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dear sarajit and anand thankyou

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dear sarajit,

thank you for your observations. but i would like to

clarify a few points. since you are also a dhanu lagna

native and you have my chart what is your observation

on a badhaka being in lagna(mercury in 1st house)

being aspected by jupiter through his ninth aspect

from fifth. whose power would ultimately prevail i am

talking from a spiritual point of view. i would like

my jupiter to give better results than mercury who is

a fickle minded planet. i have already changed three

jobs. is it because of mercury's disposition. though i

must admit mercury is is exalted in navamsa lagna but

i have a sneaking suspicion thathe is spoiling my

career. i was too good at studies and the results in

my career have so far been disappointing. could you

please help me to understand when i could come out of

this trouble. please do not misunderstand me .

thank you and warm regards

partha sarathy



--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Partha!


> As Anand said, your 3rd lord Saturn is placed in the

> 8th, Saturn is retrograde and placed in its own

> navamsa. The dispositor, Moon is also well placed in

> the 10th. I don't see why saturn should be

> considered weak here.


> The yoga is not very strong, however, you will get

> some results in the dasa of saturn as this is

> aspected by Atmakaraka Sun from 12th.


> Regards

> Sarajit

> -

> Anand

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 1:55 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga

> - some doubts + sample/challenge



> Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,


> Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and

> is retro. This wouldn't contribute much. But if one

> looks at your D-60 then 3rd in 6th (retro) and 8th

> in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might

> indicate a VRY.

> Please do let me know if i am wrong.

> Regards

> K.Anand


> partha sarathy wrote:


> dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of

> vry.could you please analyze the following chart of

> minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

> native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm

> regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit Poddar

> <sarajitp wrote:

> Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY

> (as taught by Pt. SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two

> dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

> Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is

> thatthe lords should be weak. When this happen

> thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the

> nativegains from it. This mostly happens with the

> downfall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover

> therelations indicated by the planets naisargika

> andchara karakatwa also suffer when the native

> gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords

> strongly placed in a kendra(or trikona) and no other

> planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be

> transfer of power to thethird planet, whereby the

> karakatwa of the thirdplanet will gain). Here the

> planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike the

> 1st principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

> or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the

> native will himself gainedotherwise the native will

> rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

> duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or

> kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra

> Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

> accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in

> another dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I

> donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

> theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if

> thedusthana lord is conjoined with some other

> dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

> lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas

> suchas Sarala or like...I will take up the example

> you have given later...However I find some yogas in

> my chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in

> the Kendra (7thGetting digbala)- however this is not

> so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

> the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th

> lord Moon,both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak

> beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there

> according tosome views. Moon is also in the

> debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

> the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire

> malefics Saturn andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides

> rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak as the

> dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4.

> 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This

> isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

> myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th

> lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars isstrong as it

> is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here

> the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare

> in the house of atmakaraka. Others will showsome

> results depending on their strengths in

> thedasa-antardasa.RegardsSarajit--

> --- Original Message ----- <ronTo:

> <vedic astrology>Wednesday,

> October 10, 2001 12:02 AM[vedic astrology]

> Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

> Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and

> friends, Pranaam: With all due respect, I strongly

> disagree with

> your assessment below.

> Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is

> formed when all the three

> dusthana lords are

> connected to the dusthana other than those of

> their own"

> To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> three dusthana* to be

> connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

> Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> relationship *already*

> triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected

> Guruji(s) and experts will

> correct me if I am

> wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list

> has

> shown the eagerness

> or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> regarding Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am

> thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> explaining the various

> yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> house(s)]. However, his

> post, did not address the several combinations

> that can result in and

> from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> and at the same

> time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my

> own chart [you can search it on

> this list], Venus

> in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> Venus [and Mars

> being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> considerably strong

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> Rath Ji in one of his

> post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> chart].

> Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> [interested in sexual

> gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> *de-facto* [from

> personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this

> Vimala Yoga, that I do

> not leave a topic

> unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> of BPHS or Jamini

> Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> ancient Rhshis and

> Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> With all due respect,

> no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked

> a simple question and guidance from any

> who would volunteer:

> The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house

> [Gemini], and if

> rising is Cancer, will

> the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> --- and 3rd house

> also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers

> to my question [except Doug

> Reimer]. Do you?

> Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> [except my own

> Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> of a Vipareeta

> Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and

> let me select a complicated one]: 1) Rising

> [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th

> house3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars

> = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius

> or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th

> house5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf

> course...The above chart will have to be drawn by

> hand as

> the time-frame is

> unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> complicated as there are

> several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> Parivartana]

> === message truncated ===

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

> name=Sarajit



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> vedic astrology-.

=== message truncated ===





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Dear Partha,


Mercury is your 10th lord, so don't blame him after

all. Propiate him with Graha Shanthi. Do strengthen

Guru by visiting Temples of Saints and Siva on

Thursdays. Medidate on his Mantra / gayatri 108 times

a day if possible.


Who will help your lagna - Mars and Sun (Lord of the

Trines give support).


Take care of Rahu by visiting Some Rahu sthalams and

praying Chandi/Durga.


Above all, believe in yourself and meditate regularly.


For every problem, Vishnu Sahasranama is recommended

and I think chanting it everyday shall do good for you



bye for now,

Balaji S.



--- partha sarathy <partvinu5 wrote:

> dear sarajit,

> thank you for your observations. but i would like to

> clarify a few points. since you are also a dhanu

> lagna

> native and you have my chart what is your

> observation

> on a badhaka being in lagna(mercury in 1st house)

> being aspected by jupiter through his ninth aspect

> from fifth. whose power would ultimately prevail i

> am

> talking from a spiritual point of view. i would like

> my jupiter to give better results than mercury who

> is

> a fickle minded planet. i have already changed three

> jobs. is it because of mercury's disposition. though

> i

> must admit mercury is is exalted in navamsa lagna

> but

> i have a sneaking suspicion thathe is spoiling my

> career. i was too good at studies and the results in

> my career have so far been disappointing. could you

> please help me to understand when i could come out

> of

> this trouble. please do not misunderstand me .

> thank you and warm regards

> partha sarathy



> --- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Partha!

> >

> > As Anand said, your 3rd lord Saturn is placed in

> the

> > 8th, Saturn is retrograde and placed in its own

> > navamsa. The dispositor, Moon is also well placed

> in

> > the 10th. I don't see why saturn should be

> > considered weak here.

> >

> > The yoga is not very strong, however, you will get

> > some results in the dasa of saturn as this is

> > aspected by Atmakaraka Sun from 12th.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sarajit

> > -

> > Anand

> > vedic astrology

> > Wednesday, October 10, 2001 1:55 PM

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta

> yoga

> > - some doubts + sample/challenge

> >

> >

> > Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,

> >

> > Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and

> > is retro. This wouldn't contribute much. But if

> one

> > looks at your D-60 then 3rd in 6th (retro) and 8th

> > in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might

> > indicate a VRY.

> > Please do let me know if i am wrong.

> > Regards

> > K.Anand

> >

> > partha sarathy wrote:

> >

> > dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of

> > vry.could you please analyze the following chart

> of

> > minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

> > native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm

> > regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit Poddar

> > <sarajitp wrote:

> > Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the


> > (as taught by Pt. SanjayRath) are as follows:1.

> Two

> > dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

> > Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is

> > thatthe lords should be weak. When this happen

> > thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the

> > nativegains from it. This mostly happens with the

> > downfall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover

> > therelations indicated by the planets naisargika

> > andchara karakatwa also suffer when the native

> > gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> > dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords

> > strongly placed in a kendra(or trikona) and no

> other

> > planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be

> > transfer of power to thethird planet, whereby the

> > karakatwa of the thirdplanet will gain). Here the

> > planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike

> the

> > 1st principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

> > or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka,

> the

> > native will himself gainedotherwise the native

> will

> > rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

> > duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or

> > kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra

> > Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

> > accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed

> in

> > another dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I

> > donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

> > theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only

> if

> > thedusthana lord is conjoined with some other

> > dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the

> dusthana

> > lordsplaced in their own house are some other

> yogas

> > suchas Sarala or like...I will take up the example

> > you have given later...However I find some yogas

> in

> > my chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed

> in

> > the Kendra (7thGetting digbala)- however this is

> not

> > so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

> > the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with

> 8th

> > lord Moon,both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak

> > beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there

> > according tosome views. Moon is also in the

> > debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

> > the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire

> > malefics Saturn andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides

> > rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak as

> the

> > dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and

> navamsa4.

> > 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This

> > isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

> > myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th

> > lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars isstrong as

> it

> > is the atmakaraka and placed it its

> ownnavamsa.Here

> > the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare

> > in the house of atmakaraka. Others will showsome

> > results depending on their strengths in

> > thedasa-antardasa.RegardsSarajit--

> > --- Original Message -----

> <ronTo:

> > <vedic astrology>Wednesday,

> > October 10, 2001 12:02 AMSubject:

> [vedic astrology]

> > Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

> > Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and

> > friends, Pranaam: With all due respect, I strongly

> > disagree with

> > your assessment below.

> > Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is

> > formed when all the three

> > dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> > their own"

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> > three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> > relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected

> > Guruji(s) and experts will

> > correct me if I am

> > wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this

> list

> > has

> > shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> > regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am

> > thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> > explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> > house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> > that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> > and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my

> > own chart [you can search it on

> > this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> > Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> > Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> > considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> > Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> > chart].

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person


=== message truncated ===





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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Partha!


Mercury, the 7th and 10th lord is placed in the Lagna. Mercury as the 10th lord

placed in the Lagna show that the native will earn fortunr through his "own"

effort. However for Dhanu lagna, Mercury is the badhkesh and his placement in

the lagna doesn't augur well for you. In such cases the native faces obstacles

whatever he does as Lagna is the one of the house which support everything in

the horoscope.


Lagna lord jupiter is retrograde (indifference from Guru) placed in the 5th show

that you might have faced wrath of the guru in the past life due to disobedience

and hence the guru is not supportive. Adding to this is the placement of Ketu

with Jupiter also the paka lagna, and paka lagna karaka. Your intelligence will

be affected and you might suffer from some kind of psychological illnesses,

mostly in the shoola dasa sign influenced by the combination. However in most

of your life you are tend to take wrong decisions and make wrong plans,

regarding career or something else. Hence you should take special care to keep

your elders and gurus in good humour. In the Navamsa also Guru is suffering

from the Guru-chandal dosha. Never ignore the suggestions of your elders.


The spirituality of the native is show by placement of the 5th lord mars with

the 9th lord Sun in the 12th in own house. Mantra will help you in recovering

as the 5th lord is aspecting the 5th from the 12th (moksha-sthana) and placed

with 9th lord (Vishnu). The good thing about your horoscope is that your lord

of Mantrapada (Mercury-Vishnu) is well placed in the Lagna. Currently, Jupiter

is transiting your mantrapada, the matra you recite will work fast. Your Ketu

is also transiting a trine from your Arudha Lagna, thats why you will tend to

me more spiritual in this period. I would suggest you to recite Vishnu

Sahasranama in the Morning during brahma muhurtha (4AM) to sunrise, facing east

towards the Sun.


Chanting the name of Shiva and meditating on him (Visualising him to be your

guru) will not only take the curse of Guru, but also make your Sun (Atmakaraka)

very strong, to sail you through this life comfortably. We can see that Jupiter

is the strongest planet in the trine and also your amatyakaraka. Worshipping

Guru or Shiva will naturally come to you. If you follow your instincts you will

also get good advisors (AmK) to make your life smoonth.


The problem of your tenth house is due to graha drishti of Shani from 8th

(causing obstacles and delays), aspect of badhaka Mercury from Lagna and graha

drishti of Rahu from 11th and also causing papargala. There could be many more

indications in the Rasi, Navamsa and Dasamsa chart, however I limit myself to

this for the time being. Please let me know if you get some benefit out of

chanting Vishnu Nama, he will only protect you.






"partha sarathy" <partvinu5 >

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 5:47 PM

[vedic astrology] dear sarajit and anand thankyou

> dear sarajit,> thank you for your observations. but i would like to> clarify a

few points. since you are also a dhanu lagna> native and you have my chart what

is your observation> on a badhaka being in lagna(mercury in 1st house)> being

aspected by jupiter through his ninth aspect> from fifth. whose power would

ultimately prevail i am> talking from a spiritual point of view. i would like>

my jupiter to give better results than mercury who is> a fickle minded planet.

i have already changed three> jobs. is it because of mercury's disposition.

though i> must admit mercury is is exalted in navamsa lagna but> i have a

sneaking suspicion thathe is spoiling my> career. i was too good at studies and

the results in> my career have so far been disappointing. could you> please help

me to understand when i could come out of> this trouble. please do not

misunderstand me .> thank you and warm regards> partha sarathy> > > ---

Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp (AT) hclinsys (DOT) com> wrote:> > Hare Rama Krishna> > Dear

Partha!> > > > As Anand said, your 3rd lord Saturn is placed in the> > 8th,

Saturn is retrograde and placed in its own> > navamsa. The dispositor, Moon is

also well placed in> > the 10th. I don't see why saturn should be> > considered

weak here.> > > > The yoga is not very strong, however, you will get> > some

results in the dasa of saturn as this is> > aspected by Atmakaraka Sun from

12th.> > > > Regards> > Sarajit> > - > >

Anand > > vedic astrology > > Wednesday, October

10, 2001 1:55 PM> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga> > -

some doubts + sample/challenge> > > > > > Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,> > > >

Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and> > is retro. This wouldn't

contribute much. But if one> > looks at your D-60 then 3rd in 6th (retro) and

8th> > in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might> > indicate a VRY.> >

Please do let me know if i am wrong.> > Regards> > K.Anand> > > >

partha sarathy wrote:> > > > dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of> >

vry.could you please analyze the following chart of> > minefor any vry as you

see i am also dhanu lagna> > native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm> >

regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit Poddar> > <sarajitp (AT) hclinsys (DOT) com> wrote:> >

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY> > (as taught by Pt.

SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two> > dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.> >

Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is> > thatthe lords should be

weak. When this happen> > thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the> >

nativegains from it. This mostly happens with the> > downfall of some of the

native's enemies. Moreover> > therelations indicated by the planets naisargika>

> andchara karakatwa also suffer when the native> > gainsfrom the VRY. Here

consider 3rd house also as> > dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords> >

strongly placed in a kendra(or trikona) and no other> > planet conjoin them

(insuch case there will be> > transfer of power to thethird planet, whereby

the> > karakatwa of the thirdplanet will gain). Here the> > planets involved

shouldbe strongly placed unlike the> > 1st principle. In thiscase if the

atmakaraka> > or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the> > native

will himself gainedotherwise the native will> > rise with rise of others.3. If

the Karaka of> > duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or> > kendra -

strong) as a yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra> > Lagna).There are other variations of

this yoga;> > accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in> > another

dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I> > donotthink that placement of the

dusthana lord in> > theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if> >

thedusthana lord is conjoined with some other> > dusthanalord. As Narasimha

pointed out, the dusthana> > lordsplaced in their own house are some other

yogas> > suchas Sarala or like...I will take up the example> > you have given

later...However I find some yogas in> > my chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn

is placed in> > the Kendra (7thGetting digbala)- however this is not> > so

strong asSaturn is debilitated in> > the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined

with 8th> > lord Moon,both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak> > beingdebilitated,

Rahu is debilitated there> > according tosome views. Moon is also in the> >

debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in> > the 8th in the houseof

enemy and flanked by dire> > malefics Saturn andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides>

> rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak as the> > dispositor Moon isin

debilitated rasi and navamsa4.> > 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This>

> isdebilitated (according to some - however not it> > myopinion). The

dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th> > lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars

isstrong as it> > is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here> > the

yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare> > in the house of atmakaraka.

Others will showsome> > results depending on their strengths in> >

thedasa-antardasa.RegardsSarajit--> > --- Original Message -----

<ron (AT) iterre (DOT) com>To:> > <vedic astrology>Wednesday,> >

October 10, 2001 12:02 AM[vedic astrology]> > Re: vipareeta yoga -

somedoubts + sample/challenge> > Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and>

> friends, Pranaam: With all due respect, I strongly> > disagree with> > your

assessment below. > > Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is> >

formed when all the three> > dusthana lords are > > connected to the dusthana

other than those of> > their own"> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for

*all> > three dusthana* to be > > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have

you.> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual> > relationship *already* > >

triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected> > Guruji(s) and experts will>

> correct me if I am > > wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list>

> has> > shown the eagerness > > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the

discussion> > regarding Vipareeta > > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

I am> > thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on> > explaining the various > >

yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own> > house(s)]. However, his > >

post, did not address the several combinations> > that can result in and > >

from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta> > Raja Yoga [strong

enough]> > and at the same > > time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in

my> > own chart [you can search it on> > this list], Venus > > in Taurus in

12th house of Rasi chart forms a> > Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But > > at the same

time, Mars being in Taurus alongside> > Venus [and Mars > > being the lord of

my 6th house] triggers a> > considerably strong > > Vipareeta Raja Yoga

[already endorsed by Sanjay> > Rath Ji in one of his > > post; which was a

reply to my post alongside my> > chart]. > > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile

person> > [interested in sexual > > gratification etc], however even this rule

is not> > *de-facto* [from > > personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to

this> > Vimala Yoga, that I do> > not leave a topic > > unfinished or blindly

follow any rules [even those> > of BPHS or Jamini > > Sutra]. I personally try

to understand *WHY* the> > ancient Rhshis and > > Sages laid down the rules as

they have. [Note:> > With all due respect, > > no offense meant to anyone].In

my opinion...I asked> > a simple question and guidance from any> > who would

volunteer: > > The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house> > [Gemini],

and if> > rising is Cancer, will > > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by

Mercury> > --- and 3rd house > > also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no

takers> > to my question [except Doug> > Reimer]. Do you?> > Furthermore on

VRY...I have yet to see someone> > [except my own > > Diksha-Guru] explain the

*Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE> > of a Vipareeta > > Raja Yoga alongside many other

Yogas. Example [and> > let me select a complicated one]: 1) Rising> >

[Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th> > house3) Sun + Ketu = in

Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars> > = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter = in

Sagittarius> > or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th> > house5)

Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf> > course...The above chart will have to be

drawn by> > hand as> > the time-frame is > > unique. Also, the above chart is

extremely> > complicated as there are > > several strong yogas in the chart

[not just VRY or> > Parivartana]> > === message truncated ===> > ATTACHMENT

part 2 application/octet-stream> > name=Sarajit> >>

Poddar.jhdDo> > You

?Make a great connection at > >>

Personals.http://personals.------------------------> >

Sponsor ---------------------~-->Get> > your FREE credit report with a FREE> >

CreditCheckMonitoring Service> >>


> vedic astrologyGroup> > info:> >>

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo> > UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to> > vedic astrology-....... > === message

truncated ===> > > > Do You

?> Make a great connection at Personals.>

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vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Your use of is subject to

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Partha!


By now you might have got your mail on the vedic astrology list. I just

noticed a coincidence....


You might notice that, the day when you asked me to look at your horoscope

was yesterday (ruled by Mercury- lord of your mantrapda) and the day which I

wrote the answer to your mail is ruled by Jupiter (your amatyakara-

advisor). It is highly likely that you might not take the advice seriously

due to guru-chandal yoga in your horoscope. However you might be cautious

and also serious about the remedy - seeing this divine coincidences of days

and the remedies.






"partha sarathy" <partvinu5

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 5:47 PM

[vedic astrology] dear sarajit and anand thankyou



> dear sarajit,

> thank you for your observations. but i would like to

> clarify a few points. since you are also a dhanu lagna

> native and you have my chart what is your observation

> on a badhaka being in lagna(mercury in 1st house)

> being aspected by jupiter through his ninth aspect

> from fifth. whose power would ultimately prevail i am

> talking from a spiritual point of view. i would like

> my jupiter to give better results than mercury who is

> a fickle minded planet. i have already changed three

> jobs. is it because of mercury's disposition. though i

> must admit mercury is is exalted in navamsa lagna but

> i have a sneaking suspicion thathe is spoiling my

> career. i was too good at studies and the results in

> my career have so far been disappointing. could you

> please help me to understand when i could come out of

> this trouble. please do not misunderstand me .

> thank you and warm regards

> partha sarathy



> --- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Partha!

> >

> > As Anand said, your 3rd lord Saturn is placed in the

> > 8th, Saturn is retrograde and placed in its own

> > navamsa. The dispositor, Moon is also well placed in

> > the 10th. I don't see why saturn should be

> > considered weak here.

> >

> > The yoga is not very strong, however, you will get

> > some results in the dasa of saturn as this is

> > aspected by Atmakaraka Sun from 12th.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sarajit

> > -

> > Anand

> > vedic astrology

> > Wednesday, October 10, 2001 1:55 PM

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga

> > - some doubts + sample/challenge

> >

> >

> > Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,

> >

> > Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and

> > is retro. This wouldn't contribute much. But if one

> > looks at your D-60 then 3rd in 6th (retro) and 8th

> > in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro) might

> > indicate a VRY.

> > Please do let me know if i am wrong.

> > Regards

> > K.Anand

> >

> > partha sarathy wrote:

> >

> > dear sarajit,now i understand the principles of

> > vry.could you please analyze the following chart of

> > minefor any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

> > native.pob:delhitob:8 30 amdob: 15 12 1976warm

> > regardspartha sarathy--- Sarajit Poddar

> > <sarajitp wrote:

> > Hare Rama KrishnaDear Ron!The principles of the VRY

> > (as taught by Pt. SanjayRath) are as follows:1. Two

> > dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana.

> > Theprecondition of a strong VYR of this nature is

> > thatthe lords should be weak. When this happen

> > thesignifications of the dusthana suffer and the

> > nativegains from it. This mostly happens with the

> > downfall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover

> > therelations indicated by the planets naisargika

> > andchara karakatwa also suffer when the native

> > gainsfrom the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> > dusthana besides 6/8/12.2. Two dusthana lords

> > strongly placed in a kendra(or trikona) and no other

> > planet conjoin them (insuch case there will be

> > transfer of power to thethird planet, whereby the

> > karakatwa of the thirdplanet will gain). Here the

> > planets involved shouldbe strongly placed unlike the

> > 1st principle. In thiscase if the atmakaraka

> > or the lagna has associationwith VR Yogakaraka, the

> > native will himself gainedotherwise the native will

> > rise with rise of others.3. If the Karaka of

> > duthanas, Saturn is placed in adusthana-weak ( or

> > kendra - strong) as a yogakaraka(Taurus, Libra

> > Lagna).There are other variations of this yoga;

> > accordingto Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in

> > another dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I

> > donotthink that placement of the dusthana lord in

> > theirown house can constitute VRY, they can only if

> > thedusthana lord is conjoined with some other

> > dusthanalord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana

> > lordsplaced in their own house are some other yogas

> > suchas Sarala or like...I will take up the example

> > you have given later...However I find some yogas in

> > my chart also. 1. My third lord Saturn is placed in

> > the Kendra (7thGetting digbala)- however this is not

> > so strong asSaturn is debilitated in

> > the Navamsa.2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th

> > lord Moon,both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak

> > beingdebilitated, Rahu is debilitated there

> > according tosome views. Moon is also in the

> > debilitated navamsa.3. 6th lord Venus is placed in

> > the 8th in the houseof enemy and flanked by dire

> > malefics Saturn andSun-Mars-Merc from both sides

> > rendering is weak.This is rendered more weak as the

> > dispositor Moon isin debilitated rasi and navamsa4.

> > 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This

> > isdebilitated (according to some - however not it

> > myopinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.5. 12th

> > lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars isstrong as it

> > is the atmakaraka and placed it its ownnavamsa.Here

> > the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as theyare

> > in the house of atmakaraka. Others will showsome

> > results depending on their strengths in

> > thedasa-antardasa.RegardsSarajit--

> > --- Original Message ----- <ronTo:

> > <vedic astrology>Wednesday,

> > October 10, 2001 12:02 AM[vedic astrology]

> > Re: vipareeta yoga - somedoubts + sample/challenge

> > Om Krishna Guru---------------Dear Partha and

> > friends, Pranaam: With all due respect, I strongly

> > disagree with

> > your assessment below.

> > Specifically on your wording: "vipareeta yoga is

> > formed when all the three

> > dusthana lords are

> > connected to the dusthana other than those of

> > their own"

> > To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> > three dusthana* to be

> > connected via aspects or conjoin or what have you.

> > Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> > relationship *already*

> > triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps respected

> > Guruji(s) and experts will

> > correct me if I am

> > wrong. Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list

> > has

> > shown the eagerness

> > or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> > regarding Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started. I am

> > thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> > explaining the various

> > yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> > house(s)]. However, his

> > post, did not address the several combinations

> > that can result in and

> > from Vipareeta Raja Yoga. One can have a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga [strong enough]

> > and at the same

> > time the above mentioned Yogas. For example, in my

> > own chart [you can search it on

> > this list], Venus

> > in Taurus in 12th house of Rasi chart forms a

> > Vimala [Pure] Yoga. But

> > at the same time, Mars being in Taurus alongside

> > Venus [and Mars

> > being the lord of my 6th house] triggers a

> > considerably strong

> > Vipareeta Raja Yoga [already endorsed by Sanjay

> > Rath Ji in one of his

> > post; which was a reply to my post alongside my

> > chart].

> > Note: Venus + Mars shows a virile person

> > [interested in sexual

> > gratification etc], however even this rule is not

> > *de-facto* [from

> > personal experience]. Perhaps, it is due to this

> > Vimala Yoga, that I do

> > not leave a topic

> > unfinished or blindly follow any rules [even those

> > of BPHS or Jamini

> > Sutra]. I personally try to understand *WHY* the

> > ancient Rhshis and

> > Sages laid down the rules as they have. [Note:

> > With all due respect,

> > no offense meant to anyone].In my opinion...I asked

> > a simple question and guidance from any

> > who would volunteer:

> > The question being - If Mercury is in 12th house

> > [Gemini], and if

> > rising is Cancer, will

> > the 3rd house [Virgo - also co-lorded by Mercury

> > --- and 3rd house

> > also considered Dusthana] suffer? I see no takers

> > to my question [except Doug

> > Reimer]. Do you?

> > Furthermore on VRY...I have yet to see someone

> > [except my own

> > Diksha-Guru] explain the *Parivartana Yoga* INSIDE

> > of a Vipareeta

> > Raja Yoga alongside many other Yogas. Example [and

> > let me select a complicated one]: 1) Rising

> > [Ascendant] = Virgo2) Saturn + Rahu = in Leo or 12th

> > house3) Sun + Ketu = in Aquarius or 6th house4) Mars

> > = in Aries or 8th house4) Jupiter = in Sagittarius

> > or 4th house5) Moon + Venus = in Gemini or 10th

> > house5) Mercury = in Cancer or 11th houseOf

> > course...The above chart will have to be drawn by

> > hand as

> > the time-frame is

> > unique. Also, the above chart is extremely

> > complicated as there are

> > several strong yogas in the chart [not just VRY or

> > Parivartana]

> > === message truncated ===

> > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

> > name=Sarajit

> >

> Poddar.jhdDo

> > You ?Make a great connection at

> >

> Personals.http://personals.------------------------

> > Sponsor ---------------------~-->Get

> > your FREE credit report with a FREE

> > CreditCheckMonitoring Service

> >




> > vedic astrologyGroup

> > info:

> >

> vedic astrology/info.htmlTo

> > UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> > vedic astrology-.

> === message truncated ===





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