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(unknown) - Sarma

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Namaste Sri Sarma,


> > > Jupiter is karaka for a number of factors,like

> > > children,wealth,preceptor,religious

> > > matters,pilgrimages,dips in holy rivers etc.Now

> > > according to"karako bhavanashaka" principle,the

> > > placement of jupiter in the karaka houses should

> > > destroy the indicated things,espicially in his

> > dasa or

> > > antardasas.


> Dear JW,


> It has become the order of the day with many so called

> astrologers to dismiss the validity of ancient

> principles of jyotisha based on their experiences

> which in fact turn out to be none other than

> subjective observations.One should not forget that

> these rules have been formulated by rishis.They are


You are forgetting two things:


(1) While I agree that the teachings of rishis (sages) should be

understood correctly instead of being rejected, I want to remind you

that there are a lot of misconceptions and corruptions introduced in

astrological knowledge in the last millennium. Not everything you

hear here and there is necessarily "rishi proktam" (taught by Sages).


(2) An example is your own rule that Jupiter in 5th destroys some

significations of 5th. When Jay Weiss shows a real-life counter-

example, you suggest that he is rejecting the teachings of sages. Now

tell me which sage taught this rule (Jupiter destroying 5th) and

where. Don't tell me about Maharashtra Brahmins. Show me the teaching

of a "rishi".


In fact, Sage Bhrigu taught in "Bhrigu Sutram" that Jupiter in 5th

gives a native great intelligence, special qualities, good speech,

righteousness, success, fame, many prosperous children and so on. No

negative result in given.


While you frown upon other "so called astrologers" for rejecting

rishis, you yourself are giving a rule that contradicts rishi prokta.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



PS: Individual divisional charts play an important role in deciding

the results. So someone with a functionally benefic Jupiter in 5th in

rasi in strength may indeed have problems with progeny if Saptamsa (D-

7) is badly afflicted. However, Jupiter in 5th is NOT the reason for

that in such a case.


> infalliable.Only thing to remember is when to apply

> them and how? In your case it is clear that jupiter is

> in 5th no doubt,in own house, and aspected by rahu

> from mesha.Here he represents mars who like jupiter is

> a male planet,(and mars is jupiter's great friend),his

> aspect on jupiter from an odd sign surely confers more

> male children,but being a female planet(as per some

> classifications) gave you one daughter too.Surely

> jupiter is not alone in sagittarius since aspect of

> rahu changes everything.In vedic astrology, there are

> no hard and fast rules, everything is subject to some

> modification or the other.There is no need to prove

> anything in vedic astrology by our "research",it is

> enough if we learn to know how to apply the mass of

> knowledge bequeathed to us without hasty

> conclusions.In any case here is a prediction for

> you...when jupiter enters cancer,some serious health

> problems may occur to your children, most probably

> something like jaundice.Please verify next year and if

> you remember me, let me know.

> sarma.

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