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vipareeta yoga - some doubts + sample/challenge

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Om Krishna Guru



Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:


With all due respect, I strongly disagree with your assessment below.


Specifically on your wording:


"vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana lords are

connected to the dusthana other than those of their own"


To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all three dusthana* to be

connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual relationship *already*

triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will correct me if I am



Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has shown the eagerness

or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion regarding Vipareeta

Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.


I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on explaining the various

yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own house(s)]. However, his

post, did not address the several combinations that can result in and

from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough] and at the same

time the above mentioned Yogas.


For example, in my own chart [you can search it on this list], Venus

in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside Venus [and Mars

being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a considerably strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay Rath Ji in one of his

post; which was a reply to my post alongside my chart].


Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person [interested in sexual

gratification etc], however even this rule is not *de-facto* [from

personal experience].


Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do not leave a topic

unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those of BPHS or Jamini

Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the ancient Rhshis and

Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note: With all due respect,

no offense meant to anyone].


In my opinion...


I asked a simple question and guidance from any who would volunteer:


The question being -


If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if rising is Cancer, will

the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury --- and 3rd house

also considered Dusthana] suffer?


I see no takers to my question [except Doug Reimer]. Do you?


Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone [except my own

Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE of a Vipareeta

Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.


Example [and let me select a complicated one]:


1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house


Of course...


The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as the time-frame is

unique. Also, the above chart is extremely complicated as there are

several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or Parivartana]


The above is *not* a chart of anyone I know. Simply that, such a

configuration existed, will exist [in future] and someone [in human

form] was born and will be born according to above configuration.


Note: Mercury can *only* be one sign ahead, one sign behind, or in

the same sign that Sun is.


On the same count, Venus can *only* be two signs ahead, two signs

behind or in the same sign that Sun is.


I have taken extra precations to observe these rules in the chart

illustrated above.


End Note.


Any takers to above? Many thanks in advance...


With that...


Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all

take care too.


Special Note:


I have received a barrage of private e-mails; ranging from people

asking personal questions to concepts or theories or Jyotish.


Please note that while I *never* turn anyone away or say no for that

matter, *I am merely a humble shishya and not a Guru/Expert/Master*.


While I will try my best to answer your e-mail(s), please allow me

some time to respond. I am just an entrepreneur who is very

interested in Jyotish and this is just my hobby and spiritual



Many thanks for your kind attention.


End Special Note.


Om Namo Narayana


Kind regards and best wishes,




vedic astrology, partha sarathy <partvinu5> wrote:

> respected madam,

> vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana

> lords are connected to the dusthana other than those

> of their own. viz 6th in 12th, 12th lord in 8th, 8th

> lord in 6th. all the three conditions have to be

> fulfilled. 6th in 6th gives harsha, 8th lord in 8th

> gives sarala and 12th lord in 12th gives vimala yoga.


> regards

> partha sarathy


> --- saraswathyvenkat@h... wrote:

> > Respected List Members

> >

> > I have been following the posts on the vipareeta

> > yoga and hope to get

> > some guidance from you with regards to this. I am

> > looking at a chart,

> > date of birth 29 Nov 1970, Bombay at 7:50 am.

> >

> > In this chart, 6th lord mars (also the lagna lord)

> > is in 12th, 12th

> > lord venus is in 12th in own house, 3rd lord saturn

> > is in 6th in

> > debilitation and aspecting 12th and is in turn being

> > aspected by

> > venus and mars from 12th.

> >

> > In your learned opinion is vitapreeta yoga formed

> > here, how strong is

> > it and which planets are forming it? What is the

> > impact if other

> > planets are also in the dusthanas....in this case

> > Jupiter also in the

> > 12th?

> >

> > Also, for Scorpio Lagna, Venus and Mars are malefics

> > while saturn is

> > a benefic. Does the fact that dusthanas are owned by

> > malefics /

> > benefics make any difference to vitapreeta yoga?

> > Does the Vipareeta

> > yoga occur only during dasa-bhuki of the concerned

> > planets or do

> > transitory influences also play a role?

> >

> > I'd be grateful for your clarifications.

> >

> > Kind Regards

> > Saraswathy

> >

> > NB: Chart's full details are Scorpio lagna, Sun and

> > moon in

> > ascendant, mercury in Sag, Rahu in Aqu, Saturn

> > debilitated in Aries,

> > Kethu in Leo and Mars, venus & jupiter in Libra.

> >

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Hi Ron,


Thanks for the good try to elicit a response on this question. Hope

my thoughts, below, add some grist to the mill


I think Merc Retrograde has everyone confused. And I too have

received lots of personal questions about writers' charts and those

of their friends. I'm beginning to think Merc retro has to do with



I believe we agree on this yoga that it is formed when a dusthana

lord is in another dusthana OR when dusthana lords are in full

connection (conjunct, mutual aspect, exhange of signs - par-vartina.


Your chart's Mars is an example of a the first variation - a single

dusthana lord in another dusthana.


Your hypothetical virgo rising forms the yoga's first variation by

Mars ruling the 3rd and being placed in the 8th. Sat and Sun also

form the yoga's first and second variation, the latter via full

connection of two dusthana lords (Sun & Sat) in mutual aspect AND

parivartana. The only option missing is two dusthanas being

correct. Hope I got this correct.


The only issue to which we seek an answer is whether the 3rd

qualitifes as a dustana. I believe it does, although certainly

weaker than the 3 traditional 6,8 and 12 houses. Consider, if the

3rd were not somewhat malefic, why would sensitive planets like the

Moon and Mercury be so upset in the 3rd?


I further have found that while the 3rd can participate in either of

the viparita variations, the viparita may not be very noticable -

your hypothetical example of 3rd ruler Mars in the 8th. But when the

yoga is repeated in a chart with the 3rd being involved in one of two

repetitions (again your hypothetical example), then its additional

effect can be quite noticable. Perhaps the 3rd influence alone

doesn't jump start the yoga but has excellent additive value?


Lastly, I've found that the first variation (like your Mars) is the

most potent viparita type. The second variation (two dusthana lords

in full connection) doesn't appear to have as much punch. This is

perhaps due to the dusthana lords in some cases being connected

through placements in non dusthana houses. I don't see, for example,

that two dusthana lords in the 9th would necessarily create a

viparita, for bringing in good 9th house energy works against the

concept of mutual destruction that brings something good. Viparita

means "reverse." Of course, in your hypotehtical example, the Sun

and Saturn must create an incredibly potent viparita.


Anyway - hope this is helpful.


Would you let me know any thoughts you have - especially if I

misunderstood or mistated something here?




doug riemer






vedic astrology, ron@i... wrote:

> Om Krishna Guru

> ---------------


> Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:


> With all due respect, I strongly disagree with your assessment



> Specifically on your wording:


> "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana lords are

> connected to the dusthana other than those of their own"


> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all three dusthana* to be

> connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual relationship *already*

> triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will correct me if I am

> wrong.


> Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has shown the


> or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion regarding


> Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.


> I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on explaining the


> yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own house(s)]. However,


> post, did not address the several combinations that can result in


> from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough] and at the same

> time the above mentioned Yogas.


> For example, in my own chart [you can search it on this list],


> in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a Vimala [Pure] Yoga.


> at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside Venus [and Mars

> being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a considerably strong

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay Rath Ji in one of


> post; which was a reply to my post alongside my chart].


> Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person [interested in sexual

> gratification etc], however even this rule is not *de-facto* [from

> personal experience].


> Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do not leave a topic

> unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those of BPHS or


> Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the ancient Rhshis and

> Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note: With all due


> no offense meant to anyone].


> In my opinion...


> I asked a simple question and guidance from any who would



> The question being -


> If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if rising is Cancer, will

> the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury --- and 3rd house

> also considered Dusthana] suffer?


> I see no takers to my question [except Doug Reimer]. Do you?


> Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone [except my own

> Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE of a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.


> Example [and let me select a complicated one]:


> 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house


> Of course...


> The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as the time-frame is

> unique. Also, the above chart is extremely complicated as there are

> several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or Parivartana]


> The above is *not* a chart of anyone I know. Simply that, such a

> configuration existed, will exist [in future] and someone [in human

> form] was born and will be born according to above configuration.


> Note: Mercury can *only* be one sign ahead, one sign behind, or in

> the same sign that Sun is.


> On the same count, Venus can *only* be two signs ahead, two signs

> behind or in the same sign that Sun is.


> I have taken extra precations to observe these rules in the chart

> illustrated above.


> End Note.


> Any takers to above? Many thanks in advance...


> With that...


> Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you


> take care too.


> Special Note:


> I have received a barrage of private e-mails; ranging from people

> asking personal questions to concepts or theories or Jyotish.


> Please note that while I *never* turn anyone away or say no for


> matter, *I am merely a humble shishya and not a



> While I will try my best to answer your e-mail(s), please allow me

> some time to respond. I am just an entrepreneur who is very

> interested in Jyotish and this is just my hobby and spiritual

> path-line.


> Many thanks for your kind attention.


> End Special Note.


> Om Namo Narayana


> Kind regards and best wishes,


> Ron


> vedic astrology, partha sarathy <partvinu5> wrote:

> > respected madam,

> > vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana

> > lords are connected to the dusthana other than those

> > of their own. viz 6th in 12th, 12th lord in 8th, 8th

> > lord in 6th. all the three conditions have to be

> > fulfilled. 6th in 6th gives harsha, 8th lord in 8th

> > gives sarala and 12th lord in 12th gives vimala yoga.

> >

> > regards

> > partha sarathy

> >

> > --- saraswathyvenkat@h... wrote:

> > > Respected List Members

> > >

> > > I have been following the posts on the vipareeta

> > > yoga and hope to get

> > > some guidance from you with regards to this. I am

> > > looking at a chart,

> > > date of birth 29 Nov 1970, Bombay at 7:50 am.

> > >

> > > In this chart, 6th lord mars (also the lagna lord)

> > > is in 12th, 12th

> > > lord venus is in 12th in own house, 3rd lord saturn

> > > is in 6th in

> > > debilitation and aspecting 12th and is in turn being

> > > aspected by

> > > venus and mars from 12th.

> > >

> > > In your learned opinion is vitapreeta yoga formed

> > > here, how strong is

> > > it and which planets are forming it? What is the

> > > impact if other

> > > planets are also in the dusthanas....in this case

> > > Jupiter also in the

> > > 12th?

> > >

> > > Also, for Scorpio Lagna, Venus and Mars are malefics

> > > while saturn is

> > > a benefic. Does the fact that dusthanas are owned by

> > > malefics /

> > > benefics make any difference to vitapreeta yoga?

> > > Does the Vipareeta

> > > yoga occur only during dasa-bhuki of the concerned

> > > planets or do

> > > transitory influences also play a role?

> > >

> > > I'd be grateful for your clarifications.

> > >

> > > Kind Regards

> > > Saraswathy

> > >

> > > NB: Chart's full details are Scorpio lagna, Sun and

> > > moon in

> > > ascendant, mercury in Sag, Rahu in Aqu, Saturn

> > > debilitated in Aries,

> > > Kethu in Leo and Mars, venus & jupiter in Libra.

> > >

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Ron!


The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath) are as follows:


1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The precondition of a strong VYR

of this nature is that the lords should be weak. When this happen the

significations of the dusthana suffer and the native gains from it. This mostly

happens with the down fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

relations indicated by the planets naisargika and chara karakatwa also suffer

when the native gains from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as dusthana

besides 6/8/12.


2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra (or trikona) and no other

planet conjoin them (in such case there will be transfer of power to the third

planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third planet will gain). Here the planets

involved should be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In this case if

the atmakaraka or the lagna has association with VR Yogakaraka, the native will

himself gained otherwise the native will rise with rise of others.


3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in a dusthana-weak ( or kendra -

strong) as a yogakaraka (Taurus, Libra Lagna).


There are other variations of this yoga; according to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana

lord placed in another dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot think

that placement of the dusthana lord in their own house can constitute VRY, they

can only if the dusthana lord is conjoined with some other dusthana lord. As

Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords placed in their own house are some

other yogas such as Sarala or like...


I will take up the example you have given later...


However I find some yogas in my chart also.


1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7th Getting digbala)- however

this is not so strong as Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.


2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon, both placed in the 12th. Moon

is weak being debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according to some views.

Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.


3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the house of enemy and flanked by dire

malefics Saturn and Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak. This is

rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon is in debilitated rasi and navamsa


4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is debilitated (according to some

- however not it my opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.


5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is strong as it is the atmakaraka

and placed it its own navamsa.


Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as they are in the house of

atmakaraka. Others will show some results depending on their strengths in the









<ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com>

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some doubts + sample/challenge

> Om Krishna Guru> ---------------> > Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam: > > With

all due respect, I strongly disagree with your assessment below. > >

Specifically on your wording: > > "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

dusthana lords are > connected to the dusthana other than those of their own">

> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all three dusthana* to be >

connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you. > > Two of the three

dusthana lords in mutual relationship *already* > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> > Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will correct me if I am > wrong. > >

Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has shown the eagerness > or

enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion regarding Vipareeta > Raja Yoga

that Doug Reimer and I started. > > I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply

on explaining the various > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

house(s)]. However, his > post, did not address the several combinations that

can result in and > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. > > One can have a Vipareeta Raja

Yoga [strong enough] and at the same > time the above mentioned Yogas. > > For

example, in my own chart [you can search it on this list], Venus > in Taurus in

12th house of Rasi chart forms a Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But > at the same time,

Mars being in Taurus alongside Venus [and Mars > being the lord of my 6th

house] triggers a considerably strong > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed

by Sanjay Rath Ji in one of his > post; which was a reply to my post alongside

my chart]. > > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person [interested in sexual >

gratification etc], however even this rule is not *de-facto* [from > personal

experience]. > > Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do not leave a

topic > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those of BPHS or Jamini >

Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the ancient Rhshis and > Sages

laid down the rules as they have. [Note: With all due respect, > no offense

meant to anyone].> > In my opinion...> > I asked a simple question and guidance

from any who would volunteer: > > The question being - > > If Mercury is in 12th

house [Gemini], and if rising is Cancer, will > the 3rd house [Virgo - also

co-lorded by Mercury --- and 3rd house > also considered Dusthana] suffer?> >

I see no takers to my question [except Doug Reimer]. Do you?> > Furthermore on

VRY...I have yet to see someone [except my own > Diksha-Guru] explain the

*Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE of a Vipareeta > Raja Yoga alongside many other

Yogas. > > Example [and let me select a complicated one]: > > 1) Rising

[Ascendant] = Virgo> 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house> 3) Sun + Ketu =

in Aquarius or 6th house> 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house> 4) Jupiter = in

Sagittarius or 4th house> 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house> 5) Mercury

= in Cancer or 11th house> > Of course...> > The above chart will have to be

drawn by hand as the time-frame is > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

complicated as there are > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

Parivartana]> > The above is *not* a chart of anyone I know. Simply that, such

a > configuration existed, will exist [in future] and someone [in human > form]

was born and will be born according to above configuration. > > Note: Mercury

can *only* be one sign ahead, one sign behind, or in > the same sign that Sun

is. > > On the same count, Venus can *only* be two signs ahead, two signs >

behind or in the same sign that Sun is. > > I have taken extra precations to

observe these rules in the chart > illustrated above. > > End Note. > > Any

takers to above? Many thanks in advance...> > With that...> > Please convey my

best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all > take care too. > >

Special Note: > > I have received a barrage of private e-mails; ranging from

people > asking personal questions to concepts or theories or Jyotish. > >

Please note that while I *never* turn anyone away or say no for that > matter,

*I am merely a humble shishya and not a Guru/Expert/Master*. > > While I will

try my best to answer your e-mail(s), please allow me > some time to respond. I

am just an entrepreneur who is very > interested in Jyotish and this is just my

hobby and spiritual > path-line. > > Many thanks for your kind attention. > >

End Special Note. > > Om Namo Narayana> > Kind regards and best wishes, > > Ron

> > vedic astrology, partha sarathy <partvinu5> wrote:> >

respected madam,> > vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana> >

lords are connected to the dusthana other than those> > of their own. viz 6th

in 12th, 12th lord in 8th, 8th> > lord in 6th. all the three conditions have to

be> > fulfilled. 6th in 6th gives harsha, 8th lord in 8th> > gives sarala and

12th lord in 12th gives vimala yoga.> > > > regards> > partha sarathy> > > >

--- saraswathyvenkat@h... wrote:> > > Respected List Members> > > > > > I have

been following the posts on the vipareeta> > > yoga and hope to get > > > some

guidance from you with regards to this. I am> > > looking at a chart, > > >

date of birth 29 Nov 1970, Bombay at 7:50 am.> > > > > > In this chart, 6th

lord mars (also the lagna lord)> > > is in 12th, 12th > > > lord venus is in

12th in own house, 3rd lord saturn> > > is in 6th in > > > debilitation and

aspecting 12th and is in turn being> > > aspected by > > > venus and mars from

12th. > > > > > > In your learned opinion is vitapreeta yoga formed> > > here,

how strong is > > > it and which planets are forming it? What is the> > >

impact if other > > > planets are also in the dusthanas....in this case> > >

Jupiter also in the > > > 12th? > > > > > > Also, for Scorpio Lagna, Venus and

Mars are malefics> > > while saturn is > > > a benefic. Does the fact that

dusthanas are owned by> > > malefics / > > > benefics make any difference to

vitapreeta yoga?> > > Does the Vipareeta > > > yoga occur only during

dasa-bhuki of the concerned> > > planets or do > > > transitory influences also

play a role? > > > > > > I'd be grateful for your clarifications.> > > > > >

Kind Regards> > > Saraswathy > > > > > > NB: Chart's full details are Scorpio

lagna, Sun and> > > moon in > > > ascendant, mercury in Sag, Rahu in Aqu,

Saturn> > > debilitated in Aries, > > > Kethu in Leo and Mars, venus & jupiter

in Libra.> > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->> FREE COLLEGE MONEY> CLICK HERE to search> 600,000

scholarships!> http://us.click./Pv4pGD/4m7CAA/ySSFAA/.8XolB/TM>

---~->> >

Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Your use of is subject to

> >

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Dear Sarajit,


Thanks for the details. I told of an example where Sun

and Saturn causing vipareetha in 8th house for virgo


The native had serious mental troubles in the Sun

dasa and he recovered in Moon dasa though he is out of


Ok, Sun is exalted so that is bad from your reasoning.


warm regards,

Balaji S.





--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Ron!


> The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

> Rath) are as follows:


> 1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The

> precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is that

> the lords should be weak. When this happen the

> significations of the dusthana suffer and the native

> gains from it. This mostly happens with the down

> fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

> relations indicated by the planets naisargika and

> chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains

> from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> dusthana besides 6/8/12.


> 2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra

> (or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in

> such case there will be transfer of power to the

> third planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third

> planet will gain). Here the planets involved should

> be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In this

> case if the atmakaraka or the lagna has association

> with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained

> otherwise the native will rise with rise of others.


> 3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in a

> dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka

> (Taurus, Libra Lagna).


> There are other variations of this yoga; according

> to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another

> dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot

> think that placement of the dusthana lord in their

> own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the

> dusthana lord is conjoined with some other dusthana

> lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords

> placed in their own house are some other yogas such

> as Sarala or like...


> I will take up the example you have given later...


> However I find some yogas in my chart also.


> 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7th

> Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as

> Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.


> 2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,

> both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being

> debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according to

> some views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.



> 3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the house

> of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and

> Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.

> This is rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon is

> in debilitated rasi and navamsa


> 4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is

> debilitated (according to some - however not it my

> opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.


> 5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is

> strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its own

> navamsa.


> Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as they

> are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show

> some results depending on their strengths in the

> dasa-antardasa.



> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> <ron

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some

> doubts + sample/challenge



> > Om Krishna Guru

> > ---------------

> >

> > Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

> >

> > With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> your assessment below.

> >

> > Specifically on your wording:

> >

> > "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

> dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> >

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> >

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

> correct me if I am

> > wrong.

> >

> > Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

> >

> > I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas.

> >

> > For example, in my own chart [you can search it on

> this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> >

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> > gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> > personal experience].

> >

> > Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do

> not leave a topic

> > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> > Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> > Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> > no offense meant to anyone].

> >

> > In my opinion...

> >

> > I asked a simple question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> >

> > The question being -

> >

> > If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> > also considered Dusthana] suffer?

> >

> > I see no takers to my question [except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> >

> > Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> > Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.

> >

> > Example [and let me select a complicated one]:

> >

> > 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> > 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> > 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> > 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> > 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> > 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> > 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house

> >

> > Of course...

> >

> > The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as

> the time-frame is

> > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]


=== message truncated ===


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

name=Sarajit Poddar.jhd






Make a great connection at Personals.


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dear sarajit,

now i understand the principles of vry.

could you please analyze the following chart of mine

for any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna native.


tob:8 30 am

dob: 15 12 1976

warm regards

partha sarathy


--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Ron!


> The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

> Rath) are as follows:


> 1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The

> precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is that

> the lords should be weak. When this happen the

> significations of the dusthana suffer and the native

> gains from it. This mostly happens with the down

> fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

> relations indicated by the planets naisargika and

> chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains

> from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> dusthana besides 6/8/12.


> 2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra

> (or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in

> such case there will be transfer of power to the

> third planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third

> planet will gain). Here the planets involved should

> be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In this

> case if the atmakaraka or the lagna has association

> with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained

> otherwise the native will rise with rise of others.


> 3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in a

> dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka

> (Taurus, Libra Lagna).


> There are other variations of this yoga; according

> to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another

> dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot

> think that placement of the dusthana lord in their

> own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the

> dusthana lord is conjoined with some other dusthana

> lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords

> placed in their own house are some other yogas such

> as Sarala or like...


> I will take up the example you have given later...


> However I find some yogas in my chart also.


> 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7th

> Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as

> Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.


> 2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,

> both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being

> debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according to

> some views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.



> 3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the house

> of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and

> Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.

> This is rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon is

> in debilitated rasi and navamsa


> 4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is

> debilitated (according to some - however not it my

> opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.


> 5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is

> strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its own

> navamsa.


> Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as they

> are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show

> some results depending on their strengths in the

> dasa-antardasa.



> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> <ron

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some

> doubts + sample/challenge



> > Om Krishna Guru

> > ---------------

> >

> > Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

> >

> > With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> your assessment below.

> >

> > Specifically on your wording:

> >

> > "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

> dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> >

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> >

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

> correct me if I am

> > wrong.

> >

> > Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

> >

> > I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas.

> >

> > For example, in my own chart [you can search it on

> this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> >

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> > gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> > personal experience].

> >

> > Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do

> not leave a topic

> > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> > Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> > Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> > no offense meant to anyone].

> >

> > In my opinion...

> >

> > I asked a simple question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> >

> > The question being -

> >

> > If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> > also considered Dusthana] suffer?

> >

> > I see no takers to my question [except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> >

> > Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> > Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.

> >

> > Example [and let me select a complicated one]:

> >

> > 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> > 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> > 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> > 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> > 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> > 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> > 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house

> >

> > Of course...

> >

> > The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as

> the time-frame is

> > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]


=== message truncated ===


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

name=Sarajit Poddar.jhd






Make a great connection at Personals.


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dear sarajit,

now i understand the principles of vry.

could you please analyze the following chart of mine

for any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna native.


tob:8 30 am

dob: 15 12 1976

warm regards

partha sarathy


--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Ron!


> The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

> Rath) are as follows:


> 1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The

> precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is that

> the lords should be weak. When this happen the

> significations of the dusthana suffer and the native

> gains from it. This mostly happens with the down

> fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

> relations indicated by the planets naisargika and

> chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains

> from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> dusthana besides 6/8/12.


> 2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra

> (or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in

> such case there will be transfer of power to the

> third planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third

> planet will gain). Here the planets involved should

> be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In this

> case if the atmakaraka or the lagna has association

> with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained

> otherwise the native will rise with rise of others.


> 3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in a

> dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka

> (Taurus, Libra Lagna).


> There are other variations of this yoga; according

> to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another

> dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot

> think that placement of the dusthana lord in their

> own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the

> dusthana lord is conjoined with some other dusthana

> lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords

> placed in their own house are some other yogas such

> as Sarala or like...


> I will take up the example you have given later...


> However I find some yogas in my chart also.


> 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7th

> Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as

> Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.


> 2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,

> both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being

> debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according to

> some views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.



> 3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the house

> of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and

> Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.

> This is rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon is

> in debilitated rasi and navamsa


> 4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is

> debilitated (according to some - however not it my

> opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.


> 5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is

> strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its own

> navamsa.


> Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as they

> are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show

> some results depending on their strengths in the

> dasa-antardasa.



> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> <ron

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some

> doubts + sample/challenge



> > Om Krishna Guru

> > ---------------

> >

> > Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

> >

> > With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> your assessment below.

> >

> > Specifically on your wording:

> >

> > "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

> dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> >

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> >

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

> correct me if I am

> > wrong.

> >

> > Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

> >

> > I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas.

> >

> > For example, in my own chart [you can search it on

> this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> >

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> > gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> > personal experience].

> >

> > Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do

> not leave a topic

> > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> > Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> > Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> > no offense meant to anyone].

> >

> > In my opinion...

> >

> > I asked a simple question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> >

> > The question being -

> >

> > If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> > also considered Dusthana] suffer?

> >

> > I see no takers to my question [except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> >

> > Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> > Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.

> >

> > Example [and let me select a complicated one]:

> >

> > 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> > 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> > 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> > 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> > 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> > 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> > 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house

> >

> > Of course...

> >

> > The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as

> the time-frame is

> > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]


=== message truncated ===


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

name=Sarajit Poddar.jhd






Make a great connection at Personals.


Link to comment
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dear sarajit,

now i understand the principles of vry.

could you please analyze the following chart of mine

for any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna native.


tob:8 30 am

dob: 15 12 1976

warm regards

partha sarathy


--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Ron!


> The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

> Rath) are as follows:


> 1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The

> precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is that

> the lords should be weak. When this happen the

> significations of the dusthana suffer and the native

> gains from it. This mostly happens with the down

> fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

> relations indicated by the planets naisargika and

> chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains

> from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> dusthana besides 6/8/12.


> 2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra

> (or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in

> such case there will be transfer of power to the

> third planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third

> planet will gain). Here the planets involved should

> be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In this

> case if the atmakaraka or the lagna has association

> with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained

> otherwise the native will rise with rise of others.


> 3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in a

> dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka

> (Taurus, Libra Lagna).


> There are other variations of this yoga; according

> to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another

> dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot

> think that placement of the dusthana lord in their

> own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the

> dusthana lord is conjoined with some other dusthana

> lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords

> placed in their own house are some other yogas such

> as Sarala or like...


> I will take up the example you have given later...


> However I find some yogas in my chart also.


> 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7th

> Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as

> Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.


> 2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,

> both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being

> debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according to

> some views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.



> 3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the house

> of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and

> Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.

> This is rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon is

> in debilitated rasi and navamsa


> 4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is

> debilitated (according to some - however not it my

> opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.


> 5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is

> strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its own

> navamsa.


> Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as they

> are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show

> some results depending on their strengths in the

> dasa-antardasa.



> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> <ron

> <vedic astrology>

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some

> doubts + sample/challenge



> > Om Krishna Guru

> > ---------------

> >

> > Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

> >

> > With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> your assessment below.

> >

> > Specifically on your wording:

> >

> > "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

> dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> >

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> >

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

> correct me if I am

> > wrong.

> >

> > Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

> >

> > I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >

> > One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas.

> >

> > For example, in my own chart [you can search it on

> this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> >

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> > gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> > personal experience].

> >

> > Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do

> not leave a topic

> > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> > Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> > Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> > no offense meant to anyone].

> >

> > In my opinion...

> >

> > I asked a simple question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> >

> > The question being -

> >

> > If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> > also considered Dusthana] suffer?

> >

> > I see no takers to my question [except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> >

> > Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> > Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.

> >

> > Example [and let me select a complicated one]:

> >

> > 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> > 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> > 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> > 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> > 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> > 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> > 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house

> >

> > Of course...

> >

> > The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as

> the time-frame is

> > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]


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For a taurus asc. will 6th lord and 12th lord in 6th house be a VRY?

Will Sa (vargottama) for the same asc. in 4th also be a VRY?



Sarajit Poddar wrote:

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Ron!


The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

Rath) are as follows:


1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

The precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is that the lords should

be weak. When this happen the significations of the dusthana suffer and

the native gains from it. This mostly happens with the down fall of some

of the native's enemies. Moreover the relations indicated by the planets

naisargika and chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains from the

VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as dusthana besides 6/8/12.


2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed

in a kendra (or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in such case

there will be transfer of power to the third planet, whereby the karakatwa

of the third planet will gain). Here the planets involved should be strongly

placed unlike the 1st principle. In this case if the atmakaraka or the lagna

has association with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained otherwise

the native will rise with rise of others.


3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is

placed in a dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka (Taurus,

Libra Lagna).


There are other variations of this yoga;

according to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another dusthana will

constitute a VRY. However I donot think that placement of the dusthana lord

in their own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the dusthana lord

is conjoined with some other dusthana lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the

dusthana lords placed in their own house are some other yogas such as Sarala

or like...


I will take up the example you have given



However I find some yogas in my chart



1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the

Kendra (7th Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as Saturn is

debilitated in the Navamsa.


2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th

lord Moon, both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being debilitated, Rahu

is debilitated there according to some views. Moon is also in the debilitated



3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th

in the house of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and Sun-Mars-Merc

from both sides rendering is weak. This is rendered more weak as the dispositor

Moon is in debilitated rasi and navamsa


4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus.

This is debilitated (according to some - however not it my opinion). The

dispositor Venus is weak.


5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th.

Mars is strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its own navamsa.


Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify

as they are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show some results depending

on their strengths in the dasa-antardasa.









ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com



vedic astrology


Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02


[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta

yoga - some doubts + sample/challenge

> Om Krishna Guru

> ---------------


> Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:


> With all due respect, I strongly disagree with your assessment below.


> Specifically on your wording:


> "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana lords are

> connected to the dusthana other than those of their own"


> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all three dusthana* to be

> connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual relationship *already*

> triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will correct me if I am

> wrong.


> Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has shown the eagerness

> or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion regarding Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.


> I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on explaining the various

> yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own house(s)]. However, his

> post, did not address the several combinations that can result in and

> from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough] and at the same

> time the above mentioned Yogas.


> For example, in my own chart [you can search it on this list], Venus

> in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside Venus [and Mars

> being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a considerably strong

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay Rath Ji in one of his

> post; which was a reply to my post alongside my chart].


> Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person [interested in sexual

> gratification etc], however even this rule is not *de-facto* [from

> personal experience].


> Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do not leave a topic

> unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those of BPHS or Jamini

> Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the ancient Rhshis and

> Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note: With all due respect,

> no offense meant to anyone].


> In my opinion...


> I asked a simple question and guidance from any who would volunteer:


> The question being -


> If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if rising is Cancer, will

> the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury --- and 3rd house

> also considered Dusthana] suffer?


> I see no takers to my question [except Doug Reimer]. Do you?


> Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone [except my own

> Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE of a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.


> Example [and let me select a complicated one]:


> 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house


> Of course...


> The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as the time-frame is

> unique. Also, the above chart is extremely complicated as there are

> several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or Parivartana]


> The above is *not* a chart of anyone I know. Simply that, such a

> configuration existed, will exist [in future] and someone [in human

> form] was born and will be born according to above configuration.


> Note: Mercury can *only* be one sign ahead, one sign behind, or in

> the same sign that Sun is.


> On the same count, Venus can *only* be two signs ahead, two signs

> behind or in the same sign that Sun is.


> I have taken extra precations to observe these rules in the chart

> illustrated above.


> End Note.


> Any takers to above? Many thanks in advance...


> With that...


> Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all

> take care too.


> Special Note:


> I have received a barrage of private e-mails; ranging from people

> asking personal questions to concepts or theories or Jyotish.


> Please note that while I *never* turn anyone away or say no for that

> matter, *I am merely a humble shishya and not a Guru/Expert/Master*.


> While I will try my best to answer your e-mail(s), please allow me

> some time to respond. I am just an entrepreneur who is very

> interested in Jyotish and this is just my hobby and spiritual

> path-line.


> Many thanks for your kind attention.


> End Special Note.


> Om Namo Narayana


> Kind regards and best wishes,


> Ron



vedic astrology

, partha sarathy <


> wrote:

> > respected madam,

> > vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana

> > lords are connected to the dusthana other than those

> > of their own. viz 6th in 12th, 12th lord in 8th, 8th

> > lord in 6th. all the three conditions have to be

> > fulfilled. 6th in 6th gives harsha, 8th lord in 8th

> > gives sarala and 12th lord in 12th gives vimala yoga.

> >

> > regards

> > partha sarathy

> >

> > --- saraswathyvenkat@h... wrote:

> > > Respected List Members

> > >

> > > I have been following the posts on the vipareeta

> > > yoga and hope to get

> > > some guidance from you with regards to this. I am

> > > looking at a chart,

> > > date of birth 29 Nov 1970, Bombay at 7:50 am.

> > >

> > > In this chart, 6th lord mars (also the lagna lord)

> > > is in 12th, 12th

> > > lord venus is in 12th in own house, 3rd lord saturn

> > > is in 6th in

> > > debilitation and aspecting 12th and is in turn being

> > > aspected by

> > > venus and mars from 12th.

> > >

> > > In your learned opinion is vitapreeta yoga formed

> > > here, how strong is

> > > it and which planets are forming it? What is the

> > > impact if other

> > > planets are also in the dusthanas....in this case

> > > Jupiter also in the

> > > 12th?

> > >

> > > Also, for Scorpio Lagna, Venus and Mars are malefics

> > > while saturn is

> > > a benefic. Does the fact that dusthanas are owned by

> > > malefics /

> > > benefics make any difference to vitapreeta yoga?

> > > Does the Vipareeta

> > > yoga occur only during dasa-bhuki of the concerned

> > > planets or do

> > > transitory influences also play a role?

> > >

> > > I'd be grateful for your clarifications.

> > >

> > > Kind Regards

> > > Saraswathy

> > >

> > > NB: Chart's full details are Scorpio lagna, Sun and

> > > moon in

> > > ascendant, mercury in Sag, Rahu in Aqu, Saturn

> > > debilitated in Aries,

> > > Kethu in Leo and Mars, venus & jupiter in Libra.

> > >



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Sarajit Poddar.jhd





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Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,

Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and is retro. This wouldn't

contribute much. But if one looks at your D-60 then 3rd in 6th (retro) and

8th in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might indicate a VRY.

Please do let me know if i am wrong.



partha sarathy wrote:

dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of vry.could you please analyze the

following chart of minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit

Poddar <sarajitp (AT) hclinsys (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt.

SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is thatthe lords should be weak.

When this happen thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the nativegains

from it. This mostly happens with the downfall of some of the native's enemies.

Moreover therelations indicated by the planets naisargika andchara karakatwa

also suffer when the native gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra(or

trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be transfer

of power to thethird planet, whereby the karakatwa of the thirdplanet will

gain). Here the planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike the 1st

principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself

gainedotherwise the native will rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a

yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another dusthana will

constitute a VRY. However I donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if thedusthana lord is

conjoined with some other dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas suchas Sarala or like...I

will take up the example you have given later...However I find some yogas in my

chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7thGetting

digbala)- however this is not so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,both placed in the

12th. Moon is weak beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according tosome

views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn

andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak

as the dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4. 12th co-lord Ketu is

in 6th in Taurus. This isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in

9th. Mars isstrong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here

the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare in the house of atmakaraka.

Others will showsome results depending on their strengths in


--- Original Message ----- <ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com>To:

<vedic astrology>Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02

AM[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam: With all due

respect, I strongly disagree with

your assessment below.

Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

dusthana lords are

connected to the dusthana other than those of

their own"

To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

three dusthana* to be

connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

relationship *already*

triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

correct me if I am

wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

shown the eagerness

or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

regarding Vipareeta

Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

explaining the various

yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

house(s)]. However, his

post, did not address the several combinations

that can result in and

from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]

and at the same

time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my own chart [you can search it on

this list], Venus

in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

Venus [and Mars

being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

considerably strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

Rath Ji in one of his

post; which was a reply to my post alongside my


Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

[interested in sexual

gratification etc], however even this rule is not

*de-facto* [from

personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do

not leave a topic

unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

of BPHS or Jamini

Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

ancient Rhshis and

Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

With all due respect,

no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked a simple question and guidance from any

who would volunteer:

The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

rising is Cancer, will

the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

--- and 3rd house

also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers to my question [except Doug

Reimer]. Do you?

Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

[except my own

Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

of a Vipareeta

Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and let me select a complicated

one]: 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house3)

Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter

= in Sagittarius or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house5)

Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf course...The above chart will have to be

drawn by hand as

the time-frame is

unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

complicated as there are

several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or


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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Partha!


As Anand said, your 3rd lord Saturn is placed in the 8th, Saturn is retrograde

and placed in its own navamsa. The dispositor, Moon is also well placed in the

10th. I don't see why saturn should be considered weak here.


The yoga is not very strong, however, you will get some results in the dasa of

saturn as this is aspected by Atmakaraka Sun from 12th.






vedic astrology

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 1:55 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some doubts + sample/challenge

Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy, Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and is

retro. This wouldn't contribute much. But if one looks at your D-60 then 3rd in

6th (retro) and 8th in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might indicate a

VRY. Please do let me know if i am wrong.RegardsK.Anandpartha sarathy wrote:

dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of vry.could you please analyze the

following chart of minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit

Poddar <sarajitp (AT) hclinsys (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt.

SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is thatthe lords should be weak.

When this happen thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the nativegains

from it. This mostly happens with the downfall of some of the native's enemies.

Moreover therelations indicated by the planets naisargika andchara karakatwa

also suffer when the native gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra(or

trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be transfer

of power to thethird planet, whereby the karakatwa of the thirdplanet will

gain). Here the planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike the 1st

principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself

gainedotherwise the native will rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a

yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another dusthana will

constitute a VRY. However I donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if thedusthana lord is

conjoined with some other dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas suchas Sarala or like...I

will take up the example you have given later...However I find some yogas in my

chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7thGetting

digbala)- however this is not so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,both placed in the

12th. Moon is weak beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according tosome

views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn

andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak

as the dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4. 12th co-lord Ketu is

in 6th in Taurus. This isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in

9th. Mars isstrong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here

the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare in the house of atmakaraka.

Others will showsome results depending on their strengths in


--- Original Message ----- <ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com>To:

<vedic astrology>Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02

AM[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam: With all due

respect, I strongly disagree withyour assessment below.

Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the threedusthana lords are

connected to the dusthana other than those oftheir own"

To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *allthree dusthana* to be

connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

Two of the three dusthana lords in mutualrelationship *already*

triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts willcorrect me if I am

wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list hasshown the eagerness

or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussionregarding Vipareeta

Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his

reply onexplaining the various

yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their ownhouse(s)]. However, his

post, did not address the several combinationsthat can result in and

from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]and at the same

time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my own chart [you can search it onthis list], Venus

in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms aVimala [Pure] Yoga. But

at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongsideVenus [and Mars

being the lord of my 6th house] triggers aconsiderably strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by SanjayRath Ji in one of his

post; which was a reply to my post alongside mychart].

Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person[interested in sexual

gratification etc], however even this rule is not*de-facto* [from

personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I donot leave a topic

unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even thoseof BPHS or Jamini

Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* theancient Rhshis and

Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:With all due respect,

no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked a simple question and

guidance from anywho would volunteer:

The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and ifrising is Cancer, will

the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury--- and 3rd house

also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers to my question [except DougReimer]. Do you?

Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone[except my own

Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDEof a Vipareeta

Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and let me select a complicated

one]: 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house3)

Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter

= in Sagittarius or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house5)

Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf course...The above chart will have to be

drawn by hand asthe time-frame is

unique. Also, the above chart is extremelycomplicated as there are

several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY orParivartana]=== message truncated ===

ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-streamname=Sarajit


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Om Krishna Guru



Respected Guruji(s), Expert(s), and friends, Pranaam:




Ironically, after stating the correct rules, I gave a wrong chart.

Sorry. My sincere apologies.


Though I can blame on Retrograde Mercury, or having seen too many

charts in past few days, the fact remains that I was wrong and thus

no excuses.


However, my mistake also prompted me to note that no one found out

the mistake in the first chart [previous mail to which this is a

reply --- see below], or no one bothered to reply or correct it.




After all the hoopla...here is the correct chart for



1) Rising/Ascendant = Virgo or first house

2) Sun + Rahu = Leo or 12th house

3) Moon + Venus = Gemini or 10th house

4) Mars + Ketu = Aquarius or 6th house

5) Mercury = Cancer or 11th house

6) Jupiter = Sagittarius or 4th house

7) Saturn = Aries or 8th house


Now on to...what was the mistake in the previous chart that I typed

hurriedly and without "ojas" :-) :


In previous chart [see below], I stated that Sun + Ketu in 6th house.

However, despite explaining the correct rules of Mercury and Venus

[with their possible placement from Sun], I went ahead and put Venus

in 10th house and Mercury in 11th house!


How could this be possible unless our solar system went in to a Break

Dance Mode? :-D


So now I have corrected the placement of Sun [see above] and still

fulfilled the condition of -


Parivartana Yoga *within* Vipareeta Raja Yoga [saturn and Mars].


In any case, please accept my apologies for this error. This is the

second error I made in less than one week. That shows bad for a

Jyotisha [me in this case].


I will try and improve to my best. Sorry.


However, now with the corrected chart [above], the challenge still

remains valid and I would re-iterate that the chart given above has

many strong Yogas [in short, it is not a chart that an amateur or a

novice can easily analyze]. Perhaps, the respected Guruji(s) and

Expert(s) at this list will analyze the sample chart. Many thanks in



For students and novice/amateur, here are few tips:


When presented with a chart, first try and observe the simple rules



1) Mercury cannot be more than one sign ahead or more than one sign

behind Sun. Mercury *can* be in the same sign as Sun.


2) Venus cannot be more than two signs ahead or more than two signs

behind Sun. Venus *can* be in the same sign as Sun.


Note: The above two rules relate to the fact that both Mercury and

Venus are *inner* planets [compared to our position on Earth].


3) To see the approximate Vedic Month of the chart, see the placement

and position of Sun [with regards to Sign/Zodiac].


4) To see the approximate Vedic Tithi of the chart, see the placement

and position of Moon [with regards to Sign/Zodiac].


5) To see the Year of the chart, see the placement and position of

Jupiter [with regards to Sign/Zodiac]. P.s.: This also gives the

approximate decade [especially when observed with other key planets

or nodes like Saturn or Rahu].


6) To see the Quarter of a Century [roughly 25 - 30 years out of 100

years], see the placement and position of Saturn [with regards to



7) To see further in details as to which Century or period the chart

belongs to, calculate the positions of Saturn + Jupiter with regards

to their conjunction in a particular sign.


Meaning...Every 20 years, Saturn + Jupiter will conjoin in one of the

12 signs.


And so on and on...


Please note that the Nakshatra limbs etc., and the combination of

planets, etc., [as well as avasthas and what have you] *precisely*

determine the chart of a particular time.


Note: The above rules are *particularly important when someone give

you a chart on paper or traditional Janma Kundali, etc. [in booklet

form as used in India]. *


Reason being that most Indians until this date match horoscopes

[Kundali] for marriage etc. And there are many wayside astrologers

who could create a farcical chart just to help the bride get out of

the house and to husband's ;-)


In such cases, knowledge of Navamsa with regards to facial features,

complexion, etc., could be a second advanced methodology. But

well...I am diverting much too far. Sorry.


Perhaps a mandatory ordinance for using Jagannath Hora for all charts

in India [for all horoscopes] should be implemented from now-onwards;

would be a great help [just kidding, though good policy].




When we research thus, we realize that our Universe is truly Unique

and so are we :-)


Therefore, no two charts [or life forms] can be alike. Not even



Hope the above helped. I myself am a humble shishya [student] as many

here and find this subject extremely interesting [if not mesmerizing]



I will also take this opportunity to thank all those who have

contributed to Vipareeta Raja Yoga thread in general.


My special thanks go to Doug, Sarajit, Balaji, Anand, Parathy, and

all those whose names I might have left out as I am typing this via

memory only.


Parathy, I am glad that after this discussion, you have come to agree

with the rest of us that it is *not* necessary for all three Dusthana

Lords to be involved in VRY.


However, I echo Doug's question on the clarification regarding:


Is the 3rd house considered a Dusthana or not?


With that...


Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you all

take care too.


Om Namo Narayana


Kind regards and best wishes,





vedic astrology, ron@i... wrote:

> Om Krishna Guru

> ---------------


> Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:


> With all due respect, I strongly disagree with your assessment



> Specifically on your wording:


> "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana lords are

> connected to the dusthana other than those of their own"


> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all three dusthana* to be

> connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.


> Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual relationship *already*

> triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will correct me if I am

> wrong.


> Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has shown the


> or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion regarding


> Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.


> I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on explaining the


> yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own house(s)]. However,


> post, did not address the several combinations that can result in


> from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


> One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough] and at the same

> time the above mentioned Yogas.


> For example, in my own chart [you can search it on this list],


> in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a Vimala [Pure] Yoga.


> at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside Venus [and Mars

> being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a considerably strong

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay Rath Ji in one of


> post; which was a reply to my post alongside my chart].


> Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person [interested in sexual

> gratification etc], however even this rule is not *de-facto* [from

> personal experience].


> Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I do not leave a topic

> unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those of BPHS or


> Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the ancient Rhshis and

> Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note: With all due


> no offense meant to anyone].


> In my opinion...


> I asked a simple question and guidance from any who would



> The question being -


> If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if rising is Cancer, will

> the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury --- and 3rd house

> also considered Dusthana] suffer?


> I see no takers to my question [except Doug Reimer]. Do you?


> Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone [except my own

> Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE of a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas.


> Example [and let me select a complicated one]:


> 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo

> 2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house

> 3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house

> 4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house

> 4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house

> 5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house

> 5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th house


> Of course...


> The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as the time-frame is

> unique. Also, the above chart is extremely complicated as there are

> several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or Parivartana]


> The above is *not* a chart of anyone I know. Simply that, such a

> configuration existed, will exist [in future] and someone [in human

> form] was born and will be born according to above configuration.


> Note: Mercury can *only* be one sign ahead, one sign behind, or in

> the same sign that Sun is.


> On the same count, Venus can *only* be two signs ahead, two signs

> behind or in the same sign that Sun is.


> I have taken extra precations to observe these rules in the chart

> illustrated above.


> End Note.


> Any takers to above? Many thanks in advance...


> With that...


> Please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever and you


> take care too.


> Special Note:


> I have received a barrage of private e-mails; ranging from people

> asking personal questions to concepts or theories or Jyotish.


> Please note that while I *never* turn anyone away or say no for


> matter, *I am merely a humble shishya and not a



> While I will try my best to answer your e-mail(s), please allow me

> some time to respond. I am just an entrepreneur who is very

> interested in Jyotish and this is just my hobby and spiritual

> path-line.


> Many thanks for your kind attention.


> End Special Note.


> Om Namo Narayana


> Kind regards and best wishes,


> Ron


> vedic astrology, partha sarathy <partvinu5> wrote:

> > respected madam,

> > vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three dusthana

> > lords are connected to the dusthana other than those

> > of their own. viz 6th in 12th, 12th lord in 8th, 8th

> > lord in 6th. all the three conditions have to be

> > fulfilled. 6th in 6th gives harsha, 8th lord in 8th

> > gives sarala and 12th lord in 12th gives vimala yoga.

> >

> > regards

> > partha sarathy

> >

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In my chart, my 3rd ruler and 6th ruler are conjunct in the 12th house. However,

thankfully, my siblings have both done well. Sun is the MK in my chart, and my

mother too is well. I am also doing sufficiently well. However, I will agree

that a major rise in my life (which in turn led to circumstances that allowed

both my mother and siblings in turn to do well) arose during the narayana dasa

of taurus containing these two grahas.









vedic astrology

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 9:25 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some doubts + sample/challenge

Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy, Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and is

retro. This wouldn't contribute much. But if one looks at your D-60 then 3rd in

6th (retro) and 8th in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might indicate a

VRY. Please do let me know if i am wrong.RegardsK.Anandpartha sarathy wrote:

dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of vry.could you please analyze the

following chart of minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit

Poddar <sarajitp (AT) hclinsys (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt.

SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is thatthe lords should be weak.

When this happen thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the nativegains

from it. This mostly happens with the downfall of some of the native's enemies.

Moreover therelations indicated by the planets naisargika andchara karakatwa

also suffer when the native gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra(or

trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be transfer

of power to thethird planet, whereby the karakatwa of the thirdplanet will

gain). Here the planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike the 1st

principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself

gainedotherwise the native will rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a

yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another dusthana will

constitute a VRY. However I donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if thedusthana lord is

conjoined with some other dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas suchas Sarala or like...I

will take up the example you have given later...However I find some yogas in my

chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra (7thGetting

digbala)- however this is not so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,both placed in the

12th. Moon is weak beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according tosome

views. Moon is also in the debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn

andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak

as the dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4. 12th co-lord Ketu is

in 6th in Taurus. This isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in

9th. Mars isstrong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here

the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare in the house of atmakaraka.

Others will showsome results depending on their strengths in


--- Original Message ----- <ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com>To:

<vedic astrology>Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02

AM[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam: With all due

respect, I strongly disagree withyour assessment below.

Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is formed when all the threedusthana lords are

connected to the dusthana other than those oftheir own"

To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *allthree dusthana* to be

connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

Two of the three dusthana lords in mutualrelationship *already*

triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts willcorrect me if I am

wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list hasshown the eagerness

or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussionregarding Vipareeta

Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his

reply onexplaining the various

yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their ownhouse(s)]. However, his

post, did not address the several combinationsthat can result in and

from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong enough]and at the same

time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my own chart [you can search it onthis list], Venus

in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms aVimala [Pure] Yoga. But

at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongsideVenus [and Mars

being the lord of my 6th house] triggers aconsiderably strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by SanjayRath Ji in one of his

post; which was a reply to my post alongside mychart].

Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person[interested in sexual

gratification etc], however even this rule is not*de-facto* [from

personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that I donot leave a topic

unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even thoseof BPHS or Jamini

Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* theancient Rhshis and

Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:With all due respect,

no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked a simple question and

guidance from anywho would volunteer:

The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and ifrising is Cancer, will

the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury--- and 3rd house

also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers to my question [except DougReimer]. Do you?

Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone[except my own

Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDEof a Vipareeta

Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and let me select a complicated

one]: 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th house3)

Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter

= in Sagittarius or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th house5)

Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf course...The above chart will have to be

drawn by hand asthe time-frame is

unique. Also, the above chart is extremelycomplicated as there are

several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY orParivartana]=== message truncated ===

ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-streamname=Sarajit


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Thanks for this, Nimmi.

I too have found in my chart that the 3rd ruler can participate in a



doug riemer


vedic astrology, "Nimmi Ragavan" <106350.3660@c...> wrote:

> In my chart, my 3rd ruler and 6th ruler are conjunct in the 12th

house. However, thankfully, my siblings have both done well. Sun is

the MK in my chart, and my mother too is well. I am also doing

sufficiently well. However, I will agree that a major rise in my life

(which in turn led to circumstances that allowed both my mother and

siblings in turn to do well) arose during the narayana dasa of taurus

containing these two grahas.


> Regards,


> Nimmi



> -

> Anand

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 9:25 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - some doubts +




> Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,


> Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and is retro. This

wouldn't contribute much. But if one looks at your D-60 then 3rd in

6th (retro) and 8th in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might

indicate a VRY.

> Please do let me know if i am wrong.

> Regards

> K.Anand


> partha sarathy wrote:


> dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of vry.could you

please analyze the following chart of minefor any vry as you see i am

also dhanu lagna native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm

regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp@h...> wrote:

> Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY (as taught by

Pt. SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a

dusthana. Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is thatthe

lords should be weak. When this happen thesignifications of the

dusthana suffer and the nativegains from it. This mostly happens with

the downfall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover therelations

indicated by the planets naisargika andchara karakatwa also suffer

when the native gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a

kendra(or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (insuch case

there will be transfer of power to thethird planet, whereby the

karakatwa of the thirdplanet will gain). Here the planets involved

shouldbe strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In thiscase if the


> or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the native will

himself gainedotherwise the native will rise with rise of others.3.

If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or

kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra Lagna).There are other

variations of this yoga; accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord

placed in another dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I

donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in theirown house can

constitute VRY, they can only if thedusthana lord is conjoined with

some other dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas suchas Sarala or

like...I will take up the example you have given later...However I

find some yogas in my chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed

in the Kendra (7thGetting digbala)- however this is not so strong

asSaturn is debilitated in

> the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,both

placed in the 12th. Moon is weak beingdebilitated, Rahu is

debilitated there according tosome views. Moon is also in the

debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the

houseof enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn andSun-Mars-Merc

from both sides rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak as the

dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4. 12th co-lord Ketu

is in 6th in Taurus. This isdebilitated (according to some - however

not it myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th lord Mars is

in a trine in 9th. Mars isstrong as it is the atmakaraka and placed

it its ownnavamsa.Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as

theyare in the house of atmakaraka. Others will showsome results

depending on their strengths in thedasa-antardasa.RegardsSarajit--

> --- Original Message ----- <ron@i...><vedic-

astrology>Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AMSubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

> Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> your assessment below.

> Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is formed when all

the three

> dusthana lords are

> connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

> Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and

experts will

> correct me if I am

> wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> shown the eagerness

> or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am thankful to

Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga

[strong enough]

> and at the same

> time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my own chart [you

can search it on

> this list], Venus

> in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this Vimala Yoga, that

I do

> not leave a topic

> unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked a simple

question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers to my question

[except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and let me select a

complicated one]: 1) Rising [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in

Leo or 12th house3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars = in

Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius or 4th house5) Moon +

Venus = in Gemini or 10th house5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf

course...The above chart will have to be drawn by hand as

> the time-frame is

> unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]

> === message truncated ===

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

> name=Sarajit

Poddar.jhdDo You

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