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Thoughts on US War Against Terrorism

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Dear Vedic astrologer friends,


Since the tragedy struck US in the form of terrorist attacks, we have heard very

strong words from Bush and a military strike appears imminent. The questions

before astrologers are: When will US strike? How long will the strikes take?

Who will participate? What will be the end result?


I took a look at some mundane charts and wish to share my thoughts with fellow

astrologers. All the calculations used are given at the end.


(1) Pakistan's Future:


Pakistan is a key state in the coming conflict. When Taliban and Osama bin Laden

fought on the US side in the past - with Russia - Pakistan was the conduit

between them. They still enjoy a very strong relationship with Taliban and

arguably a friendly relationship with US. Pakistan is a key piece in the puzzle

that is to unfold in the coming weeks.


As per Shoola dasa, Niryana Shoola dasa and Kshema Vimsottari dasa, Pakistan is

running maraka dasas, i.e. killer periods. In the charts of individuals, such

periods bring death. In the charts of nations, they may bring serious troubles,

challenges to the integrity and sometimes even a disintegration. Shoola dasa of

Ar is a maraka dasa because it is a trine from arudha lagna (in Le). Niryana

Shoola dasa of Sc is a maraka dasa because it is a trine from Rudra (in Cn).

Kshema Vimsottari dasa, Rahu-Jupiter antardasa is a killer period because Rahu

occupies 2nd house and Jupiter occupies 7th house.


For these reasons, this is a very inauspicious time for Pakistan. However, we

need to examine Mandooka dasa to be more confident.


Mandooka dasa of Rudramsa shows wars, death and destruction. The 8th lord Moon

is in Le and Le becomes "Rudra Dwara" (Entry of Killer). As Le is the 9th from

lagna, we take the 9th from there and get "Rudra Bahya" (Exit of Killer) in Ar.

Rudra bahya has two malefics Mars and Rahu. It is a strong candidate for giving

death and destruction. Mars is stronger than Rahu and he shows death from

"jnatis", as per Jaimini. It literally means "cousins", but means enemies or

rivals. This dasa started in Aug 1971. One may recall that Pakistan was at war

with India in Dec 1971 and finally East Pakistan became an independent nation

known as Bangladesh. Mandooka dasa of Rudra bahya resulted in a split of the



Current Virgo dasa is not a very bad dasa. With Vi being the 10th house, its

dasa will bring troubles to rulers. Political stability and normalcy are

unlikely to return. Rulers have to be very careful in the dasa of 10th house.


Enemy is shown by the 6th house, Taurus. From it, Rudra (8th lord) is Jupiter,

Rudra dwara is Cn and Rudra bahya is Vi. So, during Vi dasa, Pakistan's enemies

may suffer.


As per the annual return chart, Pakistan has 2nd lord Jupiter, 7th lord Venus,

Rahu and Moon in the 8th house of troubles. Jupiter dasa during Oct 2-Dec 7 is

likely to bring unrest, as Jupiter is in 8th in rasi and D-10 both. Unbroken

Sarpa yoga in D-10 with Mars, nodes and Sun shows political chaos, unrest,

intrigues and plots.


Conclusion: Pakistan will continue to be in a chaos. Though their enemies will

suffer too, Pakistan will experience turbulent political activity and power

struggle in Oct-Nov. Musharraf may have to go soon, but the replacement may not

be a democratically elected government.


(2) India's Role:


India's annual return chart has lagna in Sg and lagna lord Jupiter is in 7th

afflicted by 6th lord Venus and Rahu. Getting involved in a war is very likely.

Venus dasa from Sept 30 to Dec 12 may see India in a war. The chances are high

especially after Oct 12.


(3) Afghanistan's Future:


As I do not have Afghanistan's birthchart, I am using the Vaisakha Full Moon

chart erected at Kabul, Afghanistan.


Ketu with Mars in 3rd may show a bold stand (note that most countries in that

region - India, Pakistan, Afghanistan have the same feature. Divisional charts

let us distinguish between countries). In Rudramsa, lagna lord Venus is

debilitated and joins Mars. Ketu and Venus dasas during Oct 11-Dec 28 may bring

losses in a war.


(4) Annual Chart of US:


As I am not sure which US chart is to be taken, I will take the annual chart again.


As Sanjay already mentioned, Narayana dasa of Ge with Rahu (in the 3rd from AL

showing accidental death) and aspected by Mars and Ketu brought the terrorist

strikes in US.


As per Mandooka dasa, dasa of 3rd house aspected by nodes (dasas of 3rd and 8th

houses can cause destruction if aspected by malefics) brought the terrorist

strikes. This bad dasa is not over until Oct 1, but hopefully FBI is on the top

of the terrorist network. Next dasa of Vi (Oct 2-Nov 3) is destructive for both

the sides. It is the 8th house from 6th and shows enemy's losses. It is also

the lagna with Rudra dwara, Rudra bahya and a debilitated planet and shows big

losses for US too. Lagna lord Mercury's (spies?) rasi aspect on lagna will

hopefully save in this dasa from severe losses.


As Ge has Rudra dwara from 6th house, Ge dasa (Nov 3-Dec 6) can bring enemy's

destruction. Does Saturn in airy Ge show the use of poisonous gases? Hopefully



(5) George W. Bush's Chart:


Bush's D-11 has lagna in Ge with Ketu in it. Counting 8th in reverse, we get Sc.

So Rudra is Mars. He is in Ta and Ta dasa runs until July 2002. This potentially

a maraka dasa. Bush should continue to be very careful about his safety atleast

until next July.


However, Ta also contains Rudra bahya from the 6th house (Cp - in reverse) and

so this dasa may also see the end of some enemies. So, there is a good chance

that Bush will finish his mission and cause significant setbacks to terrorist

camps and Afghan rulers. Even after the war is over, he should be

extra-cautious about security.




US will strike back. But, it may take some time. The operations may start with

full force in October. Both the sides may face big losses. US intelligence at

home should be very careful and not get carried away with the war. Pakistan may

face civil unrest of great magnitude and Musharraf may be in big trouble at

home. India may be with US. After initial setbacks, US operations may gain

momentum towards the end of October. November may be a horrible month for the

terrorist camps of Afghanistan/Pakistan. Though the US administration is

mentally preparing Americans for a long-drawn war, the war may finish in 2001

itself. Of course, there may be some coninued operations and maintenance for a

few more years, but the main war may be over in 3-6 weeks. For a few months

after the war is over, President Bush needs to be extra careful with his



All the turbulence, tragedy and darkness we see today will finally lead to the

cause of hampering international terrorism.


It is customary in Indian culture to end all discourses with the following:


"Lokaassamastaassukhino bhavantu!"

May all the worlds be peaceful and happy!


"Sarve Janaassukhino bhavantu!"

May all people be happy and contented!


"Om Saantissaantissaantih!"

Let there be peace, peace, peace!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Narasimha RaoSept 16, 2001





Pakistan's Birthdata:


August 14, 1947Time: 0:00:01Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Longitude: 67 E 03' 00"Latitude: 24 N 52' 00"

+--------------+|GL |Asc |Rah

|Moo Mar || | | |Mnd Glk || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|Sun Mer || | |Ven Sat ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Rasi |-----------||HL | |AL ||

| | || |

| || | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||

|Ket |Jup | || | |

| || | | | || |

| | || | | |




+--------------+| \ / \

/ || \ Rah / \ GL / || \

/ \ / || \ / \ /

||Mnd \ / \ / ||Moo Mar x Asc

x ||Glk / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / \ / \

|| / Mer \ 1 / \ || / \

/ \ || Sat Sun x HL || \

/ \ / || \ Ven / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / ||AL

x Jup x || / \ /

\ || / \ / \ || / \

/ \ || / \ / Ket \ || /

\ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | Asc | / || \

| | / || Moo \ Rah | | GL /

|| \ | | / || Mar Mnd \ |

| / || Glk \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || Sun Mer | | HL || Ven

Sat | | || | Rasi |

|| | | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | Jup | \ || /

| | \ || AL / | | Ket \

|| / | | \ || / |

| \ || / | | \



Shoola dasa (troubles and death):


Maha Dasas:


Li: 1947-08-14 (00:00:01) - 1956-08-13 (07:19:31) Sc: 1956-08-13 (07:19:31) -

1965-08-13 (14:43:54) Sg: 1965-08-13 (14:43:54) - 1974-08-13 (21:56:41) Cp:

1974-08-13 (21:56:41) - 1983-08-14 (05:21:33) Aq: 1983-08-14 (05:21:33) -

1992-08-13 (12:47:00) Pi: 1992-08-13 (12:47:00) - 2001-08-13 (20:04:54) Ar:

2001-08-13 (20:04:54) - 2010-08-14 (03:20:29) Ta: 2010-08-14 (03:20:29) -

2019-08-14 (10:45:21) Ge: 2019-08-14 (10:45:21) - 2028-08-13 (18:14:54) Cn:

2028-08-13 (18:14:54) - 2037-08-14 (01:26:39) Le: 2037-08-14 (01:26:39) -

2046-08-14 (08:43:44) Vi: 2046-08-14 (08:43:44) - 2055-08-14 (16:11:02)


Niryana Shoola Dasa (death):


Maha Dasas:


Ta: 1947-08-14 (00:00:01) - 1955-08-14 (01:10:56) Ar: 1955-08-14 (01:10:56) -

1962-08-13 (20:09:49) Pi: 1962-08-13 (20:09:49) - 1971-08-14 (03:37:26) Aq:

1971-08-14 (03:37:26) - 1979-08-14 (04:48:22) Cp: 1979-08-14 (04:48:22) -

1986-08-13 (23:45:37) Sg: 1986-08-13 (23:45:37) - 1995-08-14 (07:12:32) Sc:

1995-08-14 (07:12:32) - 2003-08-14 (08:22:31) Li: 2003-08-14 (08:22:31) -

2010-08-14 (03:20:29) Vi: 2010-08-14 (03:20:29) - 2019-08-14 (10:45:21) Le:

2019-08-14 (10:45:21) - 2027-08-14 (11:57:24) Cn: 2027-08-14 (11:57:24) -

2034-08-14 (06:57:18) Ge: 2034-08-14 (06:57:18) - 2043-08-14 (14:20:09)


Vimsottari Dasa (started from kshema star - 4th):


Rah MD: 1998-11-14 (18:07:41) - 2016-11-14 (08:49:57)


Antardasas in this MD:


Rah: 1998-11-14 (18:07:41) - 2001-07-27 (03:34:51) Jup: 2001-07-27 (03:34:51)

- 2003-12-20 (13:28:29) Sat: 2003-12-20 (13:28:29) - 2006-10-27 (20:18:48)

Mer: 2006-10-27 (20:18:48) - 2009-05-12 (22:13:33) Ket: 2009-05-12 (22:13:33)

- 2010-05-31 (21:32:09) Ven: 2010-05-31 (21:32:09) - 2013-05-31 (16:09:03)

Sun: 2013-05-31 (16:09:03) - 2014-04-24 (15:34:29) Moo: 2014-04-24 (15:34:29)

- 2015-10-28 (03:43:49) Mar: 2015-10-28 (03:43:49) - 2016-11-14 (08:49:57)

+--------------+| |Mar Rah |Mer

| || | | | || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||AL |

|Jup || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | Rudramsa | ||-----------|

|-----------|| | D-11 |Moo Ven ||

| |Sat || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Asc

Mnd | |Sun Ket |GL Glk || | |HL

| || | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-11+--------------+| \ /

\ / || \ / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / Mnd \

/ || \ / \ / HL ||AL x

Asc x Ket Sun || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / \ /

\ || / \ 9 / Glk \ || /

\ / \ || x GL || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / Sat

||Mar Rah x x Ven Moo || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Mer \ / Jup

\ || / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | Mar Rah | / || \

| | / || \ Mer | | / AL

|| \ | | / || \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || Jup | | ||

| Rudramsa | || | |

|| | D-11 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || Ven Sat / | Sun Ket | \ Mnd || /

| HL | \ || Moo / GL | | \

Asc || / | | \ || / Glk |

| \ || / | | \



Mandooka dasa (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction):


Maha Dasas:


Li: 1947-08-14 (00:00:01) - 1954-08-13 (19:00:28) Le: 1954-08-13 (19:00:28) -

1962-08-13 (20:09:49) Ge: 1962-08-13 (20:09:49) - 1971-08-14 (03:37:26) Ar:

1971-08-14 (03:37:26) - 1978-08-13 (22:32:52) Aq: 1978-08-13 (22:32:52) -

1986-08-13 (23:45:37) Sg: 1986-08-13 (23:45:37) - 1995-08-14 (07:12:32) Vi:

1995-08-14 (07:12:32) - 2004-08-13 (14:35:40) Cn: 2004-08-13 (14:35:40) -

2011-08-14 (09:32:30) Ta: 2011-08-14 (09:32:30) - 2019-08-14 (10:45:21) Pi:

2019-08-14 (10:45:21) - 2028-08-13 (18:14:54) Cp: 2028-08-13 (18:14:54) -

2035-08-14 (13:04:24) Sc: 2035-08-14 (13:04:24) - 2043-08-14 (14:20:09)


India's Birthdata:


August 15, 1947Time: 0:00:01Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Longitude: 78 E 30' 00"Latitude: 27 N 00' 00"

Annual Full Moon at Kabul:


May 7, 2001Time: 18:23:06Time Zone: 4:30:00 (East of

GMT)Longitude: 69 E 12' 00"Latitude: 34 N 31' 00"Lunar Year:

VrishaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Krishna Pratipat (100.00%

left)Weekday: MondayNakshatra: Visakha (75.79% left)Yoga:

VyatipataKarana: BalavaHora Lord: Venus


+--------------+|Ven |Sun |Mer

Jup |Rah HL || | |Sat | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||GL |

| || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Rasi |-----------|| | |Glk AL ||

| | || |

| || | | || |


||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mar Ket | |Asc

Moo |Mnd || | | | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |




+--------------+| \ / \

/ || \ / \ Mnd / || \

/ \ / || \ / Moo \ /

|| \ / \ / ||Mar Ket x Asc

x AL Glk || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / \ / \

|| / \ 7 / \ || / \

/ \ || x || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / ||GL

x Sun x HL Rah || / \ /

\ || / \ / \ || / \

/ \ || / Ven \ / Mer \ || /

\ / Jup Sat \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ Sat Jup | Sun | / || \

| | / || Rah \ Mer | | Ven / GL

|| \ | | / || HL \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || | | ||

| | || | Rasi |

|| | | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || AL / | Asc Moo | \ Ket || /

| | \ || Glk / Mnd | | \

Mar || / | | \ || / |

| \ || / | | \


+--------------+|HL | |Asc

|Moo Mer || | | |Sat || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|Rah Glk || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | Rudramsa | ||-----------|

|-----------||Ket AL | D-11 |GL ||

| | || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sun

|Mnd |Jup |Mar Ven || | | |

|| | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-11+--------------+| \ Mer Sat /

\ / || \ Moo / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / ||Rah Glk x

Asc x HL || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / \ /

\ || / \ 2 / \ || /

\ / \ || GL x || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ /

||Mar Ven x Mnd x AL Ket || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Jup \ / Sun

\ || / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | | / || \

| | / || Moo \ Asc | | HL /

|| \ | | / || Mer Sat \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || Rah Glk | | Ket AL ||

| Rudramsa | || | |

|| | D-11 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | Jup | \ || /

| | \ || GL / Mar | | Mnd \

Sun || / | | \ || / Ven |

| \ || / | | \



Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Maha Dasas:


Jup: 2001-05-07 (18:23:06) - 2001-06-25 (08:07:06) Sat: 2001-06-25 (08:07:06) -

2001-08-22 (04:50:08) Mer: 2001-08-22 (04:50:08) - 2001-10-11 (22:54:32) Ket:

2001-10-11 (22:54:32) - 2001-11-01 (10:37:43) Ven: 2001-11-01 (10:37:43) -

2001-12-28 (23:51:58) Sun: 2001-12-28 (23:51:58) - 2002-01-15 (03:22:34) Moo:

2002-01-15 (03:22:34) - 2002-02-12 (19:40:23) Mar: 2002-02-12 (19:40:23) -

2002-03-05 (01:41:48) Rah: 2002-03-05 (01:41:48) - 2002-04-27 (03:45:45)


Annual Full Moon at Washington DC:


May 7, 2001Time: 9:53:06Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of

GMT)Longitude: 77 W 02' 00"Latitude: 38 N 54' 00"Lunar Year:

VrishaLunar Month: VaisakhaTithi: Krishna Pratipat (100.00%

left)Weekday: MondayNakshatra: Visakha (75.79% left)Yoga:

VyatipataKarana: BalavaHora Lord: Jupiter


+--------------+|Ven |Sun AL |Mer

Jup |Asc Rah || | |Sat | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||GL |

| || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Rasi |-----------|| | |HL Glk ||

| | || |

| || | | || |


||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Mar Ket | |Moo

|Mnd || | | | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |




+--------------+| \ / \

Jup Sat / || \ / \ Mer / || \

/ \ / || \ / Rah \ /

|| \ / \ / ||HL Glk x Asc

x AL Sun || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / \ / \

|| / \ 3 / \ || / \

/ \ || Mnd x Ven || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

Ket \ / || \ / \ / ||Moo

x Mar x GL || / \ /

\ || / \ / \ || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ Sat Jup | Sun AL | / || \

| | / || Asc \ Mer | | Ven / GL

|| \ | | / || Rah \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || | | ||

| | || | Rasi |

|| | | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || Glk / | Moo | \ Ket || /

| | \ || HL / Mnd | | \

Mar || / | | \ || / |

| \ || / | | \



+--------------+| | |

|Moo Mer || | | |Sat HL || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|Rah Glk || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | Rudramsa | ||-----------|

|-----------||Ket | D-11 |GL ||

| | || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sun

AL |Mnd |Jup |Asc Mar || | |

|Ven || | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-11+--------------+| \ /

\ / || \ Jup / \ GL / || \

/ \ / || \ / Mar \

/ || \ / \ / ||Mnd x

Asc x Glk Rah || / \ / \ ||

/ \ Ven / \ || / \ /

\ || / AL \ 6 / Mer \ || /

\ / \ || Sun x HL Moo || \

/ \ / || \ / \

Sat / || \ / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / \ /

||Ket x x || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / \ /

\ || / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | | / || \

| | / || Moo \ | | /

|| \ | | / || Mer Sat \ |

| / || HL \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || Rah Glk | | Ket ||

| Rudramsa | || | |

|| | D-11 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | Jup | \ AL || /

| | \ || GL / Asc | | Mnd \

Sun || / | | \ || / Ven Mar |

| \ || / | | \



Mandooka dasa (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction):


Maha Dasas:


Cn: 2001-05-07 (09:53:06) - 2001-06-02 (21:19:38) Ta: 2001-06-02 (21:19:38) -

2001-07-03 (09:11:21) Pi: 2001-07-03 (09:11:21) - 2001-08-06 (16:35:33) Cp:

2001-08-06 (16:35:33) - 2001-09-02 (03:46:08) Sc: 2001-09-02 (03:46:08) -

2001-10-02 (00:06:07) Vi: 2001-10-02 (00:06:07) - 2001-11-03 (23:57:38) Ge:

2001-11-03 (23:57:38) - 2001-12-06 (11:05:37) Ar: 2001-12-06 (11:05:37) -

2001-12-31 (11:58:14) Aq: 2001-12-31 (11:58:14) - 2002-01-29 (02:24:04) Sg:

2002-01-29 (02:24:04) - 2002-03-02 (12:53:47) Li: 2002-03-02 (12:53:47) -

2002-03-28 (02:43:14) Le: 2002-03-28 (02:43:14) - 2002-04-26 (19:15:45)


George W. Bush (US President):


July 6, 1946Time: 7:26:00Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of

GMT)Longitude: 72 W 55' 00"Latitude: 41 N 18' 00"

+--------------+| |GL |Mar

|Asc Ket || | | | || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Sat |

|Moo Mer || | |HL ||

| | || | |

|| | Rudramsa | ||-----------|

|-----------||Mnd | D-11 |Jup AL ||

| | || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah

|Ven | |Sun Glk || | | |

|| | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-11+--------------+| \ Mer HL /

\ / || \ Moo / \ Mar / || \

/ \ / || \ / Ket \

/ || \ / \ / ||Jup AL x

Asc x GL || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / \ /

\ || / Glk \ 3 / \ || /

\ / \ || Sun x || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / ||

x Rah x Sat || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / Ven \ / Mnd \

|| / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | GL | / || \

| | / || Asc \ Mar | | / Sat

|| \ | | / || Ket \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || Moo Mer | | Mnd || HL

| Rudramsa | || | |

|| | D-11 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || AL / | | \ || /

| | \ || Jup / Sun | | Ven \

Rah || / | | \ || / Glk |

| \ || / | | \



Mandooka dasa (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction):


Maha Dasas:


Ar: 1946-07-06 (07:26:00) - 1953-07-06 (02:31:26) Ge: 1953-07-06 (02:31:26) -

1962-07-06 (09:45:41) Le: 1962-07-06 (09:45:41) - 1970-07-06 (11:02:29) Li:

1970-07-06 (11:02:29) - 1977-07-06 (06:06:29) Sg: 1977-07-06 (06:06:29) -

1986-07-06 (13:24:01) Aq: 1986-07-06 (13:24:01) - 1994-07-06 (14:40:06) Ta:

1994-07-06 (14:40:06) - 2002-07-06 (15:52:52) Cn: 2002-07-06 (15:52:52) -

2009-07-06 (10:50:34) Vi: 2009-07-06 (10:50:34) - 2018-07-06 (18:16:52) Sc:

2018-07-06 (18:16:52) - 2026-07-06 (19:29:40) Cp: 2026-07-06 (19:29:40) -

2033-07-06 (14:23:57) Pi: 2033-07-06 (14:23:57) - 2042-07-06 (21:51:11)

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Namaste 'Guru' Narasimha


noticed that you had used IST (-5:30) for Pakistan's chart - shouldn't it be

-5.00 from GMT instead?


Best wishes as ever ......


Jai Sita Ram






> Narasimha Rao

> Sept 16, 2001


> ---------------------------

> Calculations


> Pakistan's Birthdata:


> August 14, 1947

> Time: 0:00:01

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 67 E 03' 00"

> Latitude: 24 N 52' 00"





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