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Chart of a Business

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Dear Friends,



This is the chart of a business not a person. What do you make of it in general?





Chart of a business




Birth Data


08/17/1998, at 15:57:00 PDT

Salem OR USA

123 W 2 44 N 56

Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: 8.00




Planet Ret Sign (Rasi) Degrees Nakshatras


Ascendant Scorpio 20° 24’ Jyestha

Sun Leo 0° 59’ Magha

Moon Gemini 10° 35’ Ardra

Mars Cancer 4° 19’ Pushya

Mercury R Cancer 24° 12’ Ashlesha

Jupiter R Pisces 2° 42’ Purvabhadrapa

Venus Cancer 11° 44’ Pushya

Saturn R Aries 9° 47’ Ashwini

Rahu Leo 7° 45’ Magha

Ketu Aquarius 7° 45’ Satabisha


South Indian Style Rasi Chart for a business



* 5* 6* 7* 8*

* * * * *

* * SAT * * MOO *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 4* * 9*

* * * MAR *

* KET * * MER *

* Aq* * VEN Ca*

************* *************

* 3* * SUN 10*

* * * *

* * * RAH *

* Cp* * Le*


* 2* 1* 12* 11*

* * LAG * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Rasi Chart for a business



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SAG* LAG * LIB* *

* CAP** **VIR *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * KET * SCO * * *

* * * * * *

* AQU * LEO *

* * * * RAH * *

* * * TAU * * *

* JUP * * * SUN * *

* * * * * MER *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* PIS** **CAN VEN *

* * ARI* * GEM* *

* * * * * MAR *

* * SAT * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **





South Indian Style Navamsa Chart for business



* 3* 4* 5* 6*

* * * * *

* * SUN * * RAH *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* SAT Ge*


* 2* * 7*

* * * *

* MER * * JUP *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 1* * 8*

* * * *

* * * MAR *

* MOO LAG Cp* * Le*


* 12* 11* VEN 10* 9*

* * * * *

* KET * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Navamsa Chart for business



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MER * * KET * *

* * * * * *

* * AQU* MOO * SAG* *

* PIS** **SCO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * CAP * * *

* * * * VEN * *

* ARI * LIB *

* * * * * *

* * * CAN * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * JUP * * *

* TAU** **VIR *

* * GEM* * LEO* *

* * * * * *

* * RAH * * MAR * *

* * * * * *

* * SAT * * * *

** * * **



Shad Bala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat


Rupas 10.26 7.77 6.19 6.83 8.19 4.98 5.89

Strength 1.58 1.30 1.24 0.98 1.26 0.91 1.18









Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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Dear Das,


> Dear Friends,> > This is the chart of a business not a person. What do you

make of it in general?> > Chart of a business> > Birth Data>

--------------------> 08/17/1998, at 15:57:00 PDT> Salem OR USA> 123 W 2

44 N 56> Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: 8.00

First, to illustrate D-60, let us guess the background of this business. What

happened before this business was started and what karma (previous actions)

went into this will be seen in D-60. Though D-60 is the chart showing previous

life activities in the case of human beings, it shows the past background in

the case of event/muhurta charts. I'll assume that the data is accurate.


+--------------+|Asc Mar |Moo Glk |Ket

|Ven || | | | || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|MerR GL || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | Shashtyamsa | ||-----------|

|-----------||Mnd AL | D-60 |JupR ||

| | || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||

|SatR Rah |HL |Sun || | | |

|| | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-60+--------------+| \ Glk /

\ / || \ Moo / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / Mar \

/ || \ / \ / ||Ket x

Asc x AL Mnd || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / \ /

\ || / \ 12 / \ || /

\ / \ || Ven x || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ /

||MerR GL x Sun x Rah SatR|| / \

/ \ || / \ / \ || /

\ / \ || / JupR \ / HL

\ || / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | Moo Glk | Mar / || \

| | / || Ven \ Ket | | Asc /

|| \ | | / || \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || MerR GL | | Mnd AL ||

| Shashtyamsa | || | |

|| | D-60 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | HL | \ || /

| | \ || JupR / Sun | | SatR \

|| / | | \ || / |

| Rah \ || / | | \



Pisces lagna shows saattwik activities preceding this business. The 9th lord in

lagna and Saturn and Rahu in the 9th house in occult Scorpio may show

pilgrimages or austere religious life (possibly at a monastery). Mars in Pisces

lagna shows aggressive and enterprising spirit for a saattwic cause. Moon (mind)

in the 2nd house of money and 2nd lord in lagna show that mind was on making

money. Mercury in 5th shows intelligence and logical skills.


Overall, the above paragraph describes the native's situation/background before

starting the business (i.e. "past life" shown by D-60). Whether correct or not

(after all, this D-60 lagna can change with a little change in time. How can

you be really sure that your client noted the correct time?!), this serves as

an example of how to use D-60 in event charts.


Now let us come to the main rasi chart. Lagna lord, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus

are all in trines and that's real nice. Jupiter gives Gaja-Kesari yoga and

neecha bhanga raja yoga to lagna lord. He is in own house in 5th in Gopuramsa

with 6 points in ashtakavarga. I see Jupiter in 5th as the key planet in this

chart. He gives saattwik activities and popularity. This business may be

related to law or traditional subjects or teaching or religion and must be

quite successful (popular). Sun in 10th in Airavatamsa in Sayana avastha (lying

down) shows recognition and success.


However, Ketu in 4th and 4th lord debilitated in 6th show lack of peace and

comfort. Sarpa yoga in D-16 also shows the same thing. The native, despite

success and fame, may feel unhappy and uncomfortable.


+--------------+| |MerR |

|Asc Moo || | | |Mar Mnd || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||AL |

|HL || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | Shodasamsa | ||-----------|

|-----------||JupR | D-16 |Sun ||

| | || | |

|| | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Rah

Ket |GL |Ven |SatR ||Glk | |

| || | | | || |

| | || | | |




D-16+--------------+| \ /

\ / || \ HL / \ / || \

/ \ / || \ / Moo \

/ || \ / \ / ||Sun x Mnd

Asc x MerR|| / \ / \ ||

/ \ Mar / \ || / \ /

\ || / \ 3 / \ || /

\ / \ || SatR x || \

/ \ / || \ / \

/ || \ / \ / || \ /

Ket \ / || \ / \ /

||Ven x Rah x AL || / \

/ \ || / \ Glk / \ || /

\ / \ || / GL \ / JupR

\ || / \ / \



+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | MerR | / || \

| | / || Asc \ | | / AL

|| \ | | / || Moo Mar \ |

| / || Mnd \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || HL | | JupR ||

| Shodasamsa | || | |

|| | D-16 | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | Ven | \ Glk Ket || /

| | \ || Sun / SatR | | GL \

Rah || / | | \ || / |

| \ || / | | \



Planets in quadrants show sustenance and support. Navamsa shows dharma. Exalted

Sun, exalted Jupiter and moolatrikona Venus in quadrants in navamsa show the

dharmik self (i.e. native's dharma) well-supported by his work (Sun - 10th lord

of rasi), his partners (Venus - 7th lord of rasi) and his followers/children

(Jupiter - 5th lord of rasi). At the dharmik level, work (Sun) gives him/her

comfort (4th) and followers (Jupiter) maintain a good relation (7th) with



Darapada of rasi chart (A7) is in Virgo. The 8th from there has a debilitated

planet and 3rd/8th lord is also debilitated. The houses of vitality and

longevity (3rd and 8th) are weak. At the same time, 7th is strong. This shows a

break in partnership (A7 shows partnerships). Some partners in business may have

broken up amicably (Jupiter in 7th in A7).


Let us look at some dasas.


Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


Maha Dasas:


Pi: 1998-08-17 (15:57:00) - 2000-11-30 (13:57:42) Sg: 2000-11-30 (13:57:42) -

2003-12-01 (08:24:08) Vi: 2003-12-01 (08:24:08) - 2005-11-30 (20:40:19)

Pisces dasa must've been brilliant. Sagittarius is the 8th house from HL (money)

and some financial tightness or disappointments are possible from the end of

2000. But lord Jupiter aspects Sg and it should be fine.


Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Maha Dasas:


Ta: 1998-08-17 (15:57:00) - 2000-08-17 (04:20:45) Sg: 2000-08-17 (04:20:45) -

2003-08-17 (22:46:07) Cn: 2003-08-17 (22:46:07) - 2004-08-17 (04:55:08)

Right now, Sg dasa is running. Because dasas started from 7th, the 7th house

from dasa sign becomes dasa lagna. So dasa lagna is Gemini. Though the natal

chart looks good w.r.t. Gemini lagna, current transit of Rahu in Ge is bad

(Rahu's transit in dasa lagna, especially when dasa starts, is bad). In the

dasa pravesh chart also (17th Aug 2000, 4:20:46 am), Rahu afflicts Gemini (dasa

lagna) and real lagna Cn is afflicted ny debilitated Mars, while its lord Moon

is in 8th from it. Dasa pravesh chart and transit chart show disappointments.


Based on the annual chart, things are somewhat bad this year. Some

disappointments, relationship problems, instability and worries are possible.

Especially, Jan 27-Mar 10, 2002 is bad.


Overall, there are indications of troubles at this time. Praying to Saturn

(dasamsa and navamsa lagna lord) is beneficial. Fasting on Fridays (A10 of rasi

chart in Taurus) is also beneficial.


But the muhurta chart of a business is only 30-40% important. The native's chart

is more important. That can override. Do you have that chart?

May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimhahttp://www.VedicAstrologer.org

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Dear Narasimha,


Regarding the "Chart of a business" that you covered in detail:


The business is called "Dancing Moon, Inc", an Oregon Corporation of

which I am the President. The date and time are accurate as I noted it

exactly when I registered it. That was the moment the clerk punched the

time clock on the paperwork when I handed it to them across the counter

in Salem Oregon State Offices.


Your coverage was to my knowledge completely accurate, stunningly so.


Of course therefore, the chart of the Native behind the business is my

own, Das Goravani, 5-18-1960, 0443 AM, Oakland Calif. USA, but of

course, do not feel obliged to continue further.


It is interesting to note that things were fine until a certain point in

history, when which I was slated by fate to enter a "midlife crisis" if

you will, that wonderful period of doubt and confusion that for many

falls around 40 years of age. Anyway, I feel much better lately, and as

we Californians say, am again "Rockin and Rollin" as I used to, that is,

I'm again following my own principles more strongly, feeling positive

about life again, generally "back on track" in my life, which of course

affects my business, or anything I'm doing in life.


I'd like to say that, yes, if a paper entities human component or

counterpart is "up" or "down", then of course that will affect the paper

entity greatly, so yes, the chart of the business, especially if small,

is one thing, but the chart of the human rather important in situations

of small business.


, is of course, a paper entity, that holds the

contracts that make up the business entities I'm personally involved

with, so I was interested to hear what others might see about it's

future through Jyotish, as I do not consider myself to really be an

advanced Jyotish so much as a devotee who knows the basics, and sees

well the links between Jyotish and Spirituality. The way you've covered

it is to me quite different than what I'm used to, as per the kinds of

things this list and school involve with.


Actually, from my angle of vision, things are fine with the entity

completely, but for some reason, it popped into my head to talk about

this for no real material reason at this time, rather just curiosity.


I see you added the East Indian chart style to your program, bravo. Sri

Lankans ask me for that regularly also.


Thank you so much, very interesting,


Though it seems far away for the world: "Peace and Love",






Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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Pranaam Dasji,

My observations...

There is very good astrologer's Yoga in this chart with

11th lord Mercury becoming Atmakaraka in 9th house of

of Dharma being Retrograde It indicates Deep desire for

this incarnation establish or propagate dharma thru this


8th(Occult) and 9th(Higher studies) exchange also indicate


I suspected this chart to be of your company :-)


Naramsimhaji can you please tell something more about Sun in

sankrathi in this chart and Rahu conjunct in it.




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Dear Das,


> The business is called "Dancing Moon, Inc" [snipped]


> Your coverage was to my knowledge completely accurate, stunningly so.


> Of course therefore, the chart of the Native behind the business is my

> own, Das Goravani, 5-18-1960, 0443 AM, Oakland Calif. USA, but of

> course, do not feel obliged to continue further.


> It is interesting to note that things were fine until a certain point in

> history, when which I was slated by fate to enter a "midlife crisis" if

> you will, that wonderful period of doubt and confusion that for many

> falls around 40 years of age. Anyway, I feel much better lately, and as

> we Californians say, am again "Rockin and Rollin" as I used to, that is,

> [snipped]


> Das Goravani


Thank you for the birthdata. I am glad you're "rockin and rollin" now.


You have rendered a great service to the Jyotish community with your

wonderful software and you will be blessed for that. A man of pure heart

like you will eventually overcome all troubles.


BTW, I'll point out something for the benefit of readers. Readers know that

I advocate a year that has 360 tithis (about 355 days roughly) as used in

Mahabharata. Using those years,


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Sat MD: 1985-10-18 (20:49:47) - 2004-03-26 (17:25:30)


Antardasas in this MD:


Sat: 1985-10-18 (20:49:47) - 1988-09-20 (00:05:52)

Mer: 1988-09-20 (00:05:52) - 1991-05-01 (11:27:12)

Ket: 1991-05-01 (11:27:12) - 1992-05-28 (18:31:04)

Ven: 1992-05-28 (18:31:04) - 1995-06-24 (02:48:25)

Sun: 1995-06-24 (02:48:25) - 1996-05-26 (14:13:09)

Moo: 1996-05-26 (14:13:09) - 1997-12-08 (01:51:00)

Mar: 1997-12-08 (01:51:00) - 1999-01-04 (08:07:34)

Rah: 1999-01-04 (08:07:34) - 2001-10-11 (00:20:03)

Jup: 2001-10-11 (00:20:03) - 2004-03-26 (17:25:30)


Rahu is debilitated in 7th in navamsa and is a badhaka in both rasi and

navamsa charts (11th lord from Ar lagna & in 7th from Ge lagna,

respectively). Jupiter antardasa that started recently will be a lot better.


Vimsottari Dasa - Tribhagi variation (started from Moon):


Maha Dasas:


Rah: 1957-10-30 (00:18:42) - 1963-08-26 (20:19:59)

Jup: 1963-08-26 (20:19:59) - 1968-10-28 (02:37:03)

Sat: 1968-10-28 (02:37:03) - 1974-12-21 (09:11:36)

Mer: 1974-12-21 (09:11:36) - 1980-06-20 (01:57:14)

Ket: 1980-06-20 (01:57:14) - 1982-10-24 (13:32:31)

Ven: 1982-10-24 (13:32:31) - 1989-04-12 (12:53:52)

Sun: 1989-04-12 (12:53:52) - 1991-03-22 (20:04:34)

Moo: 1991-03-22 (20:04:34) - 1994-06-16 (09:55:48)

Mar: 1994-06-16 (09:55:48) - 1996-09-20 (01:22:07)

Rah: 1996-09-20 (01:22:07) - 2002-07-16 (18:50:01)


As per Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa, you're running Rahu dasa corresponding to

Ardra. Transit sarvatobhadra chakra analysis w.r.t. Ardra shows current

state of mind. If you're able to rock and roll during Rahu's transit in

Ardra, that's excellent. Normally, that's difficult. Rahu's transit in dasa

nakshatra usually makes one frustrated. Jupiter's transit in Sampat tara

from Ardra (Punarvasu) will be very good for finances. Anyway...


I want to make a prediction for you.


Drigdasa (religious and spiritual activities):


Maha Dasas:


Sg: 1960-05-18 (04:43:00) - 1972-05-18 (06:26:59)

Pi: 1972-05-18 (06:26:59) - 1975-05-19 (00:53:29)

Ge: 1975-05-19 (00:53:29) - 1986-05-18 (20:37:34)

Vi: 1986-05-18 (20:37:34) - 1990-05-18 (21:21:18)

Cp: 1990-05-18 (21:21:18) - 1991-05-19 (03:25:42)

Sc: 1991-05-19 (03:25:42) - 1994-05-18 (21:55:02)

Le: 1994-05-18 (21:55:02) - 1997-05-18 (16:20:06)

Ta: 1997-05-18 (16:20:06) - 2008-05-18 (11:57:57)

Aq: 2008-05-18 (11:57:57) - 2010-05-19 (00:16:46)


Drigdasa of Aquarius containing Arudha Lagna and Ketu will bring excellent

spiritual progress for you. Mark my words: The period 2008-2010 will be a

very crucial for you from the religious angle. The probability of this is



May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Hello, What ayanamsha are you using? I get Sag rising 3:12 with lahiri,

23:50. Sally


Das Goravani wrote:


> Dear Friends,


> This is the chart of a business not a person. What do you make of it

> in general?


> Chart of a business


> Birth Data

> --------------------

> 08/17/1998, at 15:57:00 PDT

> Salem OR USA

> 123 W 2 44 N 56

> Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: 8.00


> Planet Ret Sign (Rasi) Degrees Nakshatras

> --------------------

> Ascendant Scorpio 20° 24’ Jyestha

> Sun Leo 0° 59’ Magha

> Moon Gemini 10° 35’ Ardra

> Mars Cancer 4° 19’ Pushya

> Mercury R Cancer 24° 12’ Ashlesha

> Jupiter R Pisces 2° 42’ Purvabhadrapa

> Venus Cancer 11° 44’ Pushya

> Saturn R Aries 9° 47’ Ashwini

> Rahu Leo 7° 45’ Magha

> Ketu Aquarius 7° 45’ Satabisha


> South Indian Style Rasi Chart for a business


> *************************************************

> * 5* 6* 7* 8*

> * * * * *

> * * SAT * * MOO *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 4* * 9*

> * * * MAR *

> * KET * * MER *

> * Aq* * VEN Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 3* * SUN 10*

> * * * *

> * * * RAH *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 2* 1* 12* 11*

> * * LAG * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Rasi Chart for a business


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SAG* LAG * LIB* *

> * CAP** **VIR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * KET * SCO * * *

> * * * * * *

> * AQU * LEO *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * * * TAU * * *

> * JUP * * * SUN * *

> * * * * * MER *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * PIS** **CAN VEN *

> * * ARI* * GEM* *

> * * * * * MAR *

> * * SAT * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Navamsa Chart for business


> *************************************************

> * 3* 4* 5* 6*

> * * * * *

> * * SUN * * RAH *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* SAT Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 2* * 7*

> * * * *

> * MER * * JUP *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 1* * 8*

> * * * *

> * * * MAR *

> * MOO LAG Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 12* 11* VEN 10* 9*

> * * * * *

> * KET * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Navamsa Chart for business


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MER * * KET * *

> * * * * * *

> * * AQU* MOO * SAG* *

> * PIS** **SCO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * CAP * * *

> * * * * VEN * *

> * ARI * LIB *

> * * * * * *

> * * * CAN * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * JUP * * *

> * TAU** **VIR *

> * * GEM* * LEO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * RAH * * MAR * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SAT * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> Shad Bala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat

> -------------------

> Rupas 10.26 7.77 6.19 6.83 8.19 4.98 5.89

> Strength 1.58 1.30 1.24 0.98 1.26 0.91 1.18


> --


> Das Goravani







> 2852 Willamette St # 353

> Eugene OR USA 97405


> or

> Fax: 541-343-0344


> "Goravani Jyotish"

> Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software


> Sponsor


> [image]










> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......





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