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anand thank you

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dear anand

your observations are right. thank you for your

observations. these days i am getting a bit depressed

could you please analyze when will settle down in


thank you partha sarathy

--- Anand <adithyaputra wrote:

> Dear Mr. Partha Sarthy,


> Your 3rd house lord is in the 8th in D-1 and is

> retro. This wouldn't

> contribute much. But if one looks at your D-60 then

> 3rd in 6th (retro)

> and 8th in 3rd (with 1st & 4th lord who is retro)

> might indicate a VRY.

> Please do let me know if i am wrong.

> Regards

> K.Anand


> partha sarathy wrote:


> >dear sarajit,

> >now i understand the principles of vry.

> >could you please analyze the following chart of

> mine

> >for any vry as you see i am also dhanu lagna

> native.

> >pob:delhi

> >tob:8 30 am

> >dob: 15 12 1976

> >warm regards

> >partha sarathy

> >

> >--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:

> >

> >>Hare Rama Krishna

> >>Dear Ron!

> >>

> >>The principles of the VRY (as taught by Pt. Sanjay

> >>Rath) are as follows:

> >>

> >>1. Two dusthana planet conjoing in a dusthana. The

> >>precondition of a strong VYR of this nature is

> that

> >>the lords should be weak. When this happen the

> >>significations of the dusthana suffer and the

> native

> >>gains from it. This mostly happens with the down

> >>fall of some of the native's enemies. Moreover the

> >>relations indicated by the planets naisargika and

> >>chara karakatwa also suffer when the native gains

> >>from the VRY. Here consider 3rd house also as

> >>dusthana besides 6/8/12.

> >>

> >>2. Two dusthana lords strongly placed in a kendra

> >>(or trikona) and no other planet conjoin them (in

> >>such case there will be transfer of power to the

> >>third planet, whereby the karakatwa of the third

> >>planet will gain). Here the planets involved

> should

> >>be strongly placed unlike the 1st principle. In

> this

> >>case if the atmakaraka or the lagna has

> association

> >>with VR Yogakaraka, the native will himself gained

> >>otherwise the native will rise with rise of

> others.

> >>

> >>3. If the Karaka of duthanas, Saturn is placed in

> a

> >>dusthana-weak ( or kendra - strong) as a

> yogakaraka

> >>(Taurus, Libra Lagna).

> >>

> >>There are other variations of this yoga; according

> >>to Dr. BV Raman, a dusthana lord placed in another


> >>dusthana will constitute a VRY. However I donot

> >>think that placement of the dusthana lord in their

> >>own house can constitute VRY, they can only if the

> >>dusthana lord is conjoined with some other

> dusthana

> >>lord. As Narasimha pointed out, the dusthana lords

> >>placed in their own house are some other yogas

> such

> >>as Sarala or like...

> >>

> >>I will take up the example you have given later...

> >>

> >>However I find some yogas in my chart also.

> >>

> >>1. My third lord Saturn is placed in the Kendra

> (7th

> >>Getting digbala)- however this is not so strong as

> >>Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsa.

> >>

> >>2. 3rd Co-lord Rahu is joined with 8th lord Moon,

> >>both placed in the 12th. Moon is weak being

> >>debilitated, Rahu is debilitated there according

> to

> >>some views. Moon is also in the debilitated

> navamsa.

> >>

> >>

> >>3. 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th in the

> house

> >>of enemy and flanked by dire malefics Saturn and

> >>Sun-Mars-Merc from both sides rendering is weak.

> >>This is rendered more weak as the dispositor Moon

> is

> >>in debilitated rasi and navamsa

> >>

> >>4. 12th co-lord Ketu is in 6th in Taurus. This is

> >>debilitated (according to some - however not it my

> >>opinion). The dispositor Venus is weak.

> >>

> >>5. 12th lord Mars is in a trine in 9th. Mars is

> >>strong as it is the atmakaraka and placed it its

> own

> >>navamsa.

> >>

> >>Here the yoga of Rahu and Moon will fuictify as

> they

> >>are in the house of atmakaraka. Others will show

> >>some results depending on their strengths in the

> >>dasa-antardasa.

> >>

> >>

> >>Regards

> >>Sarajit

> >>

> >>

> >>-

> >><ron

> >><vedic astrology>

> >>Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:02 AM

> >>[vedic astrology] Re: vipareeta yoga -

> some

> >>doubts + sample/challenge

> >>

> >>

> >>>Om Krishna Guru

> >>>---------------

> >>>

> >>>Dear Partha and friends, Pranaam:

> >>>

> >>>With all due respect, I strongly disagree with

> >>>

> >>your assessment below.

> >>

> >>>Specifically on your wording:

> >>>

> >>>"vipareeta yoga is formed when all the three

> >>>

> >>dusthana lords are

> >>

> >>>connected to the dusthana other than those of

> >>>

> >>their own"

> >>

> >>>To re-iterate, it is *not* necessary for *all

> >>>

> >>three dusthana* to be

> >>

> >>>connected via aspects or conjoin or what have

> you.

> >>>

> >>>Two of the three dusthana lords in mutual

> >>>

> >>relationship *already*

> >>

> >>>triggers Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >>>

> >>>Perhaps respected Guruji(s) and experts will

> >>>

> >>correct me if I am

> >>

> >>>wrong.

> >>>

> >>>Unfortunately, until now; no one at this list has

> >>>

> >>shown the eagerness

> >>

> >>>or enthusiasm to go deep enough in the discussion

> >>>

> >>regarding Vipareeta

> >>

> >>>Raja Yoga that Doug Reimer and I started.

> >>>

> >>>I am thankful to Narasimha Ji for his reply on

> >>>

> >>explaining the various

> >>

> >>>yogas [formed by dusthana lords in their own

> >>>

> >>house(s)]. However, his

> >>

> >>>post, did not address the several combinations

> >>>

> >>that can result in and

> >>

> >>>from Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

> >>>

> >>>One can have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga [strong

> enough]

> >>>

> >>and at the same

> >>


=== message truncated ===





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