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US British activities in Afghan

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I have been looking at the transits as regarding primarily George W

Bush's chart, and now Tony Blairs chart.

The military action taken seems quite connected to G Bush's chart in

timing and nature.

Everyone already has the charts in question I am sure, so I will just

go to the relevant points.


Bush is undergoing Vimsottari Dasa Saturn/Rahu/Jupiter Nakshatra

Saturn (Sa/Sa) Rahu (Mars/Jupiter) Jupiter (Mars/Rahu)


Blair is in Saturn/Mercury/Venus in Nakshatra Saturn (Mars/Saturn)

Mercury (Ketu/Sun) Venus (Mercury/Sun)


Both have 12th and 8th rulers in Ascendant. Until this war situation

arose that was a puzzle. Now their role is becoming clearer.

Mars and Saturn are both part of this picture (war), but so are a lot

of other planets, which paint a more complex, but interesting picture

for us to decipher.

There's certainly a more than strong whiff of spirituality in there

alongside war.


Now GB has Bhukti and sub-sub lord both transiting through the 12th

house, with natal Sun posited there. Plus transiting Sun in Virgo

approaching natal Moon and Jupiter.

So when Moon was in Capricorn 27/28 Sept, esp in Sun and then Mars

Nakshatra, not really Moon, it looked like military action was taking

place. Neptune being there, plus Mercury being in Mars Nakshatra both

suggested covert action. Mercury would be quite manoeuvrable in that

position. As Mercury is now retrograde in Chitra, that ability should



Yet until this week the strength for a more overt attack wasn't quite

there. Although they have not named their attack time, it looks

imminent. Mars opposite Jupiter should help. Wednesday has a lot

going for it. The only thing from GB's Ascendant Mercury is not a



Perhaps British forces are more likely to start some operation then.

Good combination for Blair. - Mercury in TB's chart is in Ashwini,

and Wednesday is 3/10/2001 = 7 which is Ketu's number. Washington

time Moon goes into Ashwini after 1.00pm. 3 day = Jupiter. Moon will

also be aspecting Mercury.

So this may bring some British operation or communication of a sudden

unexpected nature. Its closely connected with Blair's Bhukti lord,

so one can't help but feel that it must be relevant.

A strike under this influence could be quite quick, unexpected, and

clever. Also as Mercury is retrograde some operation or activity that

will take till about 7th November may start then.


Thursday has Mars Jupiter and Saturn angular in navamsa, a warlike

configuration. The aspect of Jupiter and Mars having just passed.

Mars and Jupiter, Benefics for Cancer Ascendant, and a Rajayoga


Additionally the date, 4/10/2001, 4 is Rahu and 8 is Saturn,

incidentally G Bush's Dasa and Bhukti lord. I am sure the hour will

concur, but we may not find out this out. I would not be surprised at

some bigger action this day.


I felt reluctant to post this previously although what is mentioned

here has been obvious a little while now, because of the sensitive

nature of the matters concerned. Hopefully at this stage conjecture

as to exact timing won't matter too much.

A more general comment. I feel quite sure whatever occurs in the

meanwhile, in the end good will come out of it. This is because of a

number of reasons, not least of all the spiritual components

activated in the two charts.

As astrologers we understand things in this world are not random, and

that as such any timing of events, and the hour the participants in

the drama choose to act will reflect the energy of their part in that

drama. So the timing has to coincide with their own charts. But there

are always a number of factors and a situation occurring that is

showing in the charts, but complex to work out in detail.



I hope you will find my conjectures of interest.

Dawn W

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