6.I have also quoted a chart position recently

read by> me with jupiter in 5th, with no children and no> marriage till today,

she is 43 now not 40 as typed> erroneously.> 7.I have no business to frown upon

anyone,least upon> our rishis.On the other hand,do you endorse> innumerable

bhrigu samhitas in the north as all> written by the original bhrigu rishi? Or

the different> editions of BPHS available now with different slokas> and also

chapters as authentic? all of them?Divisional> charts cannot be relied upon

because,1.ayanamsa is not> correctly decided 2.rate of precession is not

linear> and 3.time of every birth needs correction.where did i> denounce sage

parashara in this?.i only say when the> basic data is wrong,how can you rely on

divisional> charts?> 8.Iam not in favour of anything but the TRUTH.If iam>

proved wrong i will surely change my opinion,but never> before.> by the way if

you argue that mantreswara is not a> rishi, i cant help.> thanks and

namaskaar.> sarma.,> > --- pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net wrote: > Namaste Sri Sarma,> > > >

> dear narasimha,> > > namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider my> > >

arguments.> > > 1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and> > > something

is not, especially in a subject like> > > jyothisham, where you can explain a

certain event> > from> > > so many angles and arrive at equally good> >

results.For> > > example,the bhrigu sutram quoted by you might be> > one> > >

of the interpolations as well.Please dont tell me> > that> > > experience

proves it,because only yesterday i saw> > a> > > > When Jay Weiss gave a

ocunter-example to your rule> > (about Jupiter in > > 5th destroying 5th), you

frowned upon "so called> > astrologers" for > > rejecting theories attributed

to rishis. I see that> > you yourself are > > now giving a justification for

not accepting> > everything attributed to > > rishis. Yes, some teachings

*attributed* to rishis> > may just > > be "interpolations".> > > > Though you

are willing to question teachings of Sage> > Bhrigu (Jupiter > > in 5th being

good) and Sage Parasara (divisions),> > you seem to want us > > to accept

without questioning your Jupiter rule.> > Hmm.> > > > After all, I asked you

to clarify which "rishi"> > (Sage) taught that > > Jupiter in 5th destroys 5th.

You haven't addressed> > that yet! Kindly > > do, as that will help.> > > > >

horescope of leo lagna with jupiter in 5th.The> > native> > > is 40 years old

and NEITHER married NOR having any> > > children as on date.you may want to see

the whole> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> > Narasimha> > > > > > > >

__________> >

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Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

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mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

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> > > >

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Pranams to sri sanjay rathji,

Thanks a lot for your masterly answer to the problem

discussed.I KNOW well that karaka rule works only with

natural malefics right from the begining, but I WAS

searching for one soul who can correctly clarify

this,with practical examples.All these days i heard

about you, but now i could see your analytical

ability,supported by practical examples.You are from

the leneage of Bhagawan Dattatreya and a pranam to you

is equal to a pranam to him.Iam satisfied with your

answer and i would like to discontinue this discussion

hereafter.And thank you for your advise.I have just

completed my M.A(jyothisham)from Telugu

University,Hyderabad and wish to do Ph.D taking some

difficult subject for my further research.Can you

please suggest an area?

seeking your blessings.

satyanarayana sarma.

--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: >

> Om Gurave Namah



> Dear satyanarayana,

> It is so nice to read that you worship the lineage

> of Brighu Maharishi. So also, I have to worship my

> lineage of Atri Maharishi. The points you have given

> are nice but need some further clarification.


> POINT 1: ubhayam bhoomijo hanti sahajashto

> vinischayaat(mars in 3rd destroys elder and younger

> brothers)BPHS ch 15 verse 15.


> Commentary: Mars is a natural malefic planet and its

> placement in the third house is detrimental for the

> health of younger co-born just as its placement in

> the 11th is detrimental for elder co-born. Jaimini

> adds that if Rahu and saturn are associated with

> this third then all co-born shall die. If Saturn

> alone is in third/eleventh then the death of

> younger/elder respectively shall occur at a later

> age i.e. after some time.


> Illustration: For a person with Dhanus Lagna with

> Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Venus in 11th house in

> Libra and Mars in Capricorn and with Arudha Lagna in

> Leo, all his younger brothers died together in a car

> accident. He was in tears when I mentioned about

> danger to younger co-borns during the period..he had

> just lost them.


> Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic

> planets.


> POINT 2: (a) saptame tu sthithe sukre ateevakaamee

> bhavennaraha(venus in 7th makes the native over

> sexual)..BPHS; (b) asateerathaha

> mritakalathramaadyam vade(if venus in 7th he likes

> to enjoy the wives of others,and causes death to his

> wife)...Phaladeepika


> Commentary: The placement of Venus as Karaka of the

> seventh house (Kaama) does not result in the

> destruction of sexual desire but increases it

> manifold. This may cause death to wife if he gets

> infected with sexually transmitted disease, but if

> his wife is also adequately matched for his sexual

> gratification, then this maynot result.


> Illustration: Gemini lagna person with venus alone

> in seventh had many relationships outside marriage.

> Osho who also had this Venus in seventh was somehow

> always associated with Sex and religion (No offence

> meant to anyone please).


> Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa does not work with

> natural benefics (just like Parasara had mentioned.)


> POINT 3: kriyaalasathanu krisathanu(sun in 1st makes

> native easily fatigued by slight work,with

> enmaciated,sickly body).. Phaladeepika


> Conclusion: I am not giving comments etc; Karaka

> Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets.


> POINT 4: coming to our main point of

> controversy...putraihi kleshayutoh(his sons cause

> troubles to him,or they are faced with obstacles)

> when jupiter is in 5th..Phaladeepika.Now why should

> jupiter cause troubles to sons or sons should cause

> troubles to father in the above combination,if not

> for karaka rule?


> Reply: Suffering is a part of life and it is a part

> of nature that the good have to suffer the actions

> of the evil ones. We have read of so many instances

> in our sacred literature where evil ones like Kamsa

> or Ravana etc. Ravana had no business to trouble

> Bhagavan rama, least of all kidnap His wife, yet he

> did it. Thus, the house where jupiter is placed

> shows the place from where goodness and Godliness

> will be seen. If Jupiter is in fifth, the children

> can be famous and powerful provided that the Moon

> and fifth Lord are also well disposed. Thus, this

> can cause a lot of suffering for the children and

> from this suffering they shall evolve and shine as

> the great gifts of God on this planet.


> Illustration: To explain my point, let us take two

> cases of the same Lagna and exalted Jupiter in the

> fifth house. Case (1) Motilal Nehru Pisces Lagna;

> who was born with Jupiter in exaltation is the fifth

> house had one famous son Jawaharlal Nehru who

> suffered for many years during the freedom struggle

> and finally became the PM of India. His lineage has

> florished for 3 generations after him due to this

> exalted Jupiter as all of his son/grand daughter and

> great grandson became the prime Ministers of india.

> Case (2) Rabindra Nath Tagore had exalted Jupiter in

> the fifth house for Pisces lagna. He had a daughter

> and a son both of whom died around 1903 much before

> he got the nobel prize also.


> Conclusion: Jupiter cannot be blamed for the death

> of children. The correct picture emerges only in the

> Saptamsa chakra.


> With these words, I urge you to study hard and

> understand the secrets of the divisional charts. Do

> not accept what is going around in the market easily

> without fully trying it out. You will also

> appreciate what I had earlier written about one

> planet, two planet and more planet yoga's.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> r.sathyanarayana sharma

> <rssharmabza

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:33 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: dear narasimha



> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaskaar sri narasimha,

> >

> > Sage Bhrigu is our founding father,as i belong to

> his

> > leneage, the srivatsa gotram,so how can i denounce

> > him,my great great great grandfather or for that

> > matter sage parashara, since every day we pay

> respect

> > to the guru leneage which contains him as

> well.what i

> > want to point out is the flaw in the argument,how

> to

> > decide at this point of time what is rishi

> proktam?ok

> > leave this and coming to the main point..

> >

> > Before coming to the authenticity of karako

> > bhavanashaka rule,i want to quote from ancient

> > works,for example


> > 2.

> > 3.

> > 4.

> > 5.

> > > All the above combinations given in the ancient

> works

> > testify to this rule,ofcourse as i said earlier,

> only

> > some karakatwas suffer not all.

> > 6.I have also quoted a chart position recently

> read by

> > me with jupiter in 5th, with no children and no

> > marriage till today, she is 43 now not 40 as typed

> > erroneously.

> > 7.I have no business to frown upon anyone,least

> upon

> > our rishis.On the other hand,do you endorse

> > innumerable bhrigu samhitas in the north as all

> > written by the original bhrigu rishi? Or the

> different

> > editions of BPHS available now with different

> slokas

> > and also chapters as authentic? all of

> them?Divisional

> > charts cannot be relied upon because,1.ayanamsa is

> not

> > correctly decided 2.rate of precession is not

> linear

> > and 3.time of every birth needs correction.where

> did i

> > denounce sage parashara in this?.i only say when

> the

> > basic data is wrong,how can you rely on divisional

> > charts?

> > 8.Iam not in favour of anything but the TRUTH.If

> iam

> > proved wrong i will surely change my opinion,but

> never

> > before.

> > by the way if you argue that mantreswara is not a

> > rishi, i cant help.

> > thanks and namaskaar.

> > sarma.,

> >

> > --- pvr wrote: > Namaste Sri Sarma,

> > >

> > > > dear narasimha,

> > > > namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider

> my

> > > > arguments.

> > > > 1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

> > > > something is not, especially in a subject like


=== message truncated ===




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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Satya (Can I call you satya),


Show me your chart. I hope the Ph.D will also be in Jyotish. There are some

areas requiring a deep inquisition and people like you are needed to work

seriously on this. Good to see your desire for studies in Jyotish.


May you be blessed with the Amrita of OM TAT SAT

Sanjay Rath


r.sathyanarayana sharma <rssharmabza

<vedic astrology>

Friday, September 14, 2001 10:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: dear narasimha



> Pranams to sri sanjay rathji,

> Thanks a lot for your masterly answer to the problem

> discussed.I KNOW well that karaka rule works only with

> natural malefics right from the begining, but I WAS

> searching for one soul who can correctly clarify

> this,with practical examples.All these days i heard

> about you, but now i could see your analytical

> ability,supported by practical examples.You are from

> the leneage of Bhagawan Dattatreya and a pranam to you

> is equal to a pranam to him.Iam satisfied with your

> answer and i would like to discontinue this discussion

> hereafter.And thank you for your advise.I have just

> completed my M.A(jyothisham)from Telugu

> University,Hyderabad and wish to do Ph.D taking some

> difficult subject for my further research.Can you

> please suggest an area?

> seeking your blessings.

> satyanarayana sarma.

> --- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote: >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> --------------------------

> > Dear satyanarayana,

> > It is so nice to read that you worship the lineage

> > of Brighu Maharishi. So also, I have to worship my

> > lineage of Atri Maharishi. The points you have given

> > are nice but need some further clarification.

> >

> > POINT 1: ubhayam bhoomijo hanti sahajashto

> > vinischayaat(mars in 3rd destroys elder and younger

> > brothers)BPHS ch 15 verse 15.

> >

> > Commentary: Mars is a natural malefic planet and its

> > placement in the third house is detrimental for the

> > health of younger co-born just as its placement in

> > the 11th is detrimental for elder co-born. Jaimini

> > adds that if Rahu and saturn are associated with

> > this third then all co-born shall die. If Saturn

> > alone is in third/eleventh then the death of

> > younger/elder respectively shall occur at a later

> > age i.e. after some time.

> >

> > Illustration: For a person with Dhanus Lagna with

> > Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Venus in 11th house in

> > Libra and Mars in Capricorn and with Arudha Lagna in

> > Leo, all his younger brothers died together in a car

> > accident. He was in tears when I mentioned about

> > danger to younger co-borns during the period..he had

> > just lost them.

> >

> > Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic

> > planets.

> >

> > POINT 2: (a) saptame tu sthithe sukre ateevakaamee

> > bhavennaraha(venus in 7th makes the native over

> > sexual)..BPHS; (b) asateerathaha

> > mritakalathramaadyam vade(if venus in 7th he likes

> > to enjoy the wives of others,and causes death to his

> > wife)...Phaladeepika

> >

> > Commentary: The placement of Venus as Karaka of the

> > seventh house (Kaama) does not result in the

> > destruction of sexual desire but increases it

> > manifold. This may cause death to wife if he gets

> > infected with sexually transmitted disease, but if

> > his wife is also adequately matched for his sexual

> > gratification, then this maynot result.

> >

> > Illustration: Gemini lagna person with venus alone

> > in seventh had many relationships outside marriage.

> > Osho who also had this Venus in seventh was somehow

> > always associated with Sex and religion (No offence

> > meant to anyone please).

> >

> > Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa does not work with

> > natural benefics (just like Parasara had mentioned.)

> >

> > POINT 3: kriyaalasathanu krisathanu(sun in 1st makes

> > native easily fatigued by slight work,with

> > enmaciated,sickly body).. Phaladeepika

> >

> > Conclusion: I am not giving comments etc; Karaka

> > Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets.

> >

> > POINT 4: coming to our main point of

> > controversy...putraihi kleshayutoh(his sons cause

> > troubles to him,or they are faced with obstacles)

> > when jupiter is in 5th..Phaladeepika.Now why should

> > jupiter cause troubles to sons or sons should cause

> > troubles to father in the above combination,if not

> > for karaka rule?

> >

> > Reply: Suffering is a part of life and it is a part

> > of nature that the good have to suffer the actions

> > of the evil ones. We have read of so many instances

> > in our sacred literature where evil ones like Kamsa

> > or Ravana etc. Ravana had no business to trouble

> > Bhagavan rama, least of all kidnap His wife, yet he

> > did it. Thus, the house where jupiter is placed

> > shows the place from where goodness and Godliness

> > will be seen. If Jupiter is in fifth, the children

> > can be famous and powerful provided that the Moon

> > and fifth Lord are also well disposed. Thus, this

> > can cause a lot of suffering for the children and

> > from this suffering they shall evolve and shine as

> > the great gifts of God on this planet.

> >

> > Illustration: To explain my point, let us take two

> > cases of the same Lagna and exalted Jupiter in the

> > fifth house. Case (1) Motilal Nehru Pisces Lagna;

> > who was born with Jupiter in exaltation is the fifth

> > house had one famous son Jawaharlal Nehru who

> > suffered for many years during the freedom struggle

> > and finally became the PM of India. His lineage has

> > florished for 3 generations after him due to this

> > exalted Jupiter as all of his son/grand daughter and

> > great grandson became the prime Ministers of india.

> > Case (2) Rabindra Nath Tagore had exalted Jupiter in

> > the fifth house for Pisces lagna. He had a daughter

> > and a son both of whom died around 1903 much before

> > he got the nobel prize also.

> >

> > Conclusion: Jupiter cannot be blamed for the death

> > of children. The correct picture emerges only in the

> > Saptamsa chakra.

> >

> > With these words, I urge you to study hard and

> > understand the secrets of the divisional charts. Do

> > not accept what is going around in the market easily

> > without fully trying it out. You will also

> > appreciate what I had earlier written about one

> > planet, two planet and more planet yoga's.

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > -

> > r.sathyanarayana sharma

> > <rssharmabza

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:33 PM

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: dear narasimha

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaskaar sri narasimha,

> > >

> > > Sage Bhrigu is our founding father,as i belong to

> > his

> > > leneage, the srivatsa gotram,so how can i denounce

> > > him,my great great great grandfather or for that

> > > matter sage parashara, since every day we pay

> > respect

> > > to the guru leneage which contains him as

> > well.what i

> > > want to point out is the flaw in the argument,how

> > to

> > > decide at this point of time what is rishi

> > proktam?ok

> > > leave this and coming to the main point..

> > >

> > > Before coming to the authenticity of karako

> > > bhavanashaka rule,i want to quote from ancient

> > > works,for example

> >

> > > 2.

> > > 3.

> > > 4.

> > > 5.

> > > > All the above combinations given in the ancient

> > works

> > > testify to this rule,ofcourse as i said earlier,

> > only

> > > some karakatwas suffer not all.

> > > 6.I have also quoted a chart position recently

> > read by

> > > me with jupiter in 5th, with no children and no

> > > marriage till today, she is 43 now not 40 as typed

> > > erroneously.

> > > 7.I have no business to frown upon anyone,least

> > upon

> > > our rishis.On the other hand,do you endorse

> > > innumerable bhrigu samhitas in the north as all

> > > written by the original bhrigu rishi? Or the

> > different

> > > editions of BPHS available now with different

> > slokas

> > > and also chapters as authentic? all of

> > them?Divisional

> > > charts cannot be relied upon because,1.ayanamsa is

> > not

> > > correctly decided 2.rate of precession is not

> > linear

> > > and 3.time of every birth needs correction.where

> > did i

> > > denounce sage parashara in this?.i only say when

> > the

> > > basic data is wrong,how can you rely on divisional

> > > charts?

> > > 8.Iam not in favour of anything but the TRUTH.If

> > iam

> > > proved wrong i will surely change my opinion,but

> > never

> > > before.

> > > by the way if you argue that mantreswara is not a

> > > rishi, i cant help.

> > > thanks and namaskaar.

> > > sarma.,

> > >

> > > --- pvr wrote: > Namaste Sri Sarma,

> > > >

> > > > > dear narasimha,

> > > > > namaskar.thanks for your reply.please consider

> > my

> > > > > arguments.

> > > > > 1.How to decide something is rishi proktam and

> > > > > something is not, especially in a subject like

> >

> === message truncated ===


> __________


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