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AW: Yogas for writing skills

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Dear Anand,


Some time ago, Narasimha explained the importance of A3 and A5 in the charts

of writers (particularly in D10).

For your benefit and others who missed that post, I reproduce part of his



As far as communications are concerned, 3rd house is the primary house. The

5th house shows intelligence, scholarship, abilities and potential of a

person. Houses from lagna (seat of truth) show the qualities of true self

and so the 5th from lagna shows the trueintelligence and abilities. However,

the world cannot see them and sees only their material manifestation. A5

shows what the world can see as rising from one's intelligence and

abilities. World may see one's trophies or awards or scores or achievements

or, as you say, one's books and judge one's intelligence and abilities based

on it.


A5 is an important factor in showing how one's abilities manifest in the

world (in ways that people can see). In fact, you should see a strong

Mercurian influence on A5 in the D-10 of authors. You may or may not see a

strong influence of Mercury on A3, but you should see it on A5. Why?


A3 shows the manifestation of one's communications. It directly shows the

results of one's communication, i.e. articles, letters, books etc.

Influences on A3 shed light on the kind of books/articles written by one.

Jupiter's strong and unobstructed argala (intervention) on A3 in both my and

Sanjay's chart shows books on traditional knowledge.

OTOH, A5 in D-10 shows the manifestation of one's abilities and potential in

one's social activities. Influence of Mercury on A5 shows that this

manifestation can be in the form of writing.


Hope this is of interest to you






-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Anand [adithyaputra]

Gesendet: Freitag, 05. Oktober 2001 07:40

An: vedic astrology

Betreff: Re: [vedic astrology] Yogas for writing skills


Hi Sally,

I guess one would look at the 3rd house (hands), but writing is not

merely the skill of the hands. It would involve a well-educated approach

as well as choosing the appropriate words (a form of divining on the

lexicon). Hence i feel that the 5th & Me are important. Does anyone have

corrections/suggestions to offer? Please do as I am personally

interested in this aspect of a chart.




Sally wrote:


>I thought the 3h would qualify for written material.. Sally


>Anand K wrote:


>>What are the yogas/combinations for fame in writing

>>and authorship? I usually look at the 5th and its lord

>>alongwith Mercury. D-24 also guides well. What are the

>>other indicators?



>>--- partha sarathy <partvinu5 wrote: >

>>dear doug,










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